The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Lifetime

Genre Drama. Duration 178 minute. rating 9,6 / 10. 2001. &ref(,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg). synopsis The power of Bilbo Baggins' ring of invisibility may have been underestimated, Gandalf the Grey fears its power even with his unfathomable magical abilities. As the power of the one Ring grows, so too do the armies of Sauron and Sarumon as their evil spreads across the lands of man, dwarf, and elf alike. It is up to a ragtag band of heroes to carry the ring to Mount Doom, the evil place of its birth, and cast it into the eternal fires that forged it. Does the fellowship have what it takes to complete its task, or will the powers of evil overcome those of good leaving behind a world ravaged by the rage of Sauron, the Dark Lord?
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Sam: I know. 4:09 Always makes my heart warm. I always want to cry when I hear this song. I love that legolas got the job cause he got a kick ass letter of rec from aragorn. I. The lord of the Rings ? its my first favorite and the theme to my ears.?????. Wow lurtz fights rough. Full of darkness and danger they were. 01:14:00 yahh Fly Fishing with Aragorn. When Bilbo said there will always be a Baggins in the Shire, I almost teared up almost like I remembered the entire movie in one second... Give the ring to Eddard Stark.
1:24:52 There I am, the Urak charging through the hoard trying to get in the action with the stunt men. No, I can't really pick myself out in those shots either.

The first to see the place. we will be in the past, but

When is release. I'd give both my arms and both my legs to be there when they shot this movie. The entire cast looks like they're having such a great time. Also, it's interesting that while on set, sometimes Elijah speaks with an accent and sometime's he doesn't. Anyone else think this looked like an episode of the office???.









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