The Whistleblower Rated 7.4 / 10 based on 456 reviews.

The Whistleblower HD

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Xiaolu Xue
brief Chui Shao Ren is a movie starring Jiayin Lei, Wei Tang, and Xi Qi. Following a fatal accident, a Chinese expatriate working for a mining company in Australia discovers that new technology developed by the company may be a health 146 Vote directed by Xiaolu Xue
Duration 134minutes @yfkleea Well, it turned out to be pretty hard to get my hands on. I just streamed it there. Let me paraphrase that for ya Adam working around the clock to invent something to get Trump out of the way for 2020.
Has Rand junior said it yet? Is that the FBI at his door on Fox News. The CCP are killing their own citizens, there is no truth inside the great firewall. WEWANTFREEDOMOFSPEECH. Download full ren. The Democratic crime syndicates think they won something. Theyve put a stain on all of us, may they never win another election or any office again. How stupid of anyone not to see this. The. US Army needs to invade Congress with handcuffs on behalf of the people. It's still a sociopath's world.
There should have been a fair trial from the start. Republicans swore an oath. Mitch, Lindsey and others have broken the law, betrayed the American people. May they all rot in a prison cell with the Trump. Been playing on loop on wikileaks FB page for past 3 hours. I’m not saying he is not guilty, or even that he didn’t actually commit treason, but by definition ( according to Cornell) and deed I’m not 100% convinced what he did can be proven as “treason. ” For anyone unfamiliar with exactly what Snowden did, here’s a full report of publicly available facts. From what I can gather, Snowden found what the NSA was doing (which was sanctioned by both Congressional Approval and the White House, though not the Constitution) appalling, and thus secretly downloaded classified documents and shared them with many news organizations (the Guardian, Washington Post to name a few US ones), but here lies the kicker. He shared those documents with foreign media as well (including Wikileaks). And those documents weren’t just those that pointed out the massive spying ring on US citizens and their allies, but also everything connected to it. Including undercover assets and others in sensitive locations and covers. He hurt his case as being a “simple whistleblower” by the indiscriminate release of everything he gathered without holding back irrelevant documentation. He was probably doing so to try and include the “grand picture” of the NSA’s reach (and “betrayal” of allies), but the release put lives in danger. On the flip side, though, what the NSA did, what Congress, the Senate, and the White House allowed them to do out of fear of another 9/11, was unconstitutional to the extreme. But does it reflect “treason? ” That, I’m not to sure of. Many other crimes, yes, but maybe not “treason. ”.
I like that even just the trailer have me perspective on the fact that their are older people who are still looking for jobs an changing jobs cool. Amazing piece, perfect execution. Mindblowing to think of this live in NK. @stivmitchell04 Thanks for replying. I wish that the Durham report would come out. I'm sure that he would shed some light on alot of these politicians who have been bilking the American people.
Project Veritas is in the news with the new whistleblower from Google who discussed how Google is manipulating auto complete with machine learning and its 'fairness' principle. u/IBiteYou posted about it here, or you can go directly to the Project Veritas site to see for yourself. I did a quick look out there to learn a bit more. A name that came up is Dr. Robert Epstein. His Wiki bio is here. He is not some dismissible fringe flake, he has a PhD in Psychology from Harvard, edited Psychology Today, and has numerous academic papers and books. He has a web page outlining his field of study in which he has been engaged since 2012 investigating the influence of search engines on people. His academic paper on SEME, describes the Search Engine Manipulation Effect. He did a study on search result rankings and goes into how that influences voting, and conducted a study in the election in India in 2014. His main finding- you can shift undecided voters by 20% by manipulating search engine results. In his interview with RT he leveled the charge that Google flipped 3 seats in CA congressional races. Epstein's academic paper on SSE, the Search Suggestion Effect, has more relevance to what the whistleblower from Google had to say yesterday. Search Suggestion is Google's auto complete, and that whistleblower pointed out if you search for 'Trump's email' v. 'Hillary's email' you get autocomplete suggestions for Trump, but not Hillary. He goes on in the video to show that if you go look at traffic on the topics, more people by FAR search for Hillary, so auto complete is not based upon number of searches. As you go through the SSE paper, we see lots of interesting things, such as 4 suggestions in auto complete is ideal for maximum manipulation, or suggesting negatives for a candidate you do not support and positives for one you do support can definitely sway people. I encourage you to read this paper to see that this effect is indeed real. What this whistleblower is describing is very real manipulation, and it is not a dismissible thing. Rigorous academic study has confirmed these things. And what we are seeing at Google is a change from manipulating you to buying products, to manipulating you to vote in ways they desire. This is propanda, pure and simple. This is interfering in elections, pure and simple. And if we are going to get worked up over allegations of election interference by Russia