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Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words 2020 release gostream release date

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Published by: The Irishman
Bio: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the US of America and to the Republic for which it stands- ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY & JUSTICE for ALL
  1. rating - 60 Vote
  2. Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas
  3. Michael Pack
  4. Documentary
  5. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMjVlNWUwZmUtOTg1MC00ZWZmLWE3YzAtN2QzMzgwNDZjZTM3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjI5Nzc3NjE@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg)
  6. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words is a movie starring Clarence Thomas, Joe Biden, and Anita Hill. A controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections

Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watching. Watch created equal clarence thomas in his own words. Iam a cafeteria Catholic who would have known awesome movie though... I believe him. When are people going to wake up to the fact that the Democrap party is NO different from the Democrap party of 100 even 150 years ago? They are still made up of the same racist mofos. This is a party may I remind everyone, that had a KKK recruiter still serving in the Senate as late as 2010. A guy named Robert Byrd who held a filibuster against the Civil rights act, a guy democrats honored as a God, a guy they named 32 buildings after, a guy they built a giant statute to in the nations capital, a guy Hillary Clinton called her mentor. All this is ignored by the fucking media that is run by these same racist assholes.
It's almost like you could put Brett Kavanaugh in the seat of Clarence Thomas and nobody could tell the difference. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words watch image.

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words watch online. We all could learn a lesson from his ways. personality, and the man in general, a credit to the human race.

Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words watch online

A seminarian wishing Martin Luther King dead. we can only hope HE fell off the vine and found a different vocation. Least competent and original thinker ever to sit on the bench. Childhood poverty may have destroyed a lot of cognitive development, but more importantly, he completely turned his back on his shared humanity after being a beneficiary of progressive affirmative action. Go ahead Clarence. have a good cry bemoaning the fact the oligarchs you serve still see the color of your skin and will never let you into their clubs.
Good ole boys feel they have certain away with abuse, disrespect of women. To get what they want period, an entitlement. No, women have rights too. My body, my choice. Don't drug me, don't touch if I am just a thing... Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words watch design.
Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words watch.

