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Author: Derek Winnert
Info: Derek Winnert is a leading UK film critic and author, and a member of the London Critics Circle.

148 Votes Writed by: Xiaolu Xue Drama, Mystery ratings: 5,6 / 10 star Summary: Chui Shao Ren is a movie starring Jiayin Lei, Wei Tang, and Xi Qi. Following a fatal accident, a Chinese expatriate working for a mining company in Australia discovers that new technology developed by the company may be a health runtime: 134 min. Ku Ku De Zhui Xun Mang Mang Ran Shi. &ref(,0,148,216_AL_.jpg)
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The whistleblower download movie watch. The few times youtube recommendation gets it all these years i finally found this sweet song. My memories just flew back... ?. For anyone who remembers this was the "magnum opus" I spoke of Generation Loss PART 1: THE TAPE ORGIA LANE - AFTERNOON Bert Kilbert is walking home from school when he sees something sticking out of someone’s trash bin, a green VHS that says “Dcrpyt” and a string of numbers. BERT Huh, free VHS. - AFTERNOON BERT Let’s pop this baby in - AFTERNOON The VHS makes a loud grinding noise before starting up. - NOON, ROOM A room is shown with 2 people, who are both one guy wearing a wig or hat LAURA Well everyone, I think we’ve got everything! STEVE Ha! Yeah Laura I bet we do! LAURA Yeah Steve! STEVE Alright Laura, It’s time to talk to our fans! LAURA Yeah Steve! It is! STEVE Hi Everybody! An Empty room is shown STEVE Well! I guess no one’s here today, that’s a shame today’s episode was really good! LAURA OH Darn! STEVE Darn Indeed LAURA Well Steve we can still do it without the audience STEVE We sure can Laura! LAURA So Steve what was it? STEVE Well Laura it’s about being good! LAURA What do you mean by being good Steve? STEVE I mean being a good citizen Laura! LAURA Like how Steven? STEVE Like removing of trash Lauren! LAURA Wow Stephen! Do you have any other examples? STEVE Yeah Laurei! I do! LAURA Okay Stevie let’s see them! STEVE Okay Lahren! Twp blobs appear on a screen, one red one blue. RORY RED Hi Bobby Blue! BOBBY BLUE Hi Rory Red! RORY RED I love the park, don't you? BOBBY BLUE Not really, I think it sucks and is a waste of taxpayer money also I strongly dislike flowers and trees and nature because they get in the way of office buildings and other nice things we could put on that land RORY RED I think you’re wrong Bobby Blue, the park is a wonderful place BOBBY BLUE Here’s what I think of your crappy park! Bobby Blue throws a can on the ground. RORY RED Bobby Blue! How dare you! Trash can’t be left here! Come with me! BOBBY BLUE What do you mean? URTHOUSE RORY RED Hi Judge Jade! JUDGE JADE Hi Rory Red! BOBBY BLUE Hi Judge Jade! JUDGE JADE SILENCE WRONGDOER. SCUM LIKE YOU BELONGS IN OUR PRISONS AND OFF THE STREETS WHERE COLORS OF ALL COLORS CAN BE SAFE AND SECURE FROM LITTER, LIKE YOU BOBBY BLUE. YOU. ARE. LITTER. BOBBY BLUE Wow Judge Jade that’s awfully harsh JUDGE JADE 200 MILLENIUM IN PRISON. NO PAROLE. URTROOM Two spheres donned in police outfits come out from behind two sets of doors on either side of the judges booth BOBBY BLUE SCREEEEEEE! URTROOM Bobby Blue is dragged away RORY RED Well kids I think we learned an important lesson today! Litter needs to be removed of. The can is still in the park, as no one picked it up. Credits roll all attributed to a Dr. Wês goed - NIGHT, ROOM Laura and Steve have both switched places, and are both upside down, but neither seems to notice the difference and go on as they would have otherwise STEVE Wow Laura! What a cartoon! I learned so much LAURA Me too Steve! STEVE Well kiddos looks like our time is almost up, anything else to say Laura? LAURA Nothing Steve! - NIGHT, ROOM Every light in the room goes out at once LAURA The day will come one day. STEVE The day will come one day - NIGHT, ROOM The two repeat this over and over while credits roll, all with the same name Wês goed The credits stop at a website titled - AFTERNOON BERT What. In. God’s. Name. I need to tell Diesel - AFTERNOON Bert grabs his phone and calls his friend Diesel DIESEL AYYYY Bert what’s up? BERT No time for formalities, I’ve seen the most surreal thing. DIESEL Cool. BERT It’s a VHS DIESEL Neat. BERT What? DIESEL What? BERT You seem mad DIESEL Mad? No who’s mad BERT You’re mad. What’s wrong? DIESEL You missed my dance recital! BERT What dance recital DIESEL Wait no, that was my sister’s