Never Rarely Sometimes Always
3.1 out of 5 stars - 284 votes

Never Rarely Sometimes Always Part 1



Casts Ryan Eggold. country USA. genres Drama. Rating 54 vote. Average Ratings 8,1 / 10. 1H 41minutes. Never or rarely do exciting new directors arrive with such a seemingly quiet film. Never Rarely Sometimes Always looks like many of its peers on the surface: brief, cast with mostly new or first-time actors, and ostensibly small in scope. All of these factors belie how monumental the film truly can be. Writer-director Eliza Hittman has crafted a simple story with alarming relevance: Sidney Flanigan plays Autumn, a 17 year-old Pennsylvania native who takes an impromptu trip to New York in order to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Joining her is Skylar ( Talia Rider), her cousin and coworker who’s just as out-of-her-depth on this as Autumn is. The plot complicates and twists the two girls’ journey in admittedly predictable ways, but the central performances more than make up for some of the film’s more uninspired turns. Hittman has done the seemingly unthinkable and cast actors who actually look and talk like normal people ? Flanigan in particular steals the show by suggesting meaningful degrees of interiority through powerful moments of silence. Along the way, Hittman has perhaps neglected her supporting cast somewhat by giving them roles that, by their nature, are a bit one-note. Théodore Pellerin is particularly disappointing as Jasper, an uninteresting young man the two girls meet whose arc is out-of-place in its simplicity. Though their time onscreen is briefer, Ryan Eggold and indie music star Sharon Van Etten do great work as Autumn’s parents, giving the audience a full view of what Autumn’s home life is like in just a few moments of the film’s runtime. Perhaps the most notable element is Hélène Louvart ‘s camerawork. Louvart seems to have created a certain kind of closeup that gives the audience full view of Flanigan’s expressions without feeling claustrophobic in its proximity. Only through Louvart’s camerawork is Flanigan’s inner life implied, and the artistry of suggestion is rarely used as effectively as it is here. I walked away from Never Rarely Sometimes Always initially wishing for a bit more complexity, some greater conflict between its two stars, or perhaps greater degrees of expression on the part of Flanigan. What makes the film brilliant is that the audience is denied these things ? we’re greeted with a story of a young woman having to go through an experience that is complex in all the wrong ways, a story that is happening all over the world at this very moment. We have to take the reality of what we’re seeing at face value because it is just that: reality.
Definitely need more! Love this story.

Never Rarely Sometimes Always

I love this series! I'm dying to see what's next! Excellent work all around. Jenifa. Sege. ????????. “her last words were fed~ and then she felt dead~” OMG IM DYING LMFAOOO HAHAHA. I trust albert and i dont think he has balls that big - scarra 2019.

I find this pretty interesting, it's new to me

Never Rarely Sometimes Always downloads. Never Rarely Sometimes Always download ebook. Never rarely sometimes always downloading. Never Rarely Sometimes Always downloaded. Never Rarely Sometimes Always download page. YUHHHHHH. Never Rarely Sometimes Always download free. Never Rarely Sometimes Always Bandes-annonces Casting Critiques spectateurs Critiques presse Photos VOD Blu-Ray, DVD noter: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Envie de voir Rédiger ma critique Synopsis et détails Deux adolescentes, Autumn et sa cousine Skylar, résident au sein d'une zone rurale de Pennsylvanie. Autumn doit faire face à une grossesse non désirée. Ne bénéficiant d'aucun soutien de la part de sa famille et de la communauté locale, les deux jeunes femmes se lancent dans un périple semé d'embûches jusqu'à New York. Distributeur - Récompense 1 prix Voir les infos techniques Acteurs et actrices Casting complet et équipe technique Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer... Voir plus de films similaires Commentaires.
Amy Adams is so beautiful and so talented. Never rarely sometimes always downloaded. Never rarely sometimes always download free. 0:03 looks like a shot straight out of The Dark Knight. Never rarely sometimes always download mp3.

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Finally something different from the major studios, this looks promising, and that cast is insane. I would go see it.
  • Coauthor: Jean Lortie
  • Bio: Love movies (go to Sundance, MTL Fantasia,SDCC),Twin Peaks, Watchmen, Legion,Breaking Bad, Fringe,Fargo,GOT, BSG. HABS & Springsteen. Love foreign cinema/TV.









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