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Star - Hilmir Snær Guðnason. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMWFkNzk2ZDQtZTQ0OS00NjVmLTgxY2QtZmJkMjI4ZThiZmYwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTMxODk2OTU@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg). Hlynur Palmason. Rating - 747 vote. genres - Drama. 109 min. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur center. Watch Full HvÃ?tur, hvÃ?tur dagur. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur driver. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur engine. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur 2. Watch Full Hvítur, hvítur dagur. A WHITE, WHITE DAY Search Film, Company, People... Festivals & Awards La Semaine de la Critique 2019 La Semaine de la Critique Prix Fondation Louis Roederer de la Révélation Contemporary World Cinema @ Karlovy Vary 2019 (Screening) Toronto 2019 (Screening) This name already exists, do you want to replace this search? Discover the new face of Cinando! We worked hard to enhance your user experience and bring you a modernized version of the premier network for film professionals. Easily navigate Cinando and featured market modes Switch at the top header Switch in all individual company Switch in the 'Search in' sidebar in the results pages Access your personal features Open the ‘My Cinando dropdown menu in the right corner of your screen to access your favorite Cinando features. Update your information under the ‘Manage My Data section. content 1 content 2 content 3 Next ? > End X.
Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur model. "For some reason, she was always enough for me."
Hvíter Hvíter Dager, Iceland's Oscar entry for Best Foreign Film this year, is a quiet, mature look at grief and memory. It is about a man who carries within him a love so pure, he struggles to understand anything else. It is about refusing to let go of the version of someone you want to hold onto forever. The narrative slowly unravels like a novel as themes are explored through nuance and metaphor. The delicate dealing with love lost recalls Lee Chang-dong's Secret Sunshine and Céline Sciamma's Portrait de La Jeune Fille en Feu, regarding the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. The cinematography, shot in a noticeably textured 35mm, is peculiar in the way it involves the setting and keeps us a certain physical distance from the characters. I think Michael Haneke would be proud of this film. The central character Ingimunder's relationship with his granddaughter Salka serves the film in predictable but endearing ways. Strong child acting is often taken for granted, but Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir's performance is far from typical. It is also a testament to both fine direction (Hlynur Palmason) and strong casting because the two leads are almost irreplaceable and truly contribute to make the film something special. A White, White Day is enriched by its simplicity and singularity as it takes on heavy themes. The characters are real, the story is thoughtfully restrained, and the ending is remarkable. One of the more memorable films of the year.
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Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur Dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason hefur verið valin til þátttöku á hina virtu alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíð í Toronto. Ljósmynd/Maria von Hausswolff Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason hefur verið valin til þátttöku á hina virtu alþjóðlegu kvikmyndahátíð í Toronto. Myndin verður sýnd í Contemporary World Cinema-hluta hátíðarinnar en hátíðin mun fara fram dagana 5. -15. september. Myndin hefur sömuleiðis fengið þátttökurétt á New Nordic Films sem er haldin samhliða Alþjóðlegu norsku kvikmyndahátíðinni í Haugesund. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson hef?ur hlotið mikið lof fyr?ir frammistöðu sína í myndinni þar sem hann fer með hlutverk lög?reglu?stjóra sem hef?ur verið í starfs?leyfi frá því að eig?in?kona hans lést óvænt af slys?för?um. Í sorg?inni ein?beit?ir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyr?ir dótt?ur sína og afa?st?elpu, þar til at?hygli hans bein?ist að manni sem hann grun?ar að hafi átt í ástar?sam?bandi við konu sína. Fljót?lega breyt?ist grun?ur Ingi?mund?ar í þrá?hyggju og leiðir hann til rót?tækra gjörða sem óhjá?kvæmi?lega bitn?ar einnig á þeim sem standa hon?um næst. Myndin hefur þegar sópað að sér verðlaunum, en hún var til að mynda val?in besta mynd kvik?mynda?hátíðar?inn?ar í Motov?un í Króa?tíu í lok síðasta mánaðar. Hvít?ur, hvít?ur dag?ur verður frum?sýnd hér á landi 6. sept?em?ber. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur test. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur 1.
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. Drama Íslensk mynd Frumsýnd: 6. september 2019 Tilfinningarík og taugatrekkjandi upplifun 110 MÍN Ingimundur er lögreglustjóri sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Í sorginni einbeitir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyrir dóttur sína og afastelpu, þar til athygli hans beinist að manni sem hann grunar að hafi átt í ástarsambandi við konu sína. Fljótlega breytist grunur Ingimundar í þráhyggju og leiðir. Lesa meira Ingimundur er lögreglustjóri sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Fljótlega breytist grunur Ingimundar í þráhyggju og leiðir hann til róttækra gjörða sem óhjákvæmilega bitnar einnig á þeim sem standa honum næst. Þetta er saga um sorg, hefnd og skilyrðislausa ást. minna Skrifa söguþráð Takk fyrir aðstoðina, þú ert stjarna. Senda inn.
