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My daughter was curious, from a young age she posed an infinite amount of critical questions - why do the clouds look angry before it rains? Why do people work all day if it makes them sad? How do you know you love Mommy? ? regardless of how many “I don’t know”s I tossed back at her. My daughter was creative, painting favorite song lyrics and beautiful images along her bedroom walls no matter how many times I painted over them. My daughter was trusting, placing her life in my hands in spite of the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of times I failed her. My daughter died on the night of her fifteenth birthday. My daughter was born on the night she died, an uncommonly bleak Texas summer evening, with dark clouds threatening to split open and spill rain. She took her final breath, shallow and sluggish, as I slept soundly in the next room. She died, helpless and alone and straining to hold on, on the night of her fifteenth birthday. She would have laid there until morning, her body growing pale and cold and rigid, if I hadn’t gotten the call. The sound of the landline ringing jolted me awake at 1:30 AM. I’m ashamed to admit that I almost ignored it, but I figured it might be Charlie requesting a ride home. She was a hell of a partier even at her young age, and I lacked the necessary rapport to steer her away from the precarious road she was already traveling down at ninety miles per hour, windows down, stereo blaring. Reckless, careless, but free ? that was my Charlie. I peeled myself out of bed and made my way to the kitchen, knees and back aching ? god, when did I get so old? ? as I rushed to reach the phone before the final ring. I cleared my throat, hoarse from hours of sleep. “Hello? ” “There’s a storm on the way, son. Check on Charlotte. ” “Dad? ” I returned, incredulous, but the line had already disconnected. Sleep crusting my eyes and half convinced I must be dreaming, I followed the caller’s instructions, pacing to my daughter’s room and gently nudging the door open. The light was on ? she always left the lights on, no matter how many damn times I told her I couldn’t afford the electric bill. I stepped through the doorway to switch off the light when I finally caught sight of her, really saw her and the state she was in. Her eyes were open. Her body was still, no rhythmic rising and falling of her chest. I watched as my hand, still clinging to the phone yet somehow so disconnected from my own mind or body, dialed 911. Suddenly, a paramedic was there, grabbing me by the shoulders, shaking me out of my disoriented state. I don’t know how much time had passed ? I was there, but not entirely. My mind was somewhere else, years ago... I was eating ice creams with Charlie at Six Flags as she raced me to the next roller coaster. “Do you want your daughter to live? ” the man shouted, desperate and rushed. I could only nod in response. He dashed into Charlie’s room. I followed him. Another man ? the head paramedic, perhaps ? stopped me, blocking my path, blocking my way to Charlie. “Sir, your daughter is gone, ” he stated flatly. “Wh ? what? He just said…” I choked, raising a quivering digit to point at the man who’d brought me into the room mere moments ago. The man waved me off, clearly in too much of a time crunch to hear me out. I didn’t feel particularly capable of speech anyway. “She’s been dead for too long to resuscitate traditionally. There’s something else we could try, something new and experimental, but we need your permission to do so. ” He bent over, reaching into a black duffel bag to pull out a plastic package. I glanced around the room, unable to truly process anything he’d said. Charlie, gone? Too late? Experimental? My eyes bounced over the anxiously waiting faces of the emergency response team before fixing on the packaging in the man’s hand. “I’m going to need an answer, sir, ” he directed, firmly. “I can assure you your daughter will not live unless we try this. ” “Yes, ” I wheezed. All air had left my lungs. When the safety, no, the life of your child is concerned, there really is no other answer. Immediately, the emergency team set into action, forming a horseshoe around her bed. The man in charge ripped through the plastic packaging to reveal a large needle partially filled with an opaque black fluid. The alarmingly long tip of the needle glinted in the yellow light from the single lamp illuminating the room, the one that Charlie never turned off. Advancing toward the side of Charlie’s bed, he spoke to me without looking at me, focused entirely on the task at hand. “I’m going to perform an intracardiac injection, ” he explained as another paramedic used a pair of scissors to release the fabric of her shirt from her