Without Paying Watch Full Length Zhi You Yun Zhi Dao

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&ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNDAwMzJjNjQtYmU5Zi00NzAzLTg1NDctM2JhYWMwOTZmNmRhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzc5MjQ2MTQ@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg). cast Lydia Peckham. genres Drama. Xiaogang Feng. ratings 6,6 / 10 stars. Zhi You Yun Zhi Dao is a movie starring Xuan Huang, Caiyu Yang, and Lydia Peckham. The film revolves around a Chinese man who returns to New Zealand following the death of his wife and begins to discover that she harbored a number.
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So, with the amazing translation by u/matt_aegrin finished, I finally beat Berwick Saga, which I've been playing in 1-2 chapter pieces, when the translation was in progress. And I can say with certainty that it was an amazing experience, which honestly eclipsed all other FEs (and frankly SRPGs in general) for me. This game is unlike anything else on the SRPG plain and it saddens me to no end that there will probably never be a game like this, at least in my lifetime. Okay, that's a bit overdramatic, but seriously, at least in terms of gameplay, this is one of my favourite games period. The mechanics of Berwick are great and work so well, that I'm baffled how the developers managed to think of and competently implement so much unique stuff on their first try. Of course, there're also some... questionable decisions, but compared to the whole picture my problems with Berwick are very minor. I played the game half-blind, if you can call it that. I only looked up recruitment and promotion requirements, plus food info. My final team. So, my kinda-sorta-not-really review. Story The story of Berwick Saga is pretty decent medieval fantasy political drama. It's not anything groundbreaking, however it's rather well written. The game focuses its main plot on the political intrigues both inside and outside the Berwick League, a totally equal military alliance, led by the Kingdom of Veria... which has been conquered and its king is now in exile in one of its duchies, Narvia. The protagonist, Reese, is the son of a margrave under the Kingdom, who comes to the capital of Narvia, Navaron to answer the king's call for more troops. And then Reese is stuck in a losing war, where the situation is getting more and more dire with each passing month. To give you an idea of how dire, on about half of the main missions, the final objective is either defend or escape. Overall, I found the main narrative rather satisfying and I like that it overall down-to-earth. The game also focuses really heavily on the effects the war has on everything. How it destroys lives, separates families, embitters people, affects trade and supply chains for the production of everything from food to weapons. There are a lot of side quests and missions where you have to actually try to at least alleviate some of these effects for the people of Navarron. The fact that the game actually has you take care of these problems actually makes them more than just background noise imo and adds a lot to the worldbuilding of the game. Speaking of worldbuilding, if you've beaten the game, I recommend that you visit Matt's tumblr with some translated and organised info from Kaga's blog. Plenty of interesting backstory info, but there are definitely spoilers there. Characters I actually like pretty much all the characters. All of them get some development and/or rather interesting backstories. Most of them have arcs that are actually tied to gameplay: some of them give side objectives on the main maps and some give access to side missions (paralouges basically). And guess what, some characters actually appear in the main story cutscenes, despite the fact that permadeath is in full effect in Berwick. I genuinely adore the fact that characters go through their arcs in parallel with the progression of the main story through events in the city and on the maps themselves. I think this is far superior compared to the support system that FE seemingly can't try to even take a step from since FE10 and 11. Town events/Base convos >>> supports, fukken fight me. I'd say my favourite characters were Ward, Larentia, Enid, Ruby along with Clifford, Christine, Dean and Axel. Also, can't not acknowledged 150, he's pretty badass, even if he's kinda useless. Soundtrack It's amazing. Go listen to it. My favourites probably are: Cloud of War, Prelude to Battle, For Whose Sake, Crusade, Resolution, Knight's Pride, With Noble Eyes, After the Rain, Determination, Ancient Oath, Daybreak, On the Other Side of the Road. Gameplay Okay, so this is probably going to end up pretty long. Battle flow I love the battle flow. Don't know if there's a better or more wildly used name for it, but in a typical FE it goes as such: [Attack-->Counterattack-->Pursuit Attack] Where pursuit is the double attack performed by any unit with enough speed to double an enemy. In Berwick Saga, however this system is completely different. If your unit hit an enemy and they don't have any additional attack granted by a weapon or a skill, they don't get to counterattack at all. If, however, the unit misses or deals no damage to an enemy, they get a counterattack. If the enemy misses or deals no damage on counterattack, your unit get another