57 When Harry Met Sally...

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Carrie Fisher Directors Rob Reiner Runtime 1 hour, 35min movie info Harry and Sally have known each other for years, and are very good friends, but they fear sex would ruin the friendship genre Romance, Drama Rating 183005 Votes. CLASSIC! God I wish they made movies like this now a days <3. Harry sally love interest. So whats this movie about? I know of it but Ive never actually seen it. By the time Harry Connick Jr is crooning away at the end of When Harry Met Sally..., we all know that the film’s title characters are perfect for each other. But what else do we know about them? The answer is: not much. We know that Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) takes an hour and a half to order a sandwich, and that Harry Burns (Billy Crystal) rates Mallomars as “the greatest cookie of all time”, but we don’t know if they have any brothers or sisters, for instance, or if their parents are alive. We don’t know if they were bullied at school, or if they enjoy their jobs, or what their plans are for the future. We don’t know where they stand on the political issues of the day. And yet those omissions are one key reason why When Harry Met Sally... is still regarded as one of the finest romantic comedies ever made, 30 years on from its release in 1989. More like this: - Ten films to watch this July - The films that defined Generation X - What Alien can tell us about office life There are plenty of other reasons, admittedly, from the sublime dialogue to the flawless performances, from the finger-clicking music to the mouth-watering Big Apple cinematography. But the film’s true innovation is the way its director, Rob Reiner, and screenwriter, Nora Ephron, strip away the characters’ biographical details, just as they clear away all the obstacles on their path to happiness. Everything is removed from the film except Harry and Sally’s attitudes towards love, sex, friendship and each other. The result is a romantic comedy distilled to its essence: it has romance and it has comedy, and it has nothing else. Its candour about everything from post-coital hugs to faked orgasms was revolutionary It’s such a simple tactic, with such a delightful outcome, that it is easy to forget how bold and unusual it was. But it is far less easy to think of a romcom with anything like the same undiluted purity. Take a look at those being made around the same time, and you’ll see a fire chief with an inhumanly long nose (Roxanne), a stockbroker who steals her boss’s identity (Working Girl), a widow who is smitten by her fiancé’s angry one-handed brother (Moonstruck), and a fruit-and-veg wholesaler who is smitten with a mermaid (Splash). Take a look at When Harry Met Sally... and you’ll see some universal truths about being single and falling in love. It is so devoted to male-female relationships, to the exclusion of all else, that its working title was simply ‘Boy Meets Girl’. “The whole idea behind this film was to really examine how men and women bump up against each other during the dating dance that they do, ” says Reiner in the director’s commentary. “When we originally thought of this film, it was just going to be men and women talking about men and women, and that dance that happens before you finally wind up with each other. ” The idea occurred to Reiner because his first marriage (to actor-director Penny Marshall) had ended, and he had returned reluctantly to bachelor life. He and his friend Andrew Scheinman told Ephron all about their experiences, Ephron added the female perspective, and she turned their confessional conversations into a screenplay which was then made even better by Crystal’s improvisations. The big question on the posters was: “Can men and women be friends, or does sex always get in the way? ” But that was just one of the topics the film broached. And in the days before people used the internet to share their most intimate affairs with the world, its candour about everything from post-coital hugs to faked orgasms was revolutionary. “The only way the movie would work, ” says Reiner, “was if we really exposed what men and women really felt and really thought about. ” Several times, the film acknowledges that it is leaving out everything except those thoughts and feelings. At the beginning, Harry and Sally are two strangers who have graduated from Chicago University. They drive to New York together in Sally’s car, and because they’ve got 18 hours to kill, Harry says to her: “Why don’t you tell me the story of your life? ” In a more conventional film, that would be Sally’s cue to recite a heart-warming childhood anecdote about a family pet. But in When Harry Met Sally... she changes the subject. ‘We get to see them grow up’ Years later, Harry and Sally try to pair each other off with their friends Jess (Bruno Kirby) and Marie (Carrie Fisher). But when they bring up their backgrounds and occupations ? “Harry is from New Jersey. ” “Sally writes for New York magazine. ” ? Jess and Marie couldn’t be less