upper chest. “And, well, we’ll see what happens after that. ” His uncertainty was far from comforting, but I was out of options. He raised the needle up high and drove it down, puncturing the left side of her chest, burying the lengthy point inside. Slowly, carefully, he pushed the plunger at the opposite end to empty the liquid into her body. “Give her space, ” he barked, taking a few steps backwards himself. The rest of his team followed suit, leaving Charlie reclined on the bed. For ten excruciatingly long seconds, nothing happened. I buried my face in my hands, unable to watch, the feeling of failure absolutely suffocating. My mind offered me refuge in pleasant memories once more, but Charlie needed me there. I could not leave again. Dropping my hands back down to my sides, I watched, amazed, as Charlie began to move again. Horror quickly eclipsed amazement as I realized that she wasn’t moving, no, something was wriggling against the inside of her skin, straining as it attempted to tear its way from the inside out. And then, SSSSSSHLEPPPPP. The sound of ripping, wet and loud and nauseating, tore through the smothering silence that had fallen over the room. A screech of agony pierced the air as the skin of my Charlie’s face burst to split down the center. The head of some unknown creature, capped with glistening white, burst forth. The figure continued to fight, struggling to release its body from within Charlie’s skin, ligaments and tendons and vessels snapping loudly with each forceful movement. My head spinning, I steadied myself with both hands laid flat on my knees, my breaths coming heavy and unsatisfying. The rest of her flesh erupted soon after, tearing first along the middle of her torso, the gashes splintering and spreading down to her arms and legs. The strange figure, red and bloody and severe, finally emerged from its trappings to sit upright with a sickening squelch, glancing frantically around the room. The wheels in my old brain finally turned, allowing me to make some sense of what I was seeing. The figure that sat on the bed before me, surrounded by my daughter’s flesh, loose and deflated, appeared to be the insides of a person ? like you’d see in a biology textbook, the diagram just after the organ systems, just before the fully fleshed human. Just bone and muscle coated in blood, slick and red. “Dad? ” the figure squeaked, confusion and pain readily apparent in her voice, Charlie’s voice. “What’s going on? ” --- The medical team explained the process to her in words I couldn’t even begin to grasp. Something about “secret experiments”, and a final life-saving measure when the small window of opportunity for CPR and other resuscitation methods had passed. Not even fully tested yet. She was their guinea pig. Needless to say, she didn’t take it well. I was assured that she would heal, though it would take time, rest, and care. They’d send a nurse to keep her safe and comfortable, but Charlie would have to stay hidden throughout the healing process for obvious reasons. The nurse arrived the next morning, a sprightly young woman named Annie with dark skin and short cropped hair. Her bedside manner was unparalleled ? Charlie took to her almost immediately, though the steady dose of pain meds she delivered may have helped facilitate the relationship. Even still, Charlie refused my company entirely. Our relationship was shaky at best before this. I could only sit outside her door, listening to her constant sobbing. I figured I needed to do something eventually, so I gently knocked before pressing her bedroom door open. She appeared to have healed very little, if at all, but it was hard to judge as she was entirely swathed in bandages save for her eyes and mouth. “Hey, Char, ” I called from the doorway, moving hesitantly across the room. She provided no response, rolling over in bed to look out the window. “Listen, ” I began, sighing. “I don’t know what happened to you, Charlie, but… well, it must have been bad, ” I declared, kicking myself internally as the words fell from my mouth, stupid and misguided. “It kills me to see you like this. To see you in pain. I can’t stand to know that you’ve been hurt. I guess I just… I just wanted to say… I’m sorry. ” Charlie slowly turned her head to face me, her bandages brushing loudly against the bedsheets. “I don’t want you to say you’re fucking sorry, ” she seethed, lidless eyes fixed on me in an unblinking, hateful stare. She hesitated before screaming, “get out! Get the fuck out! ” I respected her wishes, backing out of her room and closing the door. I rested my forehead on the white wooden barrier, defeated, unsure of how to get through to her. “You fucking idiot, ” a voice ? Annie’s voice ? came from behind me. Startled, I turned toward her. She had a dose of medication in one hand, on her way to deliver it to my daughter. “I don’t know what to do, ” I admitted, tears welling in my eyes. Annie laughed gently in disbelief. “ You don’t know what to do? ” she chided softly, somehow still comforting through her criticism. “She died. I don’t know what happened to her, either, but I do know she won’t talk until she feels safe and heard
