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983 Vote / Emma Lowndes / Director Peter Cattaneo / runtime 1hour 52 Min / user rating 6,7 of 10 / review With their partners away serving in Afghanistan, a group of women on the home front form a choir and quickly find themselves at the center of a media sensation and global movement. Really good advice. ? You are my new favorite on Youtube!?. Who the hell disliked this. Just get everyone you know to buy this brilliant track, and give our troops and their familes some great support. Same here my friend. Please tell me this will get to the US. Love Coogan in these type of roles. Two weeks ago I wrote on this page and said this was brilliant,well I was WRONG,without a doubt its the most moving and emotional piece I have ever heard at the Festival of Remembrance,I have taken part in that Festival, we had to march down that central stairway with a spotlight on us and march across that small arena,it was like a thousand miles so for this group of Ladies to go out and sing without breaking down in that Hall was Totally Outstanding,My Respects The Mlitary Wives Choir ROCK.
During WWII, IG Farben received some of its expertise thanks to technology-sharing agreements with Delaware-based DuPont. “Some of the agreements signed by the two companies gave IG Farben critical knowledge for war production, enabling Nazi Germany to start the war. DuPont was only one of around 150 American companies with business links to Nazi Germany. Connections “were conducted undisturbed and even with the tacit support of the U.S. administration despite the growing threat of Hitlers regime to the welfare of Europe and the West.” Such connections included huge loans, large investments, cartel agreements, the construction of plants in Germany as part of the Third Reichs rearmament, and the supply of massive amounts of war matériel. The corporations involved included Standard Oil, which provided fuel that Germany lacked, General Motors and IBM. They also included ITT, which provided communications and computer equipment, Ford, which provided vehicles, and Union Banking, which provided large loans for buying equipment. The alliance between American capitalism and Nazi Germany helped Hitler implement an armaments program that was unprecedented at the time, and to begin the world war in which the Holocaust took place.
A US Marine. Semper Fi.

That doesn't answer my question.

Steve Coogan. ????????. Don't these lads look great? What a treat and a surprise for the people of Gateshead. First song i heard by them as a wee lass of 14 i. om now 29. If carlsburg made soldiers. best in the world, so proud of em. You missed me! im a vegan pot smoking hippie army wife haha. This isn't a flashmob. I knew a man who called home while we were deployed and some man answered the house phone. When his wife got on the line she refused to say who the man was. He hanged himself the next morning. He was 22 years old.

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