Watch Full Hvítur, hvítur dapurnya. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur 2016. Watch Full HvÃ?tur, hvÃ?tur dapur bunda. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur mix. Watch Full Hvítur, hvítur dapur. FIRST COW, APRIL NINA WU, APRIL BEANPOLE, MARCH SWALLOW, MARCH PORTRAIT OF A LADY ON FIRE, MARCH EXTRA ORDINARY, MARCH THE LODGE, FEBRUARY PAIN & GLORY, FEBRUARY AFTER MIDNIGHT, FEBRUARY COME AS YOU ARE, FEBRUARY SADISTIC INTENTIONS, FEBRUARY BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (2005) 15th Anniversary, FEBRUARY DOLEMITE (1975) VHYES 2020 OSCAR NOMINATED SHORTS ANIMATED, LIVE ACTION, DOCUMENTARY.
(image courtesy IMDb) Much as we like to corral messy things like grief into tidy boxes and easily-understood processes, the reality is that its a contrary beast that pays no heed to any ones idea of what it should be or how it should play out. How grief transpires for one person is not the way it will manifest for another, something that becomes palpably clear in A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) directed by Hlynur Palmason, where policeman Ingimundur (Ingvar Sigurdsson) is struggling to come to grips with his unwelcome new status as a widower. His wife (Sara Dögg Ásgeirsdóttir) has died in tragic circumstances, plunging off a steep cliff in the midst of a white out day on the roads ? the sequence where she dies begins the film in total and unnervingly portentous silence ? and he is left, as so many spouses and family members are to pick up the pieces. A taciturn, almost gruff man, who really only comes alive when his granddaughter Salka (Ída Mekkín Hlynsdóttir) is visiting or staying over, he gives every appearance of simply getting on with life, renovating his functional, remotely-situated house so it looks less like an industrial construct and more like a cosy home. He is close enough to his daughters but when one of them, Elín (Elma Stefania Agustsdottir) tried to talk about much she misses her mother one night, Ingimundur quickly shuts her down, instructing her partner, Stefán (Haraldur Stefansson) who he barely tolerates, to take her inside. That is the extent of his willingness to talk about the loss of his wife, a response that speaks of someone who has pushed the grief away rather than dealt with it, the renovation of the house a convenient smokescreen for his lack of emotional progress. Quite how little progress he has made only becomes clear when a revelation partway through the first half of the film throws a whole other level of complexity into his grief which is steadfastly refusing the efforts of his work-appointed shrink Georg (Þór Hrafnsson Tulinius) to dismantle it. (image via Cineeuropa) To be fair to Ingimundur, you can understand his resistance to following Georgs rather trite and ineffectual guidance. Not only do his questions and advice sound like warm-and-fuzzy Hallmark-esque soundbites that vapourise as soon as George utters them, but they are wholly unsuited to a man like Ingimundur who treats life as an obstacle to be understood and not a Care Bear moment to be embraced. Georg is either oblivious to Ingimundurs lack of meaningful interaction or he simply doesnt care; either way, his client is a man simmering on the edge, something that no one from Ingimundurs family to his police colleagues, Bjössi (Sigurður Sigurjónsson) and Hrafn (Arnmundur Ernst Björnsson) with whom he seems neither friendly nor unfriendly, fully seems to appreciate. Only Salka seems to fully comprehend the anger brewing within, and possessed of a blunt willingness to tell it like it is (something Ingimundur largely takes from her) tells her grandfather he is often angry and annoyed. Initially he brushes this off, but once the aforementioned revelation and the off-the-radar investigation it triggers really takes off, all of the defensive barriers Ingimundur has erected come crashing down, spectacularly so, in one adrenaline-fueled, reasonably-unhinged night. The narrative at this point might seem bizarrely larger-than-life but dig deeper and you can see the grief unspooling violently and without much control. The next day Ingimundur regrets it all, his actions at least, but that one night of confronting the truth, of facing his grief as a roiling, snarling, no longer out of sight beast, sets in dream long-delayed healing. (image via h. pálmason) True to the spirit of a film which is happy in extended near-static visual sequences ? in one near-five minute montage, we see Ingimundurs home through all kinds of seasons, weathers and states of renovation and in another, a we follow a rock he finds on the road all the way down the hill to its final resting place in the sea ? and comfortable with minimal dialogue (though its employed well and exactly as needed) Ingimundurs healing epiphany is not a sensationally momentous moment. Rather, while there is voluble releasing of