Sexual harassment mustve become quite a bit less serious between this hearing and 1999. 10/4/18. Judge Thomas is from my state- GA. Best thing was that he couldn't get a good job offer & was forced to go where somebody wanted to hire him & he became a member of the Supreme Court! God works in mysterious ways. Not sure I like his “temperament”. Male female blind people with eyes cant know. Michael Foust Contributor 2020 31 Jan COMMENTS Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas once went 10 years without asking a single question from the bench. He’s known as the “silent justice” ? a man who would rather listen to the attorneys and read the briefs than speak out. That’s one reason that a new documentary ? based on 30-plus hours of interviews with him ? piqued the interest of those who have observed his life. Called Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words (PG-13), the film tells the story of his life, from childhood until the present day, as narrated by Thomas himself. Here are four reasons you should watch it: Photo courtesy: ©Manifold Productions 1. It’s Filled with Faith Thomas was raised, in part, by his grandfather, who had a “philosophy of life” that “came from biblical sources, ” Thomas tells us. His grandfather was Catholic, and subsequently sent Thomas to Catholic school. In fact, Thomas nearly became a priest ? even enrolling in seminary ? but decided it wasn’t a good fit and also was repulsed by the racism of several classmates. (One passed him a note in class reading, “I like Martin Luther King … dead. ”) Still, Thomas was greatly shaped by his Catholic faith, which framed how he views life. He calls his wife a “gift from God. ” The Framers, he says, believed individual rights came from God. (More on that below. ) When he faced allegations of sexual harassment during his 1991 Senate hearing ? allegations he denied and said were part of a “high-tech lynching” ? he relied on his faith for strength. He, his wife, and a few friends studied Ephesians 6:10-18 and the Apostle Paul’s admonition to put on the armor of God. (His wife, Virginia, says “it felt like the demons were loose” during the hearing. ) Before Thomas went before the Senate committee to comment on the allegations, Sen. John Danforth, a supporter, told him to “go in the name of the Holy Ghost. ” Photo courtesy: ©Manifold Productions 2. It Reveals his Judicial Philosophy Thomas’ view on law was shaped as a young attorney by his research into slavery and segregation ? and how a country founded upon the principle of equality could permit them to exist. “The answer was that it couldn’t ? not without being untrue to its own ideals. ” Looking for a set of laws that labeled slavery as wrong, Thomas embraced natural law ? a principle he says is found in the Declaration of Independence’s statement that people “are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. ” “The Framers understood natural law and natural rights a certain way, and it is an underpinning of our Declaration, which then becomes a foundation for the Constitution, ” he says. “They start with the rights of the individual, and where do those rights come from? They come from God. They’re transcendent. ” When interpreting constitutional text, he says, “The goal is to discern the most likely public understanding of a particular provision at the time it was adopted. ” “A bad policy can be constitutional, ” he says. “A good policy can be unconstitutional. So that's why we start with the text. ” Photo courtesy: ©Manifold Productions 3. It’s Full of Surprises Thomas lived the first few years of his life in poverty in the segregated city of Savannah, Ga. His few possessions, he says, could fit in a paper grocery bag. When he moved in with his grandparents ? who lived in a modest, middle-class home ? he thought he had moved into a palace. It had plumbing. “We’d never been in a house with a bathtub. ” For much of Thomas’ young adult years, he considered himself “radical to left” in his political philosophy, looking up to the radical young leaders at the time. At Holy Cross, he wore Army fatigues. He took part in a violent college protest. He graduated from Yale Law School as a registered Democrat, but his only job offer was from a Republican: Missouri Attorney General John Danforth. “The idea of working for a Republican was repulsive at best, ” he says. “... I was left wing. ” His philosophy on life, though, began to change. Photo courtesy: ©Manifold Productions 4. It’s the Outspoken Thoughts of a ‘Quiet’ Man Thomas is famously known for not asking questions from the bench. The questions, he says, are pointless: “It's not my job to argue with lawyers. It's their job to make their cases. ” But in Created Equal, Thomas is (mostly) the only voice heard. If not speaking directly into the camera, he’s narrating photos. The documentary is based on more than 30 hours of interviews, and the on-screen footage is fascinating. Much of his life story ? overcoming poverty, for example ? can be embraced by both sides of the aisle. But some of what he says will trouble those on the Left. He labels race-centric criticism of him “stereotypes draped in sanctimony and self-congratulation. ” “If you criticize a black person who is more liberal, then you’re racist, ” he says, “whereas you can do whatever to me, or to now Ben Carson, and that's fine, because, ‘You're not really black because you're not doing what we expect black people to do. ’” We live in an echo-chamber age where people only watch movies and shows that mirror their beliefs. Perhaps we would be better off as a society if we watched things we don’t expect to like ? and, therefore, gain a deeper understanding of other viewpoints. Only then can we possibly find common ground. I learned from and enjoyed On the Basis of Sex and RBG ? two films about liberal justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ? and I did the same with Created Equal. Created Equal won’t make everyone happy, but it’s excellent, well-made and worth watching. Rated PG-13 for thematic elements including some sexual references. Content warnings: The film replays a few minutes of the sexually explicit Senate testimony from 1991. It involves discussion of a rape case. Elsewhere, language includes d--n (4), Misuse of “God” (3), SOB (1). Much of the language involves Thomas quoting other people. Learn more: Entertainment rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Family-friendly rating: 3 out of 5 stars. Photo courtesy: ©Manifold Productions.
