
Knowledge Master



When was Studio Ghiblis "Castle in the Sky" released in the U.S?April 1st 1989
In Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, which actor portrayed Lord Yupa?Patrick Stewart
In Princess Mononoke, what affliction do the Secret Engineers in Irontown have?Leprosy
In Princess Mononoke, the Forest Spirit most resembles what animal?A Stag
At the start of Howl's Moving Castle, what does Sophie work as?A Hatter
Who voiced "Howl" In Howl's Moving Castle?Christian Bale
In Howl's Moving Castle, Sophie tells Howl that Calcifer hired her as what?A Cleaning Lady
In Howl's Moving Castle, Calcifer was voiced by which actor?Billy Crystal
In Spirited Away, Yubabas giant baby Boh gets turned into what?A Mouse
In Spirited Away, the workers that feed coal to the boiler furnace are made from what?Soot
In Spirited Away, what name does Yubaba give to Chihiro?Sen
Totoro can make plants grow extra fast by what method?Dancing
Totoro lives in what kind of tree?Camphor
The two sisters in My Neighbour Totoro are named what?Satsuki and Mei


What is the name of the villain from Mulan?Shan Yu
In Disney's Lion King, what is the name of the young prince cub?Simba
In Disney's The Jungle Book, what kind of animal is Mowgli raised by?Wolves
In Disney's Aladdin, what is the name of Jasmine's pet tiger?Rajah
In Disney's Dumbo, how does Timothy the mouse tricks Dumbo into flying?A "Magic" Feather
In Disney's Dumbo, what is it that Dumbo is made fun of for?Large Ears
In Disney's Dumbo, what kind of animal is Dumbos only friend?A Mouse
In Disney's Peter Pan, what is the name of the Chiefs daughter?Tiger Lily
In Disney's Peter Pan, what other in gredient is needed for flight besides fairy dust?Thinking happy thoughts
In Disney's Peter Pan, what animal is Captain Hook constantly stalked by?A Crocodile
Who is Captain Hooks first mate?Mr. Smee
What is the name of Peter Pan closest companion?Tinkerbell
Who does Peter Pan take to Never Never Land?Wendy
What does Peter Pan take to Never Land?Wendy
In Disney's Cinderella, who gives her a new gown and carriage for the ball?Her Fairy Godmother
In Disney's Cinderella, how many evil Step-sisters does Cinderella have?2
In Disney's Cinderella, what article of clothing does she accidentally leave behind at the ball?A Glass Slipper
In Disney's Cinderella, what is the cats name?Lucifer
In Cinderella, what did the Fairy Godmother transform into a carriage?A Pumpkin
In Disney's "Snow White", what kind of animal heart does the Huntsman give to the Queen in place of Snow White's?A Pig
In Disney's "Snow White", what magic object does the Evil Queen ask questions to?Mirror
In Disney's "Snow White", which one of these is not one of the Seven Dwarfs?Lazy
In Disney's "Snow White", the sleeping spell on Snow White was broken by what?A kiss
In Disney's "Snow White", what kind of poisoned fruit did the Evil Queen try to give to Snow White?Apple
In Disney's Pinocchio, what animal characters does Pinocchio meet on his way to school?A Fox and Cat
In Disney's Pinocchio, what animal does Pinocchio begin to turn into after he reaches Pleasure Island?Donkey
In Disney's Pinocchio, what is the named of Geppetto's cat?Figaro
In Disney's Pinocchio, what animal does Pinocchio get trapped inside?A Whale
In Disney's Pinocchio, what colour is the fairy who gives life to Pinocchio?Blue
What happens if Pinocchio tells a lie?His nose grows
In Disney's Alice in Wonderland, what does the bottle marked "Drink Me" do?Shrinks you
In Disney's Alice in Wonderland, who is the companion of The Walrus?A Carpenter
In Disney's Alice in Wonderland, what is the White Rabbit constantly worried about?Being late
In Disney's Alice in Wonderland, what event are the Mad Hatter, the March begin to celebrate when Alice shows up at their tea party?Her unbirthday