chance at hitting them, then whatever additional attacks happen and then the round of combat ends. What this means is that you can't simply place a really bulky unit in front of 4 enemies who deal 1-2 damage to that unit and simply kill them all. Also, weapons with additional attacks are rare and rather expensive, so, for the most part, units can't simply ORKO enemies when they reach a certain threshold. As such, ORKO and OHKO command skills/capabilities give certain characters really valuable niches, even if those characters aren't bulky. This system strongly incentivizes the player to take the initiative, because otherwise they would be at a constant disadvantage. Simultaneous turn system The battle flow synergizes incredibly well with the turn system, that I think is completely unique to Berwick Saga. Player units, enemy units and ally units all act based on the number of units on the map. So, if the player has 10 units and the enemy has 30, you are able to move 1 unit, after which 3 enemies move, than you move another unit, etc. This changes... basically everything. This system feels great, it opens up opportunities and strategies that would be completely insane in any FE, like placing a thief that can be OHKO'ed by a ballista in its range to open a vital door. You can delay using your thief until ballista has finished its turn, go into its range, open the door, and then immediately move the thief outside the deadly range. On the other hand, something that would be completely safe in a normal turn system can be rather dangerous in Berwick. For example, killing a strong enemy unit in the very begging of a turn, while placing you unit in range of many enemies can be completely safe, since you'll be taking care of those enemies on the player phase anyway. Not so in this game. Honestly, I'm not nearly smart enough to articulate why exactly I like this system so much, but it just... clicks with me. Units, Skills and Classes Okay, so this going to be incredibly biased, but I personally have come to dislike how FE in general handles all three of the above. Why? Because despite the fact that we are in an era of Skill Emblem, there's barely any difference between units in the same classes besides stats. Since I'm one of those weird people who doesn't enjoy reclassing, the fact that all characters in the same class have the same skills, really detracts from my enjoyment of the games. And no, personal skills are just a fart in the ocean, especially considering that, for the most part, they don't make an enormous difference in how I might use two units, nor do they really grants some rather useful niche that is exclusive to that particular unit. So, how does Berwick Saga handle these three elements? The classes determine what equipment a unit can use and whether it can use a horse. So, if you look at 2 mounted units the only actual difference between them is stats... But only at a first glance. If we take a look at Leon and Adel, the first 2 units we get in the same class in the very first chapter: Name Class Lvl HP Str Def Spd Skills Leon Spear Knight 1 28 6 4 7 Deathmatch, Robust, Supporter Adel Spear Knight 1 29 4 3 8 Vantage, Throw, Fork, Supporter So, if we only compared their stats, there wouldn't be that much of a difference between these 2, Leon is just a bit bulkier and deals higher damage. However, the skills they posses put them in completely different niches in Berwick. From the very first chapter Leon is able to ORKO some enemies thanks to his deathmatch skill, which is a command skill that you have to use on your turn and it triggers 5 rounds of combat that are much more akin to the usual FE battle flow with guaranteed counterattacks and doubling if any of the units has higher Attack Speed. Of course, 5 rounds of combat can be extremely dangerous against stronger enemies, so this skill is not even close to a delete button against anything. Adel, on the other hand, has the unique (or at least innate) access to Vantage, which is a passive skill more akin to the Tracia version of the skill, except it also requires Adel's AS to be higher than the enemy's. But remember, in a normal round of combat in Berwick, if your unit damages an enemy, that enemy can't counterattack at all and that means the end of their turn. So, Adel has a niche completely different from that of Leon's, which is to aggro slow enemies that he can damage, weakening the enemy and also completely robbing them of their turn. And again, Vantage isn't a magic pill to trivialise all the enemies in the game, since enemies will often have higher AS than Adel or defence that he can't get through (Not to mention his spear growth is so low he'll have trouble hitting anything when he's outside of Leon's support range). And trust me when I say that practically all units have their own, actually useful niches, be it combat, or pure utility, while also not being gamebreaking. Berwick makes units feel like actual unique characters even in terms of gameplay. This is the kind of stuff I just love to see in an SRPG. Horses and the Flier I won't go too deep into this, but horses are equipment with their own HP in Berwick. The damage they take is equal to the damage the mounted unit takes. And while most horses have more than 1
Watch full length only cloud knows 2. Watch full length only cloud knows movie. Watch full length only cloud knows season.
