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Mark Amin / Countries - USA / description - Emperor is a movie starring Keean Johnson, James Cromwell, and Bruce Dern. An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown. Based on the life story of Shields Green / Casts - Kat Graham. Ha! He said swagger... When you've seen the live stream, and compare it with the DVD. There were many misstakes taken out. So, IÄVe been there on Wacken 2006. Was a good, but not great gig.
Beautiful ceremony. Some commentary would have been nice. Free Online emperors. J. E. M. B. O. D -Jess -Emperor -Marsha -Bass -Oura -Donkey. Best black metal band ever. Watch free online emperor of paris movie. Uriah just kinda got me convinced. Emperor, feminine empress, title designating the sovereigns of the ancient Roman Empire and, by derivation, various later European rulers; it is also applied loosely to certain non-European monarchs. Read More on This Topic ancient Rome: Cult of the emperors Among the institutions most important in softening the edges of regional differences was the cult of the emperors. In one sense, it originated… In republican Rome ( c. 509?27 bc), imperator denoted a victorious general, so named by his troops or by the Senate. Under the empire (after 27 bc), it was regularly adopted by the ruler as a forename and gradually came to apply to his office. In medieval times, Charlemagne, king of the Franks and of the Lombards, was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III in Rome on Christmas Day, 800. Thenceforward until the fall of Constantinople in 1453 there were two emperors in the Christian world, the Byzantine and the Western. The term “Holy Roman emperor” is now generally used, for convenience, to designate the Western sovereigns, though the title was at first simply “emperor” ( imperator; the German form kaiser being derived from the Roman caesar), then “august emperor, ” then, from 971, “Roman emperor. ” The addition of “Holy” to the designation of the emperor, in historical writing, follows from its having been added to that of the empire ( sacrum imperium, 1157). The dissolution of Frankish Europe into separate kingdoms led eventually to the imperial title’s passing in 962 to the East Frankish or German king Otto I, who was also king of Italy (the kingdom of Burgundy was further acquired by Conrad II in 1032). Thenceforward to 1806, though not all German kings were emperors (crowned by the pope), there were no emperors who were not German kings, so that election to the German kingship came to be de facto necessary for attainment of the imperial title?with the final result that from 1508 to 1806 the style “emperor elected” or, more briefly, “emperor” was given to the German king in anticipation of his coronation by the pope (only one such coronation, that of Charles V in 1530, actually took place in the period). Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. Subscribe today Outside the Frankish and German sphere of influence the title emperor was sometimes assumed by princes supreme over more than one kingdom: thus Sancho III the Great of Navarre styled himself “emperor of Spain” on his annexation of Léon (1034); Alfonso VI of Léon and Castile called himself “emperor of the Two Religions, ” to show his supremacy over Christians and Muslims alike; and Alfonso VII took the title “emperor of all Spain” (1135). The Russian tsar Peter I the Great assumed the title imperator on Oct. 22, 1721. From that point on male rulers were conventionally called tsar, whereas female rulers were always called empress; both males and females held both titles, i. e., tsar (or tsaritsa) and imperator (or imperatritsa). After the French Revolution had destroyed the kingdom of France, Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804, having been anointed by Pope Pius VII, crowned himself emperor of the French as Napoleon I. His claim to be the successor not of Louis XIV but of Charlemagne, together with his organization of the Confederation of the Rhine in Germany, was a threat to the Holy Roman Empire of the Habsburg dynasty. Seeing this, Francis II, to retain an imperial title, took that of “hereditary emperor of Austria ” before he dissolved the old empire in 1806. His successors retained it until 1918. Napoleon III was emperor of the French from 1852 until his deposition in 1870?71 (the French Second Empire). Between 1871 and 1918 the kings of Prussia ?William I, Frederick III, and William II? were German emperors, or kaisers. Victoria of Great Britain took the title empress of India in 1876, but her great-grandson George VI renounced the imperial title when India became independent. In the Western Hemisphere Jean-Jacques Dessalines was emperor of Haiti from 1804 to 1806; princes of the house of Bragança were emperors of Brazil from 1822 to 1889; Agustín de Iturbide and the Austrian archduke Maximilian were emperors of Mexico from 1822 to 1823 and from 1864 to 1867, respectively. The title emperor also is generally and loosely used as the English designation for the sovereigns of Ethiopia and of Japan, for the Mogul rulers of India, for the former sovereigns of China, for the Inca rulers of Peru, and for the Aztec rulers of Mexico. Learn More in these related Britannica articles: Among the institutions most important in softening the edges of regional differences was the cult of the emperors. In one sense, it originated in the 4th century bc, when Alexander the Great first received veneration by titles and symbols and forms of address as… history of Europe: The empire …house was also Holy Roman emperor. He directly ruled the family lands, comprising different parts of Austria stretching from Alpine valleys to the Danubian plain, which were mainly Roman Catholic and German; Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia, which were mainly Slavic in race and language; a fraction of Hungary after the… history of Europe: Late antiquity: the reconfiguration of the Roman world In the 3rd century the emperor, who was first called princeps (“first citizen”) and then dominus (“lord”), became divus (“divine”). The powerful religious connotations of the imperial office were adopted even by usurpers of the imperial throne, backed by their armies, who then ruled autocratically at the head of a….