In Star Treck, what planet is Spock from?Vulcan
In Harry Potter, who is it that reveals to Harry that he is a wizard?Hagrid
In The Hobbit, how many dwarves show up at Bilbos house?13
What plant-destroying device did the Rebels have to destroy in Star Wars?The Death Star
In Star Wars, what was the name of the bounty hunter who confronted Han solo in the Cantina?Greedo
In Star Wars, What was the vulnerable spot on the Death Star?A small thermal exhaust port
In Star Wars, what is the name of Han Solo's ship?The Millenium Falcon
In Star Wars, what disguise did Luke and Han wear on the Death Star?Stormtrooper armor
In Star Wars, what kind of a farm does Luke Skywalker grow up on?Moisture farm
In Star Wars, which actor voiced Darth Vader?James Earl Jones
In Star Wars, where was the Cantina they meet Han Solo?Mos Eisley Spaceport
In Star Wars, Obi-wan Kenobi is introduced under what pseudonym?Ben
In Star Wars, where is Princess Leia from?Alderaan


In the Pokemon anime, how many siblings does Brock have?9
Chinchou is a pokemon whose elements are water and ___?Electric
What do you need to apply Masuda痴 Pokemon breeding method?Two pokemon from two countries
What Pokemon do you get when you select the Dome Fossil?Kabuto
What is the name of the badge you get in Pokemon from Saffron gym?Marsh Badge
what's the most popular Pokemon?Pikachu
How many Pokemon can you have on your team at once?6
What does Ash Ketchum's first Pokemon?Pikachu


Which of these Lucent Heart items cannot be traded or sold?Soul Mate's Seal
Which of these Lucent Heart classes can use Divine Judgement?Sun Commissioner
What shape is on top of the Verdict Staff?Star
How many kills do you need to obtain the title "Assassin" in Lucent Heart?500
Which is the element of the astrological signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius?Fire
Which is the element of the asrological signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces?Water
What are the first 4 shown on Switch occupation quest level 10?Knight, Wizard , Priest , Gunner
What LH class has the skill called Siphon's Life?Galaxy Sage
Which of these tarot pets is known for its healing abilities?Hierophant
In LH, which Tarot Pet has fire skills?The Red Magician
In Lucent Heart, what can you get when you decompose an Ancient Stone Plate?all of them
In Lucent Heart, which of these materials can be used to make a level 57 cape?Iron Insignia
In Lucent Heart, Which of these materials can be used to make a level 67 cape?Tin Insignia(cannot be の質問が存在する)
In Lucent Heart, Which of these materials cannot be used to make a level 67 cape?Iron Insignia
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Sword of Mourning?Sword of Abyss
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Ancient Sword of Watchman?Sword of Ancient Times
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Sword of Quicksand?Sword of Justice
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Titan's Giant SwordMurky Titan's Giant Sword
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Mace of Advent?all of them
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Shield of Mastering?Overtaking Shield
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Medusa's Shield?Justice Shield
In Lucent Heart, what can you get when you decompose level 35-44 equipment?Fifth Element
In Lucent Heart, what can you get when you decompose level 45-54 equipment?Sixth Element
In Lucent Heart, what can you get when you decompose level 55-69 equipment?Seven Element
In Lucent Heart, what can you get when you decompose level 70+ equipment?Eight Element
In Lucent Heart, level 55 orange armor schematics can be redeemed using which item?Core of Genesis
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Apollo's Firearm?all of them
In Lucent Heart, which of these is needed to make Moon Goddess' Blade?all of them
If you are a Taurus you first start the game in the ...Earth Astro village


