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liked it: 30787 votes Isao Takahata genre: Drama cast: Mary Steenburgen release Year: 2013 Kaguyahime no monogatari is a movie starring Chloë Grace Moretz, James Caan, and Mary Steenburgen. Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo cutter and his wife, a tiny girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady.
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The world lost an incredible talent. RIP Takahata. Ooooh man. NO. please. The animation style reminds me of another Studio Ghibli film (also directed by Isao Takahata) called My Neighbours the Yamadas. That's a very underrated Ghibli film that more people should check out. Kaguyahime no monogatari müzikleri. Kaguyahime no monogatari cda. Kaguya hime no monogatari trailer.
All legends: they are actually dead and are in heaven now. Kaguyahime no monogatari.
I used to think Meh, Disney isn't bad Once I've seen Studio Ghibli Aww man Disney is terrible compared to this. Kaguya-hime no monogatari torrent. Looks like a good movie. 11:16 「天人の音楽」 この曲はやはり(良い意味で)異質ですね. 前の曲からこの曲へと移った瞬間鳥肌がたちました. Kaguyahime no monogatari french. I always react so strongly to this scene. The beautiful colours and shapes are gone so fast, only leaving the messy dark lines. Wow, Totoro and Spirited Away really shocked me. Kaguya hime no monogatari transcript. Kaguya hime no monogatari scene. Soo cute. This film is why I love animation. So much emotion wrapped into each carefully crafted element of wonder and mythos. Mas eu so tava procurando tecido muscular no youtube... Moon Princes:Came out from bamboo Melon princes:Came from a watermelon.
And Frozen beat this at the awards. Fail, so fail.

Kaguya hime no monogatari watch movie.

Kaguya hime no monogatari ending

Kaguya hime no monogatari t-shirt. This movie is also on Netflix and is free on there. Kaguya hime no monogatari review. Kaguya hime no monogatari kissanime. Kaguyahime no monogatari soundtrack. This movie goes me some porco rosso. Click to manage book marks Description Okina is a bamboo cutter in ancient rural Japan. One day in the forest, he finds a tiny baby in the folds of a bamboo shoot. He brings the creature home to his wife Ounaa and they decide to keep her and raise her as a princess. She is clearly not of this world. Kaguya grows at an unnatural rate, soon maturing into an uncommonly beautiful young woman. Since Okina has now also found a cache of gold and treasure in the forest, every suitor wants Kaguya. But this is not a fairy tale of courtship and marriage. Other name: The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, Kaguyahime no Monogatari, Princess Kaguya Story, かぐや姫の物語 Country: Japanese Status: Completed Released 2013 Genre: Fantasy Historical.
Whats the ending song. I am writing this while I was watching the movie and just 30 mins left...
We forgot, we forgot a lot and this movie shows us how we did it. We forgot the harmony in life and we forgot where the beauty of life actually located. We are drowning in our swamp we created. We forgot to give the real value to the valuable things. We forgot nature, friendships, we forgot everything we've learned. br> These are my thoughts and feelings while I was watching it. And gonna finish my comment, after finishing watching the film...
. . yet, we always understand the value of the things when we loose it or while we are loosing it. This is the main subject of the movie.
Musics, songs! They were amazing. It really worths to watch and spending your 2 hours for this hilarious anime and I really am congratulating all staff made this.
Oh shoot, I finally found this movie N this time, I'm gonna watch it. 天才しか言葉がみつかりません. I'm so grateful to my dad who introduced me to Miyazaki's early works when i was very young. Getting to grow up, ride the emotional and wonderfully brilliant rollercoaster of each story, and enjoy each and every work that the studio has produced, it's truly been a privilege. I just wish i could forget, have another chance to rediscover these films, so that i can end up falling in love with them again. From returning the spirit of the forests' head to falling through the toxic jungle, i will be re-watching these movies for quite a long time. Kaguya hime no monogatari song lyrics. 14 years after directing the underrated My Neighbors the Yamadas, director Isao Takahata finally released his new film. Based on the oldest, and apparently most well-known folktale in Japan, The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter. (spoilers) It details the life (and times) of Kaguya, a small girl who originates from a city on the moon, is sent to earth where she excels in the simple farm life, suffers under life as a lady in the city and eventually returns to the moon. It's a story containing both realist and surreal elements, a combination that Takahata has perfected in his films. Though apparently a very popular tale in Japan, the story isn't exactly blockbuster material. Nevertheless, Takahata followed his own vision and has crafted a highly effective film replete with all the love and care and obsessive attention to detail Studio Ghibli has become known for.
We first see (what else) a bamboo cutter discovering a robed girl, Kaguya of course, as small as his hand in a forest. He takes her into his home with his wife where Kaguya grows abnormally fast. She lives a happy country life with friends etc. Eventually, the bamboo cutter cuts another bamboo tree and to his astonishment finds gold. He becomes something of a rich man and convinces his wife that by moving to the capital, they'll finally be able to grant Kaguya the kind of life that will make her happy. Of course, life as a lady is only suffocating to the free-spirited Kaguya who alternates between having to learn and accept the lifestyle of a 'proper lady' and wanting to desperately escape the city. Naturally, the film looks stunning. Takahata utilizes a palette consisting mostly of soft pastels and charcoal. Characters are drawn in minimalist, though highly distinct fashions. The soft pastels and charcoal textures aren't just eye candy however, but fit with the story's ancient origins, the film looking as if drawings on ancient Japanese scrolls were coming to life. As befits Takahata, visuals are also used to externally emphasize a character's inner life and feelings. One particularly amazing scene, showing Kaguya desperately fleeing the capital, begins with pastels and charcoal, but soon grows more aggressive, with more and more harsh charcoal lines, reflecting Kaguya's inner turmoil as she flees It's quite simply one of those scenes where you realize you are, at that very moment, witnessing 'art' taking place in front of your eyes; in other words, the greatest thing you could possibly experience in a movie theater. Personally, I can only level two complaints at the film: one, the surrealist aspect of the story was a bit hard to digest. I'm referring to the moment when Kaguya realizes she's from the moon and has to return there. There's something strange about watching a scene where she outright tells her 'parents' she's from the moon when the film up until this point was highly realistic in tone, despite the surrealist opening scene where she's found by the bamboo cutter. Two, the film is perhaps a tad too long. I have nothing against long (animated) films per se, but here I eventually felt exhaustion entering my body. I think this is an issue inherent to the story and the fact that it isn't exactly the most varied plot. There are basically only two environments: the landscapes depicting nature and life in the city. As befitting Takahata's later output, the tempo is quite slow and this will be hard for viewers who are unfamiliar with Takahata to digest. In its favor, I find the slow tempo to also be to the film's benefit. Like Kaguya, the viewer also grows tired of the city's endless parade of suitors and emphasis on etiquette. I've read articles where people question the point of this film. Why would Takahata adapt this story? After directing films like Grave of the Fireflies and Only Yesterday, why would he turn to Japan's oldest folktale? I believe the reason can be found in the end of the film. At one point, Kaguya is hesitant to go back to the moon and leave earth and all she's experienced. Even later, she has a small monologue about earthly life in general with all the beautiful and negative experiences she's accumulated. The point she's making is that despite the things she's experienced during her days as a 'lady' in the city, she still loves earthly life. Think back to Takahata's Only Yesterday with its positive outlook on people and life despite all the dramatic events. Both films prefer the honest farmer's life as opposed to city life. Think back to Yamadas which is an even more overt celebration of daily life in all its normalcy. Kaguya fits easily within this most important of themes in Takahata's filmography.
Kaguya hime no monogatari download. Kaguya hime no monogatari warabe uta.

