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Free Online Beneath users. Free Online Beneath us about us. Free online beneath us book. Free Online Beneath use. Free online beneath users. Free Online Beneath us airways. Good News Everyone! CFBRisk is back and now is the time to represent the Badgers! For those who are new, CFBRisk first occurred in the 2018 offseason, sponsored by the College Football Subreddit to play a online version of the board game Risk. This year, we have it again. Our goal is to make Wisconsin be the winner, through gaining land. The game interface is here. You get one action a day that can be chosen in box beneath the map, simply click on the Logo of the territory you want to act in. If you have questions feel free to drop them! I'm still working on some of the details at the moment of getting a structure in place, and many answers can be found here. Today's Plan: If your username is... Between 00000 and C4 Defend Wisconsin Between Came and free Attack Minnesota Between fridge and lacrosse Attack Iowa Between Last and Phreak Attack Northern Illinois Between PM_u and The_b Attack NorthWestern Between The_Co and Zach Attack Central Michigan More sophisticated orders will come out on Day 1 after we know who all is playing. There are several changes between this and the old version. The map has been updated, now instead of using which COUNTY is the closest, to just a general location. Of particular note, Maine now connects to Alaska, and Hawaii to Maimi, and Alaska no longer connects to Hawaii. Also Michigan area got fixed, no more 8 border Toledo god bless. Teams no longer get Defensive Bonuses on their Home territory, but have a permanent +50% to Defense. The turn now ends at 11 Eastern, 10 Central. And since these servers are separate from the CFB ones, we should get results back in a matter of minutes instead of hours. This is NOT being run by the r/CFB mods. This is largely set up and run by the leaders of some of the teams last time, with Michigan hosting the servers and doing a lot of the coding leg work. r/CFB wanted nothing to do with risk, and they remove any comments related to it, so please don't mention it there. Standard Fare: Overall sub: r/CollegeFootballRisk / is the official Subredit for the game. Overall Discord: This is where all of the teams can have people talk. Private sub: r/BadgersCFBRisk to discuss strategy, diplomacy, outreach, etc. Visit there and go through the motions to get in or message a mod. Private Discord: Allies: For the moment, we are allied with Nebraska in the West and Ohio State in the East. Everything else is still being worked on. Lots of NAP discussions at the moment with other teams. Enemies: Anyone that borders Wisconsin on Day 0 Other contributions we can use on top of your votes each day is memes and recruiting. If you know other Badger redditors or where they gather please encourage them to join in the game. If memes are your thing the meme game in r/CollegeFootballRisk / will soon be as strong as anywhere on reddit. Start Recruiting! Every soldier we can get is one we can use somewhere! Don't make alternate accounts or bots to vote for us but if you can convince your friends to help out we would appreciate it! Your Facebook group chats, discords, twitter, anywhere you think we will have sympathizers.

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Watch beneath us 2019 free online. Free online beneath user. Sorry for being a day late compared to my usual posting on Thursdays! I've hit a couple of hard walls with writer's block lately. I guess with everything going on it isn't quite as fun to be writing about a looming demonic apocalypse, lol. But, I got around the writer's blocks throughout the week and finished this chapter up last night with some final revision this afternoon! I hope all six of you reading this enjoy it and I look forward to any and all comments! [ First Chapter] [ Previous] Next? The earth shook from the force of the blast above the smoldering ruins. Greg barely remained on his feet, turning his back to the blast and shielding his head with his right arm. The shockwave of heat and force was enough to force him to steady himself with his left hand on the ground. His sword glimmered crimson and bronze from the fading light of the blast, a burning plasma lingered in the sky above. A smoldering black comet plummeted from the epicenter of the blast with several tumbling pieces scattering out along the same trajectory. Kim, still wrapped within a crimson and bronze shell, followed the roiling trail of smoke. A lance of crimson reached out from her to skewer the charred harbinger at the same instant it slammed into the ground. A wall of crackling purple and black lightning reached out to intercept the twenty foot long lance, but it was entirely too late to stop. A plume of black ichor sprayed out from the haze of colliding energies and spray of dirt and debris. Several dozen smaller streaks of crimson sprayed out from Kim, floating a hundred