9.7/ 10stars

Love Wedding Repeat ?TNT

Runtime 1 Hours 40M director Dean Craig rating 11011 vote Christelle Raynal Countries Italy genres Comedy
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I set a low bar and have a high tolerance for romance and rom coms. This movie was brutal. Horrible chemistry, it feels like it's going nowhere, no build up, no excitement, then it just ends. I'm sitting here wondering what I just watched. It was THAT BAD. Amor. Boda. Amor boda azar final. Amor boda azar pelicula completa. Amor. Boda. azur www.

I don't understand the low rating of this movie. It is a sweet British comedy played by beautiful and talented actors. If you are looking for a great comedy with a high impact, this is not your movie. It is nice to watch it on Sunday afternoon. Amor. Boda. azara. Just painful to watch
Just painful to watch Just painful to watch Just painful to watch Just painful to watch. Amor boda azahar cancion.

Amor boda azar trailer. Amor boda azar pelicula. I hate rom coms and I actually liked this one. Think it warms up hugely halfway through and end up being quite funny and charming. If you want something lighthearted and a little moving then watch this. Not all the performances were great throughout but all the actors shined at various moments. Amor. Boda. azar. Amor. Boda. azarenka.











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