interested. It doesn’t matter what people do or where they are from, the film suggests. What matters is how much they like each other. And that is the issue faced by Harry and Sally themselves. In most romcoms, the prospective lovers are kept apart by living in different cities (Ephron’s own Sleepless in Seattle) or different countries (Four Weddings and a Funeral). They have to deal with a surprise pregnancy (Knocked Up), a cultural gulf (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) or a toweringly stupid magazine article (How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). But once When Harry Met Sally... reaches its present-day section, its hero and heroine are single, living in New York, and getting on well. There is nothing stopping them becoming a couple except their own fears and hang-ups. Why else would Sally spot Harry lurking in a bookshop’s Personal Growth section? His personal growth is the closest thing the film has to a plot. When Harry met Sally… and Seinfeld showed that a comedy didn’t need to have a gimmicky high-concept scenario “So many romantic comedies condense the action into one night or one weekend, “ says Tamar Jeffers McDonald, the author of the BFI Film Classics guide to When Harry Met Sally... “One of the amazing and audacious things about this one is that it gives the characters time to mature and see other people and make their mistakes. Eventually, they’re battle-worn and weary, and they’ve become the people who they actually are. We get to see them grow up. ” In the DVD’s ‘making of’ documentary, Ephron sums it up like this: “There are two traditions of romantic comedy, the Christian tradition and the Jewish tradition. In the Christian tradition, there is a genuine obstacle. In the Jewish tradition pioneered by Woody Allen, the basic obstacle is the neurosis of the male character. ” True enough ? but she and Reiner take this Jewish tradition even further than Allen does?? and apply it to both Harry and Sally. In Annie Hall, for example, Alvy (Allen) loathes California, while Annie (Diane Keaton) wants to move to Los Angeles to pursue her singing career. To some extent the film is a culture-clash comedy concerning the differences between a Jewish Brooklynite and a WASP from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. In When Harry Met Sally..., the differences are far smaller and subtler, and that’s why it is unique. Well, unique on the big screen, anyway. The film premiered in July 1989, in the very same month that Seinfeld debuted on television, and in some ways the romcom and the sitcom are freakishly similar. Both feature a cynical Jewish joker, his platonic (most of the time) female best friend, and his anxious male best friend. And both include discussions of apartment-hunting in Manhattan, the appropriate interval to leave before asking out a divorcée, and, yes, faked orgasms. Together, they showed that a comedy didn’t need to have a gimmicky high-concept scenario. If it was funny and insightful enough, it could focus solely on what it was like to be on the dating scene in New York. On television, this lesson was learnt by the makers of Friends, Sex and the City, How I Met Your Mother, and many more. But in cinema, there have been fewer attempts to imitate When Harry Met Sally..., perhaps because the original gets everything so right. Like Mallomars, it is the greatest of all time. Love film? 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DID YOU BREAK ME AND ROBIN UP. YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I DID. Harry y sally restaurante madrid. From someone that was sexually abused as a child, I loved how they focused on not blaming your self and letting the anger and hatred go. Thats what I had to do and trust me it wasnt easy. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. To an extent this is true. For years I was friends with this person and I had an alterior motive that she would eventually want to start dating me. When she broke up with a guy she had been seeing I really got my hopes up but I think she sensed I wanted to be more than friends and we had a big falling out. Almost all women who I consider friends I would definitely want to be more than friends.
Harry tally. Snap chat sent me here. Lol is it porn snap. Maybe it's about old friends <3 <3 <3. Harry y sally salon. I forever love 'd better go. Shall we. Harry sally chattanooga. I Never turned down volume so fast ?. Harry y sally supply. It's on Netflix for free. The blasted sound kept stopping and started as if it was downloading bit by bit. Sure takes much away from the enjoyment. how do IU get my refund. Happy New Year Only heard story line a little. @thatgirl1269 As a man, i must say you are absolutely right. my long term gf has not had a single male friiend that I approved of or allowed around unless he was gay. and even he/she was suspect! hahahaaa. I readily let her know as well that I don't have any female friends. only women I haven't screwed yet. Any one of them - if they are cute - can get it if circumstances change...