feet above the center of the battlefield. The staccato bursts of weapons fire died off when the lances put an end to the last groups of burning ghouls surging through the field. Six Reavers turned their noses to the crater the harbinger was thrashing within. Five crab-like legs tore through the earth and flung dirt in every direction while four arms, each a dozen feet long and with entirely too many joints, raked furrows in the earth as the demon tried to pull itself up. Four glowing purple eyes suddenly focused on Greg through the haze of smoke rolling off of the harbinger's body. His right hand, already sheathed in silver energy, darted for three of his last six throwing daggers. He saw the purple glow within the demon's maw, crackling with malevolent energy, and turned to lunge aside instead of continuing his attack. The bolt of darkness surged toward him the instant he began to turn. Greg threw his right hand out toward the truck-sized bolt of energy, reflexively trying to ward off the attack. A silvery burst of energy flashed out from his hand, creating a shield before him. The black and purple crackling energy orb slammed into the barrier and detonated. Greg braced against the blast and willed his shield to hold, feeling the drain to his energy reserves as fatigue began to cling to his bones. Sliding back several yards, the hammering blast died off at the same time his barrier wavered, cracked, and shattered into a million motes of vanishing silver. Greg was panting hard and had to blink several times to clear his vision. Staggering forward a few steps he finally managed to stand straight at the same time the Reavers unleashed every weapon in their arsenal. Greg watched the first hundred rounds slam into the harbinger's body, the force of the impacts barely making the demon flinch. A dozen missiles dove into the fray, their detonations obscuring Greg's view of the harbinger, but going off of the sparks and where the following missiles detonated, Greg was certain that they weren't having any real effect. Kim landed beside him, offering a steadying hand on his shoulder. A feral grin split her face, her eyes ablaze with the glut of power surging through her. "This feels Fucking INCREDIBLE, GREG! " She said, a crazed note to her voice as she began to shout. Greg wasn't certain she shouted only to overcome the sounds of explosions only fifty feet away. Debris was beginning to rain down around them, and when a rock the size of a baseball slammed into his chest, Greg moved to step between Kim and the assault. "We should back off, I don't-" he began, but Kim stepped around him and waved his words away. "Fuck that! This asshole is going to Fucking BURN! " Kim screamed, bringing up a protective half-dome before her while molten strands of power leaked from all over her body. The molten ribbons gathered above her, forming and feeding a growing orb twenty feet in the air. The orb grew rapidly, from a melon to a beach ball and was a yard in diameter when one of the Reavers above was struck by a purple streak of lightning. Instead of piercing through the helicopter and obliterating it, Greg saw the energy crackle across and into the hull. The pilot veered away and brought the Reaver down in a hard emergency landing very close to the still smoldering ruins nearby. The Reaver was smoking in a dozen places as the crew of four abandoned the craft. Purple energy leapt from where it had still been crackling across the hull and clung to the four as they fled. Convulsing, the soldiers began to scream, clutching at their stomachs and heads. One began ripping his gear off before he succumbed to the awful energies and soon all four were writhing on the ground, their gear and clothing burning away. The first soldier to fall was also the first to rise. His flesh had been scorched and blasted away by small eruptions of purple flames, and his eyes had been replaced by purple flames. He opened his mouth with a roar and purple sparks and flames danced within his mutating maw. The other three rose in similar fashion and all four charged at Kim and Greg. The five Reavers above began to bank away from the crater they had been pouring fire into, but the retreat came too late as four of them were struck by the same crawling purple energy. The four struck Reavers turned away from their original heading for the main compound and put their noses down to surge away into the plains beyond the battlefield. They hadn't even gone a hundred yards when their engines exploded and they dropped from the sky to slam into the ground, burning rubble, or in one case the twisted wreckage of the humvee Greg had failed to save the soldiers in. All four Reavers detonated nearly simultaneously, missiles from outlying Reavers streaking in to end the possibility of their crews rising as the enemy. Kim's growing orb of molten power had grown to the size of an SUV by the time the harbinger began shakily heaving itself from within the smoking crater. The ribbons of energy tapered off from her