"Aries" refers to:The Ramおひつじ座
"Taurus" refers to:The Bullおうし座
"Gemini" refers to:The Twinsふたご座
"Cancer" refers to:The Crabかに座
"Leo" refers to:The Lionしし座
"Libra" refers to:The Scalesてんびん座
"Virgo" refers to:The Maidenおとめ座
"Scorpio" refers to:The Scorpionさそり座
"Sagittarius" refers to:いて座
"Capricorn" refers to:やぎ座
"Aquarius" refers to:The Water Bearerみずがめ座
"Pisces" refers to:The Fishうお座


What is the chemical symbol for Carbon?C
What is the chemical symbol for Silver?Ag
What is the chemical symbol for Lead?Pb
What is the chemical symbol for Gold?Au
What is the chemical symbol for Hydrogen?H1番
What is the chemical symbol for Titanium?Ti
What is the chemical symbol for Chlorine?Cl
What is the chemical symbol for Calcium?Ca
What is the chemical symbol for Copper?Cu
What is the chemical symbol for Helium?He


What is January's birthstone?Garnet1月
What is March's birthstone?Aquamarine3月
What is April's birthstone?Diamond4月
What is May's birthstone?Emerald5月
What is June's birthstone?Pearl6月
What is July's birthstone?Ruby7月
What is August's birthstone?Peridot8月
What is September's birthstone?Sapphire9月
What is October's birthstone?Opal10月
What is November's birthstone?Tpaz11月
What is December's birthstone?Turquoise12月


What makes the average Earth's temperature around 15 degrees centigrade?The greenhouse effect
Which country invented the Wankel engine, also known as a rotary engine?Germany
What does a barometer measure?Atomospheric Pressure
Which direction does the Sun rise from?The East


Which element is combined with Iron to create Steel?Carbon
By what name is Sodium Chloride better known as?Salt
What is the chemical process for coverting sugar into alcohol?Fermentation


What is the process called where a plant makes its food?Photosynthesis


What do Ladybugs survive off of during hibernation?Stored fat
What birds were used by Japanese and Chinese fishermen to help catch fish?Cormorant
How many horns does the average African black rhino have?Two
How many pairs of wings does a bee have?1
Where does vanilla come from?Orchids
What is the only mammal with four knees?Elephants
Which bird lays the largest eggs?Ostrich
Which hard white material forms the tusks of an elephant?Ivory
Do sea gulls drink sea water?Yes
What fruit is packed with the most calories?The Avocado
What fruit comes in the Muscat or Scuppernong variety?Grapes
What bird can swim but cannot fly?The Penguin
What is a female sheep called?Ewe
What fruit comes in the Key or Kaffir variety?Limes
What is the worlds fastest growing plant?Bamboo
How many days can a cockroach live without its head?More than a week
What animal lives in a lodge?The Beaver
What is the largest mammal in the world?Blue Whale
What must a mole do every four hours so it doesn't die?Eat
How many feet does a snail have?One
How many wings does a flea have?Zero
What do dragonflies eat?Mosquitoes
Which two features are longer on a here than a rabbit?Legs and Ears
Which ape's name means "man of the forest"?Orangutan
What is the oldest known vegetable?The Pea
What is a group of lions called?A pride
What does a woodchuck eat?plants
Roadrunners are members of which family of bird?Cuckoos


Approximately how long does it take for the moon to revolve around the Earth?28
The Moon is also known as:A Natural Satellite
Which of the following dwarf planets is the least massive?Ceres
Which of the following dwarf planets is the most massive?Eris
What is the only planet in the universe that astronomers are positive holds life?Earth
In what year did Pluto get reclassified from "planet"?2006
The Asteroid Belt can be found between which two planets?Mars and Jupiter
What planet has the shortest year?Mercury
Which planet is named after the God of the Sky?Uranus
Which planet is named for the God of War?Mars
Which planet is named after the God of Love?Venus
Which planet is named after the God of the seaNeptune
How many planets have moons?6
How many moons does Mars have?Two
Phobos and Deimos are moon of what planet?Mars
Triton is a moon of which planet?Neptune
The first four of Jupiter's Moons we ever dicovered, are referred to as what?The Galilean Moons
Which planet is famous for its Big Red Spot?Jupiter
Which planet is the coldest in our Solar System?Neptune
Which is the smallest planet in our Solar System?Mercury
Which planet is the hottest in our Solar System?Venus
What is the closest planet to the sun?Mercury
Which planet is famous for its rings?Saturn
Which planet is known for its rings?Saturn
Which of these planets is made up of gas?Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Which planet is referred to as the planet of oceans?Earth
Olympus Mons, the largest mountain on any planet in our Solar System, can be found where?Mars
What is the name of the second biggest planet in our Solar System?Saturn
Which is the biggest planet in our Solar System?Jupiter
What position is Earth in from the sun, relative to the other planets?3rd
The closest star to earth is:The Sun