dance recital that I missed. Ha, anyway what’s up? BERT It’s a VHS, Everything about it’s just off. DIESEL Define off BERT It’s green, made a loud grinding noise when I put it in, and from it’s contents looks like it belongs to some sort of science cult. DIESEL That’s weird, but from what you described I think it’s a fake designed to give a quick scare. Where’d you find it? BERT Trash. DIESEL Digging in the trash? God. Yeah it’s probably fake. BERT Yeah, but it just felt. Real. DIESEL Real how? BERT There was a website at the end, but it didn’t look like your average website there wasn’t a or a or anything like that, it was DIESEL Oh. BERT Oh what? DIESEL Nothing I’ll tell you later, anyway let’s play some xbox or something BERT Yeah, that’ll get my mind off of this weird fiasco. DIESEL Yeah, okay see you on Live. BERT Yep. - AFTERNOON Bert hangs up the phone and grabs his xbox controller BERT REEEEEEEE! BERT Oh god I’m gonna be sick - AFTERNOON Nothing is wrong he just can’t grab the controller without feeling sick BERT Must. Play. Xbo- No. No. I’m going to do my homework BERT No, what? Why would I? BERT Why shouldn’t I? BERT Because, I always blow off homework until it’s too late. BERT I should really stop doing that BERT Nah, It’s more fun to procrastinate, I like the rush BERT Oh my god I’m talking to myself BERT This isn’t like me at all - LATE AFTERNOON A doorbell goes off, Bert opens the door DIESEL Oh Bert, I thought you were like dead or something BERT What do you mean? We just finished talking DIESEL No, that was like 2 hours ago, you never went on Live so I got concerned so I came here BERT Okay creep, anyway check out that VHS tape I was talking about - LATE AFTERNOON Bert starts up his VCR, static is displayed on the screen DIESEL It’s a blank tape. Cool. BERT No what, it was like this weird brainwashing looking video. DIESEL Yeah sure. - LATE AFTERNOON Bert walks up to and the VCR and yells in it BERT LAURA!? STEVE!? BOBBY BLUE!? HELLO!? BERT I swear, it was weird the house it looked like my living room, and there were two people and- and they kept talking to each other using each other’s names and there was a cartoon! And- And it was surreal! And Litter! And there was a web- that’s it! There was a website! DIESEL Oh yeah, what was it? BERT It was, DIESEL A BERT Yeah, what’s a DIESEL The deep web BERT How do we get to it? DIESEL Where’s your computer? BERT Just in my room DIESEL Let’s go! We have some sleuthing rabbit hole nonsense to explore! BERT Alright! DROOM - LATE AFTERNOON DIESEL Games folder, apps folder, homework folder, ah! Here it is! Internet browser, Just download TOR BERT On it. DIESEL So, from the start tell me about everything about the tape BERT Alright, so first there was this grinding noise, then a quick few flashes of light, then a video where a guy dressed as a man and a woman talked about, well nothing really he just sort of rambled on and on about nonsense saying their names over and over. Then a cartoon about litter started, where every character was a ball with their name corresponding to a color. Finally it cut back to the two, upside down but they didn’t seem to notice they were upside down. DIESEL That’s it? BERT No, No there’s more. The room went dark and the two repeated “The Day Will Come One Day” over and over while credits rolled all attributed to a Wes Goed. And of course his website at the end. DIESEL That’s surreal to say the least but, there was no grinding sound the second time we popped it in BERT Right indeed, Hey why don’t we test some tapes while this downloads to see if it’s the VCR or the tape. DIESEL Sure, why not ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON The duo pop tape after tape in, each making the same mechanical sound before starting up, but never making the sound upon a second load up BERT Maybe it’s something inside of it? DIESEL I dunno, open it. ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON The two open the VCR. DIESEL All looks well, except for, ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON Diesel pulls out some sort of small machine that embedded itself to the VCR DIESEL There’s some sort of projector on it, also a scanner and some sort of memory card, hey Bert, go grab a vhs we haven’t used yet I’m going to put this back in. BERT Get it yourself DIESEL Fine. ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON Diesel grabs two VHS’ one they used and one they didn’t DIESEL If my theory is correct this thing is projecting something onto the tapes, checking them to see if it’s already on the tapes and then… BERT Then what? DIESEL That’s just it. I’m not sure. BERT Find the memory card and call up the others. DIESEL What are you going to do? BERT Look for this onion site. - AFTERNOON The mouse moves around the screen before clicking the search bar and typing in the website “” A website loads, with one link “manifesto” the mouse clicks and then clicks print before the screen goes black. A document can be heard printing from the printer ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON BERT Alright everyone, Diesel and I have gathered all of you here to show you something that will shock and disturb you. BRADLEE And what is it? STEVE Yeah what is it? BERT Would you let me finish? BRADLEE Okay BERT I’m done STEVE Done with what? BERT Talking STEVE Oh, cool. BERT Anyway, here’s a manifesto I found from the website that was mentioned at the end. BRADLEE The end of what? BERT THe VHS tape I found in a dumpster BRADLEE How do we know it’s legit BERT I can’t prove it is, because the tape blanked itself, but you’re just going to have to believe me. BRADLEE Like when I had to believe that you “would feed my dog for a week” and then he died and you said “he fell down a manhole” and I “had to believe you” BERT This is different. BRADLEE Fine, but this isn’t over. BERT Alright, it reads as follows… PART 2: THE MANIFESTO OF DR. WÊS GOED WÊS GOED Hello dear reader, my name is Wes Goed, If you’re reading this it’s highly likely you watched a surreal VHS tape, if not congratulations you can stop reading. In any case you’re probably wondering what you’ve j
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The whistleblower download movie torrent. Thank you so much yangyang! You are a great teacher... ????. The whistleblower download movies. The whistleblower download movie trailer. Here are my fully detailed notes from the film "The Magnitsky Act ? Behind the Scenes" by Andrei Nekrasov Note the film was banned on Amazon twice and is not in the iTunes store, on YouTube, Vimeo, etc. Bill Browder, his lawyers, and his backers do NOT want you to see it or even know about it. But you need to know about it, see it, understand it, and share it. God Bless America ? Under my notes about the film are additional notes I've compiled in my research about Bill Browder. See this movie and share it with others in America Notes about the film: “The Magnitsky Act ? Behind the Scenes” ? See film at By Andrei Nekrasov, a respected critic of Putin ? he also made film about KGB defector Litvinenko poisoned in London ? All quotes attributed to Bill Browder unless otherwise noted ? Main Theme: $230 Million Theft of Russian Taxes THE MAGNITSKY STORY as told by Bill Browder aka William Felix Browder Managed Largest Western Hedge Fund in Russia ? Hermitage Capital Management “I moved to Moscow in 1996 with great hopes and great dreams” ? “I started the Hermitage Fund in 1996” “I become the largest foreign investor in the country. I had four and a half billion dollars invested in Russia. ” ? Gov’t raid June 4, 2007 led by Investigators Pavel Karpov (32) and Kuznetsov Seized corporate documents and stamps ? Browder stated “No company assets remained” “We didn’t have any assets left in Russia. We sold more than four billion dollars of the stock in 2006. So we immediately went through our list of lawyers in Moscow and called up the smartest lawyer we knew, a young man named Sergei Magnitsky. ” “If there was one person who knew the law backwards and forwards up and down, it was Sergei Magnitsky. ” “This enormous spike in deposits ($230 million) was exactly equal to the amount of taxes that we paid. ” “The police together with organized criminals stole $230 million dollars from their own government. ” Moscow October 7, 2008 Sergei Testified / Reported the Crime Moscow November 24, 2008 Sergei’s house searched and put in pre-trial detention / Tortured him / He filed over 400 complaints Moscow December 2008 transferred Sergei to a cell with no window panes “He went into critical condition on the night of November 16th” (2009) ? “He was yelling that someone was trying to kill him. ” “They put him in an isolation cell for one hour and eighteen minutes, with a doctor outside the door until he died. He was 37 years old. ” ? “He went into prison as a normal middle class tax lawyer. ” ? Sergei