body and disappeared into the sphere above while Kim thrust her left hand forward and began to slowly squeeze her right hand into a fist strained above her head. The shield before them morphed into a wide net that sprang forward, attempting to grapple the harbinger before it could fully rise. Black ichor dripped from a multitude of wounds, including one leg that ended in a shattered stump after only a few feet. A long gray arm blurred out in a slashing motion and cut the burning net in half, but Kim seemed to anticipate the defense and split the net into four pieces that avoided the slashing claws and wrapped various locations on the demon's body with burning lines. Dozens of threads streaked out from the molten orb to wrap around the harbinger's limbs and torso. Bursts of black energy and claws moving with blurring speed tried to fend off the constricting assault, but the multitude of burning cords were overwhelming the weakened defenses of the demon. The first of the twisted Reaver crew were twenty feet away when Kim flicked her right hand in their direction and a single crimson cord struck out like a viper, turning the four charging mutated soldiers into clouds of ash and cinder. Greg saw the ribbons searing into gray and black flesh and chitin begin to crackle and dim, their crimson light flickering will less intensity. A faint nimbus of gray began to envelope the harbinger's entire body, straining against the crimson bonds. Kim pushed more of the now shrinking molten orb into the ribbons and sent the molten orb higher into the air. With them nearly forty feet away, the extra energy surging through the ribbons was visible as a widening of the cords of energy, from four or five inches across to nearly a foot. When the surge was nearly upon the harbinger a massive column of dark energy erupted skyward in a ring, severing every bit of energy grasping the demon and forming a forty foot high wall around it. Kim staggered back a step as though a fist had slammed into her head, and the strands of energy began writhing as she lost her concentration. One strand recoiled into the molten orb. Which began to pulse ominously. With a feral growl Kim sent the sphere hurtling into the barrier. The explosion sent Greg and Kim both flying back, tumbling across the broken earth. When the flames and smoke had cleared several minutes later, the glassy crater was devoid of any sign of the harbinger. Kim was visibly shaking with rage while she clenched and unclenched her fists and jaw. Her eyes flared and she gazed out across the battlefield. "I wasn't fucking strong enough! I should have fucking killed that sonofabitch! " Kim screamed, punching a glassy mound of earth on the edge of the crater. "How the Fuck Was It Still Alive?! " Kim punctuated each word with another fist into the ground. The layer of glassed earth shattered during her assault, but the shimmering crimson energy coating her hands prevented her from being cut by the jagged shards of earth. Greg placed a hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a hug. Kim shook for a while while he held her and they scanned the devastation. Ground vehicles still capable of driving were pulling up beside their unlucky counterparts, helping the wounded and looking for survivors. "I need... more. We need more... " Kim mumbled, taking a
Free online beneath use. Thank you. If you're interested in this kind of analysis, I recommend John Irwin's Mystery to a Solution. He believed Jorge Luis Borges's detective trilogy was an "antithetical doubling" of Edgar Allan Poe's Dupin trilogy, and his book goes much deeper into the methods and themes explored in the analytical detective genre ( and connects them to Lewis Carroll, Carl Jung, etc... ) Given that Rian Johnson's first short film was based on The Tell-Tale Heart, I have little doubt that he is familiar with this book and probably consulted it while plotting his 'meta adventures'. In fact, I believe Knives Out is intended as an 'antithetical doubling' of Agatha Christie's Crooked House which follows a similar plot structure. The 'recently deceased family patriarch' in Crooked House is named Aristide Leonides, referred to as 'The Greek from Smyrna'. His first and last names are linked to historical figures associated with the ' ransom theory of atonement '. So Agatha Christie was very much playing a game of symbols in the same way as Poe and Borges. Rian's Ransom character is a doubling of Christie but also antithetical because the character who appeared as a victim in Crooked House turns out to be the murderer in Knives Out. (This is just one of the many narratives linked to the Ransom character. ) One of the biggest mindfucks I've experienced thus far lies in this connection. The family patriarch in Christie's Crooked House famously built his fortune in the restaurant industry. The mansion used for the filming of Knives Out, in real life, is also owned by the family of a wealthy restauranteur. How deep does this rabbit hole go? We may never know.
