First Cow - by jihenji,
March 19, 2020

8.6/ 10stars

First Cow Torrent



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Most amazing speech ever in recent times! Bravo Mr Phoenix!?. It's giving me If Baele Street Could Talk and The Tree of Live vibes. Loving it already. Free Stream First com www. Free stream first cowboy. In Finland if we had cows on our farm, if we let them out they would have to swim in the snow lol ?. He said. Now what you neeeed to be worried about is them GMO's forreal! ?????? pure content.
Free Stream First. Why was Abraham Lincon enjoying the show? ?. Free Stream First cowcotland. Free Stream First com favicon.

White people will love this movie

Free Stream. Can I get that cow please. There's more to life than what we've been told. Free stream first cows. Obscure movie reference. 11:15 I hope there are no cheeseburgers on the table. I'm no expert, but what about putting a leash on the head cow of the bunch and lead it like you are walking a dog? Would the other cows not follow. Free Stream First cowcotland clubic. I hope everyone is staying healthy and sane with everyone going on right now! I was laid off from my job as a server in a restaurant in Texas yesterday, so I suddenly have a bunch of free time! I hope everyone enjoys this chapter, and I also hope to be posting a bit more frequently, as writing will help me maintain what modicum of sanity I had to begin with! Any feedback is appreciated, as always. Happy reading, and stay safe people(and robots, AI, lizards, semi-sentient devices, and fellow chimaera)! [ First Chapter] [ Previous] Next? Raven saw Shadow pacing within her hospital room, making the nurse nervous as she tried to read. Her vision shifted to her father in a large command and control center, doing his best to maintain an air of confidence while John watched the main screens with obvious tension. The battle on the edge of the compound was raging on, and several of the armored vehicles were already being savaged by groups of burning ghouls. The helicopters above the battlefield were unleashing thousands of rounds from their main nose cannons and their side turrets, but the streams of ghouls didn't slow down much for all the power each bullet carried. For every hundred shots fired, the defending force was lucky if even one ghoul died or two slowed down. She saw Greg rushing toward a vehicle being ripped open by four ghouls. She cried as she watched the driver and gunner get eviscerated. The third woman pulled every pin on the five grenades she carried, and as Raven watched, Greg leapt backward in a roll, grabbing the door that had been ripped away from the vehicle to act as a shield. With the detonation of the grenades Raven's vision involuntarily shifted to see Kim picking herself up from the floor. Blood ran from her skull, matting her hair to her head. Her nose bled freely, and one eye was swollen shut. Her left arm hung limp at her side, and it looked like her left leg was also heavily damaged. A dozen soldiers in high tech power armor clustered around her while two helped her to her feet. One way trying to convince her to lay back down while the other was being as gentle as possible with the broken woman who insisted she had to stand. Kim weakly raised her right arm to one of the silver cases, "Open that. " She ordered. "I'll open it when you lay back down and-" the first soldier was saying. Kim interrupted them with a flick of her wrist and a grimace of pain. She threw up blood, getting most of it on the supporting arm of the helping soldier. The lid of the silver case split open, falling to the floor in four pieces. A bronze glow in the case drew several curses from every soldier in the room. Kim ignored them and pulled the six shards of essence into herself. Her scream of pain from her body forcibly realigning every broken bone and torn muscle was enough to make Raven's hold on her vision tremble and fall to pieces. She saw Kim struggling to hold herself up as the mirror in her mind shattered. Raven's eyes streamed tears into the thick, soft grass on the massive arena-like structure she was still trapped within. Her hands clutched at the rich grass, making fists as she tried to control her breathing and slow her racing heart. The ethereal effect that had made the entire chamber vivid and bright had faded when Raven's eyes first opened after mourning the loss of the thousands she had watched die near this chamber and within. In place of the dream-like vision, Raven now saw dust and grime covering most surfaces. Somehow, the dusty grass remained green and the massive trees with their emerald trunks retained their leathery leaves. The vibrant green crystals had dimmed, becoming dust covered and dull with the passage of untold eons. Several of the trees across the many levels of the building had a scattering of cracked crystals that no longer glimmered with an inner light. Raven forced back more tears as she took in the meaning of dozens of dark, broken crystal formations. She also tried not to notice the humanoid figures within all of them. She forced herself to her feet and began to wander through the dusty but lush carpet of grass, taking in the many cracks and fissures in the domed superstructure. Some of the large paths above her had what looked to be small cracks along their length and