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Snoke: you have ever heard. *you're. plane. Best video ever. Now I realize where the BDM get their album cover art inspiration from! Lol. Free online games @ game emperor. Goosebumps all over, what an epic song, and what a album! Black Metal Supreme. The Loss and Curse of Reverence and In Longing Spirit, my favourite ones. Something went wrong, but don’t fret ? let’s give it another shot. EMPEROR COMO SIEMPRE CARGADO DE POTENCIA Y RAPIDES QUE ASOMBRA CHINGONSISISIMO ALBUM. 5:57 to 6:10 gives me extreme goosebumps. The Yongle Emperor (aka Chengzu or Yung Lo, r. 1403-1424 CE) was the third ruler of the Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 CE). Inheriting a stable state thanks to the work of his father, the Hongwu Emperor (r. 1368-1398 CE), Yongle made lasting contributions to Chinese history such as moving the capital to Beijing and beginning construction of the Forbidden City as an imperial residence. The emperor also opened up China to the world, notably sponsoring the seven voyages of the explorer Zheng He. However, costly wars in both the south and north of China and the expense of his grandiose construction projects would leave Emperor Yongle’s successors with less cash than they needed to face the resurgent Mongols of the mid-15th century CE. Zhu Di Takes the Throne The founder of the Ming Dynasty was the Hongwu Emperor, and it was he, after 30 years of rule from 1368 CE, who sparked off a rumpus at the imperial court over who should be the next ruler. The problem was that although Hongwu had 26 sons, the carefully groomed heir, his first son Zhu Biao, had died prematurely in 1392 CE. Instead of choosing his own second eldest son, Hongwu decided on the eldest son of Zhu Biao. Indeed, this became the convention throughout the Ming dynasty - the eldest son of the Empress would inherit the throne, and if he died before this was possible, the right went to his eldest son. Thus, when Hongwu died in 1398 CE, he was succeeded by Zhu Yunwen (aka Huidi), who took the reign name of the Jianwen Emperor (r. 1398-1402 CE). Emperor Chengzu took the reign name Yongle Emperor, meaning ‘Eternal Contentment’. This jumping of a generation did not go down well with Hongwu’s second son, known as the Prince of Yan (and as Zhu Di, b. 1360 CE) who had high ambitions of his own. The prince commanded a large army, which had won many victories against the Mongols, and he was prepared to press his claim by force. After a three-year civil? war, the Prince of Yan was the victor, and he became Emperor Chengzu, taking the reign name Yongle Emperor, meaning ‘Eternal Contentment’ or 'Eternal Joy'. The Jianwen Emperor simply disappeared, perhaps killed during the war in a fire in the palace of Nanjing or, more intriguingly, he may have escaped the city disguised as a monk. Whatever his fate, nothing more was ever heard of the Ming Dynasty’s second emperor. Consolidating Power Just as ruthless as his father had been in eliminating any dissent in the state bureaucracy, Yongle started with a clean sweep of any official he thought loyal to his nephew Jianwen. In one infamous purge begun right after the new emperor took office, the noted Confucian scholar-official Fang Xiarou, who had refused to draft the proclamation of Yongle’s enthronement, was executed by dismemberment. Any of Xiarou’s known associates in the government were executed and so too all his relatives to the tenth degree. On top of all those victims, the emperor ordered the execution of all the officials who had passed their civil service examinations while Xiarou had been their overseer. The death toll ran into the thousands.? Ming Dynasty Empire, c. 1409 CE by SY (CC BY-SA) Despite the huge number of officials who were removed from office by the emperor’s purge, the state bureaucracy was expanded; eunuchs especially gained power and influence because, unable to have children, their loyalty was considered more certain than other officials. Indeed, in 1420 CE, the emperor established a sort of secret service headed by his chief eunuch. This service, called the Eastern Depot, was set the task of rooting out any lingering opposition to Yongle’s legitimacy to rule and eliminate corruption. Another branch of the bureaucracy, the state archives and repository of official histories, was given the task of all but blanking out Jianwen’s reign and falsifying records to show that Yongle had the legitimate claim to the throne. ? ? ? Beijing & The Forbidden City In the early 15th century CE the Mongols experienced a resurgence on China’s borders and so Emperor Yongle moved the capital from Nanjing to Beijing in 1421 CE to be better placed to deal with any foreign threat. The site had a history as an ancient capital under various regimes, and it was also in the province that the emperor had personally commanded when he had been the Prince of Yan. At huge expense, Beijing was enlarged and surrounded by a 10-metre high circuit? wall ?measuring some 15 kilometres