When you're in the living room with your volume turned up high and all of a sudden there is the sound of a very loud orgasm right in front of your family. thanks, video. I just watched this movie this morning, and LOVED IT. I'll have what she's having. Harry y salles. Just recently in nyc and saw a few of the film sites. quite a few have not changed since 1998. My first memory of When Harry Met Sally… is that I wasn’t allowed to watch it. When I think about the film now, I see it as a romance?an inverted one, where love does not come until 12 years after first sight, but a love story nonetheless. But When Harry Met Sally… ’s unwholesome raciness?the faked orgasm, the f-bombs, the woman who meows in the throes of passion?featured prominently in the film’s marketing campaign. So did the film’s central, provocative, deeply heteronormative question: Can men and women ever “just” be friends? And it needed an R rating to answer that question, too! The film glowed with forbidden allure. My parents held the common, irrational conviction that watching sexuality was much worse than watching violence. I somehow saw The Killing Fields before I watched When Harry Met Sally…; if you can’t guess from the title, The Killing Fields is a harrowing movie about genocide in Cambodia. So what I first learned about When Harry Met Sally…, besides its cast, was that Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm in the movie. Someone had to explain the joke to me after an assembly in which a visiting lecturer made a joke about having a When Harry Met Sally… moment to an auditorium full of middle schoolers. (No one laughed. ) I wasn’t entirely sure what an orgasm was, let alone how to fake one. But it seemed like a power move. Now this movie is one of my formative texts, those stories shelved in your brain that gradually become a part of your psychology. It goes without saying that it’s magnificent, a combination of talents at the height of their powers, coupled with filmmaking that treasured its characters, atmosphere, and setting. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal in Katz's Deli, the site of the famously faked orgasm. ©Columbia Pictures/Everett Collection. When Harry Met Sally… is a collection of finely hewn set pieces?nearly all of which pivot around nothing more than a conversation. (Marie with the Rolodex at the Central Park Boathouse! Jess and Harry doing the wave in Giants Stadium after Harry’s divorce! The “wagon wheel, Roy Rogers, garage sale coffee table”! ) I’ve seen it so many times that I don’t watch it so much as remind myself of what happens next, mouthing the dialogue to myself. I realized that I have unconsciously adopted a hairstyle close to Ryan’s in the film, a curly shag with bangs. Writer Nora Ephron and director Rob Reiner used When Harry Met Sally… as a canvas to explore heterosexual partnership, infusing the leads played by Ryan and Billy Crystal with facets of their respective personalities. Ryan was in her first role as Ephron’s muse and stand-in, playing fussiness to the point of painful, adorable tenderness. Crystal was the recipient of Reiner’s projections, creating in Harry a brooding jokester who prefers sports to feelings. The story springs past Harry and Sally’s tortured relationship to explore other characters?notably Carrie Fisher as Marie, Sally’s best friend, who inelegantly falls for Harry’s best friend, Jess, played by Bruno Kirby. The main story is broken up by little interviews with happily married elderly couples. (The dialogue comes from interviews with real-life couples, but actors were hired to perform the lines onscreen. ) It’s an ecstatic survey of marriage, a loving portrait of loving. And though it is candid about sex, the film is barely racy; there’s only one actual sex scene, and it’s not particularly hot. It’s not heaving bosoms and rippling abs; it’s bookish New Yorkers and a dozen-odd old people talking about their love lives. Ephron and Reiner’s love language pushed the envelope in 1989 in a way that seems rather tame now: As I grew up and began to dabble in romantic partnerships myself, When Harry Met Sally… felt like the rare option I wanted to emulate and embody, and I studied it like a textbook. In many ways, it’s a manual for romantic partnership?a funny, entertaining film that’s closely attentive to the nuts and bolts of falling in love. Billy Crystal, director Rob Reiner, and Meg Ryan. © Columbia Pictures/Everett Collection Still, I understand where my parents