The Deer Hunter キNBCサ

&ref(,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) / runtime=183minute / country=USA / Scores=298846 Vote / genre=Drama / Abstract=Michael, Nick, and Steven are three buddies from the steel mill town of Clairton, Penn.They work together, hang out in a local bar and enjoying weekends deer hunting Ina a larger group with three other friends. But their placid life is soon to be changed after the three buddies enlist in the airborne infantry to go to Vietnam. So they all celebrate a goodbye at Steven's wedding and they leave for Vietnam. They are captured by the enemy and forced to play games of Russian Roulette to amuse their guards. They escape and Mike returns home to find Nick has stayed in Vietnam and Steven is handicapped after losing his legs and the use of one arm after the escape. Mike finds that deer hunting has changed for him after Vietnam and he returns to Vietnam during the fall to attempt to rescue Nick
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#2. The different personalities of the three men (Steve, Mike and Nick) before they go to Vietnam and how it serves them as soldiers. Did their different approaches towards life serve as an accurate prelude to what was to happen? Could it have happened differently? Ohhh man, these three men are so different, and yet I love each one of them! Stevey, clearly the young, sensitive, and even fragile man of the group showed his personality as early on as the first scene when he is hanging out with his friends. His mother comes into the scene telling Steve what he can and cannot do and telling him to get home. He then divulges to Nick, at his own wedding, that his wife is pregnant. The problem is obvious when Steve explains that him and his wife have not yet slept together. Later, in Vietnam, Steve seems to be more affected by the torture of the Vietnamese than the rest of the gang, as he struggles to fight back his panic attacks.
Nick, the more fun-loving friend, professes his love to his friend, Linda, at Stevey's wedding. He is spontaneous! He is sweet and a great friend, He comforts Stevey and Mike/balances them out a few times in the beginning. When he is in Vietnam, the Russian Roulette reallllyyy messes with his head, and I suppose leaving Mikey behind did too. While he is missing, he begins to play Russian Roulette for money and seems to have P.T.S.D. Buuuuut he sends Steve the money he makes, which shows he still had intentions of looking after him. Although we are supposed to see the huuuge connection with his character at the beginning to the character we see later on; I did not... The only biiigg connection I see is that Nick and Steve depended on Mike throughout the whole movie... He was sort of their rock. Ohhhh Mikey. He was the best hunter out of his friends... Deer hunter... Ha! Mike is always very calm (disregarding one drunk scene) and is usually the level-headed one of the group, but there is a slight sense of resentment in everything he does at the beginning... I believe that Mike felt as though he was being taken advantage of, but then again he knew he was the unspoken leader of the group. This showed as the three buds progressed through Vietnam. Nick and Stevey depended on Mikey for the answers and their next move, and when he wasn't there, they were lost. Mike came out of Vietnam disturbed no doubt, but clearly better off than Nick or Stevey.
Until earlier today I didn´t even know that John Cazale was actually already very sick when they filmed The Deer Hunter. Do might just think this trailer just a little bit gives away the ending im just wondering lol. And three months later, Duke was dead. Sad moment for Hollywood. Sadder moment for America. There are no words left to speak. Just turned thirty and this is the first time I've seen this movie. today's movies kinda suck in comparison. I can only tolerate so many super hero movies. I just wanted the entire deer hunter movie in 3:05. . Madness.

When Russian Roulette goes terribly wrong

Nurse Pilbow is very sexy. Its too bad the actress didn't do any more movies after this. That's awesome! I would really love to translate this fantastic video and make an italian version of your wonderful channel, let me know if you're interested in it. Editor : How many deer hunter you want Director : Yes. Everybody is like this is is a great movie, I watched it half way through before class started. Then class began and we had the discussion. All the spoilers ruined the experience for me. But I need to do my homework on time. So sad. DeNiro in his genius mode. not a happy good timey sitcom here guys. Dis Is New Yark. What a terrible trailer for such a great movie.
You should review It Comes at Night. I first saw The Deer Hunter in 1982,and i realised i was not watching just any ordinary was, and still is the only movie i have watched back to the one enduring memory from that evening was that although Michael was this 'distant' cold hearted b. he kept his word and returned Vietnam to bring back Nick dead or alive, and how many of us in this life have a friend like that? Many people criticise the wedding scene lasting so long, but it is exactly because of this you build up an understanding,raport even loathing of the the scene in the bar just before they go to war, is this not what celluloid was invented for? No, this not a war movie, its a movie about the depths and heights of De Niro has never been out and out classic, miss it at your peril.
Coppola was stoned here. He inadvertently ate one of Bill Graham's pot cookies. John Hinkleys favorite movie. Trust in me when I say. Is this a trailer for the people suffering from Dementia. Well nothing much changes 2020 ???. I just saw this for the first time last night and it's been on my mind all day. What a film.

Don't bring me down, I pray. O Caçador Movie watch dogs. Probably one of the boldest. and longest. movies I've ever seen. This movie and Apocalypse Now were almost companion pieces to the Vietnam experience. MASTERPIECE. This is The deer Hunter, thank me later. For those who understand film - Four Stars. Funny story. For a photo call a few moments later Jane Fonda was placed next to Wayne. She made a joke to him saying it was the only time she was ever to the right of John Wayne. Wayne roared with laughter. She said she was moved by the level of courage he showed as he was clearly in great pain but doing everything not to show it. And I thank God I'm alive. Absolute beautiful analysis and excellent use of the leitmotif. The contrast between Christopher Walkens characters feelings towards life and death, in the two separate russian roulette scenes, is one of the most haunting pieces of cinema I've seen. Especially the way he drops the gun in the first scene is a fantastic detail, I don't think the director could've come up with that. It seems like pure emotion of a great actor.
La terre et le sang

The Deer Hunter
4.0 (82%) 617 votes
The Deer Hunter









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