Watch Full Length Only Cloud knows. 2019ÐÔæå°ì²¼ áĽé×̲йÈŪ°ì¼ó²Î~å´Åµ°¤ ûªûªÅª?¼ó²Î ÅÔ×ÌÂÑæå~????. Firstly, if you have been playing DFFOO for a while, you probably know most of the information here. This is intended for newer players who are coming to DFFOO due to Anniversary. I am aware that Xairos' Guide exists, so this will be building from that to serve as a bridge for the latest game environment. So within 2 years DFFOO has evolved itself into a somewhat complex game with various enhancement aspect. This guide aims to do a breakdown on each aspect that you can enhance to make your character stronger. I will be using Cloud as an example because he is accessible to all new players thanks to Start Dash Draw and Novice Missions. For characters other than Cloud, the similar method of building applies. Note: This guide mainly explains the leveling system (the how-to's). It does not tell you which characters are better to invest resources on. Those who want advice on who-to-invest or other specifics are encouraged to raise their questions in the pinned Megathreads. Below is a screenshot of Gear/Abilities screen, accessible by tapping a character icon. In this screen you can see the various aspect that you can strengthen your character. These are labelled 1 to 8. (1) EXP Level For each battle they won, characters receive EXP at the end of the quest. Fill up the EXP bar and the character gains a level, which gives extra stats. The character gains new passives too when reaching levels with a multiple of 5. The fastest way to increase EXP level is to run Cycle Quests: These quests give the most EXP each run. The harder the Cycle Quest, the faster you level. (2) Crystal Strength Level This level is raised by spending crystals of the corresponding color on characters. For example, Cloud's crystal color is Blue so you can strengthen him once you earn some Blue crystals. Increasing Crystal level gives stats, passives as well as new abilities. The fastest way to earn crystals is again, Cycle Quests: Pick the correct crystals color and keep repeating it, ideally on the highest difficulty. However, the Cycle Quest Method will only push you to maximum Crystal level 50 (we write this as C50 for short), beyond that you will need High Shards (we call them T4 crystals) for C51 to C60 and High Crystals (T5) for C61 to C70. These are mainly obtained through events. Although not repeatedly farmable, you can get enough of these to bring a character to C70 via Mog's Gym: you can exchange tokens you earn there. (3) Number of Summon Boards Mastered This isn't readily accessible to new players: you will need to level your summons to LV20 before you can properly farm for these. The idea is that once you have a summon at LV20 (by undergoing the Trials of in the World of Illusions), you unlock the respective Ultimate map, in which you earn Summon Points to fill up the summon board. In practice, you will be repeating a stage named "Challenge from " (LV100 quest) to earn the summon points (this stage has the highest points per SP ratio). Fully fill the boards with points gains the character a mastery of that board. You earn 150 points per run (before any EXP multipliers) and you need 6500 points for mastery, if you are only going for treasure chests on the boards then you will need less points (around 1600 to 1800). You can speed up the process by using EXP support items: Book of Training/Tome of Training (these items are best used here) and these are stackable with the double EXP bonus on characters currently featured in draw banners. If there is a Specially Boosted character in the team (indicating by a bright purple flashing glow on the character icon), all the party members are treated as if they have double EXP bonus as other currently featured characters (this also means that Specially Boosted doesn't further boost a currently featured character to quadruple EXP). Edit: For video guides about summons, check this post by ProductivityImpaired. (4) Weapons You equip weapons on characters to improve their offensive capabilities. Practically speaking, we will only focus on 5¡ú (and perhaps 4¡ú) weapon. Bronze gear (3¡ú and below) are generally useless and are either used as EXP material, or sold for gil. You can draw 3 types of 5¡ú weapons from the draw banners: we call them the 15 CP, the 35 CP and the 70 CP (aka the EX). Each character has their own 15 CP and 35 CP, and at the time of this post, only some characters have their EX. The 15 CP weapons have the highest draw rate among 5¡ú weapons and boost the first skill for the corresponding character. For Cloud, you can see that his 15 CP, Organyx (obtainable from Novice Mission), makes him deal more BRV damage with his first skill, Cross Slash and increase its chance of paralyzing target. Once a character becomes permanently available, their 15 CP weapon will become drawable in the off-banner pool. Character Events (and Lost Chapters if you missed their original event) gives out a free copy of 