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release year 2019 director Clint Eastwood Writed by Marie Brenner runtime 131minute American security guard Richard Jewell saves thousands of lives from an exploding bomb at the 1996 Olympics, but is vilified by journalists and the press who falsely reported that he was a terrorist Paul Walter Hauser. ¦¦ή¦Ó¦Ø ¦Ç ¦Ï¦Ê¦Ó¦Ø¦Â¦Ñ¦É¦Á¦Íή ¦¥¦Ð¦Á¦Íά¦Ò¦Ó¦Á¦Ò¦Ç. ¦¦ή¦Ó¦Ø ¦Ï ¦Ò¦Ï¦Ò¦É¦Á¦Ë¦É¦Ò¦Ìός! Ό¦Ð¦Á ¦Ñ. Ά¦Ê¦Ô¦Ñ¦Ï ¦Ó¦Å¦Ë¦É¦Êά ¦Ëά¦È¦Ïς ¦Âί¦Í¦Ó¦Å¦Ï... ¦°¦Ï¦É¦Ïς ¦Åί¦Í¦Á¦É ¦Á¦Ô¦Óό ¦Ï ¦Õ¦Á¦Â¦Ï¦Ñ¦É¦Ó¦Ï¦Õό¦Ñ¦Ïς ¦Ð¦Ï¦Ô ά¦Ä¦Å¦É ¦Óό¦Ò¦Ï ¦Ø¦Ñ¦Áί¦Á. ¦³¦¥¦´¦¶¦¯¦² 730 15. 01. 2020 | 15:08 ¦§ ¦Á¦Ìή¦Ö¦Á¦Í¦Ç ¦Á¦Í¦Ó¦É¦Ç¦Ñ¦Ø¦É¦Êή ¦Ì¦Á¦Ó¦Éά ¦Ó¦Ï¦Ô ¦ª¦Ë¦É¦Í¦Ó Ί¦Ò¦Ó¦Ã¦Ï¦Ô¦Í¦Ó City Guide Review Richard Jewell ¦¯ ¦Êό¦Ò¦Ì¦Ïς ¦Ã¦Íώ¦Ñ¦É¦Ò¦Å ¦Ó¦Ï¦Í ¦±ί¦Ó¦Ò¦Á¦Ñ¦Í¦Ó ¦³¦Æ¦Ïύ¦Å¦Ë ¦Øς ¦Ó¦Ï¦Í ¦Õύ¦Ë¦Á¦Ê¦Á ¦Ð¦Ï¦Ô ¦Á¦Í¦Á¦Êά¦Ë¦Ô¦×¦Å έ¦Í¦Á ¦Â¦Ï¦Ì¦Â¦É¦Ò¦Ó¦É¦Êό ¦Ì¦Ç¦Ö¦Á¦Í¦É¦Ò¦Ìό ¦Ê¦Á¦É ¦Å¦Í¦Ç¦Ìέ¦Ñ¦Ø¦Ò¦Å ά¦Ì¦Å¦Ò¦Á ¦Ó¦Éς ¦Á¦Ñ¦Öές ¦Ê¦Á¦Óά ¦Ó¦Ç ¦Ä¦Éά¦Ñ¦Ê¦Å¦É¦Á ¦Ó¦Ø¦Í... 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Seventy years later, the holocaust continues. Seventy people suffocated in the back of an air-tight truck container that carried frozen chicken. In Austria, the navel of Europe, the birthplace of Hitler ? and Mozart. The horse wagon evolved into a refrigerated truck for frozen chicken and the dead are not Jews but subhumans, once again. Perhaps Syrians or maybe Afghans or Tunisians, Muslims or Christians or atheists. (I thought they were all humans, regardless of their beliefs, race and nationality, I thought so, but then again maybe I¡Çm naïve) The Mediterranean Sea has become the biggest graveyard, the refugees drown to live and the banks are floating, thanks to the billions of European citizens and arms traders. The multinational corporations are working on their latest super-weapon, the TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the European Union and the United States) to encompass in the subhuman category, those blissful western people who think they still have rights and live joyfully and happily, since they are not part of the third world -yet. The war industries of the USA, Germany, UK and France sell weapons that fundamentalists need, to destroy civilizations and murder their subhuman compatriots. Turkish army bomb Kurdish terrorists, the last stronghold of blissful Europe against ISIS. The governments of Europe and its Institutions, all of them puppets of the multinational corporations, the banks and the Almighty Markets, merely tinker at the edges about the ¡Èimmigrant issue¡É while creating refugees and immigrants, destroying economies and countries and subhumans. The elected governments are simply managing the attack. Forget the ¡Ègovernment-of-the-people, by-the-people, for-the-people¡É- slogan, that¡Çs a fairytale in the movies with the Star Spangled Banner, the Blood Spangled Banner, waving for ever. The governments sole purpose is to maintain the Power of the Markets.
