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directors - Jacob Hamilton
Writer - Thaddeus D. Matula
duration - 73 minutes
Actor - Kevin Durant
Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story freedom. James Naismith is a Canadian,and he invented it at Massachussets. Sports radio 1310 the Ticket in Dallas - Norm and Donnie doo brought me here. Título original Jump Shot: The Kenny Sailors Story Año 2019 Duración 73 min. País Estados Unidos Dirección Jacob Hamilton Guion Jacob Hamilton (Historia: Thaddeus D. Matula) Música Joshua Myers Fotografía Reparto Documentary, Kenny Sailors, Stephen Curry, Kevin Durant, Dirk Nowitzki, Bobby Knight, Jay Bilas Productora Ralph Smyth Entertainment. Distribuida por Aspiration Entertainment [USA] Género Documental | Documental deportivo. Biográfico. Baloncesto Sinopsis Revela la historia real de Kenny Sailors, el que se supone que fue el desarrollador del tiro con salto en baloncesto. (FILMAFFINITY) Tu crítica Votaciones de almas gemelas Regístrate y podrás acceder a recomendaciones personalizadas según tus gustos de cine Votaciones de tus amigos Regístrate y podrás acceder a todas las votaciones de tus amigos, familiares, etc. Si alguna sinopsis cuenta demasiados detalles del argumento -o para corregir errores o completar datos de la ficha o fecha de estreno- puedes mandarnos un mensaje. Si no estás registrad@ puedes contactarnos vía Twitter, FB o por email a info -arroba- filmaffinity -punto- com. Los derechos de propiedad intelectual de las críticas corresponden a los correspondientes críticos y/o medios de comunicación de los que han sido extraídos. Filmaffinity no tiene relación alguna con el productor, productora o el director de la película. El copyright del poster, carátula, fotogramas, fotografías e imágenes de cada DVD, VOD, Blu-ray, tráiler y banda sonora original (BSO) pertenecen a las correspondientes productoras y/o distribuidoras.
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Jump shot 3a the kenny sailors story free lyrics. &ref(https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/lookaside/crawler/media/?media_id=198556550175424) Wyoming LARAMIE, Wyo. ? The little windmill is long gone, just a small patch of concrete marks where it once stood three-quarters of a century ago. The thawing remnants of another hard Wyoming winter hold back the scrawly brush that normally covers the spot. Just a few feet away stands the base of the old farm well, on top of which lies a new backboard and basketball hoop, waiting to be attached to the house that now stands 20 feet away. The old house burned down decades ago and the land houses a show pig farm. More than 80 years earlier, teenager Barton (Bud) Sailors nailed a cruder version of a hoop to the old windmill so his little brother, Kenny, could play basketball, at least when the boy wasn’t hoeing through acres of potatoes with his mother, Cora Belle, or keeping jackrabbits from ruining the crops on the lonely stretch of farmland in Hillsdale, that Cora, a single mother, had bought with some inheritance money. “(My mother) grew up on a farm and she didn’t want to raise us two boys in the city, so she bought this farm down there in Hillsdale, ” says Kenny Sailors, now 93.?“And we did all right on it. We didn’t have any money, but we had plenty to eat during the Depression, which a lot of people didn’t. We raised everything, you know. (Had a) big garden. Mom canned everything there was. We had livestock, so we had meat and we ate real well. But no money. Nobody had any money in the Great Depression. ” An unincorporated community with a population of 47 lying 23 miles east of Cheyenne, tiny Hillsdale was a town big enough for an athletic boy with golden locks and an aw-shucks smile to challenge his brother, nearly a foot taller, to a game of one-on-one basketball during their spare moments. Big enough, it turned out, for a future College Basketball Hall of Famer to find the divine spark that would spring the most innovative maneuver in the game ? the modern jump shot ? and charm basketball-loving city slickers during a maddening run to the 1943 NCAA title, the first NCAA championship played at Madison Square Garden. On March 30, 1943, Kenny Sailors led a bunch of Wyoming kids ? including an All-America center recruited from Indiana named Milo Komenich ? in a game that “had everything anybody could ask for in the way of a court contest ? speed, crafty floor generalship, great shooting and fine defensive work, ” as the Daily News saw it. He even wowed LIU’s Hall of Fame coach Clair Bee, who wrote: “It was Ken Sailors, a great little player, who saved the situation because he is enough of an individual player to carry the load... Play Sailors close, and he has the speed and dribble to go by you with a great change of pace. Play him out, and he dribbles up to you, steps back and sets ? and he can hit. ” “He's as good a man as ever walked out on this Garden court, ” said Manhattan coach Joe Daher. Sailors took advantage of flat-footed Georgetown for 16 points, the only scorer in double digits, to earn the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player award as Wyoming beat the Hoyas, 46-34. Two days later on the same floor, Sailors' 11 points helped the Cowboys complete the first “mythical national championship” with a thrilling overtime win over?National Invitation Tournament?champion St. John’s in a game to benefit the Red Cross during World War II. The victory capped a whirlwind two weeks ? “March-madness whistled up in the Garden” as Time Magazine put it ? and ushered in a golden era solidifying the Garden as the Mecca of college basketball, where it staged seven NCAA championship games in eight years to parallel the prestigious NIT. Courtesy of University of Wyoming Athletics The Shot It was on a spring day in 1934 when a 13-year-old Kenny Sailors first conceived the shot that would spread all over the world. Then he was just a 5-foot-6 kid trying to