What is the brightest star in the night sky?Sirius
When you play connect-the-dots with stars, what are the shapes you make called?Asterism
How many signs are there in the Zodiac?12
How long is a year on Jupiter?11.9 Earth Years


What is a somnambulist?A sleepwalker
What does a monophobe fear?Being alone
What is the fear of clowns called?coulrophobia
What is the fear of washing or bathing called?Ablutophobia
What does a phonophobe fear?Noise
What does a panophobe fear?Everything
What are you if you are myopic?Near-sighted


How many sides are there on a pentagon?Five
How many sides does a hexagon have?six
How many sides does a decagon have?Ten


What is the approximate speed of light?300 million meters/second
How many kilograms are there in metric ton?1000
How many kilograms are there in a short ton?907
A Calorie is a measurement of what?Energy


The Mario villain "Wario", made his first appearance in which Nintendo game?Super Mario Land 2
What is the maximum number of levels to play in Pac-Man?255
Suba Games will be launching a new game this called what????
Complete the Konami Code: Up, up, down, down, Left, , , right, B, A, StartRight, left
What colour was Oscar the Grouch during the first season of Sesame Street?Orangeセサミストリート
Where does Oscar the Grouch live?A garbage canセサミストリート
What popular show features characters named after famous artists?Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
What is the name of Spider-man's Aunt?May
In the comic books, which Super Hero was NOT an original member of "The Avengers"Spiderman


Where was Mozart born?Salzburg
Where was Albert Einstein born?Germany


What is the strongest muscle in the human body?The Masseter
What is the longest and heaviest bone in the human body?Femur
What is the hardest substance in the human body?Enamel
What is the largest muscle in the human body?The Gluteus Maximus


What is a nebula?A cloud of dust and gas
What is a second full moon in a month called?A Blue Moon
What does the constellation "Delphinus" mean?Dolphin
Which of these is not a railroad name in Monopoly?Boardwalk
In nautical terms, what does "Bow" mean?Forward
In nautical terms, what does "stern" mean?Behind
In nautical terms, what does "Port" mean?Left
How is the year 2000 written in Roman numerals?MM
What number is indicated by the Roman Numeral "D"?500
What sort of property is this? " a+b = b+a "Commutative
How do you paste?Control + V


When was the term 田omputer・first recorded?1613
when did google Inc. acpuire YouTube?2006