were coming from. Watching When Harry Met Sally… as an adult, it feels as if the movie spills some secrets that grown-ups aren’t supposed to share?about the messiness of attraction, the circuitous path of romance, the erotic tension in spirited antagonism. It’s about how another person can become a part of you despite your best intentions. Behind the film’s wryly entertaining tone, there’s a wild liveliness that animates the characters, a combination of deep-seated longings and carnal passions. Harry has to learn to confront his feelings. Sally has to learn to assert her orgasm. Ryan is translucent with her character’s emotions, and Crystal’s never been as darkly alluring, or worn his facial hair better. They have the opposite of a meet-cute in the opening scene?a meet-hate. But Harry and Sally’s mutual antipathy still fuels their curiosity about each other, extending their initial conversation into a years-long back-and-forth that becomes their lifelong partnership. The famous question that begins their charged, decade-long dance?the idea of sex?haunts their relationship for more than 10 years, shutting down intimacy, sparking their anger, and occasionally, making them dishonest. When they do have sex, it changes everything. The film is constructed around the idea of Harry and Sally’s friendship?and their romance only progresses because they attempt to be friends. But by the end, their friendship succumbs to love; the sex thing, as Harry said from the start, never went away. Billy Crystal. © Columbia Pictures/Everett Collection. Thirty years after it premiered, I’m finally in the kind of romantic partnership the movie depicts. I’m not entirely sure if studying the film has prepared me for this marriage, as I sort of hoped it would. But it was a little affirming, and a little painful, to watch the movie again and feel so close to its ups and downs?the push and pull of intimacy, the slow pace of personal growth. When Harry Met Sally… has served as this example I could keep in my pocket of what love should feel like?an endless, unspooling conversation with a partner who, like a counterweight, provides equilibrium. A postscript: My husband and I are going to be have a Hindu wedding ceremony later this summer, and in an effort to understand what we’re promising each other, I looked up the translations of the Sanskrit vows. Amusingly, the bride and groom are charged to love one another as friends, even as they explicitly vow to maintain an active sex life. (Other vows: fidelity, mutual support, rights to livestock. ) Sex doesn’t seem to diminish the friendship, but rather to enhance it?and it seems as if that’s the hidden postscript of When Harry Met Sally…, lurking under its sexy, rated-R veneer. Perhaps some men and some women can’t just be friends. But spouses better be friends already. Celebrities Who’ve Turned Their Divorces into Art By Ron Galella/WireImage/Getty Images Nora Ephron The late writer’s first novel, Heartburn, published in 1983, was the exact application of her own advice (recounted in the HBO biographical documentary Everything Is Copy) to “become the heroine rather than the victim of the joke. ” In Heartburn, which was later adapted into a film starring Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep, Ephron wrote about the funniest, saddest, and most jarring parts of her divorce from renowned Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein. In the documentary, late director Mike Nichols summarized Ephron’s healing process: “She... cried for six months and wrote it funny. In writing it funny, she won. ”.
John wins my heart. lovelly. Pride & Prejudice should have been #1. Empire strikes back and rocky better be on here. Harry y sally movie. 7:38 I aM An aMEriCAn ciTiZEn. Harry y salle de bain. Harry salley. Harry y sally lyrics. Harry y sally mann. We all want to do that to the boss and let rip. When I go in the boardroom I wish I could be Nicholson and let well work on monday?. Harry y sally jones. Sausages. I absolutely love this movie! It has everything a great movie should have: a clever, witty, romantic, touching, and absolutely hilarious script, and fantastic performances. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan make the perfect couple, because they start off as friends but end up in love. Another reason why this movie is so great is because it appeals to both women and men. Everyone should see "When Harry Met Sally" because it's one of the best romantic comedies I've ever seen.