15 CP for the corresponding character. You can also exchange them for 10 Power Tokens each but it is not recommended to do so since they are the easiest to get. The 35 CP weapons have an intermediate draw rate among 5¡ú weapons and boost the second skill for the corresponding character. For Cloud, his 35 CP, Rune Blade gives an extra Finishing Touch usage, more damage, as well as several buffs upon usage. The 35 CP weapons cannot be drawn off-banner. You can also exchange them for 25 Power Tokens each: Usually people do this if they don't want to spend more gems or tickets drawing for these weapons from banners they are featured on. The EX weapons have lowest draw rate (the rarest) for all 5¡ú weapons and they give the corresponding character a new skill. For Cloud, his EX, Force Stealer, teaches him Meteorain. The EX weapons cannot be drawn off-banner too. If you perform 15 multis on the same banner, you can collect enough G Tokens to exchange an on-banner EX weapon directly: People save up gems to guarantee themselves some EX weapons via this method. In terms of strength, the EX grants the highest stats, but that doesn't mean that the other two weapons are useless. As you can see, each weapon grants different effects to different skills so ideally you would want to have all 3 weapons for each character (more on this in section 7: Passive Abilities). You can increase the level of weapons by using either other weapons, or by using Power Orbs. If you combine identical copies of weapons together, you can achieve limit breaks on the base weapon to raise their max level and base CP, up to a maximum of 3 times. You can use 4 Power Stones as a substitute for 1 duplicate copy of 5¡ú weapon. You can obtain Power Stones with Dissidia Points (1 per week) or via selling 5¡ú weapons (However it is the best that you have acquired the weapon passive before selling the weapon, more on this in section 7). Once you fully max a weapon by limit breaking 3 times and bringing its level to the maximum, you will see an increase in rarity (change in background color). We call this Max Limit Break (MLB), and it is an important process for obtaining passives of the gear (Section 7). An EX weapon, when MLB, can be Realized to become an EX+ weapon. To do this, you will need to consume a Book of Ruin (we call them red/weapon books), which you can refine from 20 Fragments of Ruin (we call them red/weapon pages). You can get Books and Fragments by completing Panel Missions (known as Chocoboards), COSMOS quests, or spending 200 G Tokens. This Realization process will give you 1 Ruin's Adamantine Ingot (we call them red/weapon ingots). To Limit Break an EX+, you spend red ingots, up to 3 maximum. You can refine a ingot from 20 red nuggets, and you get these materials via Realizations, some Panel Missions and CHAOS quests (Dimensions' End included). Fully level the EX+ weapon to max turns it to purple, and you will receive a Bonus Sphere (Section 8). (5) Armors Armors help in providing defensive capabilities as well as CP capacity to equip passives (Section 7). All 5¡ú armors can be obtained from the Armor Token Exchange (permanent shop) by spending Armor Tokens. There are two tiers of 5¡ú armors: the 1st HG armor is cheaper with 5 Armor Tokens per copy, while the 2nd HG armor cost 20 Armor Tokens, but provides more CP capacity. You can obtain 2 free copies of 1st HG armor for the corresponding character from Character Events (and Lost Chapters if you missed their original event). Story characters such as Cloud has no free armors. To work up on armors, you will first need 4 copies of the 1st HG armor for MLB before you can start exchanging for the corresponding 2nd HG armor. If you MLB the 2nd HG armor, you can choose to Realize them similar to EX weapons (but they will use blue materials instead of red). Making an armor purple unlocks a Sphere Slot for the corresponding character (Section 8). (6) Abilities These are learnt mainly via Crystal Strength (Section 2) and weapons (Section 5). The first skill is available by default, the second skill is unlocked at C20, the EX skill is unlocked with the EX weapon and finally the Additional Ability (AA) is unlocked at C65. Edit: All abilities can be further upgraded with an "Extension" passive, you gain these passives at C55, C60, C70 and also realizing the EX. An extended skill will have their names shown as Red text instead of White text on the skill buttons. (7) Passive Abilities Passives are useful abilities that you can equip on characters. Their effects will trigger in battle as long as the required condition is met. How many passives you can equip is determined by how much CP the character gets from their gears (weapon and armors). When tapping this button, you will see that there are four subsections: Level & Crystal STR Passives are gained from EXP Levels (Section 1) and Crystal Levels (Section 2) Board Passives are gained from Summon Boards (Section 3) Equipment Passiv