in total length. Accessed by nine gates, the city was laid out on a regular grid plan. Such was Beijing’s need for food, the Grand Canal was deepened and widened so that grain ships could easily reach the capital. No fewer than 24 emperors would reside in the Forbidden City in Beijing.? One of the lasting contributions to Chinese history made by Yongle was the building of the Forbidden City in the heart of Beijing, built as the imperial residence. Known in Chinese as Zijincheng (‘Purple Forbidden City’), construction was begun in 1407 CE, and thousands of labourers spent the next 14 years creating one of the greatest cities in the world. The buildings, set upon white stone slabs, were made of painted red wood and yellow glazed ceramic roof tiles and surrounded by a high wall. Besides functional buildings, there were huge open squares, pavilions, ornamental gardens, canals, bridges, and pagodas. The whole ensemble was designed to leave a visitor in no doubt of the power of the ruler who could build such a complex. Used also by the emperors of the Qing dynasty, the Forbidden City was continuously extended and restored until reaching its present impressive spread of some 7. 2 square kilometres. Hall of Prayer For Good Harvests, Forbidden City by Patrick Denker (CC BY) No fewer than 24 emperors would reside in the Forbidden City. The buildings and their thousands of rooms are all carefully laid out in a plan which reflects the traditional Chinese view of the world. At the heart of the complex, on the most elevated site, is the Hall of Supreme Harmony, where imperial receptions were held. Other halls spread outwards from this central point, all built along a north-south axis. The emperor himself and all male attendants lived in buildings on the eastern side while women lived on the western side of the complex. The Forbidden City also included government offices, all arranged strictly according to the rank of officials. Needless to say, the forbidden aspect derives from the controlled access to it, with only officials of certain ranks and invited ambassadors being permitted within its walls. Today the complex contains the largest collection of imperial treasures and artworks in China. ? ? ? Zheng He & the End of Isolationism The Yongle Emperor did not wait long before he embarked on a much more aggressive foreign policy than his predecessors and end the isolationism begun by his father. In 1406 CE he sent an army to invade a then-independent Vietnam. The campaign was successful, although the country would regain its independence 20 years later. There would also be several campaigns against the Mongols to ensure China’s northern borders were respected, but the enemy’s tactics of retreating on horseback whenever threatened meant that nothing was ever really achieved in the expensive campaigns. The least successful military operation was the attempt to annex Annam on the south-west border of Ming China which resulted in a two-decade military stalemate that once again drained imperial resources. A more peaceful and successful strategy of Emperor Yongle to foster new international relations was his use of diplomatic missions. Ambassadors were sent to Herat and Samarkand in central Asia, as well as to Manchuria, Tibet, and Korea, all with some success. The most famous of these missions, though, was the adventures of Zheng He (1371-1433 CE), widely regarded as China’s greatest ever explorer. Born in Yunnan in southern China, Zheng was a eunuch Muslim who rose to become an admiral in the imperial fleet. The Yongle Emperor sent Zheng on seven diplomatic voyages between 1405 and 1433 CE, with each voyage involving several hundred ships. Zheng sailed along established routes to the coast of? India, the Persian Gulf, and the east coast of? Africa, but many of his final destinations were new points of contact for the Chinese. Giraffe Tribute to Emperor Yongle by Shen Du (Public Domain) The intention was that the voyages of Zheng He, giving out lavish gifts like silk and fine Ming porcelain as well as letters of friendship from the emperor, would encourage East Asia back into the sphere of the Chinese tribute system and extend that system to new states as remote as East Africa. The tribute system, rather than a means for China to acquire free goods, was really only?a gratification of the Chinese belief that they were the centre of the world and their ruler was the Son of Heaven. The presence of foreign ambassadors in the Forbidden City would also help Yongle legitimise his own position as emperor, taken as it had been by force from his own nephew. Indeed, some scholars have suggested that part of Zheng He’s mission was to find out if the Jianwen Emperor really was in hiding somewhere in Southeast Asia and plotting a comeback. Ultimately, the voyages of Zheng He only managed to woo East Asian rulers to consistently pay tribute, but Zheng certainly brought back plenty of knowledge of foreign lands and customs, and he did ship back su