Harry y sally songs. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2018 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase As everyone knows, who has seen the original movie, there is a very famous scene in the diner where Meg Ryan (Sally) demonstrates how to fake an orgasm. That scene made history and was hilarious. In this version of the movie, they cut that scene. We are very displeased and are returning the movie and will look for an original. Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase I love this movie, but this digital version of it is disappointing. It is poorly dubbed, so sometimes the dialogue is slightly out of sync with the actors' mouths, and I also believe this may be missing the scene when Harry tells Sally that he always reads the end of the book first, in case he dies before he finishes it. That's kind of integral to his character, so I don't know what happened to that scene in this digital version. Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2018 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase As another reviewer mentioned, this version cuts out the cafe scene where Meg Ryan fakes an orgasm. Super disappointed... now I’m just watching the rest of the movie to see what else was edited out. Seriously? Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2019 Format: Blu-ray Verified Purchase Uncut, with a great collection of extras and good picture quality. I'm no expert on edge enhancement but details look natural. Blu Ray com's review would have mentioned any problems in that area. Amazon really needs to get their act together on reviews here (and not just here; this is a pervasive problem) where reviews for ALL SORTS of releases over the years are conglomerated here *together*, some even showing as verified purchases but again these are for earlier editions of the film, some of which my well have cut scenes etc. for all I know but this 30th anniversary Shout release is just fine. This resumes adds 44 minutes of a new extra, and carried over are several previous extras from earlier releases. Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2015 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase ?????BABY FISH MOUTH!!!! ????? This is another one of those movies that I hated when I was younger but adore now. My wife turned me onto this. I liked it so much when we were dating that we recorded all the older married couples we know talking about how they met and fell in love and played it as a montage at our wedding, just like the clips they use to bookend the scenes in this movie. I just connect with this movie because my wife takes 20 minutes to order a sandwich. And that's the magic of this story, is that Harry and Sally do at least 15 things that everyone can personally relate to. In the end it's just a sweet story about two friends who really love each other on a deep emotional level. It just take them 15 years to realize it. It's well acted. It's a good story. It highlights the differences between men and women perfectly. It's just a great movie to watch with someone you love. And the Pictionary scene makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt every single time. The entire movie it really funny. But it's also sweet. This is considered to be THE romantic comedy for a reason. It's the best one. Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2017 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase One of my favorites. Today's romantic comedies are full of lazy writing and one dimensional roles that are more like caricatures, with the "goofy", lovable, light hearted guy and uptight, unlikable woman. Yawn. These two characters are likable and you see them evolve, as individuals and within the context of their relationship. Wonderfully written and portrayed. I love this movie. Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2016 Format: Prime Video Verified Purchase Love doesn't come in a minute, Sometimes it doesn't come at all I only know that when I'm in it It isn't silly, no, it isn't silly, love isn't silly at all. These words, from Paul McCartney's 'Silly Love Songs', seem to me to be a very accurate description of the theme of 'When Harry Met Sally'. This iconic romantic comedy, written by Nora Ephron, is, for me, one of the most insightful comments on the place of love in the post-60s world. It charts the way that acquaintance can turn into friendship and then into love. Harry (Billy Crystal) encounters Sally (Meg Ryan) on a long car journey during which they both seem to decide that the other is obnoxious in one way or another. Their path to love is funny, totally engaging and ultimately unforgettable. One of the greatest - no THE greatest - characteristic of the cinema is its ability to access our deepest emotions. How many times do we weep cathartically in our normal lives - most of us, not many. Yet there are dozens of films that induce just this kind of reaction. How many times do we laugh so much that we ache - very rarely outside a cinema, but often within. How many times are we so scared that we cannot move - almost never in life, but often in the cinema. And these emotions cannot be accessed in the same way through any other art. And there are laughs and tears galore in 'When Harry Met Sally'. Why? Because we really *care* for these kooky characters, and the love that they find has a kind of purity that our loves struggle to emulate. For some people (and I feel sorry for them) films that induce a warm feeling of pleasure are sentimental and worthless. They should avoid this film as it might undermine their sterile cynicism. But if you trust your emotions and regard them as your greatest asset, 'When Harry Met Sally' will be one of the most worthwhile films of the modern era. Top international reviews 5. 