It is not the End of History; it¡Çs the biggest war ever. Einstein wondered about the type of weapons that WWIII would be fought with. It¡Çs not atom bombs or laser guns or plasma cannons. It is trade agreements. And mankind are subhumans, regardless of belief, race or nationality. It is the privatization of every source, the abolition of every civil and political right, the deprivation of every alternative solution, the ridicule of democracy, the glorification of the neoliberal dogma-the hybrid of state and capitalism. It¡Çs the illusion of security, the virtual reality of a world where you, the individual if you are lucky enough to ¡Èfloat¡É while the others ¡Èsink¡É. It¡Çs a war, but we¡Çre taught that the enemy is the refugee, the immigrant, the poor, the civil servant, the unemployed, the pensioner, the Greek, the German, the Afghan, the Chinese, the coloured people, the muslim, the Jew, the homosexual, the ¡Èmentally ill¡É, the cancer patient, the ¡Èother¡É, the foreigner. The enemy is the foreigner, the other one. And we will kill each other to honor the Benefactors, those who allow us to survive and buy their genetically modified rubbish. The holocaust continues. The war is global. We, all of us, are subhumans, the victims for the next horse wagon or the next refrigerated truck for frozen chicken. Our only hope, our last hope, is to recognize the real enemy.

~ Sanejoker Translated by Alexandros Mantas Edited by Alexandra Kipourgos The art of Alexandra Kipourgos Greek version.
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During the 1996 Olympics, a bomb was planted in Centennial Park during a concert. Security guard Richard Jewell noticed it before it went off and ended up saving many lives. Due to coincidences in the story, Jewell was exploited as being the one who planted the bomb to make himself out as a hero. This film tells the truth about what went on and it's one of the more moving stories I've experienced this year. It's bad enough to be falsely accused of something you didn't do, but what this man had to endure was pure insanity. Performed by Paul Walter Hauser in the titular role, I never once believed I was watching an actor portraying someone else. His performance is so authentic that it brought me to tears on multiple occasions. He absolutely deserves to be spoken about as one of the finest performers of 2019. On top of his incredible performance (which I hope to see much more of in the future) Kathy Bates portrays Bobi Jewell, Richard's mother, and although her character is slightly one-note throughout the course of the film, she brings a needed level of emotion and makes much more of this character than what seems to have been scripted. Normally I don't praise a film for being slow in terms of pacing, but I believe the slow nature of this movie is actually what made me enjoy it more than I would have if it has been made in a more energetic way. The way Eastwood got calm performances out of the majority of this cast felt like a way of easing the audience into certain scenes. It doesn't hurt that performers like Jon Hamm and Sam Rockwell are in the supporting roles either. Richard Jewell is loaded with talent in front of and behind the camera, so it really shouldn't be a surprise that this story would work as well as it does. In the end, Richard Jewell is a real triumph in terms of exposing the truth and what this man had to go through. From the screenplay by Billy Ray keeping it honest, yet light-hearted at times, to composer Arturo Sandoval delivering some very subtle pieces to make you feel a certain way, to the editing by veteran Joel Cox, who has been by Eastwood's side for a long time, everything about this film was well-done. It's very straight-forward, but that was clearly the intention, so it's not exactly a negative. Richard Jewell is a great film and one of my favourites of 2019.

