The Gentlemen
4.1 out of 5 stars - 742 votes

(laptop) 2020 The Gentlemen DropBox


Average Rating 8,7 / 10 stars
writer Guy Ritchie
abstract The Gentlemen is a movie starring Matthew McConaughey, Charlie Hunnam, and Michelle Dockery. A British drug lord tries to sell off his highly profitable empire to a dynasty of Oklahoma billionaires
Duration 113M
genre Crime
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Anyone know the make of the tracksuit Colin Farrell is wearing. Cool Guy Richie makes his film again. Gentleman (disambiguation.

You can't take it from him, Guy delivers a gut wrenching yet fun and often laugh out loud British crime flick. The script was an absolute delight with some of the best dialogue I have heard in a very long time, delivered to perfection by all the main cast. It's a delight having a director and writer like Guy to keep the movie industry fresh, we need more original content like this being rewarded for originality.
The cast, well Hugh Grant was fantastic, you quickly realise Grants been underused in films, he has range and this shines through. Colin Farrell too was an absolute standout when on screen, he stole the scenes and had me in stitches. The cast in general though were all brilliant, many many standout scenes. You have to watch this movie, supporting movies like this is important, original content is hard to come by and we need more of it. And trust me, you can't not enjoy this.
I feel a film review coming on. This basically says that Aladdin was a worthless cashgrab that shouldnt have been made. Thanks. Mr. Ritchie.

This trailer has Some intense Humour Scenes... ?









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