0 out of 5 stars Top Classic of the romantic comedy genre Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 24, 2018 Verified Purchase Iconic in so many ways and will remain a classic of the genre. Many spin offs, imitators and rivals in the genre, some even quite good too ('Sleepless in Seatle') but none really come close. Why? Credible, witty dialogue, meandering intelligently, with lots of good supporting roles, rich in classic moments (the coffee shop fake-orgasm is only the most spectacularly memorable) and some classic one liners ('When you finally realise you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible'). The narrative technique of 'intermissions' with various couples explaining all the different ways they each fell in love: I can imagine so many ways that could have gone wrong or been over sentimentalised but it worked well; I found it touching. This one is for the family library. Nothing explicit but it is a 15 for how suggestive and frank it is. Loved every moment, and occasionally need a refill! 3 people found this helpful Sending feedback... Thank you for your feedback. Sorry, we failed to record your vote. Please try again Report abuse 4. 0 out of 5 stars The Bookclub Reviewed in the United Kingdom on January 12, 2019 Verified Purchase As everyone knows this movie is one of my favorites and gets 4 out of 5 stars for a single film because of the nod to Bogie's signature film. But what if Larry Ellison produced it, Gary Ross directed and starred in it, the actress who plays Carolyn in A Place To Call Home costars, Debra Zane casts it, and I write it? The bells would ring like my 9 kroner network coming alive. It's Gary as Harry and 'Carolyn' as Sally back in1989 as the only members of a bookclub. There are three acts each ending with them: First paired in separate beds critiqueing Moby Dick with the punchline 'You're telling me that he would rather be whaling then catching a little tale at home? ' Then at Barnes&Noble she overpowers him and lays a big one on him to coup the only copy of 'Marriage for Dummies'. Lastly at a stylish café in Florence they celebrate with coffee and cake as honeymooners just finishing their copies of 'In The Name of the Rose'. Walking arm in arm as friends and spouses they walk off into the sunset. With that much talent it's bound to make money. P. S. I'm issuing a Restraining Order preventing Akiva from within a 50-mile radius of this show. If he defies this order, he will be sentenced to the worst punishment I can imagine: psyche jail. Only Denmark has a place big enough for his ego. I'm not sure what it is but I've seen it! I think he's missed his calling: He should have been a hacker instead. I'm not a guy. They do everything bigger. One person found this helpful Understated brilliance Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 28, 2013 Verified Purchase This in many ways can be seen a a throwback to a time when attention spans were longer than an advert and people enjoyed communication without a keyboard (yes I note the irony here). The development of the two main characters, one initially happlily naive and the other seemingly born cynical, seen through a number of events (some"small" some life changing) is wonderfully brought to life. This is not only through the excellent performances but also through the brilliantly written script, all set against a wonderfully directed "world". This film is a romance even if at times there are periods when it appears that this is not the case - this helps echo real 's not all chocolates and roses but when you finally realise you've met that someone special.... 2 people found this helpful I'll have what she's having. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 3, 2015 Verified Purchase For me this movie is a classic and I probably don't need to sell you on it. I suppose it should be a typical rom-com, except it has Billy Crystal in it which automatically makes it hilarious. You've also got Meg Ryan in her hey-day as her usual cute, girl next door type character. It is perfect example of a feel-good movie that can be watched over and over, and is endlessly quotable, even 26 years later. Like I said, I suppo
Harry y sally smith. My name is Felicity XD. And it only took three months. twelve years and three months. I love this scene. I also have the movie, on VHS. So this was common knowledge enough to put it in a movie nearly 30 years ago but women still to this day have doubts or even don't believe it.