shoot over his much taller older brother Bud, a star high school athlete in basketball and track. “He’d swat every shot I’d take, he’d swat it down in my face, ” says Sailors, who still carries that easy smile and whose wavy blonde hair has gone white now. “So I got to thinking how on earth can I shoot a ball over that big clown? “And he’d just laugh, you know. He’d say, ‘Kenny you’re just not big enough to play basketball. You’ve got to be like me. ’ He’s 6-5. He says ‘you’re going to have to find another sport. ’ " In 1934, the game revolved around the tall center. After every made basket, the centers would jump ball again, until the rules changed in 1938. Sailors continues: “And the idea was that, well, if I dribble up to him, don’t get close enough that he can block it. Just dribble up to him. He’s got to back up, or I’m going to go around him. He knew that. And I dribbled up to him and I just stopped and jumped. … So I shot the ball, I don’t know how, maybe I just threw it at the basket (two-handed). But nevertheless, it went in. And he said, ‘Kenny, that’s a good shot, if you can develop it. ’” Develop it he did. He worked on his shot tirelessly on the farm, and he continued working on it a couple of years later when the family moved 71 miles west to Laramie so Bud could play basketball at the University of Wyoming. Kenny’s height peaked at 5-10, but his knack for high jumping helped him extend above the defense of taller players who were all schooled to never leave their feet. It wasn’t easy. There were no clinics or camps or even coaches who taught the shot. It was a shot born out of necessity. A shot born out of perseverance. 'How did he ever do it anyway? ' It took Sailors more than a decade playing in college and on an undefeated Marine Corps team to perfect the form that best resembles the jumper of today’s game. Once he figured out how to control his body in mid-air, so his momentum wouldn’t carry him into a defender for a foul, he finally mastered it. Just a short time after returning from World War II, Sailors had returned to play out his last year of eligibility at Wyoming and found himself back at the Garden playing against Bee’s LIU team in January 1946. As the Daily News’ Dick Young put it: “Little Kenny Sailors was his darling, dribbling, one-hand-shooting self as he clicked for 15 points and worked like a slave. ” It was during that game that Life Magazine immortalized Kenny’s jump shot, snapping a photo of him skying so high above a defender before releasing the ball that he appears to almost break through the Garden roof. The image of Kenny is the inspiration for a 22-foot statue that has been commissioned for the University of Wyoming’s entrance to the Arena-Auditorium during a renovation project sometime after the spring of 2015. Jack Rose, a basketball junkie who grew up in Montclair, N. J., remembers seeing the shot at Kenny’s second trip to the Garden in 1942. “Here we’re going to watch (St. Francis) play some place called 'Wyoming, '” says Rose, now 86, a two-time All-State player at Blair Academy who would go on to captain the Cornell team. “We said, ‘Boy oh boy, (St. Francis) is just going to wipe them out. ’ Well, all of a sudden. as we watch the game there’s this fella Kenny Sailors, who’s the smallest guy on the court and he’s running up and down and he jumps and he makes these shots. And we said, ‘Well what’s that called? A jump shot I guess, huh? '” So Rose and his basketball rat friends went to work, attempting the maneuver for three weeks before giving up and going back to their two-handed set shots. Says Rose: “How did he ever do it anyway? ” But it wasn't all accolades and press raves. Sailors' first professional coach with the Cleveland Rebels ? Dutch Dehnert ? tried later in 1946 to rein in the shot. In the 1920s, Dehnert was an original New York Celtic along with St. John’s coach Joe Lapchick and CCNY’s Nat Holman. As Sailors recalls: “(Dehnert saw me scrimmaging), and old Dutchie he came over to me with that New York brogue, whatever you want to call it. 'Yuze guys... Sailors where’d you get that leaping one-hander. ’ I said, ‘Dutch I don’t know. I’ve been shooting that a long time. ’ He said, ‘That will never go in this league. ’ meaning the pros. He says, ‘I’ll teach you how to shoot a good two-handed set. ’” By midseason, as his playing time dwindled, Kenny went to the front office to ask for a trade or his release. Within a few days, Dehnert was sent away on an extended scouting trip. “That’s how they did it in those days, ” says Sailors, whose playing time increased after that under Roy Clifford. 'The Wyoming Kid comes to town' Sailors arrived on the Wyoming campus in the fall of 1941, two years after future Hall of Fame coach Everett (Ev) Shelton became coach, believing he would play as many as three sports ? football, basketball and wrestling. “(Shelton) said, ‘if you’re going out for football, just forget about basketball. ’ That’s what he said to me. It really shook me, you know, ” says Sailors. Shelton had to come to Wyoming to win a national championship like he had at the AAU level ? AAU ball being shaped much differently in those days, when amateur players would work for companies and play for their sponsored teams, pros without being “professional. ” Shelton’s grasp of the psychology of coaching young men set him apart from many of his peers. He harnessed his best qualities to get his Cowboys, which early in Kenny’s career included legendary broadcaster Curt Gowdy, ready for a grueling road schedule ? Wyoming played two-thirds of its games away from home during Kenny’s career. Not many quality teams were signing up to come way out to Laramie, with its elevation of over 7, 000 feet. “(Shelton) really conditioned us to accept the fact that there’s no difference in playing in these auditoriums and arenas back east. They’re all the same, ” Sailors says. “Everything’s exactly
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