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Free online video-the last emperor. Let's forget the past,I give all my respect for the japanese people and the new emperor, congratulations from a filipino. 09:59 GG. Ambiguous Term? This article is about the the Imperial sovereign and deity. For other uses of Emperor, see Emperor (disambiguation). The Emperor of Mankind is the sovereign of the Imperium of Man, and Father, Guardian, and God of the human race. He has sat immobile within the Golden Throne of Terra for ten thousand years. Although once a living man, his shattered body can no longer support life, and remains intact only by a combination of ancient technology and the sheer force of his will, itself sustained by the soul-sacrifice of countless millions of psykers. [2] His will is omnipotent, extending across the million worlds that comprise his Imperium. For ten thousand years the Master of Mankind has served humanity, simultaneously carrying out a multitude of tasks vital to its survival. All at once He guides his race through the Emperor's Tarot, soul-binds psykers, holds audiences with his most important servants and directs the Astronomican beacon that guides space vessels through the Warp. His immense psychic powers constantly keep the Chaos Gods in the Warp at bay, preventing their intrusion into the material universe and protecting his people throughout the galaxy. [1] The Emperor's role as guardian of mankind seems to have been predestined for him. Without the Emperor there would be no Imperium, little space travel, and no protection from the multitude of threats facing mankind. The Emperor knows that to protect his race he must survive as long as necessary for the emerging race of psychic humans to evolve sufficiently. [2] In the millennia since his ascension to the Golden Throne, the Emperor has become a god to his people, the worship of Him uniting humanity throughout his Imperium, superstition and dogma replacing his doctrine of Imperial Truth. [1] Daemonkind refers to the Emperor as The Anathema. [9] History Origins Little is known about the majority of the Emperor's life; of who he was and what he did before he emerged as the great Emperor of Mankind, only the Emperor himself remembers. [2] A few pieces of information have come to light, from various different sources, and present some small parts of a coherent whole; however, their reliability is often disputed, especially as the Emperor's tale changes somewhat with each retelling. There is a source from 1st Edition Rogue Trader which details the Emperor's backstory. It is said that the Emperor's birth while a natural process, was actually the result of a scheme created by the wisest and most powerful of living humans at that time; the conclave of Shamans. These men, termed 'shamans' by their society, were powerful psykers with great experience of the Warp. Finding their souls - and those of humanity - endangered by the growing perils of the Warp-gods, these psykers decided to pool their power into one human, a being they called 'the New Man'. Already having gained the power to reincarnate themselves (upon death, the shamans' souls would transfer to the Warp, accumulating power enough to reincarnate as human) the shamans entered a suicide-pact. Thousands of them poisoned themselves and sped their souls to the warp at the same time. Presumably pooling their soul-energy and using their reincarnation ability, they brought about the birth of their New Man - the Emperor - one year later. [3c] This same source states that the Emperor was born to mortal parents on Terra in the 8th Millennium BC [3b] in a primitive proto- Hittite village along the banks of the Sakarya River, manifesting his powers as a youth. While a young adolescent, the Emperor's father was murdered by his uncle. While preparing his fathers body for a primitive funeral ritual, he received a vision of his murder. Later, the boy who would become the Emperor calmly approached his uncle and stopped his heart with his psychic abilities, displaying neither sorrow or malice. According to the Emperor himself, this was the moment he realized that humanity needed law, order, and the guidance of a ruler. Shortly after, he left his village for the first city of humanity (likely ancient Sumeria). [14c] The immortal being who would become known as the Emperor proceeded to haunt the history of humanity as a ghost; watching, waiting and occasionally influencing. [3c] Living secretly amongst mankind, he developed his abilities until his psychic might allowed him to gain knowledge of not only his own world, but of the dangers beyond it. Aware then of the vast predations awaiting humanity, the being that would become known as the Emperor resolved to guide and protect humanity. Eventually, over ten thousand years before his current circumstances, he took his struggle out into the open, primarily because of the ever-increasing number of psykers, whose very existence endangered their species. [2] During the Dark Age of Technology Alivia Sureka traveled with