Free Online Beneath us. Free online beneath using. This week's vintage batch features hard rubber pens with special focus on Waterman. Included are writers with nibs in the Superflex to Wet Noodle range, a couple unusual sleeve fillers, and a truly rare oversized sterling overlay. As always, all are fully restored and ready to write. ALBUM & TIMESTAMP Pastable link: Condition (n. b. ): All pens listed below have been disassembled, cleaned and restored with new sacs installed in the last couple months. Each of these pens is guaranteed to fill and write as designed without leaks or other problems. Nibs have been adjusted when necessary to ensure that all lay down a smooth and consistent line. THESE PENS HAVE NO CRACKS, CHIPS, PERSONALIZATIONS (except #6 and #7), LOOSE OR MISSING PARTS, BENT NIBS, MISALIGNED TINES, OR THREADING ISSUES. Line Widths and Writing Samples: To provide buyers with as much information as possible, I have started to adopt the following line width standards: XXF (. 1-. 2mm); XF (approx. 3mm); F (approx. 4mm); M (approx. 6mm); B (approx. 8mm). Nib flexibility is determined by variation (max line width under pressure) and softness (amount of pressure). Flexibility designations based on variation generally run as follows for an XF/F nib: Semi-Flex (approx. 1mm); Flex (1. 2-1. 9mm); Superflex (>2mm). All line width measurements are taken with a digital caliper but should be considered approximations providing a general guide. Width may vary slightly depending on type of ink and paper used as well as amount of pressure applied. All writing samples are on Rhodia dot paper using Waterman Serenity Blue or Diamine Green-Black. 1. 1920s Moore L-72 Ring Top (BCHR, GPT, lever filler, 14k XXF Superflex nib). Measures 4 1/2" capped and 5 1/2" posted. Founded in 1889, the Moore Pen Company of Boston came to be known for the production of high quality pens of the same calibre as the Big Four makers in the US. This L-72 is a ring top in black chased hard rubber with gold-plated trim. Super-flexible 14k Moore #2 nib lays down a smooth and consistent XXF line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2. 5mm) under light pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Super fine hairlines, strong snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it a great choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Condition: excellent [B]. Hard rubber retains much of its dark black color with minor, even fading visible under some lights. Chasing is deep, sharp, and palpable. Surface is smooth and lustrous with no serious blemishes, just a couple light scratches near the end of the barrel. Gold-plated trim is immaculate with no disernible wear. Manufacturer imprints on the barrel, "pat. pending" imprint on cap, and number stamp on barrel-end are all deep, sharp, and fully legible. *Price: $140 SOLD 2. 1910s Sanford Special Lever Ring Top (BCHR, NPT, lever filler, 14k F Superflex/Wet Noodle nib). Measures 4 5/8" capped and 6" posted. Information about the Sanford Pen Company of Brooklyn, NY is pretty hard to come by. It might have been an offshoot of Sanford & Bennett but my sources have that Sanford based in Ohio. In any case, this black chased hard rubber pen features the protuberant barrel threads of an early lever filler (cf. Waterman PSF and Sheaffer-Clip models c. 1915. ). Nickel-plated ring top and lever. 14k Warranted nib yields Super-flexible variation with softness verging on a Wet Noodle. It lays down a smooth and consistent F line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2. 5mm) under very light pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Responsive snap-back, effortless variation, and paintbrush-like flow over its full range of flex make it a great choice for calligraphic and expressive writing styles. Condition: excellent+ [B+]. Hard rubber retains its factory black color with no discernible fading. Chasing is factory sharp and deep. Surface is smooth and lustrous with no deep scratches or other notable blemishes. Nickel-plated trim has no brassing. Manufacturer imprint on barrel is factory deep with no weakening. Price: $160 $145 SOLD 3. 1910s Laughlin Sleeve Filler (BCHR, sleeve filler, 14k XF Superflex nib). Measures 5 3/8" capped. The Laughlin pen company was a small operation founded in 1896 and based in Detroit, Michigan. In 1912 Laughlin's patent for this innovative sleeve-filling FP was approved ( PATENT LINK). Instead of a separate piece that covers the filler, like the Waterman below, the movable part of this pen is entirely integrated into the barrel. One operates it by extending the back half of the barrel to expose a metal pressure bar (see detail photo in album), which is depressed by thumb to fill the sac inside. This no-nonsense pen in black chased hard rubber came clipless from the factory at a time when clips were an optional item that added to the cost of the pen (no holes have been drilled for a clip in the cap). Buyer may purchase this pen clipless for the listed price or add a vintage nickel-plated accommodation clip for the price of $10. Super-flexible 14k Warranted #2 nib lays down a smooth and consistent XF line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2. 