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Proxy legal definition of proxy

PROXY. A person, appointed in the place of another, to represent him. 2. In the ecclesiastical law, a judicial proctor, or one who is appointed to manage another man's law concerns, is called a proxy. Ayl. Parerg. 3. The instrument by which a person is appointed so to act, is likewise called a proxy. Search Legal Terms and Definitions. Latin for "as a matter of form, the phrase refers to co. Latin for "this time only, the phra. Latin for "for himself. A party to a lawsuit wh. Example: a jud. Thus, testimony. These include. A court order forbidding an act. Clicking search results means leaving the protection of This could lead to a barrage of cookies being installed on your device. Thats why we developed the "Anonymous View" feature. With "Anonymous View" you can visit search results in full privacy, and.
Proxies and Proxy Servers. Proxy comes from a contracted form of the Middle English word procuracie (meaning “procuration”. A proxy may refer to a person who is authorized to act for another or it may designate the function or authority of serving in anothers stead. In the latter sense, it generally is preceded by the word by (“vote by proxy”.









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