She respects him enough to not interrupt him as she often does with others. About time. I feel a connection to Julian Bond and his legacy at making this country and particularly my community better for people of all kinds, especially people like myself. On the other hand, I'm extremely disappointed and feel saddened that Clarence Thomas, who has such a story to tell and has the ability to do so much for equality and justice, that he won't do so for people like myself. He won't apply stand on principle for equal justice among gay and lesbian Americans. So, that connection is lost.
Joe biden is disgusting. No justice is more wicked and corrupt as Thomas. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in the documentary "Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. "(HANDOUT) What happens in America when a black intellectual who was born into the crushing poverty of the Jim Crow South dares stand up to challenge white liberal Democratic orthodoxy? He is marginalized, socially hamstrung, ridiculed in ugly racist terms and compared by a leading liberal journalist to “chicken eating preachers” taking “crumbs from the white man’s table. ” He is depicted in racist cartoons as a smiling lawn jockey, and a grinning shoeshine boy polishing a white man’s boots. This is how American politics revealed itself to conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Jr. “License is given to others to attack you any way they want to. You’re not really black because you’re not doing what we expect black people to do, ” Thomas says in the stirring and deeply emotional documentary on his life, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. ” The film is in theaters, released at the beginning of Black History Month. It will not receive a media buzz, because Thomas’ story is deeply threatening to the liberal orthodoxy. And it threatens Joe Biden, now campaigning for president, who was one of those white liberal Democratic senators who tried to destroy Thomas and failed. The climax is Thomas’ confrontation with white Senate Democrats, liberals who sought to destroy him using unproven, uncorroborated allegations by Anita Hill that he was a sexual predator. As he was being excoriated in those hearings, Thomas was asked if he considered withdrawing his nomination. He said he’d rather die than withdraw. “Created Equal" is the story of the journey of a hero, of lost archetypes and lost faith, and of one man’s descent into anger and violence. In his hatred of racism as a young man, Thomas quit the seminary and embraced the radical revolutionary left. He was later reborn in a renewed Catholic faith. At Yale Law School he became what he called a “fuzzy libertarian, ” and ultimately a conservative. The documentary draws on his memoir “My Grandfather’s Son. ” He tells about living in a shack in Georgia as a boy, the smell of open sewers wafting around him, always hungry, later moving on to the soul-crushing slums of Savannah in the Jim Crow South. But he was saved when his mother turned Thomas and his brother over to their grandfather to raise. Myers Anderson was a stern, hardworking Roman Catholic, an unlettered man who memorized large swaths of the Bible. Upon meeting the boys, he told them that “the damn vacation is over. ” The two words grandfather Anderson hated to hear were “I can’t. ” “Old Man Can’t is dead, ” he’d say. “I helped bury him. ” I watched the film the other day and will watch it again. Yes, I became emotional. And yes, it caused me to weep. I will take my wife and sons to this film and see it again with them, and I ask everyone I know to see it. A poster for the documentary "Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words. "(HANDOUT) The Washington Post film critic Ann Hornaday reviewed it, admitting she’s not a Thomas fan, but she was fair enough to write this: “Thomas’ life story is riveting, from its roots in the Gullah culture of coastal Georgia to intergenerational psychodrama worthy of the ancient Greeks. Although I hadn’t changed my views of Thomas’ opinions by the time the movie ended, I felt I at least understood the man and his contradictions far better than when it began. ” What was especially jarring was to revisit the media attacks against Thomas for his opposition to liberal paternalism and policy: welfare dependency, forced busing and affirmative action. Thomas believed liberal social engineering hurt the very people it was supposed to help ? poor African Americans. As a black conservative, there was open season on him. Liberal journalist and former White House adviser Hodding Carter Jr. wrote this, and Thomas reads it with contempt. “As a southerner Mr. Thomas is surely familiar with those chicken-eating preachers, who gladly parroted the segregationist line, in exchange for a few crumbs from the white man’s table. He’s one of the few left in captivity. ” Chicken-eating preachers? In captivity? Thomas pauses after reading that, and adds rather acidly, that “Not a single civil rights leader objected to this nakedly racist language. ” The other day I interviewed the film’s director, Michael Pack, on “The Chicago Way” podcast I co-host with WGN radio producer Jeff Carlin. “Justice Thomas was getting tired of being defined by his enemies ? by half-truths and outright falsehoods, ” said Pack, a onetime liberal who turned conservative. “I researched his life. Didn’t know much more than watching his contentious nominating hearings. “But I learned that he is a great American hero. And he has a great story, a classic American story, coming from really dire poverty to the highest court in the land, and it was a story I wanted to tell. ” Thomas and his wife, Ginny, sat with Pack for 30 hours of interviews, reliving the pain inflicted upon them by Democratic Sens. Ted Kennedy and Biden. Rather than cower and withdraw, Thomas relied on the memory of his late grandfather. And against advice, he delivered his famous speech angrily declaring that what was happening to him was a nothing but a “high-tech lynching for uppity blacks. ” As he relives those ugly days, you can see the hurt and anger hasn’t left him. But why would it? Why would it ever leave him? If you’ve ever told yourself that diversity is important in America, then see this film about the price that is paid for true freedom of thought. Most Read.
