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Directors - Chris Sinclair. release Year - 2020. Description - The film follows Dave, Karen, and their three young children, as they venture into war zones where they are fighting to bring hope. Viewers will follow the family into firefights, heroic rescues, and experience life-changing ministry. &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) Free burma rangers twitter. Free burma rangers rescue girl. That takes some serious testes to do. and soldiers do this shit every day.

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Free burma rangers movie release date. Free burma rangers youtube. TIL Bill Gates released some mosquito's in an auditorium during a TED speech, "So, not only poor people got to enjoy the experience. " comments todayilearned TIL Al Capone ran a soup kitchen during the Great Depression comments todayilearned TIL Genghis Khan exempted the poor and clergy from taxes, encouraged literacy, and established free religion, leading many peoples to join his empire before they were even conquered. dayilearned comments todayilearned TIL that in 1984, due to the complaints of the gore in "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom" and "Gremlins", Steven Spielberg requested that the MPAA create a new category, called PG13, for movies that have too much adult content to be rated PG, but not enough to be rated R. comments todayilearned TIL that the dress Marilyn Monroe wore on the night she sang Happy Birthday, Mr. President was so tight she had to be sewn into it. comments todayilearned TIL consumption of red meat is not linked to heart disease, only consumption of processed meat is comments todayilearned TIL that transparent aluminum isn't just science fiction. comments todayilearned TIL the face of some CPR dummys still in use today belonged to a young lady who commited suicide by drowning. A deathmask was casted by a corener because she was so beautiful. Then a sad toymaker whos son drowned uses her deathmask to create the 1st CPR dummy. dayilearned comments todayilearned TIL Windows included Solitaire in Windows to teach people how to drag and drop. comments todayilearned TIL "Whiskey" is a Gaelic word meaning "water of life. " comments todayilearned TIL Nolan Ryan's last pitch was thrown after tearing a ligament in his arm and was still 98 mph. comments todayilearned TIL hiccuping may be an evolutionary remnant of early amphibian respiration. Amphibians such as tadpoles gulp air and water across their gills via a rather simple motor reflex akin to mammalian hiccuping. comments todayilearned nsfw TIL Sabrina Johnson -In 2000 she attempted to break the world gangbang record, by reportedly having sex 2000 times during a two-day event named Gangbang 2000, held on 28 and 29 December in Belgiumt comments todayilearned TIL Nestle had to pay a guy almost $16M for using his likeness for 16 years without permission. comments todayilearned TIL that not a single person accused of being a witch during the Salem Witch Trials was executed by being burned at the stake. Most were executed by hanging, and many others died in jail. comments todayilearned TIL Learned tears have different chemical compositions depending on the emotion you feel comments todayilearned TIL that a healthy child was born after the body of its brain dead mother was kept alive for 107 days comments todayilearned TIL that one cannot name a star after oneself in exchange for cash and that all such commercial companies which offer to name stars after people are in fact scams. comments todayilearned TIL Playstation 3's are being used to research black holes comments todayilearned TIL That Douglas Adams came up with the idea for Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy while laying drunk in the middle of a field in Europe. comments todayilearned TIL Gillette Mach 3 blades cost only about 9 CENTS to produce but sell for about $2 USD each. dayilearned comments todayilearned TIL that the Box Jellyfish has a 360 degree view of its environment and uses four parallel brains to process images. comments todayilearned TIL Weird Al Yankovic was the valedictorian of his high school comments todayilearned TIL The Family, an American Christian evangelical group, lead the passage of Uganda's "Kill the Gays" Bill comments todayilearned TIL On March 11, 1958 a B-47E bomber was transporting an atomic bomb from Savannah, Georgia, to England when it accidently dropped the Nuclear warhead on the state of South nuclear weapons don't detonate on impact no one was hurt. comments todayilearned TIL Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother's Day, spent her whole life savings and was even arrested in 1948 while protesting the commercialization of the holiday. comments todayilearned TIL Anderson Cooper got his start in journalism by entering Burma on his own with a forged press pass, selling homemade segments to the youth-oriented program Channel One News. comments todayilearned TIL that William Sealy Gosset revolutionized modern Statistics as a result of attempting to produce quality Guiness Stout. Leave it to Irishmen to be serious about beer. comments todayilearned TIL that red peppers are simply ripened green peppers. comments todayilearned TIL that Johnny Cash's "A Boy Named Sue" was written by Shel Silverstein. comments todayilearned TIL that when Nirvana performed "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Territorial Pissings" on SNL, the band trashed their instruments during the later song, and ended the show by making out with each other on stage. (Not broadcasted) comments todayilearned TIL there are ATMs in Antarctica comments todayilearned.