emotions, which simultaneously unstops the valve on his pent-up grief while providing an idiosyncratic bonding experience for Salka and him, his final accommodation with his loss is quite, near-meditative and beautiful, an accurate reflection of what often happens when grief is finally allowed its true expression. A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) is very much like its lead character ? taciturn, slow to reveal its secrets and unwilling to express itself too loudly lest things be set in train that cannot be stopped, but that doesnt mean it isnt intensely, beautifully, arrestingly, emotionally evocative. There is something deeply, movingly immersive about its ruminative narrative which takes all the time it needs to accurately reflect the passage of one persons grief, which as we all know, is unique to Ingimundur and which would not be the same for another person in the same unenviable situation. For all his suppressed and then released pain and sadness, what remains with you once A White, White Day (Hvítur, hvítur dagur) has run its course is the deep love he has for his granddaughter and his much-missed wife, and how the continuing closeness of one plays a crucial role, especially in the films energising third act, of helping him come to grief with the near-destructive absence of the other. It is a poetically-transportive exploration of grief, both repressed and released, and how while the journey from one to the other is something unique to each person and utterly unpredictable as a result, that the journey itself must be undertaken, painful though it is, if life is to move on in any kind of meaningful fashion.
Tráilers y Vídeos Reparto Críticas de usuarios Críticas de Medios Crítica de SensaCine Fotos Usuarios 3, 0 1 nota incluyendo 1 crítica puntuar: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Quiero verla! Escribir mi crítica Sinopsis A White, White Day, del director?Hlynur Pálmason, es una historia que aborda la venganza y como consume a sus protagonistas y el amor incondicional. Ingimundur (Ingvar Eggert) es un jefe de policía retirado en una ciudad islandesa. Tras el fallecimiento de su esposa en un accidente de tráfico hace dos años, Ingimundur, comienza a sospechar de que esta le era infiel con un residente de la ciudad. La obsesión por descubrir la verdad conducira al protagonista en una esperial de autodestrucción la cual empezará a afectar también a las personas que le rodean. Distribuidora - Ver especificaciones técnicas Actores y actrices Reparto y Equipo técnico Crítica de usuario Una muestra mas de la buena salud de la que disfruta el cine islandés. "A white, white day" es la segunda película de Hlynur Palmason, tras su debut con la multipremiada "Winter Brothers" Le bastan 20 segundos al director islandés para meterte de lleno en la película: tras los títulos de crédito iniciales, una intrigante frase sobre el inmenso negro de la pantalla nos anuncia el viaje que estamos dispuestos a recorrer: “Cuando todo es tan... Leer más 1 Crítica de usuario Ver todas las fotos Secretos de rodaje Significado del título El título de la película hace referencia a un proverbio islandés que sugiere que en días tan "blancos" en los que la tierra se encuentra con el cielo, los muertos pueden comunicarse con los que aún viven. Otras apariciones del actor principal Ingvar Egger, que interpreta al protagonista, ha aparecido en?"Everest" de Baltasar Kormakur y en la serie "Atrapados" así como recientemente en "Animales fantásticos: Los crímenes de Grindelwald. Noticias Si te gusta esta película, te recomendamos: Ver más películas recomendadas Comentarios.
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? ? ? Frakkar hrifnir af Ingvari og Hvítum, hvítum degi. Ingvar hlaut leikaraverðlaunin á hinni virtu Angers hátíð og myndin er nú komin í um 50 kvikmyndahús víðsvegar um Frakkland! ? /ingvar-e-verdlaunadur-i-fjorda-sinn-fy… ??? the French impressed of the white and white, white day. Ingvar received the final prize at the respect of the angers festival and the picture is now in about 50 cinemas around France! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Translated. 25 total views Info Playlist Poll views Chapters Highlights Thank you for taking our poll! Sorry, the poll has ended 2 videos ( 15642. 000) ?! HD~720p`「FREE」 HVíTUR, HVíTUR DAGUR 2019 [【Full?Movie?HD】] December 24, 2019 ?DOWNLOAD. 【HVíTUR, HVíTUR DAGUR】] Full?Movie?HD?[2019] Videos Playlists About Privacy Search for videos Cancel of ?720p^HD! HVíTUR, HVíTUR DAGUR ♯2019?[【Full?Movi OFF AIR ?! HD~720p`「FREE」 HVíTUR, HVíTUR DAGUR 2019 [【Full?Movie?HD】] 1 month ago 17 views ?DOWNLOAD. 【HVíTUR, HVíTUR DAGUR】] Full?Movie?HD?[2019] 8 views 2 videos HVíTUR, HVíTUR DAGUR ♯2019 [【Full Movie HD】] Playlist ( 15642. 000) ?HVíTUR, HVíTUR DAGUR 【 FULL?HD?MOVIE】?[2019] ?DOWNLOAD ?Hvítur, Hvítur Dagur ??? No privacy policy was made available to date...
