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Incitement キ720p(hd)サ

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Runtime=123 minute
249 votes
actor=Amitay Yaish Ben Ousilio
user rating=8,2 / 10
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If this makes sense, we'll release : Evil Resident. Set in early 90's, director Yaron Zilberman's sophomore feature film follows a young university student who becomes a radical leader determined to exterminate the enemy among his Jewish community, as he engages on a political war against Israel's Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. Rising star Yehuda Nahari Halevi gives a breakthrough performance as the villain protagonist, building up his character with incredible skills: he must fulfill his duties with family, friends and girlfriend, all while trying to organize a fully-armed, rebel movement. Israel's official entry for the 2020 0scars, and named Best Film by the Israeli Film Academy, it captures the anxiety and tension of the crime with extreme brilliance and fast paced action, while connecting the crime to relevant romantic and familiar insights. Zilberman conceives a suspenseful, detailed and observational psychological thriller depicting a man's journey from a regular activist guy to a notorious murderer.
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