Hallucinogenic drugs are something that people seem to either really love and use regularly, or something they have sworn off forever. To me, nothing is better than a night with good friends tripping balls in the middle of the woods and bursting into fits of laughter until our jaws feel like they¡Çre about to fall off. One of my favorites has always been psilocybin, or magic mushrooms as they are more commonly known. Those little purple-gold bastards will put you in another dimension of giggles for hours on end. Yeah, the nausea and bouts of vomiting kind of suck, but it¡Çs small price to pay to visit an alien landscape. A lot of people are put off of hallucinogens due to their fear of having a ¡Æbad trip¡Ç. It¡Çs good to be aware of this risk, but out of the hundreds of trips I¡Çve had, I¡Çve only ever had one which I¡Çd classify as 'bad'. It was the last time I tripped, and it was really bad. I still don¡Çt know exactly how much was the trip, and how much was real, but it's the reason I'm here writing this today. It was a warm summer Friday night, and I had just gotten off work. My buddy Cody had texted me during the day and wanted to know if I wanted to go out and have a bonfire. I of course quickly expressed my interest and returned home to get ready for the night. I met up with Cody and his girlfriend Lexi several hours later. Cody had a wide devious smile on his face when I arrived, and I knew instantly he had something he couldn¡Çt wait to tell me. ¡ÈWhat are you all happy about? ¡É I asked buckling my seatbelt in the backseat of his truck. ¡ÈCheck it out man. ¡É Cody said fumbling for something in his center console. He retrieved a bag several seconds later and tossed it to me. ¡ÈMerry Christmas. ¡É He said with a smile. The bag was stuffed with a familiar and welcome sight: dried psilocybin mushrooms. I removed one from the bag and admired it in my hands. It was dotted with streaks of purplish-azure and smelled absolutely rancid. All normal signs of good quality shrooms. ¡ÈSo, it¡Çs gonna be one of those nights huh? ¡É I asked, my smile mirroring his own. ¡ÈHell yeah. ¡É Cody replied with a raspy chuckle. From there the three of us made our way out to meet up with another couple of our friends. We rendezvoused with Alex, Jovan and Chelsea soon after. Cody unveiled his bag of goodies, and both guys expressed equal excitement as I had. ¡ÈOh shit, it¡Çs gonna be a good night. ¡É Jovan said with his infectious laugh. Our group headed out from there to grab the usual supplies. We picked up a few pallets from Cody¡Çs work, stopped by the liquor store and headed out to our usual spot. I live out in Oregon, and our go to bonfire area is a place called Goat Mountain. It¡Çs pretty remote, some 15 miles south of Estacada. Lots of wilderness, off-roading trails and abandoned logging sites dot the area. People know about this place and regularly camp in the area, but usually you¡Çll never run into them because the place is so vast. The area is nice for several reasons. First of which, is that cops rarely patrol it because their cruisers have severe difficulty traversing the unpaved trails that lead up to it. A truck or jeep is pretty much a must in order to get there. Second is that - as far as I know, nobody lives in the area. You can make all the noise you want up there, and nobody¡Çs going to complain or come looking for you. It¡Çs our own little haven, shared by others who know the area, and a pleasant escape from the bustling and at times overwhelming city. So, we began our trek, supplies in tow with Cody¡Çs truck barreling towards the destination. Lexi was in shotgun, while Chelsea and I sat in the back. Behind us, Alex and Jovan stayed hot on our tail in Alex¡Çs 98¡Ç Jeep Wrangler. The roads quickly turned from smooth pavement, to an uneven dirt path. Trees stood like templars on either side of the road, and the forest itself seemed to beckon us onward. We of course, were all too eager to oblige. We made good time, and within half an hour we arrived at the usual spot. The area is a sort of pit or small valley on the other side of a relatively steep trail. Makeshift firepits were scattered about the area, while shotgun shells, beer cans and cigarette butts littered the area. It appears we aren¡Çt the only ones who visit that spot anymore. It honestly pisses me off that people come out and leave shit all over the place. Like really? If you¡Çre going to go camping then at least pick up your trash or at the very least, burn it. I¡Çm no hippie, but I¡Çll admit; I am a bit of a stickler when it comes to not leaving a mess. Nothing worse than having an area you love overrun by garbage. Despite the initial irritation of the trash, we soon had our gear unloaded and a warm bellowing fire roaring in the background. We wasted no time in cracking open a cold one, and setting up the tents. The sun had just begun to set by the time we finished our set up. Cody then eagerly distributed the shrooms among the group. Lexi and Chelsea both elected to not participate, which