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Research | Mysteries Note: This post was meant to combine a training guide plus mysteries and research, however it will hit reddit's character limit. So this post will contain a training guide, then I'll reply with comments below with a mysteries guide and research. So prepare yourself for a hell of a read, huge credit to Saint Cannon for this writeup and 0000000000. 1% credit to me for formatting for reddit. Hello everyone! With the new release of Archaeology, myself, Saint Cannon, Gaga Lady, Friendliness, Son, Suity, and Im Rubic created the Archaeology discord server. It has been a very exciting project working on mysteries guides, fleshing out methods on obtaining items, collaborating with the community on the Pylon, deposit box callouts, and so much more! It has been amazing to see the camaraderie and willingness to share information to help others even with the race. Additionally, it has been a humbling experience working alongside some of the pillars of the RS community. The Wiki team has been fantastic in helping us get things posted to the wiki for everyone to benefit from. I also want to thank all our Contributors and Staff on the Archaeology Discord. They have been fantastic in every aspect! Lastly, I want to thank Son, Guys, ChangingLane, Merds, and PinkRoses for helping with details. So why this document? I have seen so many questions about ‘What do I do at this level? Where should I go? When should I do this mystery? ’ The objective is to clarify things, give a sense of direction, and reduce overall frustrations! I will be breaking it down level-by-level on what you should be doing and when you should move on. I recognize this is likely not the most XP-efficient way of going about things, but it is a great foundation to build from. I hope you enjoy this and find it useful. If there are any comments to be made or any corrections you see, leave a reply here! Training Methods: Levels 1-120 Level 1 ? 5 (Tutorial) Head to the Archaeology Guild (near the Dig Site quest area) and speak with Acting Guildmaster Reiniger to begin the Archaeology Tutorial. At the end of the tutorial, you will be level 5. Level 5 ? 12 (Kharid-et) Kharid-et is now accessible. You will need to talk with Dr. Nabanik to view the cutscene. Afterwards, walk down the slope and go to the Venator remains. The piles will have Venator light crossbow (damaged) and Venator dagger (damaged). You should stay at this pile until level 12. At level 10, you can upgrade your bronze mattock to an iron mattock. Mattocks can be purchased at the Archaeology Guild or can be smithed at an anvil. Refer to the Mattock guide at the end of this document for more information about when to upgrade to the next level mattock. Venator Remains: Venator light crossbow: Soran and Varrock Museum Venator dagger: Soran and Varrock Museum Level 12 ? 20 (Kharid-et) At level 12, you can excavate the dirt pile blocking the doorway that leads into the rest of Kharid-et. Before you can complete the mystery ‘Breaking the Seal’, you need to speak with Dr. Nabanik to receive a Centurion Seal. With the seal, click on the excavated door frame to enter Kharid-et Barracks. Head to the first building, on the west side, to the Legionary remains pile. As you are skilling at any of the excavation piles, you will randomly receive pages that are used for the ‘Prison Break’ mystery. There are a total of four pages. Once you have recovered four pages, speak with Liam, located by the prison door to receive a dial. Place the dial in the broken dial spot and press these buttons in the order of: Shadow, Blood, Smoke, and Ice to finish the ‘Prison Break’ mystery. Legionary remains: Legionary gladius: Soran and Varrock Museum Legionary square shield: Soran and Varrock Museum Primis Elementis standard: Soran and Varrock Museum At level level 17, move to the Castra debris located right in front of the sealed door. Castra debris: Zaros Effigy: Soran and Varrock Museum Zaroasian training dummy: Soran, Varrock Museum, and Katarina to unlock her as a researcher. Level 20 ? 