Contagion Full Length DVDRIP Full Movie Thriller genre

Movie Info - Healthcare professionals, government officials and everyday people find themselves in the midst of a pandemic as the CDC works to find a cure
Runtime - 1h, 46 min score - 260135 votes Tomatometer - 7 / 10
United Arab Emirates
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Zaraza sa prevodom. Zaraza russian. Zaraza elvira. I had high hopes as did many for this movie, it started brightly enough and then I spent the rest of the movie waiting for something to happen that would be thought provoking or exiting but it never came, the movie is shot beautifully and the characters all play the roles well but the story meanders from one plot to another with none of them being a main focal point the movie just seems to get lost,there are no conclusions to any of the possible stories, then it just seems to end? possible power struggles are left unexplored, the small man against the government where the small man just gives up? even the hunt for the elusive vaccine is given only a token scene, the young love against a fathers wishes where the teenagers listen and stay apart? if you want an exiting movie in the this genre then watch The Andromeda Strain or Outbreak if you want a movie with no definitive purpose with lots of sub plots that never go anywhere(but why would you) then watch this.
Zara zara.
Zara zara bahekta hai lyrics. Zarządzania.

Zaraza znaczenie. Zaraza coniac. Zarazapan. Zaraza 2011.

Director Steven Soderbergh has gathered a cast of big name actors to do this scattered storyline virus movie. There is no doubt that these are brilliant actors, and Soderbergh has great skills who has done multi-storyline movies. However in this case, the people die off and we can't built any emotional attachments to the characters.
Soderbergh does inject a sense of realism in this movie with the exception of the conspiracy blogger Alan Krumwiede (Jude Law. The realism has its own sense of thrilling suspense, but none of it is memorable other than an overall sense of dread. Maybe it's a little too much matter of fact.









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