the man who would become the Emperor to the planet Molech, where there was a gateway into the realm of Chaos. The Emperor entered the Gateway, and there made a bargain with the Dark Gods and emerged wielding a measure of their power, including the ability to create the Primarchs. However for some reason, the Emperor did not keep his end of the bargain to spread Chaos to humanity, and he became the anathema of Ruinous Powers. The Emperor was able to clone the energies he was imbued with, giving them to his Primarchs. [11] At some point in Earth's history the Emperor discovered an ancient device beneath the ruins of Asia's deserts and became determined to completely cut off humanity from the malignant influence of the Warp. The first step of this grand project was to substitute warp travel with the Webway, and the final phase would see the Emperor shepherd humanity's evolution into a truly psychic race independent of the Chaos, ascending to a level not even the Eldar were able to. This grand ambition was to guide all of the Emperor's undertakings and would be the culmination of his planning. [14b] Rise of the Emperor The Emperor of Mankind [5c] The man who would later become known as the Emperor first appeared openly as one of the many warlords struggling for control of Terra during the latter part of the Age of Strife. He was at this point just another Terran warlord, but he met Malcador who convinced him to take the title of Emperor. [19] He was once known as the Master of the Lines in a mountainous region of Terra. [24] There he would seek out individuals whose genetics he could use in his Thunder Warrior project, as well as offer services of gene-editing the offspring children in the region to correct genetic mutations. [24] It was during this time he met Amar Astarte, who he worked closely with on the Primarch Project. [29a] He also met Ezekiel Sedayne, who would later develop the Black Carapace for the successors of the Thunder Warriors: The Legio Astartes. [24] The Emperor undertook a series of campaigns against all the other warlords on the planet that would later become termed as the Unification Wars. During these wars the Emperor employed several military formations - such as the Thunder Warriors and Geno Five-Two Chiliad ? that consisted of genetically altered/engineered warriors, who played a significant role in his eventual victory. With this victory, the planet and population of Terra were at last unified under one rule; that of the Emperor. With this achievement behind him, the Emperor then set in motion his plans to take his purpose of uniting and guarding mankind out into the stars, to unify with the bastions of humanity scattered across the galaxy. This undertaking would become known as the Great Crusade. [4] The Emperor prepared extensively for the Great Crusade; he created the special astrotelepath corps to link his eventual dominion together, and caused the creation of the Astronomican, a supremely powerful signal device powered by the Emperor's own psychic might that would allow simplified and safer travel through the Warp. Chief amongst his designs, however, were the creation of superhuman warriors, the logical extension of the gene-troopers already under his command. He had first undertaken the Primarch Project, the creation of twenty infants from his own genetic code, designed to mature into powerful generals for his armies. However, this plan went awry with the intervention of the Chaos Powers. While accounts vary as to exactly what happened, the end of the tale is always the same; the Primarchs were cast into the Warp and thought lost. [4] During the tumultuous event the Emperor's gene-lab was devastated by the forces that scattered the Primarchs. He held up the collapsing underground roof with his psychic power until the vaults workers and data could be safely evacuated. [29b] Afterwards Malcador and Constantin Valdor believed the Primarchs dead or corrupted. However, the Emperor sensed their echoes in the Warp and knew they were still alive. Malcador was surprised that the Emperor began to refer to the lost Primarchs of his "sons", something Valdor saw as an "ebb" in his attempts to suppress his human emotions. [29a] In the aftermath of these events, the Emperor evolved a new plan. Using genetic material which had been derived from the Primarchs, he created a caste of warriors which would possess some of the qualities of the Primarchs. These successors to the genetically-altered warriors of the Unification Era were the Legiones Astartes, the Space Marines of the First Founding. [3c] After purging the Thunder Warriors and replacing them with these more efficient warriors, The Emperor led the Space Marines into the reconquest of the Sol System. He drove Xenos enslavers from the moons of Saturn and Jupiter and most importantly, achieved peace and eventual integration with the Mechanicum of Mars. This alliance provided the Emperor with much of the means and materiel t
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