25 (Infernal Source) At level 20, you will receive an invitation from Movario to uncover the mysteries at the Infernal Source. Upon using the lift, you will find yourself in the Lodge Bar. You will see a furnace missing three Crests of Dagon. They can be found in the Lodge art storage piles. While excavating in the area, you will come across pages needed for the ‘Eyes in Their Stars’ mystery. All four pages and the three Crests of Dagon are needed to complete the mystery. Once the pages are collected and the Crests of Dagon are inserted, the furnace will open up to the next area. Lodge bar storage: Opulent wine goblet: Isaura, Varrock Museum, Chief Tess, and Dorian to - unlock him as a researcher. Hookah pipe: Isaura, Varrock Museum, and Chief Tess At level 24, move to the Lodge art storage that is located on the north side of the area. Lodge art storage: Crest of Dagon: Isaura, Varrock Museum, Chief Tess, Wise Old Man, and 3 for the ‘Eyes in Their Stars’ mystery Disorder’ painting: Isaura, Varrock Museum, and Art Critic Jacques Level 25 ? 29 (Kharid-et) Head back to Kharid-et and go to the Administratum debris piles across the room. Administratum debris: Legatus Maximus figurine: Soran, Varrock Museum, Chief Tess, and Wise Old Man Solem in Umbra painting: Soran, Varrock Museum, and Art Critic Jacques Level 29 ? 42 (Infernal Source) Return to the Infernal Source and go to the new area unlocked from ‘Eyes in Their Stars’. Head down the path to the Cultist footlocker piles. While excavating these piles, you will accumulate journal pages for the ‘Embrace the Chaos’ mystery. You will need four pages to complete the mystery. Once you have collected all four pages, follow the path all the way down to the chalk circle. Grab the chalk from the box of chalk and a set of 3 candles from the boxes on the edges of the room. You will need to draw the circle, place the candles, light the candles, and chant the incantation, starting at the west candle and moving clockwise: Ordo Animam Capit, Ceterum Aperuerit Ianuam, and Et Daemonium Renascitur. Upon finishing the last chant, ‘Embrace the Chaos’ will be complete. If you pass through the portal, you will be greeted by a gargoyle who will prompt the start of the mystery ‘Contract Claws’ (guide below). Cultist footlocker: Greater demon mask: Isaura, Varrock Museum, and Wise Old Man Lesser demon mask: Isaura, Varrock Museum, and Wise Old Man Imp mask: Isaura, Varrock Museum, and Wise Old Man At level 36, move to the Sacrificial altar pile. You will stay here until level 42. Sacrificial altar pile: Order of Dis robes: Isaura and Varrock Museum Ritual dagger: Isaura, Varrock Museum, and Wise Old Man Level 42 ? 45 (Everlight) At level 42, Vanescula Drakan will send you an invitation to help aid her at the Everlight dig site. After the cutscene, head to the Prodromoi remains. While excavating the pile, you will come across journal pages needed for the ‘Queen of the Icyene’ mystery. You will need a total of four pages to complete the mystery. Additionally, while excavating the Prodromoi remains, you will randomly find icyene remains. Take it with a repaired ‘Frying pan’ to the graveyard south of Vanescula Drakan and bury them to finish the ‘Fallen Angels’ mystery. Prodromoi remains: Hallowed lanter: Sir Atcha, Varrock Museum, and Statue of Hebe Frying pan: Sir Atcha, Varrock Museum, and ‘Queen of the Icyene’ mystery Level 45 ? 47 (Infernal Source): Head back to the Infernal Source and excavate the Dis dungeon debris pile. Dis dungeon debris: Branding iron: Isaura and Varrock Museum Manacles: Isaura and Varrock Museum Level 47 (Kharid-et) Head back to Kharid-et and head through the now opened door and excavate the Praesidio remains. It is important to note that you should keep an extra Legatus pendant as it is needed to traverse through the Legatus barrier later on. Additionally, using an Ancient timepiece on the device on the wall will complete the mystery ‘Time Served’. Praesidio remains: Ancient timepiece: Soran, Varrock Museum, Chief Tess, Wise Old Man, and ‘Time Served’ mystery Legatus pendant: Soran, Varrock Museum, Chief Tess, and keep one for the Legatus barrier entry Level 48 ? 56 (Everlight) Return to Everlight and head to the Monoceros remains. Monoceros remains Ceremonial unicorn ornament: Sir Atcha, Varrock Museum, Wise Old Man, and Eduardo to unlock him as a researcher Ceremonial unicorn saddle: Sir Atcha and Varrock Museum At level 51, switch to the Amphitheatre debris. Amphitheatre debris: Everlight harp: Sir Atcha, Varrock Museum, Wise Old Man, and for the Statue of Mesomedes Amphitheatre (North). Everlight trumpet: Sir Atcha, Varrock Museum, Wise Old Man, and Chief Tess Everlight violin: Sir Atcha, Varrock Museum, and Wise Old Man At level 56, move to the Ceramics studio debris. Ceramics studio debris: Folded-arm figurine (female): Sir Atcha and Varrock Museum Folded-arm figurine (male): Sir Atcha and Varrock Museum Level 58 ? 