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It: Chapter Two ?held on strong in their third and fourth weekends respectively. At the top of the box office, Universal's release of DreamWorks Animation and Pearl Studio's animated title? Abominable ?debuted with?$20. 85 million. While it doesn't say much for this year's slate of original animated titles, the performance does mark the largest opening for an original animated film in 2019, while joining Universal's? Us ?and? Good Boys ?as the only original films to open number one at the North American box office in 2019. Additionally, this is the seventh Universal title to top the charts this year (eight if you include? Downton Abbey) giving the studio the most #1 films in 2019. Universal also enjoyed second place with their release of Focus Features's? Downton Abbey, which followed up a strong debut with a solid sophomore frame, bringing in an estimated?$14. 5 million, pushing the film's cume over $58. 5 million. The performance makes the film the? fifth highest grossing Focus release of all-time ?after just ten days in release. The film also added another $10 million internationally for an overseas cume totaling $48. 6 million and a worldwide tally that now stands at an impressive $107. 1 million. STX's? Hustlers ?enjoyed an excellent third weekend in release, dipping just -32% for an estimated?$11. 47 million?three-day and a domestic cume that now totals over $80 million.?Hustlers?is now the? third largest STX release of all-time ?and will soon become the studio's third film to top $100 million at the domestic box office. The film also added another $3 million internationally this weekend for an international cume just shy of $15 million and a worldwide tally topping $95 million. Information courtesy of Box Office Mojo. Read more in source ¢ª 27 - 29 September, 2019 TW Title Weekend Gross% Change Theater Count Average Total Gross Week # 1 Abominable $20, 612, 100 - 4, 242 $4, 859 2 Downton Abbey $14, 340, 035 -53. 8% 3, 390 $4, 230 $58, 349, 885 3 Hustlers $11, 389, 256 -32. 2% 3, 508 $3, 247 $80, 553, 967 4 It: Chapter Two $10, 245, 795 -39. 8% 3, 611 $2, 837 $193, 766, 844 5 Ad Astra $10, 014, 914 -47. 3% 3, 460 $2, 894 $35, 397, 514 6 Rambo: Last Blood $8, 597, 811 -54. 4% 3, 618 $2, 376 $33, 173, 621 7 Judy $2, 910, 160 461 $6, 313 8 Good Boys $2, 067, 610 -20. 2% 1, 503 $1, 376 $80, 437, 465 9 The Lion King (2019) $1, 656, 938 -38. 1% 1, 691 $980 $540, 079, 599 11 10 Angel has Fallen $1, 513, 120 -37. 1% 1, 652 $916 $67, 162, 153 Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw $1, 178, 010 -19. 