It's sad that Thomas was selected to be on the highest court in the land instead of so many others who could have made a significant impact in terms expanding rights for a greater number of Americans or immigrants. Its happening again. Justice Clarence Thomas scoffed at 2020 Democratic front-runner former Vice President Joseph R. Biden recalling his confirmation hearing nearly three decades ago, suggesting Mr. Biden didn’t have a grasp of the law and was just playing politics. “I have no idea what he was talking about, ” Justice Thomas said in a new documentary about his life, detailing his childhood and rise to the Supreme Court. The legal questioning from Mr. Biden, who at the time was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee and running the confirmation hearings, was aimed at Justice Thomas ‘ views on Roe v. Wade, the ruling which legalized abortion in 1973. “One of the things you do in hearings is you have to sit there and look attentively at people you know have no idea what they’re talking about. And it was fine. I understood what he was trying to do. I didn’t really appreciate it, ” Justice Thomas added. But that, of course, was not the memory of his confirmation hearing that most consumes him. He is still haunted by Anita Hill, who came forward to say the judge sexually harassed her ? a claim he vehemently denied. The allegation had been investigated by the FBI, which said it was unfounded, but somehow, as things do in Washington, it leaked to the press. “This was a crime, ” Justice Thomas said in the two-hour documentary. The film, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas In His Own Words, ” was exclusively revealed to a crowd last week in the basement of the National Archives. Many of Justice Thomas ‘ close friends and allies were on hand Tuesday night for heavy hors d’oeuvres and refreshments steps from the eternal home of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution before heading to a theater located a few flights below the nation’s foundational documents. The audience was littered with Trump administration officials, federal judges, Supreme Court employees, Justice Clarence Thomas ‘ law clerks, as well as key judicial advisers to President Trump, such as Federalist Society Executive Vice President Leonard Leo. The film depicts Justice Thomas sharing his personal and professional maturation with never-before aired details and insights unfiltered through the lens of the press. Justice Thomas walks viewers through his upbringing in Savannah, Georgia, with the influence of his grandfather, his Catholic education, and eventually his rise to the Supreme Court. He surprises viewers with an account of his youth as a far-left advocate who transformed over the years to what some court watchers would describe as the most conservative justice on the high court. Justice Thomas said he worked hard to get perfect test scores in school, making sure he could avoid criticism as he rose in his career. “Leave them nothing but race, ” Mr. Thomas said of his critics. The only black justice currently on the high court replaced the late Justice Thurgood Marshall, the court’s first black member, in 1991. He’s been known for his “bloodthirsty” originalism as well as his silence. While many of his colleagues like to pepper attorneys with questions during oral arguments, Justice Thomas goes years ? at one time more than a decade ? without asking a single question. Instead, he relies heavily on the parties’ briefs. “We are judges, not advocates, ” Justice Thomas said, explaining his reason for staying mum. Michael?Pack, the documentary’s filmmaker, said in an audience question-and-answer session after the screening that Justice Thomas has not yet seen the film, but his wife, Ginni Thomas, has. “Ginni [ Thomas] said she cried when she saw it, ” Mr. Pack said. “ Justice Thomas may not look forward to seeing it, but I hope he does. ” Mr. Pack said he intends for the movie to debut Jan. 31, 2020, and wants it to hit movie theaters in 20 cities as well as its planned airing on PBS. Mr. Pack said while getting the documentary shown on PBS was always his goal ? to reach audiences skeptical of Justice Thomas ? he is on a mission of getting it in front of high school students. Mr. Pack said Justice Thomas ‘ story and that of his family is not well known, but Mr. Pack thought the story should be a regular fixture of secondary school education, particularly surrounding Black History Month. Sign up for Daily Newsletters.
Yeah Thomas should of been removed. We know he did a lot of stuff they don't want us to know about. Thomas should in jail. There was a reason they 187'd Scalia. Edit Summaries A controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. A story truly and fully, without cover-ups or distortions. Although Clarence Thomas remains a controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. Yet, the personal odyssey of Clarence Thomas is a classic American story and should be better known and understood. His life began in extreme poverty in the segregated South, and moved to the height of the legal profession, as one of the most influential justices on the Supreme Court. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words tells the Clarence Thomas story truly and fully, without cover-ups or distortions. The documentary will open in movie theaters nationally on January 31, 2020, followed by a national broadcast on PBS in May 2020. Educational use is forthcoming. Synopsis It looks like we don't have a Synopsis for this title yet. Be the first to contribute! Just click the "Edit page" button at the bottom of the page or learn more in the Synopsis submission guide.
Created equal: clarence thomas in his own words watch free. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words watch video. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words where to watch. Ruining anyones life like this has got to stop its so wrong on so many levels. Especially for any one accusing one and finding them guilty without evidence goes against our Supreme Laws of the Land and we cannot allow them to ever get awAy with going against that rule of law if they do they will end up imprisoning us all and doing what they wish with us.
I want to see this. You are not in go me you judges got to follow the law & after law school. Is their a law that says you can't be black and conservative. Demorats, still the same. Did he just admit that Antia Hill was sexually harassed? she could defend herself, lets just put it that way and she did not take slights very kindly and anyone who did anything she responded very quickly. How would he know. WAY BETTER THAN I'D EXPECTED. WORTH WATCHING FOR SURE.
Democrats don't change.

Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words watch mean

Created equal clarence thomas in his own words watch online. Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words watch review. This is a man the era does not deserve. History will be far kinder to him than contemporary America.
Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words watch instagram. Wouldnt it be nice if everyone followed their own advice. Look at them sitting there knowing a murderer is sitting right beside him and he himself is probably guilty of exactly what he is accusing judge Thomas arrogance.









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