breadth, but at over a hundred feet away Raven knew that meant the cracks were anything but small. She passed nearby a tree and noticed the green crystal veins within the bark shimmered with her slow passage. Curiosity took over and Raven approached the tree, careful to weave between the crystal cocoons without touching them. When she passed through the inner-most ring of cocoons the light from the tree pulsed like a heartbeat, growing stronger as she watched. With a deep breath and a shiver than ran from head to toe, Raven reached out with a trembling hand. When her fingertips made contact the glow intensified in a ring around them. Pressing her palm flat to the bark and crystal, Raven closed her eyes and inhaled shakily. "Hello stranger... how have you come to be here? I sensed no portal, and the safeguards still hold us deep within the shell of our world. From where do you come, child? For whom are you mourning? " said a wizened man's voice, musical and deep like hide drums from within a wide cavern, but softly spoken within her mind. "I... I don't think I am truly here, sir. My real body is in a hospital bed on.. on my own world, I suppose. I woke up in an old woman's cottage.. Jaenyth's cottage, near the edge of this city. I saw the final moments of your city and its people... " Raven took a deep breath to hold back her sobs. "I am so sorry. It was so beautiful.. I think my world is facing the same thing that happened here, but the, uhm... the things that are attacking us are different? Somehow? There is so much I don't understand and I want to help you but I don't know how or even if I can and oh God I don't know what to do or how to get back to my body! My friends are getting hurt and I'm not there to help and they need me! " Raven's words became frantic and tumbled out rapidly. Her voice grew to a high pitched squeak before she cut off into incoherent sobs. "It's going to be okay child. Shhhhh. Ease your worries. I think I may be able to help you return to your own place, but I cannot spare any of my diminishing essence. I have only a few decades left before I will no longer be able to sustain my people I have beneath my boughs. Some of my brothers and sisters have much less time. Few have more, and some have had to sacrifice some of our people to extend the lives of the others. The oldest volunteered to be released back into the essence stream to return to our mother source... I am sorry for your pain, child, but please, rest easy within our refuge. You're a powerful projection of yourself.. perhaps we can find your way home. " the soothing voice of the man reassured her, and the memory of a breeze rustling leaves in an orchard came through the connection. A lush carpet of grass was soft beneath her while she stared up through the boughs of trees, their bronze bark smooth and almost glowing in the evening starlight. The leaves shimmered in silvery green as the breeze rustled through them. The branches hung fat with fruit that reminded raven of raspberries, if raspberries grew on thirty foot tall trees, had the purple hide of a plum, and grew to be the size of a grapefruit. The scent carried around by the breeze was filled with the richness of plum swirled together with strawberry and oranges, or at least that was the closest her mind could relate to the perfume in the air. With a sigh, Raven opened her eyes. A shiver went through her body, and it took her a moment to realize that she was feeling her real body alongside her projection in this distant refuge. The doubled sensory input made her vision blur with darkness for a moment while her mind tried to parse through laying in bed while also touching and standing beside a tree on another planet. She realized with a start that she had just made first contact with another sapient race. "Why can I understand you? There's just no way you speak English on your planet! Hell, my planet has hundreds of languages on it alone! " Raven said, her mind becoming suspicious of her surroundings and interractions. "Ah, I am not speaking English, I am speaking my own dialect of Aelven. Long ago we combined the world's people into one entity and had one primary language. I believe our shared connection and your... unique form here has allowed an understanding to be shared. I do not know the magicks performed by Jaenyth to have brought you here. She was one of our most talented mages. She mentored me in my youth, in fact. Helped build this place as well, and then refused to take refuge within, as so many other elders had. Their loss of knowledge and experience weighs heavily on my mind, but I will be able to join her within the great essence when my duty here comes to an end. " the voice took on a deeply saddened tone on the last few statements. "What do you mean when your duty here is at an end? What is... what great essence? " Raven asked. "The source of our life here on this world. The demons hunt for worlds with a strong essence. From what information we were able to gather about them, they wait for a world's primary source to grow large. The source grows from the life upon the planet growing, and when life ceases, the essence grown within the creature will return to the essence. On some worlds the demons are able to cut off the life around the essenc
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