What is the square of 12?144
How long is a fortnight?Fourteen Days


How many land miles are there in a league?Three
What were the last two letters added to the English alphabet??J and U
What is an ice hockey puck made from?Rubber
What is the oldest and most numerous class of animals?Insects
On a map, the horizontal lines are called what?Latitude
Which astrological sign痴 duration goes from 22 November to 22 December?Sagittarius
Which of these is not a continent?Russia
Which voice actress gave his voice to the Vocaloid Hatsune Miku?Saki Fujita
How many daily tides are there?1
Which country has the longest coastline?Canada
What shape is a game of baseball played on?Diamond
What is added to water to make tonic water?Quinine
Ictheologists study what?Fish
Which blood type is universal?O negative
In what century did the Dodo become extinct?17th
Which fruit can restore your health in Donkey Kong 64?Watermelon
What abbreviation comes from Libra, meaning pound in Latin?lb
How long does it take the Earth to orbit the Sun?A year
Which of these sports are in the top 5 most popular sports in the United States?Ice Hockey
The comic books and movie titled "300" is based off of which famous battle?The Battle of Thermopylae
What is a league?A unit of length
The nucleus of an atom consists of what?Protons and Neutrons
Which of the following rock groups formed in the 1970's?Van Halen
What colour did The Hulk originally start as?Grey
What is lighter, gasoline or water?Gasoline
Which year was the first book in the Harry Potter series published?1997
What are the twin stars in the constellation of Gemini called?Pollux and Castor
What breed of cat plays Mr. Bigglesworth in the Austin Powers movies, after his accident?Sphynx
What are cat's tails for?Balance
How do you copy?Control + C
What is the name of Earth's first artificial satellite?Sputnik
Which northwestern state has the towns of Starbuck, Walla Walla, Port Angeles, and Olympia?Washington
Do identical twins have the same fingerprints?No
Who was the fourth president of the United States?James Madison
The Sega Genesis controller has how many buttons? (Not including the start button)Three
What sailor's disease resulted from a deficiency of Vitamin C?Scurvy
Mach One refers to the speed of what?Sound
All planets in our Solar System except Earth are named after Gods from:The Roman Pantheon
All the moons of Uranus are named after characters from:Shakespeare
Comets are believed to come from where?The Oort Cloud
What do you call an animal that eats bothe plants and animals?An Omnivore
What causes night and day?The Earth spinning on its axis
What year did web-based internet forums originate?1994
Trigun, a popular western sci-fi anime, consisted of only __ episodes.26
What oversaw the Manhattan Project?J. Robert Oppenheimer
What is the definition of the "Life Zone" around a star?The temperture range at which w
How many rings are on the Olympic flag?Five
What constitutes 12 percent of an egg's weight?The shell
What is 70 percent of 70?49
In the videogame 典he last of Us・ which actress did Ellie take her likeness from?Ellen Page
What is the term for the physical disintegration of a nuclear reactor's core?Meltdown
What is the longest running game show?Price is Right
A pike most resembles what kind of weapon?Spear
Which voice actor is best known for his role as Bender in 櫂uturama・John DiMaggio
What does the Sandman help children with?Sleeping
Buenos Aires is the capital of what country?Argentina
Our Solar System is located in which Galaxy?Milky Way
What is 11 squared?121
Which of the following studies animals?Zoologist
What scale measures earthquakes?The Ricther scale
Which date was Twitter created?March, 2006
What is the study of space called?Astronomy
"Do a barrel roll!" Which Nitendo character made that line famous?Peppy
What element is most commonly found in Earths atmosphere?Nitrogen
Who wrote and directed The Avengers (2012)?Joss Whedon
What is a sump?A low space which collects undes
How many dots are on a Pac-man board?240
What does uranium become when it has lost all of its radioactivity?Lead
What is the term for an organism that lives on or in another?Parasite
What shape is the milky way?Spiral
What is the largest gland in the human body?The liver
Which organ is responsible for creating urine?The kidneys
What type of radiation gives The Hulk his powers?Gamma
What is the largest ocean on Earth?The Pacific
bubble Wrap was invented while researcher were trying to make what?Wallpaper
What is the top layer of the Earth called?The Crust