1% 1, 100 $1, 071 $172, 234, 475 12 Friends 25th: The One With The Anniversary $1, 177, 873 1, 586 $743 $2, 054, 615 13 Overcomer $901, 047 -40. 7% 1, 206 $747 $33, 141, 096 14 The Peanut Butter Falcon $888, 464 -12. 5% 935 $950 $18, 109, 192 15 Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark $801, 280 -16. 1% 756 $1, 060 $66, 828, 285 16 Dora and the Lost City of Gold $722, 489 -43. 6% 761 $949 $59, 437, 895 17 Brittany Runs a Marathon $653, 466 -32. 0% 917 $713 $6, 350, 065 18 Nothing to Lose 2 $606, 934 97 $6, 257 19 Once Upon a Time in Hollywood $560, 089 -13. 9% 415 $1, 350 $139, 045, 239 20 Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My Voice $385, 484 -9. 7% 247 $1, 561 $2, 265, 888 21 The Angry Birds Movie 2 $368, 548 -49. 1% 511 $721 $41, 091, 831 22 Spider-Man: Far from Home $290, 532 -22. 7% 394 $737 $390, 153, 495 23 Errol Spence Jr. vs. Shawn Porter $232, 973 239 $975 24 The Secret World of Arrietty - Studio Ghibli Fest 2019 $226, 728 741 $306 25 Toy Story 4 $202, 271 -30. 2% 243 $832 $433, 033, 071 26 The Goldfinch $152, 511 -79. 9% 442 $345 $5, 129, 636 27 Official Secrets $149, 384 -40. 0% 260 $575 $1, 687, 546 28 Ready or Not $137, 469 -36. 1% 201 $684 $28, 504, 429 29 Chhichhore $136, 494 -33. 2% 78 $1, 750 $1, 924, 497 30 47 Meters Down: Uncaged $131, 769 -23. 6% 257 $513 $21, 977, 656 31 Promare $118, 938 +9. 0% $3, 837 $1, 074, 289 32 Aladdin (2019) $87, 858 -32. 4% 124 $709 $355, 383, 711 33 The Art of Racing in the Rain $72, 241 -42. 1% 149 $485 $26, 164, 607 34 The Farewell $72, 070 -39. 2% 75 $961 $17, 482, 039 35 Monos $67, 326 +27. 5% $1, 924 $215, 420 36 Ne Zha $63, 301 +2, 688. 6% 38 $1, 666 $3, 659, 988 37 Where's My Roy Cohn? $54, 011 +31. 1% $4, 501 $114, 735 Miles Davis: Birth of Cool $47, 708 +44. 7% $1, 539 $407, 897 39 Blinded By the Light $41, 524 -13. 2% $335 $11, 842, 193 40 [email?protected] Caen $40, 686 -44. 9% 60 $678 $2, 656, 320 41 Don't Let Go $36, 810 -45. 9% $614 $5, 184, 568 42 Raise Hell: The Life & Times of Molly Ivins $29, 887 -26. 0% $854 $412, 476 43 10e $28, 863 $14, 432 44 The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos $26, 207 $3, 744 $142, 209 32767 45 Out of Liberty $22, 897 -23. 7% $848 $189, 246 46 Aquarela $22, 496 +472. 4% 69 $326 $242, 681 47 Honeyland $22, 017 -16. 3% $550 $616, 662 48 Annabelle Comes Home $21, 592 -68. 0% $635 $74, 146, 239 49 Menteur $21, 278 -4. 2% $591 $4, 643, 285 50 First Love $21, 151 $10, 576 51 Fantastic Fungi $19, 654 +108. 7% $6, 551 $39, 013 52 Luce $18, 190 -49. 6% $505 $1, 993, 464 53 Tazza: One Eyed Jack $16, 943 -58. 