61 (Kharid-et) At level 58, head back to Kharid-et with your Legatus pendant. Go into the Prison and pass the red barrier. From the Carcerem debris pile, you will get a Pontifex signet ring. You will want to keep an extra one to pass the Pontifex barrier and for the ‘Forgotten Prisoner’ mystery. Additionally, the Incite Fear spell scroll is needed for ‘The Shadow Vault’ mystery. Carcerem debris: Pontifex signet ring: Soran, Varrock Museum, Chief Tess, and keep an extra one for yourself for the barrier Incite Fear spell scroll: Soran, Varrock Museum, Wise Old Man, and one for ‘The Vault of Shadows’ Level 61 ? 65 (Everlight) At level 61, return to Everlight. You will stay at the Stadio debris excavation pile until 65. While excavating, you will have a chance to find journal pages. You need five pages to turn in to complete the ‘Fall and Rise’ mystery. Stadio debris: Dominion discus: Sir Atcha and Varrock Museum Dominion jave
The last beyond free watch faces. Beyond the Boundary is a TV series which revolves around a high school sophomore named Akihito. Akihito by all appearances seems to be normal; however Akihito is not normal by any standard. The boy named Akihito is really half Youmu and he appears immune to any kind of wound or abrasion. Any wound or abrasion that he receives almost instantly heals. One day Akihito rescues Mirai from a school rooftop. Apparently, Mirai was going to commit suicide by jumping from the roof but is saved. After Akihito saves Mirai from the rooftop odd things begin to happen in Aikhito's daily life. Mirai has an odd ability which enables her to manipulate blood. At the time that Akihito rescued Mirai he was completely unaware of this unusual ability that she possesses. This could have a definite impact on the odd occurrences that began to take place shortly thereafter. Anime Network 1 Season, 12 Episodes November 2, 2013 Anime 7. 4 / 10 Cast: Kenichiro Ohashi, Risa Taneda, Minori Chihara, Clint Bickham Watch Full Episodes of Beyond the Boundary Beyond the Boundary Full Episode Guide Season 1 12 full episodes Episode 12 - Gray World 6 years ago Now that Akihito and Mirai have been reunited, they must work together to defeat Beyond the Boundary's core. But what will happen to Mirai and Akihito once it has been defeated...? Will either of them survive? Episode 11 - Black World 6 years ago The battle between Mirai and Beyond the Boundary rages on in a new dimension, while Akihito tries to figure out how to bring her back. Episode 10 - White World 6 years ago In a dream, Mirai informs Akihito of what happened during their battle and why it had to be this way. Then time jumps backwards to six months earlier. At long last, Mirai's motives and Izumi's plan are made clear! Episode 9 - Silver Bamboo 6 years ago According to Izumi, Akihito's youmu transformation could be permanent! She tells Mirai that she must kill Akihito during the Calm or else he will become a powerful youmu gifted with immortality. Mirai is torn by the decision she must make. Episode 8 - Calming Gold 6 years ago The Calm is coming. This is a dangerous time for youmu since it is when their powers grow weak. But what does that mean for the ultra-rare half-youmu, Akihito? And Miroku seems to be up to something. What does he have up his sleeve? Episode 7 - Color of Clouds 6 years ago At long last, Sakura is ready to confront Mirai. Now Mirai must decide whether she will fight to live or die for atonement. What would Yui want for Sakura... and for Mirai? Episode 6 - Shocking Pink 6 years ago Mirai goes after a perverted youmu with an eye for human girls. When it sprays Mitsuki with its stink juice, the Literary Club must band together to defeat the powerful--and horrendously stinky--youmu! Episode 5 - Chartreuse Light 6 years ago Mirai isn't allowed to hunt youmu for one month as punishment for going near the Hollow Shadow. Now she must get a part-time job to pay the bills. As Mirai comes out of her shell, perhaps she will heal the hearts of those around her... Episode 4 - Bitter Orange Episode 3 - Moonlight Purple 6 years ago The Hollow Shadow is drawing near. Akihito knows that Mirai wants to risk her life in a fight against the powerful youmu. The only way to stop her is to learn more about her past and confront her, but sheï¿?s been avoiding him... Episode 2 - Ultramarine 7 years ago Akihito helps Mirai defeat one of her very first youmu! He tries to use this as his chance to become closer, but instead Mirai seems to be pushing him away! Why won't his bespectacled beauty join the Literary Club? Episode 1 - Carmine Most Popular Beyond the Boundary Episodes Beyond the Boundary is available to watch free on Crunchyroll and stream on Anime Network. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Beyond the Boundary on demand at Amazon, Hulu, Vudu, The Roku Channel, iTunes, Crunchyroll online.
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