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Average Rating 7,4 / 10
country UK
reviews The Informer is a movie starring Ana de Armas, Joel Kinnaman, and Rosamund Pike. An ex-convict working undercover intentionally gets himself incarcerated again in order to infiltrate the mob at a maximum security prison
casts Rosamund Pike
genre Thriller
Audience Score 8216 vote
????? Exelente calidad. His wig looks Travolting. Entretenida recomendable.
I see John Travolta, I'm out.

1:13 when you've been in the jungle for too damn long

2019 y fue una gran película Edit: 2020 y fue una gran película.
Una amiga me dijo que la escuchara, que me quedaba perfectamente, y si, me queda, entre él y yo, yo soy la que se esta enamorando ?. Esta canción, es para mandarte a la friendzone literalmente JASJASJ. All the shit Travolta gets his an amazing actor. Gotti, From Paris with Love. All good recent films of his. DE VUELTA A LA BATALLA LA ULTIMA PELEA IMPORTANTE QUE CONOCERÉ VIVIRÉ O MORIRÉ HOY MORIRÉ O VIVIRÉ HOY.
Blazing saddles. Y SI TE DUELE DIME DE UNA VEZ Y NO QUEDARAN RENCORES.??????????. Yo pienso que están malinterpretando la canción. Ellos no hablan de que la deja en la friendzone, sino que son amigos con privilegios. De ahí que digan esto es un juego, después no me llores, soldado advertido no muere en guerra También podría decirse que esta canción está conectada con la de Cuando nadie ve, pues ahí ya se refleja que a pesar de que aclararon las cosas no pudo evitar enamorarse y su castigo es fingir que son amigos (y amantes. PD: Esas dos canciones definen perfectamente mi situación.
The title protagonist is one well-known Polish drug dealer in New York, Pete Koslow (Joel Kinnaman) who has been working secretly for the FBI to bring down the Polish kingpin the "General. He proclaims as much, hanging from a tightening noose, with fading breath, I'm a snitch" three little words that prevent those fading breath from becoming dying breath.
The plot, while not entirely straight forward, is nowhere near convoluted. The movie opens with Pete, obviously excited, telling wife Sofia (Ana de Armas) that this one last deal he is working on may bear fruit. A monkey wrench however is thrown unexpectedly into the whole business, a new buyer Daniel Gomez who is quickly recognize as an undercover NYPD cop and shot dead by one of the Polish gangsters. As a suspect, Pete will have his activities jeopardized. The shrewd General, however, recognizes this as an opportunity to use Pete. The scheme is for Pete to break parole (he had killed someone in a random fight) go back jail and supply drugs to the inmates of the entire prison system. This would put them all in the General's debts, whether in prison or after they come out. "I will own a (unprintable) army" beams the General. There are two other players in this game, both from the law-enforcement side. FBI agent Wilcox (Rosamund Pike) Pete's contact, tries to help him get out of this mess as well as complete his mission. Her boss Montgomery (Clive Owen) however, sees Pete only as a pawn and is ready to abandon him (and even Wilcox if she chooses to side with Pete) if and when he no longer has any value. NYPD officer Grens (Common) Daniel's boss, vows vengeance for him. "I sent the guy when he was not ready. It's on me." With Pete being the prime suspect and a glimpse of Wilcox in a car outside the crime seen caught on surveillance video, the plot pits the "FBI field office" against "the country's biggest police department. A good fight" Grens throws down the gauntlet to Montgomery and Wilcox. Let the game begin. The story takes twist and turns, some predictable, some less so. The ending twist is quite clever - I don't believe I have ever seen a sniper's shot played this way - although somewhat far-fetched. This movie is not spectacular. What make it quite an enjoyable crime thriller is having everything a little above average: narrative development, pacing, handling of suspect and action, framing of shots. While character development is not among its fortes, there is an excellent cast. Kinnaman, among the top of the B-list male leads, does a credible job here. Pike and Owen do not have much to work with but they bring into the movie their stellar persona. Moving fast into stardom is de Armas, making a definitecontribution. Perfectly cast is Common. A few other supports complete a solid cast.
Andrea di stefano download cinema muhbira. Bueno crush, si me vas a mandar a la friendzone, al menos dedicame esta canción para que no me duela tanto. LOL apart from the title a similar thing was said in Infernal Affairs that is the name of this clip. Buena. Veanla. Pónganla en velocidad 2. Igual se entiende.









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