Your version has rhythm that the other versions don't possess. I enjoy singing this lyrics while walking or doing housework, where did you get the second part of the song? I looked it up and couldn't find anything, Tennyo no uta (the second part of the song, which Kaguya sings when she's a kid and then sings it again towards the end of the movie) didn't match with your version.
Damn. she's fast lol. Kaguya-hime no monogatari full movie. This scene is so emotionally powerful. I got goosebumps everytime. What I absolutely love about the watercolour animation is how it shows emotions in so much higher level than usual animation.
This scene reportedly took six months to animate (the whole thing) as the animator, Shinji Hashimoto, had to abide by the film's brushstroke style of traditional Japanese art, as is for every cut and frame. Hi folks, and welcome to this movie web page! Are you looking for where can you watch Kaguyahime no monogatari 2013 movie online? Well I am publishing this to let you know that downloading Kaguyahime no monogatari not to mention watching Kaguyahime no monogatari the full movie streaming for free is straightforward. By signing up for a membership web site you can observe well known stars such as N/A online with the best quality on the market. The movie Kaguyahime no monogatari 2013 happened to be written by Isao Takahata, Isao Takahata and unveiled in the year 2013 with it likely be a winner among director Isao Takahata's fans. It's not surprising why it was eventually rated N/A, this movie is guaranteed to hold your interest for the N/A as you notice that you are relating to the characters. Movie Plot: Kaguyahime no monogatari has been given the gift of seeing his deceased brother, but when a new love interest is in trouble he must choose between saving a life or continuing to see his brother everyday. Cast & Crew N/A Genres Animation Click Here to Watch Kaguyahime no monogatari Online!
Kaguya-hime no monogatari ?????. For those curious, this seems to be the dubbed version. Kaguya hime no monogatari full english sub. Kaguya-hime no monogatari watch online. Just watched this movie. It was so beautiful and stunning. I will now have to watch all of Miyazaki's films. Kaguya-hime no monogatari (the tale of the princess kaguya. I've cried sooo much, as I've seen this Again and again and again. ??????, Beautiful. Pretty funny and detailed movie, watch in English subs with Japanese audio. Kaguya hime no monogatari. An anime film XD the drawings are kinda old fashioned though but still good.
Kaguya-hime no monogatari episode 1. Viel Glück aber du bist nicht Japanisch. Kaguya-hime no monogatari eng sub. Kaguya hime no monogatari full movie. YOU TOOK MY CHILDHOOD AWAY. I loved Spirited Away. Kaguyahime no monogatari. Kaguyahime no monogatari trailer.

Are there any comments actually talking about what they thought of the movie above

Kaguya hime no monogatari movie. Please win the Oscar.

Kaguyahime no monogatari movie

  • Published by: GoLDeN BuLLeT
  • Info ??????#?????? #??_??? ???#????? #??????? #Toei #Ghibli #??????_???? ? #???_???????? ???????

Kaguyahime no monogatari
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Kaguyahime no monogatari









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