Midsommar Quibi

148Minute / Jack Reynor / countries - Sweden / Midsommar is a movie starring Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor, and Vilhelm Blomgren. A couple travels to Sweden to visit a rural hometown's fabled mid-summer festival. What begins as an idyllic retreat quickly devolves into an / Director - Ari Aster / 2019

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All About The movies. I was really excited by tbe idea of this film. Not one for gore and jumps I thought this would be a "not want you think it is" type of chiller rather than out and out horror-rather like Wicker Man (alluded to in other reviews.
The problem is everything (and everyone) is started off well then just wanders. Aside from the lead character, Dani, there is little character development. The main group don't even seem to be friends, just a collection of people who randomly trudge off to Sweden. Their relationship with Pelle isn't explained snd you don't really even realise that Josh is interested in Pagan history until quite late on (in fact, he is effectively the same character as he is in "The Good Place" My biggest problem is there is no sense of being trapped and there is not enough realisation amongst the group that they may have made a mistake coming. No one cares (or even barely mentions) when people start going missing. If Josh and Mark really had left in the night where would they have gone? Why is no one worried? It was a 4 hour drive through the wilderness-where were they going to go? Mark, the token millenial, upsets a local-and worries he is going to get killed but goes off with a girl and, errr gets killed by. The fact he is dressed as a fool at the end (nod to Wicker Man) may relate to the blink and you'll miss it, game of skin the fool played by the children at the start but who knows? You get the sense that Josh has a dawning realisation that this is a bad place but he is wiped out before you get to find out if he did. Dani's boyfriend starts off being a chap that wants to split up with her but is staying out of duty but by the time they arrive in Sweden he is so two dimensional it's almost as if they have never met. The two English characters are clearly there for cannon fodder but it would have been more interesting to see them taking their "truck rides" so you are left with a "did they escape or not" feeling until their fates are revealed qt the end. Actually aside from reflecting the modern throwaway generation, what was the point of Mark? He was presented as being interested in the beer, drugs and girls, there was no way he'd have been interested in the trip! Overall this film can be summed up in a few words; "Trauma, happy, happy, happy, everyone dies, the end.
The quality is quite good because it is not re-encoded.









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