What is the most common reference material when measuring the Specific Gravity of a substance?Water
The mtallurgical process in which a metal is obtained in a fused state is called what?Smelting
What is the worlds fastest dog?The Greyhound
In Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what do the Vogons use to torture prisoners?Poetry
How often are brain cells replaced?Never
Speed Skating originated in wich country?The Netherlands
What was the same of the first dog in space?Laika
What does Flora refer to?Plant life
What is the heaviest metal?Osmium
What is the difference of 15% of 35 and 35% of 15?0
What is the purpose of "seeding" a cloud?To create rain
What is the name of a small object orbiting the sun made of ice, dust and frozen gas?Comet
What is the process of colliding matter and anti-matter together to create photons called?Annihilation
What name is given to the unit of electrical resistance?Ohm
Which of these is not a sign of the Zodiac?Orion
Which city is known as the "Windy City"?Chicago
What is the curved line between any two points on a circle?An arc
In Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, what is the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything?42
How many hours are there in 1 week?168
Game Developer Studio "Naughty Dog" was first well recognized for which video game franchise?Crash Bandicoot
What sense is most closely linked to memory?Vision
If a triangle has two equal sides, it is what?Isosceles
What term applies to space devoid of matter?Vacuum
What is Fahrenheit equivalent of 100 degrees centigrade?212 degrees
What is the world's fastest dog?The Greyhound
What is the name of the frog companion that find in Donkey Kong Country?Winky
What science deals with the motion of projectiles?Ballistics
What keeps the Earth's atmosphere from leaving the planet?Gravity
Which of these is not a sign of the Zodiac?Pegasus
Which of these inventions was discovered by accident?Microwave
What is the name of the number system using only the symbols 1 and 0?The binary system
Who was the first person to set foot on the moon?Neil Armstrong
When standing in sunlight, what vitamin does your body synthesize?D
Which is the SI unit of pressure?Pascal
What is the center of an atom called?Nucleus
What birds were traditionally used to detect dangerous gases in a coal mine?Canaries
What is the name of Thor's hammer?Mjolnir
Which of these is not a star constellation?Halo
How many chromosomes are in human DNA?46
The Great Red Spot, a giant storm on Jupiter, has been going for approximately how long?300 years
What fraction pure is 18-carat gold?Three-quarters
Which videogame franchise had frequent segments on Super Mario Bros. Super Show?The Legend of Zelda
Which rabbit was the hero of some Beatrix Potters stories?Peter Rabbit
What commonly used drug is also used as a natural pesticide?Caffeine
The first prototype Pong machine ever installed in a bar ran into some technical problems. What was the cause?Being stuffed with too many quar
One of the creators of Dungeons and Dragons was named what?Gary Gygax
When did the Nintendo Entertainment System stop being sold in North America?1995
What do bumblebees normally build their nests?Underground
How many throwing events are there in a decathlon?3
A light-year is:The distance light can travel in
How many colors are there in the spectrum?Seven
What is an alloy?A metal mixed with an element
In the International System of Units (SI), how is power measured?Watts
The most electronegative element among the following is what?Fluorine
How many planets are in our Solar System?8
A "Dreamcatcher" was invented by which Native America culture?Ojibwe
What does a Scoville unit measure?Spiciness
How many squares are on a chessboard?64
Earth's seasonal changes are caused by what?Earth's axial tilt as it orbits
How many feet make a mile?5280
Polaris is also referred to as what?The North Star
What is a nanominute?One- billionth of a minute
What is the correct name for the plastic sheath on the end of your shoelace?Aglet
Which two elements are the most common in the universe?Hydrogen and Helium
What is the only mammal that can't jump?The Elephant
How many inches are in a foot?12
What is a parsec a unit of?Length
"Jumpman" originally was the name of which Nintendo mascot?Mario
A peeled apple, orange, pear, and banana is left in the open. Which will rot first?Banana
What is the fastest animal on four legs?Cheetah
What is the strongest natural mineral?Diamond
On a map, the vertical lines are called what?Longtitude
Which one of these is found in chocolate?Lecithin
