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brief Chasing Whiskey is a movie starring Tim Matheson, Joe Turkel, and John Grisham. A feature length documentary about Jack Daniel's Whiskey
Director Greg Olliver
Genre Documentary

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Chasing whiskey movie online torrent. Hey folks! I'm planning on watching all 23 of the James Bond films between now and the release of Spectre in November. 007 films have always been my guilty pleasure and I thought it might be worth trying to have a more analytical discussion about them. If you all are interested, I'll be posting one of these discussions/reviews every 2 weeks. So here goes! Story -- Following the enormous critical success of Casino Royale, Daniel Craig's second out, Quantum of Solace, had high expectations. James Bond endured his first major test as an MI6 agent and lost the woman he loved in the process. The potential for character exploration was ripe for the picking. Unfortunately QoS was stunted by the 2007-2008 Writers strike. Writers Michael G. Wilson, Neal Purvis, and Robert Wade had the general outline laid out, however the meat of the characters was left to director Marc Forster and even Daniel Craig to craft. This left both frustrated and befuddled. -- QoS is not a terrible film by any means. In fact, it truly is a shame that the character profiles are so severely lacking because the plot is actually decent. Once again the series leans toward real life villainy. No moon lasers here. Dominic Greene is about the most average Bond baddie you can imagine. For better or for worse, QoS intended to offer chilling tale of a villain who acts in shady political dealings rather than through force or threat of world annihilation. It was also the intent of the production to create an enemy that was surprisingly grey in a world of black and white bad guys. Greene's ultimate goal is political domination through acts of outwardly caring environmentalism. It's unique but ultimately no more than a decent starting point. In the end, Greene isn't crazy enough, strong enough, or truly evil enough to really be all that memorable. -- The writing suffers severely from its patchwork creation. For some reason that I still cannot quite peg, I find it incredibly difficult to follow along with the plot and I’m not sure why. When I read a description of it, it all makes sense. But somehow the way it all unfolds is cloudy. Some critics applauded the film for not spoon feeding the audience the plot from scene to scene, however I feel that it simply becomes too subtle. The dialogue is not concise enough; too much is left to be inferred. One of the biggest issues I have with the film is in the characters’ motivations. It becomes too unclear as to whether Bond is chasing after Greene, Mr. White, or trying to avenge Vesper ? and how any or all of those things are interrelated. When M calls Bond’s integrity into question, there isn’t a large enough point made of the fact that his desire to avenge Vesper is overlapping with MI6's goals or in what way those feelings might conflicting with the mission. You just sort of always vaguely know he’s moping about something and that he’s in trouble with MI6 though it’s never quite clear enough why. -- Speaking of Vesper, I have conflicting feelings about the women of QoS and how Bond relates to them. I’ve always been able to justify (admittedly weakly) that Bond regularly sleeps with so many women on the grounds of "for Queen and Country. " This theme is even addressed directly in a few of the older films. What I don’t get is how the writers (be they Wilson, 007 regulars Purvis and Wade, Forster, or Craig) justify Bond sleeping with Agent Fields so soon after losing Vesper ? on his revenge mission no less. She was not an enemy that needed to be pacified nor a pawn with vital information. She was an MI6 agent who was already accepting of Bond’s efforts to delay his forced return to London. Now aside from Fields, QoS actually has one of the more unique female characters. Camille Montes has the rare distinction of being the only primary Bond Girl that 007 does not sleep with. In fact, one could argue that QoS is more her film than his. She sets out on a revenge mission of her own and it just so happens that Bond’s mission overlaps with hers. -- In fact, for perhaps the first time in the franchise, Bond is the one who screws up his female companion’s mission. In a moment of what 007 believes to be heroism, he “rescues” Camille just as she is about to assassinate a Bolivian politician who raped and murdered her family. He doesn’t realize this until late into the film. The two share a rather touching scene in which she reveals this to him. The regret is palpable in Craig’s tone and in his eyes as he realizes he personally spoiled this woman’s life-long opportunity to avenge her loved ones. Olga Kurylenko has her own moment to shine at the end of the film when Camille and Bond find themselves seemingly trapped in a flaming building that is ready to collapse. The sheer terror in her eyes as Bond holds her tightly is beautifully portrayed. -- -- Look and Sound -- I am just going to jump straight to QoS’s primary issue: Editing. I do not know in what world the director, editors, or producers thought that this style of editing would be exhilarating, technically praiseworthy, or even remotely tolerable, but it is none of those things. The film starts with a gorgeous sweeping shot of a lakefront bluff. From there, the film dives into the mind-numbing editorial pace that includes moments of an astounding 3-4 shots PER SECOND. Shots are often measured in seconds per shot. Not the other way around. It is entirely unwatchable. The rest of the film is cut as a normal film ought to be, however the moment any action breaks