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Ever notice that every blockbuster movie has the same fundamental pieces? A hero, a journey, some conflicts to muck it all up, a reward, and the hero returning home and everybody applauding his or her swag? Yeah, scholar Joseph Campbell noticed first?in 1949. He wrote The Hero with a Thousand Faces, in which he outlined the 17 stages of a mythological hero's journey. About half a century later, Christopher Vogler condensed those stages down to 12 in an attempt to show Hollywood how every story ever written should?and, uh, does ?follow Campbell's pattern. We're working with those 12 stages, so take a look. (P. S. Want more? We have an entire Online Course devoted to the hero's journey. ) Ordinary World At the beginning of the movie, Harry and Sally are both embarking on the ordinary adventure of life in the big city as they begin a road trip to the Big Apple after college. She wants to become a journalist; he wants to talk about death. In any case, what's ordinary for these two is bickering. Spoiler alert: that doesn't change much. Call to Adventure Harry sounds the call to adventure for both these two when he throws down the ultimate gauntlet: men and women can't be friends because sex will always get in the way. Challenge accepted, say Harry and Sally. We know that, no matter how much they bicker, these two will become friends at some point. It's just a matter of time. Refusal of the Call Harry and Sally both refuse the call of friendship?at first. When they part ways upon arriving in New York City, they really do part ways. No exchange of phone numbers, no plans to meet for coffee. It takes a few more chance meetings, and a few failed relationships in between to get these two to a place where they're mature enough to actually appreciate each other's personalities. Meeting the Mentor Harry and Sally aren't exactly the types to be mentored, but we'd argue that Helen and Joe?their exes?serve this role. How's that? Well, both Helen and Joe showed Harry and Sally what they truly wanted out of a romantic relationship while also showing them what it's like to lose in love. Their respective relationships with their exes, while barely taking up any screen time, totally inform Harry's and Sally's choices throughout the rest of the movie. Crossing the Threshold Welcome to the wonderful world of friendship. After two failed relationships and ten years apart, Harry and Sally reunite and become BFFs. This is the ultimate threshold for these two, especially when you consider Harry's fairly convincing argument at the beginning of the movie that they could never really be friends. As they become best buds, Harry and Sally grow closer than ever, sharing a bond based on banter and a healthy respect for each other's quirks. Tests, Allies, Enemies We know we're watching a romantic comedy, so a test comes in the form of any obstacle that gets in the way of our OTP. In the case of Harry and Sally, we'll point to their many awkward and unsuccessful dates. You know that saying about kissing a lot of frogs before finding your prince? #truth Approach to the Inmost Cave Closer than ever, Harry and Sally turn to each other in particular moments of vulnerability. When Harry runs into Helen, he takes his anger out on Sally, probably because she's the person he trusts most. And when Sally learns that Joe is getting married, she turns to Harry for comfort… Ordeal … A bit too much comfort, as it turns out. The Big Ordeal for these two is a little thing called S-E-X. It's the ultimate point of no return in their relationship. Once they've slept together, there's no un -sleeping together, if you catch our drift. People often say that sex changes everything. And in this case, those people are right. Reward (Seizing the Sword) In the moments after they do the deed, Sally seems nothing but happy. Could it be possible? Did she just achieve her happily ever after by falling in love with her best friend? Um, not so much. Harry, having a wee bit of trouble with his hero's journey, totally chickens out. Maybe he's afraid of his feelings, maybe he's afraid he'll lose his friendship with Sally. Whatever the case, he botches the morning after, and he and Sally part ways as friends. The Road Back Harry may be a little late to the party, but he gets the memo eventually: he and Sally are MFEO. There's just one problem: Sally won't talk to him. She needs to be convinced she's not his consolation prize, so that's exactly what Harry sets out to do in the most romantic way possible. He sprints through the New York City streets on New Year's Eve, thus achieving ultimate Rom Com Hero status. Resurrection The kiss that Harry and Sally share during the movie's climax is both the resurrection of their friendship and the start of something new: a romantic relationship. Harry has managed to prove to Sally that he loves her for her, not because he's lonely. And Sally has managed to forgive Harry for his less-than-graceful exit from her bed. Now these two have achieved the ultimate intimacy: they're lovers and friends. Boom. Return With the Elixir The elixir, in this case, is clearly the "very rich chocolate sauce" that was served (on the side) with the coconut cake at their wedding. Yeah, you read that right: their wedding. Talk about a happy ending.
So much truth.
Harry y sally y.

After all, she did get together with George Peppard. I mean Fred

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Writer - kim young
Resume Has worked at Belmont Park & Aqueduct Racetrack









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