What famous martial arts style combines elements of dance and acrobatics?Capoeira
What color does litmus paper turn if a solution is acidic?Pink
Who was the famous teacher of Socrates?Plato
Which body part was Achilles weak spot?His heel
A duck-billed platypus is one of the only three mammals in the world that can do what?Lay eggs
What is the study of ants called?Myrmecology
Which Nintendo console was released after the N64 and before the Wii?Gamecube
What is the name of Pluto's largest satellite?Charon
What is another name for tetanus?Lockjaw
In what year was Pluto discovered?1930
How many "deadly sins" are there according to the Bible?7
How many equal sides are there on a scalene triangle?None
Which country contains the most forested area?Russia
What does 敵angnam・refer to?A district of the city of Seoul
What does Fauna refer to?Animal life
What is the Pleiades?An open star cluster
What year did the Internet become fully commercialized?1995
Which James Bond film was made into an N64 game?Goldeneye
What is the most common atom in the universe?Hydrogen
What colour is vermilion a shade of?Red
What is the syrup drained from raw sugar?Molasses
How many legs does the cat bus have in My Neighbour Totoro?12
How many sides does a nonagon have?Nine
If an object were to travel at near light speed what would happen to it relative to a stationary observer?It would look like it was flatte
Which of these planets have no moons?Venus
What does a herpetologist study?Reptiles
What is a Googol?1 with 100 zeroes
What does the Roman numeral C represent?100
What year did World War 2 start?1939
Entomologists study what?Insects
In which Megaman game can you acquire the Gemini Laser?Mega Man 3
What is the longest insect?Stick insect
In nautical terms, what does "Starboard" mean?Right
What color is diamond dust?Black
What is the name of the main spaceship in Star Trek?The Enterprise
"To swoon" is to?Faint
What is at the end of the rainbow?Nothing
What is the term for any four-sided figure?Quadrilateral
Which space movie was Tom Hanks the star of?Apollo 13
What is it called when you roll the number 1 on two die at the same time?Snake Eyes
In Astronomy, what does the "Seven Sisters" refer to?The Pleiades
What is 40 percent of 40?16
How many natural satellite does Jupiter have?67
What is tofu made out of?Soybean
How many tests does a cow have?Four
What grows in a paddy field?Rice
What is the study fossils called?Paleontology
Tristram is the main town of which RPG game?Diablo
What is the top speed a freefalling object can reach called?Terminal Velocity
Which videogame featured the first ever "Easter Egg"?Adventure
What is the official language of Guyana?English
In X-Men, what is the mutant ability of Erik Lehnsherr?Magnetism
What part of the body is affected by glaucoma?The eyes
"It is _ fault!" Which is grammatically correct?their
What was the name of the first human in space?Yuri Gagarin
Which astronomer gave his name to a telescope launched into space in 1990?Edwin Hubble
Which Mario Kart game first featured 12 racers instead of 8?Mario Kart Wii
What does a meteorologist study?Weather
Facebook currently has approximately how many users?1 billion
What is the largest artery in the human body?The aorta
What colour is the Ring of Death that signifies that your Xbox 360 is broken forever?Red
In which year did Louis Reard invent the bikini?1946
What is the world record for the longest time spent holding your breath underwater?22 Minutes
Who was the wife of the man who shot down 9 suns in a Chinese folktable?Chang-e
In what decade was the first test tube baby born?1978
On the PH scale, which number represents "Nautral?"7
Who starred as Dr. Horrible in the web-series 泥r. Horrible痴 Sing Along Blog・Neil Patrick Harris
How many seconds are there in 1 hour?3600
What approximate distance is the Astronomical Unit based off of?Distance between the Earth and t
Distance between the Earth and t


In Disney's The Jungle Book, what is King Louie's greatest desire?To obtain fire
To invade the rest of the jungle
The Sun is?Orbiting the Milky Way
Not a Star
Only 3 million miles away
the ONLY Star
What dose the federal republic of United States of America consist of?50 states,one federal district
50 states and two federal distri
What is February's birthstone?Amethyst
Which town is the protagonist of Pokemon, Ash Ketchum originally from?Lavender Town
Azalea Town
Cerulean Town
Pallet Town
If you are a Leo you first start the game in the ...Air Astrovillage
Water Astrovillage
Earth Astrovillage
Fire Astrovillage




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