out (car chase, foot chase, gun battle), the editors, Matt Chesse (World War Z, The Gift) and Richard Pearson (Iron Man 2) revert back to this horrendous cacophony of visual purée. -- This treatment completely removes the audience’s ability to gain a sense of geography or register the passage of time. I get what they were going for. Forster explained that his intent was to dramatically cut down on what had become an ever-increasing runtimes with the Bond series. He wanted QoS to kick off like a bullet being shot from a gun. Sure, they accomplish that task with ease, however what good does it do when watching it play out is like watching the visual interpretation of a migraine? So many beautiful composed shots and wonderfully choreographed stunts are lost in the unstructured nonsense. -- One thing that QoS has going for it is a killer sound mix. The audio will frequently drop out to solo one character’s dialogue or to focus on one particular sound effect. This is done multiple times and succeeds most admirably when this effect is placed atop the aforementioned action mush. David Arnold’s score also flourishes in this film. Apparently Forster is more of an audio driven direction than a visual one. His decision to bring Arnold into the production almost from the get-go (as opposed to recent films in which Arnold was rushed into the studio on the backend of post-production) allowed the composer to develop a score that plays beautifully with the visuals. The use of the Vesper theme from Casino Royale is a lovely touch in a film that otherwise feels like it has very little in common with any previous 007 film. -- I am a huge fan of MK12’s opening title design. The surreal style is a wonderful return to previous title designer Daniel Kleinman’s earlier work with GoldenEye, Tomorrow Never Dies, and The World is Not Enough. The song that accompanies these titles is not generally believes to be one of the stronger themes, however I must say that I actually dig it quite a bit. Another Way to Die is Jack White and Alicia Key’s entry into the 007 theme song canon. It’s catchy and vibrant, though I do agree with the masses that it probably would have been better served if White had stuck to instrumentals and Keys had taken on the vocals herself. -- On the whole, I also really dug the production design. In the wake of longtime designer Peter Lamont's retirement, Dennis Glassner was hired to take his place. Glassner's philosophy was modern with a touch of nostalgia. There are a handful of locations that were specifically designed to mimic the old school Ken Adam style of set design. So naturally I'm a bit of a sucker for it. -- -- Callbacks, Recurrences, and Tropes -- As QoS is considered to be a direct sequel, it's no surprise that this film has a higher number of recurring characters than usual. As per usual, Judi Dench reprises her role as M, continuing to solidify her already incredible legacy in Bond film lore. Felix makes a return with Jeffrey Wright returning once more. Believe it or not, this marks the very first time in 22 films that the same actor makes back to back appearances as the CIA agent. Giancarlo Giannini returns as René Mathis and Jesper Christensen returns as Mr. White. Rory Kinnear debuts as Chief of Staff Bill Tanner. This is a character, who works closely with M at MI6, has a few small appearances in a handful of films starting in 1974 with The Man with the Golden Gun. -- The standard title sequence and theme song make an appearance, as discussed above, however the gun barrel that typically precedes it was moved to the end of the film in this case. The idea was that it was meant to be a bit of a book end, implying that the Vesper/grief storyline was now wrapped up and Bond is ready to move on. -- Apart from that, the film doesn't showcase any of the regular traditions or tropes. There are no card games, no ski chases, no bomb/missile related countdowns. No train fights, no "shaken, not stirred" martinis (though he does imbibe a few Vesper Martinis), and no "Bond. James Bond. " -- QoS does offer one particularly noticeable callback to a prior film. Agent Fields is murdered in her hotel room in the precise position and manner in which Jill Masterson was killed in Goldfinger. Except instead of being covered in gold Fields is covered in oil -- a statement from the filmmakers on the value of oil versus gold in today's economy. -- -- Overall
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Chasing whiskey movie online full. Chasing whiskey movie online review. Chasing whiskey movie online activities. Chasing whiskey movie online 2017. This is going to be a pretty big post regarding deande and her current state( basically i think she is shit tier... ). This is going to be about her needing a few changes to her stats so if you hate mentions of buffs or nerfs you probably will want to skip over this completely. Im looking to actually go into detail about this and discuss it in the comments not just argue over how long the game has been out or how this will lead to end of the game. Im going to divide this into problems I think kill her usefullness and what i think the fixes should be if it turns out others agree. simply just cant get enough damage out. She is way to slow to be of any use. She cant catch anyone who is running from her. She also attacks way to slow I feel like im fucking slow dancing when im trying to fight as her compared to the other melee characters. speed wouldnt be a problem if she a slightly higher hitbox to work with. When fighting 1v1 you wont be standing still and thats the problem. Her hit box is the equivalent of a shoe lace hole. It feels like im 6 years old again playing baseball everytime i swing i hit air. The hitbox affects burst dash too which sadly is the ONLY way i feel like i can get a