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Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur for sale. Watch Full Hvítur, hvítur daurade. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson tekur við verðlaununum í Króatíu um helgina. Ljósmynd/Aðsend Kvikmyndin Hvítur, hvítur dagur eftir Hlyn Pálmason var valin besta mynd kvikmyndahátíðarinnar í Motovun í Króatíu á laugardagskvöld. Myndin hlaut mikið lof og það var einróma ákvörðun dómnefndar að velja hana bestu mynd hátíðarinnar. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson sem leikur eitt aðalhlutverka í myndinni tók við verðlaununum í Króatíu fyrir hönd þeirra sem komu að gerð hennar, að því er segir í tilkynningu. Frá kvikmyndahátíðinni í Motovun í Króatíu. Ingvar hefur hlotið mikið lof fyrir frammistöðu sína og fékk bæði Louis Roederer Rising Star verðlaunin á Critics‘ Week, einni af hliðardag?skrám Cann?es-kvik?mynda?hátíðar?inn?ar og einnig leikaraverðlaunin á Alþjóðlegu Transilvaníu-kvikmyndahátíðinni í Rúmeníu. Myndin fjallar um lögreglustjóra sem hefur verið í starfsleyfi frá því að eiginkona hans lést óvænt af slysförum. Í sorginni einbeitir hann sér að því að byggja hús fyrir dóttur sína og afastelpu, þar til athygli hans beinist að manni sem hann grunar að hafi átt í ástarsambandi við konu sína. Fljótlega breytist grunur Ingimundar í þráhyggju og leiðir hann til róttækra gjörða sem óhjákvæmilega bitnar einnig á þeim sem standa honum næst. Hvítur, hvítur dagur verður frumsýnd hér á landi 6. september. Gleðin var mikil eftir að dómnefndin kynnti niðurstöðu sína. Ingvar E. Sigurðsson hefur hlotið tvenn verðlaun fyrir leik sinn í Hvítur, hvítur dagur. Ljósmynd/Aðsend.
141 views December 11, 2019 7. 8K views November 1, 2019 9. 5K views October 12, 2019 11K views October 9, 2019 459 views September 29, 2019 5. 4K views September 27, 2019 7. 8K views September 27, 2019 1K views September 23, 2019 4. 1K views September 22, 2019 8. 2K views September 22, 2019 3. 8K views September 22, 2019 7. 4K views September 22, 2019 4. 1K views September 22, 2019 3. 2K views September 22, 2019 7. 8K views September 22, 2019 6. 7K views September 22, 2019 6. 3K views September 22, 2019 2. 4K views September 21, 2019 9. 7K views September 10, 2019.
Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur review. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur video. Watch~Hvítur, hvítur~Online~Videostripe The link Hvítur, hvítur Full'Movie! Watch- Hvítur, hvítur'dagur'Online…. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur 2017. TM. 2020 Vimeo, Inc. All rights reserved. Terms Privacy CA Privacy Copyright Cookies Made with in NYC. Watch full hv c3 artur 2c hv c3 adtur dagur parts. Hlynur Pálmason is an artist / filmmaker born in 1984 in Iceland. He started out as a visual artist and continued his career in filmmaking by pursuing education?at the Danish National Film School. His graduation film, A PAINTER (2013) won?best short film at Odense IFF, Reykjavík IFF and was nominated for The Danish?Film Academy. His latest short film, SEVEN BOATS (2014) premiered at Toronto?IFF. His debut film WINTER BROTHERS will premiere in the main competition in Locarno in 2017. Hlynur lives in Copenhagen with his fiancé and three children and is currently working on his second feature, A WHITE, WHITE DAY, parallel with exhibiting art work and video installations. FILMOGRAPHY 2019 A White, White Day 2017 Winter Brothers, feature 2014 Seven Boats, short 2013 En Maler / A Painter, short 2012 En Dag Eller To / A Day Or Two, short.
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