only meant more for the rest of us. Cody had maybe a half ounce or so, meaning that each of us took roughly an eighth, with Cody taking a bit more. I chewed on the grimy mushrooms, as a taste not entirely dissimilar to stale popcorn entered my mouth. Some people can¡Çt stand the taste, one of those people being Jovan who looked as though he was about to vomit as he downed them. ¡ÈShit tastes like ass. ¡É He commented, a scowl on his face as he downed a large swig of Coors. ¡ÈWell they do grow in cow shit y¡Çknow? ¡É Cody replied with a laugh that was echoed by Alex. Lexi and Chelsea gave shakes of their heads from around the fire, as the four of us guys struggled to down the dried mushrooms. After it was done, we grabbed another round of beers and sat in eager anticipation of the desired effects. For about an hour we sat, reminiscing on past parties and various debauchery as we waited for the trip to kick in. I felt my stomach begin to turn as we sat there, which actually is a good sign. Psilocybin is essentially food poisoning, like mold or something. Makes you feel like shit for a bit, but that¡Çs how you know it¡Çs working. It¡Çs always a slow malaise at first, a subliminal inclination that makes you feel like something about the world is suddenly very different. The weirdness is gradual, starting with moderate tufts of distortion on the trees and in the sky. I always describe it as ¡Æthe world begins to sing, ¡Ç which when I¡Çm sober sounds like nonsense, but during the trip it makes perfect sense. The world around you seems to just take on an entirely different form as your perspective gives in to the chemicals. For some reason this is just about the funniest damn thing you will ever see, and soon after the fits of giggles begin. Chelsea was busy telling a story about some girl who tried to fight her at a party, when Alex suddenly burst out laughing. Chelsea looked to him, clearly annoyed that he had interrupted her tale. ¡ÈYou¡Çre trippin¡Ç balls aren¡Çt you? ¡É She asked with a laugh. Alex calmed down suddenly, his eyes darting back and forth as hushed giggles escaped his lips. ¡ÈI feel like shit bro¡Ä¡É Jovan said. ¡ÈGo puke, it¡Çll enhance the trip. ¡É Cody replied. I never actually have found out whether that rumor is true or not. Jovan shook his head and pressed his hand to his face. ¡ÈNah man I¡Çll be good¡Ä¡É Cody then looked to me. ¡ÈYou feelin¡Ç it yet? ¡É Cody¡Çs eyes seemed to bulge from their sockets, and for some reason his slightly pudgy exterior combined with blonde facial hair in that moment of dismal lightning reminded me of a walrus. I burst out laughing, and Cody followed suit right after. The three of us continued to laugh for several minutes, all the while the girls giggled to themselves and made fun of us. Jovan meanwhile, had gone to relieve himself away from the group. Silence suddenly befell the group, only for it to be pierced seconds later by the sounds of Jovan retching somewhere in the woods. This of course elicited another bout of laughs from Cody, Alex and me. We then heard the infectious cackle of Jovan from the shadows who had now also joined in the laughter. Chelsea shook her head. ¡ÈIdiots. ¡É She and Lexi shared a laugh as Jovan returned to the group. ¡ÈMan I splattered on my Jordan¡Çs. ¡É Jovan said with a laugh while using a towel to wipe the muck from his feet. ¡ÈWhy you even wearing those out here? ¡É Cody asked with a laugh. The full brunt of the trip really began to hit me then. Around me the trees appeared to breathe in and out, like a pupil rapidly dilating and restricting. Lexi began to play some trap music from her phone. Cody¡Çs truck and Alex¡Çs jeep also appeared to breathe, and when combined with the music, they appeared to dance in the crimson light of the fire. I giggled to myself, juvenile, like a child who just swiped a cookie from the jar. We continued to chuckle at asinine things and observe the now distorted world around us. A full moon now beamed brightly overhead, illuminating a cluster of grinning clouds that seemed to sneer down at us. In the woods around us I saw the shadows dance and contort in a bizarre display. Lexi then paused her music, and things fell suddenly silent. That was when I first heard it. In the distance I thought I could hear the faint humming sound of something. I perked up and cocked my head to the side, trying to better hear the faint sound. ¡ÈWhat is it? ¡É Lexi asked. I put my hand up, as the distant sounds of what appeared to be a low humming echoed in my ears. ¡ÈDo you hear that? ¡É The others cocked their heads. ¡ÈSounds like¡Ä humming or something. ¡É I replied. ¡ÈAm I just tripping or¡Ä¡É ¡ÈNo, I hear it too¡Ä¡É Chelsea interjected. ¡ÈProbably just somebody blasting music. ¡É Cody said. Alex rose to his feet and began to saunter away from the fire. He paused some twenty feet away, and slowly turned back. ¡ÈI think it¡Çs coming from that way. ¡É He said extending
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