4mm) under light pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Thin hairlines, strong snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another great choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Condition: excellent- [B-]. Hard rubber is black in color with light fading visible under some lights. Chasing is slightly weakened but still visible and palpable except for the back barrel section, where it is very light. Surface is smooth and lustrous with no notable blemishes aside from some scratches on one side of the cap near the top (see timestamp photo). Manufacturer imprint on barrel is light in the center but still fully legible when the light catches it right. An uncommon and unusual piece of fountain pen history that also happens to be a lovely writer. Price: $190 $170 4. 1910-15 Waterman 12 SF (smooth BHR, sleeve filler, 14k XXF Superflex nib). Measures a hair over 5 1/2" capped. Due to their brief production run before being outmoded by the popular lever filler, Waterman sleeve fillers are comparitively hard to come by today. This pen's barrel features movable piece that slides back to reveal a metal pressure bar with Waterman's globe emblem, which is depressed with a thumb to fill the sac inside (see detail photo in album). This smooth black hard rubber pen came clipless from the factory at a time when clips were an optional item that added to the cost of the pen (no holes have been drilled for a clip in the cap). Buyer may purchase this pen clipless for the listed price or add a generic, vintage, nickel-plated accommodation clip for the price of $10. Super-flexible 14k Ideal NY #2 nib lays down a smooth and consistent XXF line that widens to an impressive 4B+ (approx 2. 7mm! ) under light pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). Truly outstanding variation and writing characteristics that epitomize everything you could want from an early Waterman. Needlepoint hairlines, strong snap-back, and reliable flow over its full range of flex make it another great choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Some of the original black paint has flaked off the surface of the pressure bar. Manufacturer imprint on barrel is unusually deep and sharp with little discernible wear. Number stamp on barrel-end is factory deep and even contains much of its original red fill! Price: $320 $280 5. c. 1918 Waterman 52 (smooth BHR, NPT, lever filler, 14k XXF Needlepoint Wet Noodle). A stunningly well-preserved example of Waterman's classic workhorse in smooth black hard rubber and nickel-plated hardware. 14k Ideal #2 nib is a Wet Noodle that writes like a lot of the artist's nibs I've come across. Effortless variation and paintbrush-like flow under full flex. It lays down a smooth and consistent needlepoint XXF (perhaps XXXF? ) line that widens to a 4B+ (approx 2. 4mm) under minimal pressure (see WRITING SAMPLE). This a precision nib capable of needlepoint hairlines, super strong snap-back that responds to the slightest variation in pressure, and reliable flow over its full range of flex. An ideal choice for calligraphic writing styles such as Copperplate and Spencerian. Condition excellent/near mint [B+]. Hard rubber retains its factory black color with no fading. Nickel-plated hardware shows no brassing. Manufacturer imprint on barrel and number stamp on barrel-end are factory deep and sharp; the latter even retaining its original red fill (see detail photo in album)! A pen I'd be strongly inclined to hold onto in less tumultuous times. Price: $260 SOLD 6. 1915 Waterman 416 PSF ? OS Sterling Trefoil Vine Overlay (sterling silver over HR, lever filler, 14k M Factory Stub nib). Measures 5 5/8" capped with a very thick girth (doesn't even fit into the pen tray! ). High among the vintage grails for OG collectors of the 1980s-90s were Watermans oversized precious metal overlays. Based on Waterman catalogues of the 1910s and 20s, their original sticker prices were roughly 2 to 3 times that of a standard 52-sized overlay (452, 552), which was itself a fairly exclusive luxury item at the time. For this reason, an oversized overlay like this one is orders of magnitude scarcer than your typical Waterman Patrician, Hundred Year, or any other vintage pen that saw regular mass manufacture. But what makes this pen downright rare is the 416 PSF ("pocket self-filling") stamp on the barrel-end, which is how Waterman identified their first lever fillers (c. 1915-17) before adopting the standard '5' designation (52, 456, etc. The protuberant barrel threads of this pen narrow down its manufacture to the first year or so of that date range. It is made of black hard rubber overlaid by sterling silver, filigreed and engraved in the elegant Art Nouveau Trefoil Vine pattern. Note that cap and barrel overlays as well as clip and lever (unde
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  1. Creator: Holly Pierson
  2. Biography: Owner and Managing Partner of Pierson Law LLC.









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