Magnitsky on November 16, 2009 Found dead in a cell in Butyrskaya Prison in Moscow at 37 years old (or 36? ) ? He was a pre-trial detention inmate ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Mr. Browder US Government Testimony: “They put him in an isolation cell, chained him to a bed, and allowed eight riot guards with rubber batons to beat him for one hour and eighteen minutes until he died. ” ? Why the different story? Which is true? Is either? Nekrasov notes trying to understand what really happened ? Eight guards would not actually fit in cell ? Only body marks were in wrists and hands and knuckles ? Magnitsky’s lawyer Alitonov said he was beating the door with force ? Russian media reported about a 100 human rights report citing that Magnitsky may have been beaten (in video only the one page of his wrists are repeatedly shown). “It looked like a PowerPoint presentation from Mr. Browder’s website” ? Nekrasov In USA meanwhile Browder successfully lobbied for two new laws to be passed known as The Magnitsky Act Magnitsky Sanction Listings 04/12/2013 Office of Foreign Assets Control ? Senator Benjamin Cardin, D. Maryland ? Senator John McCain, R. Arizona ? Congressman McGovern President Obama signed first Magnitsky Act in December 2012 ? In it’s justification, the law cites a July 6, 2011 Human Rights Council report from Russian President Dimitry Medvedev (was actually from Browder’s presentation as shared by human rights activists from) Magnitsky’s mother Nataliya Magnitskaya says in an interview with Nekrasov at Browder’s London office that “Specifically, Ms. Gaus bears responsibility. Yes. Sergei was alone. They just locked him up. Contrary to the instructions saying there must be a guard, if not a paramedic, next to an inmate in a state of psychosis; because he might harm himself, or pass out. The doctor did nothing to help him. ” “Well, at first there was a document saying that handcuffs and batons had been used, then they said it was a mistake, some wrong report form was filled in, and there were no batons. ” “Nor was a beating a cause of death. The cause is the heart attack, it says. ” ? Cited possible complications from diabetes “Did they try to kill him? I can’t say that. ” ? She blamed doctor’s negligence and illness, not beating. “He wasn’t a lawyer. He was an accountant. ” ? Magnitsky close associate (female friend) at Browder book signing in London July 14, 2010 in London Russian Police Investigator Pavel Karpov (32) sued Bill Browder’s Hermitage Capital for libel Mr. Magnitsky’s former boss Jamison Firestone (Firestone / Dupont? ) ? Case was dismissed as Karpov had no reputation to be tarnished in London Interview in Moscow with Pavel Karpov ? Claimed Magnitsky never accused him of anything, no signed documents ? Showed he bought Moscow flat in 2004/2005, not 2008 as Browder claimed ? Car bought in 2006 on a credit loan 2 small plots of land in 2007 ? Browder also claimed Karpov’s salary was way off $6K a month, not year as per Browder ? Originally investigated Browder’s company Kamea for tax evasion in 2004 Magnitsky’s Testimony was falsified in English “Translation” on the Browder provided website: ? Russian original shows completely otherwise / Don’t even mention Karpov, certainly does not implicate him or any police Magnitsky Testimony Documents as shared by Browder’s company: (screen captures saved and all documents downloaded) Council of Europe / Parliamentary Assembly Marie Louisa Beck / Marie Beck (Germany) ? Her advisor was Maria Sannikova-Frank Refers to Parliamentary Assembly Report by Andreas Gross and Mr. Schirmer “with the help of Browder” ? Gross “We always had to use the translations of the Browder office, as I don’t speak Russian. ” ? Gross “The documents we got, these kinds of documents all come from Browder’s sources. ” ? Gross “They didn’t have the intention to kill him… they didn’t take care enough. ” ? Gross Actual Newspaper Reports Published Prior to Magnitsky’s documents clearly discuss the $232 million dollar theft ? Witness cited in April 2008 Rimma Mikhailovna Starova Look at on WayBackMachine for October 16, 2008 Press Release from September 16, 2008 ? Injunction against Boily Systems Limited in British Virgin Islands to protect HSBC and Hermitage Fund from Russian Fraud | Court Filings July 11, 2008 “April 2008: Ms. Starova files a criminal complaint with the Russian Interior Ministry in Kazan falsely accusing representatives