to the point where we spend $30M and 2yrs with a special counsel, then perhaps it is long past time that we acknowledge two obvious points: (1) it is time to revoke there legal immunity for content on platforms like YouTube as they are no longer a neutral public forum, and (2) it is time to consider anti-trust action as a measure to prevent election meddling. The last point comes home in the video of the Google ethics person in the PV sting, where she points out that if Elizabeth Warren breaks up Google, they will not be able to prevent another Trump situation, as smaller companies lack the resources they do. From their own mouth, they give perfectly good reason to break Google up. I post all of this with fear that my participation at Reddit may end, because there are reports Reddit is banning user accounts for any mention of this. I hit enter and post this knowing that if I am so banned, this is no longer a public forum, and it too is corrupt, and I would not want any part in it. If however they are willing to let the truth and science reach the eyeballs of readers and the post remains and my account remains, I will come to a different conclusion that this one of the few places left where one can speak freely. Edit Reddit Suspends Users Who Post Project Veritas Videos From here I learned Google street cameras were pulling user data off of unsecured wifi. This is an interesting read, in particular Google blacklists, and how other browsers use those lists and Google mines their data as well. You can spend hours going through Epstein's research here and if you do so you will likely come away nauseated at just how bad the problem is. This is a summary of his technical findings in layman language, if the papers throw you off. How Google blacklisted the free speech addon Dissenter.
Call Schiff as a witness and make him say that under oath. Yea know I know When the Ending,when park saw A guy with black storm is Miles Usphur (outlast) first outlast. Who is Eric C. Apparently winning isn't the goal of some people. Can't wait for their heads to explode in November when Trump is reelected by the American People. RIP youve tried your best to save as many people as you can. This is so pathetic. Even when presented with the facts, reporters have nothing to say except BUT ORANGE MAN BAD. What would you do after explaining 1 option heh. Great book! I recall with nostalgia how that I read and used the literature during my A level schooldays in 1982 along with another title 'Tess of the Durbervilles. It's good to know it has been adapted into a movie. Kudos to the producer and the actors. This will surely further preserve Thomas Hardy's literary legacy.
Until these corrupt start going to jail, nothing will change. This video will not show up on your channel in my youtube cell phone app. I had to click the link in my text notification and open in a browser to find it. Today the full House of Representatives will debate and vote on the articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump. On Tuesday the House Rules Committee announced the parameters of today’s impeachment debate. The Rules Committee approved six hours of debate on the House floor, which will be divided equally by Democrats and Republicans and will be led by the House Judiciary Committee leaders. The House will also have one hour of debate before taking the procedural vote to approve the rule governing the debate. The House will then vote on the two articles of impeachment on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. No amendments will be allowed. Finally, The House Rules Committee has allowed for the House to approve a resolution naming impeachment managers after the articles of impeachment have been passed. Currently the vote is expected to take place some time between 6pm-8pm EST If Trump is impeached, the process will then move to the Senate, where a trial will be held to determine whether Trump is guilty of the charges outlined in the Articles of Impeachment. Today’s House session is scheduled to begin at 9:00am EST. You can watch live online on: CSPAN PBS You can also listen online via: C-Span or Download the C-Span Radio App Go to C-SPAN's Impeachment Page to see current whip count for Articles of Impeachment. A brief archive of Impeachment related primary documents and reports Calls and Reports Call between Trump and Zelinsky - July 25, 2019, 9:03 - 9:33 am EDT Complete Whistleblower Report - August 12, 2019 Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community’s Statement on Processing of Whistleblower Complaints - September 30, 2019 House Proceedings House Debate and Vote on HRes 660 - Thursday, 10/31/2019 House Intelligence Committee Report on Impeachment Inquiry - Executive Summary House Intelligence Committee Report on Impeachment Inquiry - Complete Report Speaker Nancy Pelosi Statement, requesting Chaimen to proceed with Articles of Impeachment Constitutional Grounds for Presidential Impeachment - Report by the Majority Staff of the House Judiciary Committee House Democrats Announce Articles of Impeachment Articles of Impeachment against President Trump Impeachment of Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Report of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives Letter from President Donald Trump to Speaker Nancy Pelosi More to come… Discussion Thread Part I Discussion Thread Part II Discussion Thread Part III.
Blow the whistle - Too Short. 34:11 I aint comin to get you in that corner, that's where I piss.

Reporter: Oliver Mitchell
Bio In a time of need, want not. In a time of want, need not. Dedicated to self truth and enrichment for all. Life is the greatest teacher. Class is in session.









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