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" comments todayilearned TIL that in 1984, due to the complaints of the gore in "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom" and "Gremlins", Steven Spielberg requested that the MPAA create a new category, called PG13, for movies that have too much adult content to be rated PG, but not enough to be rated R. comments todayilearned TIL Al Capone ran a soup kitchen during the Great Depression comments todayilearned TIL that transparent aluminum isn't just science fiction. comments todayilearned TIL Windows included Solitaire in Windows to teach people how to drag and drop. comments todayilearned TIL the face of some CPR dummys still in use today belonged to a young lady who commited suicide by drowning. A deathmask was casted by a corener because she was so beautiful. Then a sad toymaker whos son drowned uses her deathmask to create the 1st CPR dummy. dayilearned comments todayilearned TIL that the dress Marilyn Monroe wore on the night she sang Happy Birthday, Mr. President was so tight she had to be sewn into it. comments todayilearned TIL "Whiskey" is a Gaelic word meaning "water of life. " comments todayilearned TIL consumption of red meat is not linked to heart disease, only consumption of processed meat is comments todayilearned TIL a baboon in Cape Town South Africa was put to death via lethal injection in 2011 after breaking into countless cars with his gang. He had been shot over 50 times prior to his capture. comments todayilearned TIL Nolan Ryan's last pitch was thrown after tearing a ligament in his arm and was still 98 mph. comments todayilearned TIL hiccuping may be an evolutionary remnant of early amphibian respiration. Amphibians such as tadpoles gulp air and water across their gills via a rather simple motor reflex akin to mammalian hiccuping. comments todayilearned TIL that one cannot name a star after oneself in exchange for cash and that all such commercial companies which offer to name stars after people are in fact scams. comments todayilearned TIL that not a single person accused of being a witch during the Salem Witch Trials was executed by being burned at the stake. Most were executed by hanging, and many others died in jail. comments todayilearned TIL Genghis Khan exempted the poor and clergy from taxes, encouraged literacy, and established free religion, leading many peoples to join his empire before they were even conquered. dayilearned comments todayilearned TIL that a healthy child was born after the body of its brain dead mother was kept alive for 107 days comments todayilearned TIL Playstation 3's are being used to research black holes comments todayilearned TIL Learned tears have different chemical compositions depending on the emotion you feel comments todayilearned TIL Nestle had to pay a guy almost $16M for using his likeness for 16 years without permission. comments todayilearned TIL Gillette Mach 3 blades cost only about 9 CENTS to produce but sell for about $2 USD each. dayilearned comments todayilearned TIL That Douglas Adams came up with the idea for Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy while laying drunk in the middle of a field in Europe. comments todayilearned TIL Weird Al Yankovic was the valedictorian of his high school comments todayilearned nsfw TIL Sabrina Johnson -In 2000 she attempted to break the world gangbang record, by reportedly having sex 2000 times during a two-day event named Gangbang 2000, held on 28 and 29 December in Belgiumt comments todayilearned TIL The Family, an American Christian evangelical group, lead the passage of Uganda's "Kill the Gays" Bill comments todayilearned TIL Anderson Cooper got his start in journalism by entering Burma on his own with a forged press pass, selling homemade segments to the youth-oriented program Channel One News. comments todayilearned TIL that red peppers are simply ripened green peppers. comments todayilearned TIL there is a website that tells you if it's dark outside. comments todayilearned TIL Anna Jarvis, the founder of Mother's Day, spent her whole life savings and was even arrested in 1948 while protesting the commercialization of the holiday. comments todayilearned TIL that when Nirvana performed "Smells Like Teen Spirit" and "Territorial Pissings" on SNL, the band trashed their instruments during the later song, and ended the show by making out with each other on stage. (Not broadcasted) comments todayilearned TIL that William Sealy Gosset revolutionized modern Statistics as a result of attempting to produce quality Guiness Stout. Leave it to Irishmen to be serious about beer. comments todayilearned TIL there are ATMs in Antarctica comments todayilearned TIL There's a syndrome called Angelman's Syndrome. Symptoms include frequent laughter/smiling; apparent happy demeanor; easily excitable personality. Also called happy puppet Farrels son has affected children have good general health and live a normal lifespan. comments todayilearned.
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  1. Creator: Cindy Navarro
  2. Resume: Follower of Jesus Christ! Social Media Manager Christian Media Reviewer









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