kill(i do understand its meant for this) using burst dash you better be ready to bet your damn entire existence on it because if you miss. Then you have swiftly fucked yourself to death in more ways than one. When using Burst dash it appears the target must be centered on your screen if they aren't you will bounce off of them >this is not the damn arcade we don't need pinball in this bitch. The only reaction i can have when this happens to me is Where the hell did i go who is next to me what the fuck am i doing with my life(wasting it if im fighting team vs team and i slide into the enemy team from wont pat me on the back and let me wait about 15 seconds to try again. They are going to fucking bop my fucking dumbass for trying that sneaky bitch ass move i tried to make. ult-Oh god now this shit is just what the fuck where do i begin. This shit just puts a bad taste in my mouth. (im assuming this is for pvp usage too though) Even if they arent intended for it almost all the ults are used a basically as oh shit i have to kill him or i need to get away button. Deande though only can use this whenever u you see the saddest little fucking health bar above you opponents head and you better be alone with them when you do it. (shes a assassin though so i give that part a pass)However the shit that just dont fly is that in incursion or meltdown you cant really use it. This thing has a pretty big wait before you can use it first of all which is only really a annoyance. However the fact that this thing locks onto the 5 enemies in front of it for ten strikes means that using it to finish of a pushing enemy team is useless. All you will do is hit minions and maybe 2 enemies and this thing wont even kill a damn minion sometimes. what the hell type of depressing ass shit is that your telling me that my ULTIMATE the fuckin big one the fucking ender of battles cant kill a take that fucking assassin desc off of her name who the fuck is she assassinating the damn accelerator da fuck you mean assassin. (i need to move on though) counters and enemies(this one is kinda all over the place)- Wait till you see this shit bruh. (this is how a 1v1 usage of her goes with the uppercut combo being used like my life depends on it which it does but which some people seem to think is the biggest sin ever commited)Which it does looks like some cheap ass shit when you read the desc but... AMBRA- you cant get close enough to kill her because of the sunspots ATTIKUS-He will jump way the fuck across the map BENEDICT-put his ass in the uppercut if you want to but dont say shit when he flys off though BOLDUR-Shield you may think you will win this battle but you just wont you gotta let it go CALDARIUS-flying out of that bitch at the very first sight of you DEANDE-awkward 1v1 with the clones untils the team shows up to kill one of you EL DRAGON- i really dont see him alot GALILEA- same as boldur if she has the shield you just gotta give up GHALT-he is gonna shock the fuck out of your dumbass with that trap if you try to combo him. ISIC-Easy to get him caught but takes way too long and your team is gonna need to while your trying to get rid of him. KELVIN-dont even look at this dude he will stun you ass for that and remind you of how beta you are compared to him. kLEESE-why the hell are you in the middle of the enemy team trying to kill him. MARQUIS- This slippery fuck gets no desc from me MELKA- at the end of the combo she is going to fucking dunk on your ass like some 2k16 or sum shit. basically she jumping back to base. MIKO-same as kleese but this dude is a damn trackstar on the off chance you find him alone. MONTANA-Way to long to get him killed not worth it when someone else can do the job better ORENDI(MY main so gotta put respect on this one)-Will fuck your ass up fucking pillars n shit. who the fuck do you think your are trying to kill a fucking god like this. OSCAR MIKE- Cloak and gtfo PHEOBE-teleports away RATH-you dont want to be in the air anywhere around this sick peice of shit. REYNA-she aight SHANYE (fuck aurox)-they can cloak and run THORN-again here we go with the damn 2k16 shit TOBY-the little ball shit is gonna fuck you up when he runs from the combo and you chase WHISKEY FOXTROT-he aight (off topic but this is a pretty good amount of characters for this game) Basically you cant really help because all you can do is make someone disappear for 3 seconds when they teleport back to base and if you die trying to do this your hurting your team. but if you dont do this and just kill minions eventually someone is going to stun you and again you hurt your team. To fix this i have some simple ass little things to be done not some ridiculous request like the uppercut should stun and silence or something. I think that her speed should be increased burstdash should cover the screen horizontally wherever you aim The ult not much can be done to change this except i wish you could make it single target but i dont see that change ever happening. (is this a mutation for later level? ) im sure your curious on what my stats looks like and who knows maybe im just shit lol. maybe i need to play i expect too much from her more i dont know. Overall-1197 kills 336 deaths 39 hours played rank 44 Main-897 kills 266 deaths 29 hours played rank 15 Deande- 247 kills 51 deaths 8 hours played rank 10 tldr Deande seems to be fucking shit compared to others in the time ive given her. she is a assassin but the only thing she assassinates is minions and turrets. just give her a little more speed and hitbox to work with. (i still plan on playing her because i want to overcome this but i feel like its a waste) I would like to talk in the comments about this if anyone wants to discuss or explain why she should or shouldn't change.
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