8% $1, 694 $83, 079 54 The Zoya Factor $16, 566 -79. 2% 100 $166 $121, 835 55 Anthropocene: The Human Epoch $16, 038 $2, 291 $76, 178 56 The Fighting Preacher $15, 424 -3. 1% $812 $830, 690 57 The Day Shall Come $14, 854 $495 58 The Kitchen (2019) $14, 580 -50. 8% $317 $12, 174, 041 59 Where'd You Go, Bernadette $14, 031 -43. 5% $702 $9, 177, 536 Fiddler: A Miracle of Miracles $11, 285 -61. 5% $434 $509, 086 61 Maiden $11, 149 -48. 5% $465 $3, 119, 295 62 Ms. Purple $10, 942 -36. 5% $476 $67, 487 63 Tigers are Not Afraid $10, 631 +111. 1% $560 $169, 057 64 David Crosby: Remember My Name $9, 320 -20. 8% $333 $691, 368 65 Loro $8, 263 +55. 4% $1, 653 $17, 670 66 Men in Black International $7, 516 -51. 1% $327 $79, 852, 938 67 Give Me Liberty $7, 374 -3. 4% $1, 475 $187, 416 68 After the Wedding (2019) $7, 021 -40. 3% $468 $1, 559, 555 Before You Know It (2019) $5, 615 -13. 1% $296 $129, 517 70 Tel Aviv on Fire $5, 315 +52. 6% $1, 329 $474, 388 71 The Sound of Silence $5, 166 +232. 9% $172 $17, 029 72 Britt-Marie Was Here $4, 837 +11. 9% $605 $11, 750 73 Fritz Lang's Indian Epic (2019 re-release) $4, 401 74 Moonlight Sonata: Deafness in Three Movements $3, 586 +61. 8% $897 $15, 252 One Cut of the Dead $3, 465 -70. 5% $866 $46, 276 76 Edie $3, 044 -59. 4% $761 $48, 711 77 Chasing Einstein $3, 027 +124. 7% $1, 009 $22, 857 The Gliksmans $2, 922 $974 79 Aga $2, 874 $1, 437 $11, 678 80 Midnight Traveler $2, 826 -20. 4% $10, 404 81 Rojo $2, 578 $1, 289 $91, 213 82 A Faithful Man $2, 494 +119. 0% $831 $75, 623 83 Under the Sea 3D $2, 392 $399 $36, 191, 690 555 84 Série Noire $2, 088 85 Cold Case Hammarskjöld $2, 087 +19. 7% $696 $101, 201 TOTAL (106 MOVIES): $94, 478, 106 -23. 5% 40, 107 $2, 356 ¦¤¦É¦Á¦Âά¦Ò¦Ó¦Ç¦Ê¦Å 1536 ¦Õ¦Ï¦Ñές ¦³¦Å¦Ë¦Å¦Ô¦Ó¦Áί¦Á ¦Ó¦Ñ¦Ï¦Ð¦Ï¦Ð¦Ïί¦Ç¦Ò¦Ç ¦Ò¦Ó¦Éς ¦°έ¦Ì¦Ð¦Ó¦Ç, 03 ¦¯¦Ê¦Ó¦Ø¦Â¦Ñί¦Ï¦Ô 2019 10:30 ¦¢¦Á¦È¦Ì¦Ï¦Ë¦Ï¦Ãή¦Ò¦Ó¦Å ¦Á¦Ô¦Óό ¦Ó¦Ï ά¦Ñ¦È¦Ñ¦Ï ¦°¦Ï¦Ë¦Ô¦Ìέ¦Ò¦Á ¦¯¦É ¦Ó¦Á¦É¦Íί¦Åς ¦Ó¦Çς ¦Å¦Â¦Ä¦Ï¦Ìά¦Ä¦Áς ?TOP?¦Å¦Â¦Ä¦Ï¦Ìά¦Ä¦Áς?#2 ?TOP?¦Å¦Â¦Ä¦Ï¦Ìά¦Ä¦Áς?#1 ¦³¦Ï ¦Ê¦Á¦Íά¦Ë¦É ¦Ì¦Áς ¦Ð¦Á¦Ñ¦Á¦Ê¦Ï¦Ë¦Ï¦Ô¦È¦Ïύ¦Í ¦Óώ¦Ñ¦Á 471?¦Å¦Ð¦É¦Ò¦Êέ¦Ð¦Ó¦Åς ¦Ê¦Á¦É έ¦Í¦Á ¦Ìέ¦Ë¦Ïς ¦²ύ¦Í¦Ä¦Å¦Ò¦Ç ¦Ì¦Å ¦Ê¦Ï¦É¦Í¦Ø¦Í¦É¦Êά ¦Äί¦Ê¦Ó¦Ô¦Á ¦§¦Ì¦Å¦Ñ¦Ï¦Ì¦Ç¦Íί¦Åς ¦¥¦Îό¦Ä¦Ï¦Ô ¦ª¦Ô¦Ê¦Ë¦Ï¦Õ¦Ï¦Ñί¦Á ¦Á¦Íά ¦Å¦Â¦Ä¦Ï¦Ìά¦Ä¦Á.
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Author: Christos Roukos
Resume: ¦¥¦Í¦È¦Ï¦Ô¦Ò¦Éώ¦Ä¦Çς, ¦Ö¦É¦Ï¦Ô¦Ì¦Ï¦Ñί¦Ò¦Ó¦Áς, ¦Á¦Ô¦È¦Å¦Í¦Ó¦É¦Êός ¦Ëά¦Ó¦Ñ¦Çς ¦Ó¦Ï¦Ô ¦Ò¦Ç¦Ì¦Á¦Í¦Ó¦É¦Ê¦Ïύ. ¦©¦Ä¦Ñ¦Ô¦Óής ¦Ó¦Ï¦Ô #CineRoukos ¦Ê¦Á¦Èώς ¦Ê¦Á¦É ¦Ó¦Ï¦Ô #TeamRoukos. ¦¨¦Á ¦Ì¦Å ¦Â¦Ñ¦Åί¦Ó¦Å ¦Å¦Ê¦Åί...









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