of HSBC’s companies of the theft of state funds. ” + HSBC is Europe’s Biggest Bank Rimma Starova became a figurehead of Browder’s companies after the were used to return $232 million in the tax rebate fraud Title: Chief Executive of Makhaon, Parfenion & Rilend ? She reported the scam, breaking the rules + This report disappeared from the Hermitage website in March 2009 ? When the Magnitsky whistleblower story began to appear Browder gets questions by film maker and in frustration shows his hand with a warning and intimidation tactic: “I’d be really careful about going out and trying to do a whole sort of thing about Sergei not being the whistleblower because it’s not gonna do well for your credibility on this show. ” NEKRASOV INVESTIGATION LATE IN FILM ? Police search was part of an investigation dated May 28, 2007 into tax evasion of Kamea ? sold $498 Billion in shares and took profit out of country ? but they underpaid taxes by $49. 8 million, illegally abusing a tax reduction scheme ? October 2, 2004, Browder’s two other companies in Russia were under investigation for “forgery of a document issues by the minister of investment policies” ? Caught Browder in lies about the police raid on Heritage officers, there were actually not machine guns or violence involved and no injuries as claimed ? No original documents were actually required to re-register of a company ? only an owner or their representative could actually do it. Magnitsky mentioned “Power of Attorney” and it was actually signed by Gasanov (mafia’s middle man) representing Glendora Holdings Ltd. (owned by Browder and HSBC). When questioned by police, Magnitsky said Gasanov’s power of attorney were not valid. In 2009, the court ruled that the powers of attorney were legitimate ? thus leading to a conclusion that Browder must have been involved. ? Browder’s companies were shell companies ? Gasanov mysteriously died shortly after the transfer of companies was complete, as did a figure head owner of one of the companies, and an honor of one of the banks involved. ? Viktor Markelov was a figurehead owner of one of these shell companies who survived because he was arrested, served his term, and then went into hiding. In his testimony, he names Browder’s business partners Khairetdinov and Kleiner as involved in the re-registration. He also stated he had seen Gasanov with Sergei Magnitsky (Leonidovich). [While being questioned by police, when Magnitsky was questioned about knowing Gasanov, he refused to answer citing his right to silence) ? This is evidence Browder’s associates were directly involved in the re-registration (what Browder referred to as “stealing”) of his companies in Russia ? Magnitsky was an accountant working fo
Lyrics and English Translation 我听?你的声音 / wǒ tīng jiàn nǐ de shēng yīn I hear your voice 有?特?的感? / yǒu zhǒng tè bié de gǎn jué Have a special kind of feeling ?我不断想 / ràng wǒ bù duàn xiǎng Makes me constantly miss (you) 不敢再忘?你 / bù gǎn zài wàng jì nǐ (I) dont dare forget you again 我?得有一个人 / wǒ jì de yǒu yī gè rén I remember theres one person 永?留在我心中 / yǒng yuǎn liú zài wǒ xīn zhōng (who) forever stays in my heart 哪怕只能???的想你 / nǎ pà zhǐ néng gòu zhè yang de xiǎng nǐ Even still all (Im) able to do is miss you like this 如果真的有一天 / rú guǒ zhēn de yǒu yī tiān If really theres a day ?情理想会?? / ài qíng lǐ xiǎng huì shí xiàn (when) ideal romance is achieved 我会加倍努力好好?你 / Wǒ huì jiā bèi nǔ lì hǎo hǎo duì nǐ I will doubly strive to be good to you 永?不改? / yǒng yuǎn bù gǎi biàn Forever not changing 不管路有多?? / bù guǎn lù yǒu duō me yuǎn No matter the road is however far 一定会?它?? / yī dìng huì ràng tā shí xiàn (I) will definitely make it happen 我会??在你耳? / wǒ huì qīng qīng zài nǐ ěr biān I will softly beside your ear ?你?,?你? / duì nǐ shuō, duì nǐ shuō Say to you, say to you Chorus: 我?你,?着你 / wǒ ài nǐ, ài zhe nǐ I love you, loving you 就象老鼠?大米 / jiù xiàng lǎo shǔ ài dà mǐ Just like a mouse loves rice 不管有多少?雨 / bù guǎn yǒu duō shǎo fēng yǔ No matter there is how much wind and rain 我都会依然陪着你 / wǒ dōu huì yī rán péi zhe nǐ I will still as before be there with you 我想你,想着你 / wǒ xiǎng nǐ, xiǎng zhe nǐ I miss you, missing you 不管有多?的苦 / bù guǎn yǒu duō me de kǔ No matter its however bitter 只要能?你?心 / zhǐ yào néng ràng nǐ kāi xīn So long as (Im) able to make you feel happy 我什?都愿意 / wǒ shén me dōu yuàn yì Im willing to do anything ???你 / zhè yang ài nǐ This way love you.
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