Zhi You Yun Zhi Dao ?Hd-720p?

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Genre: Romance
Ling Zhang
runtime: 2 Hours 12 m
star: Caiyu Yang
scores: 86 Votes
Rated 3. 7 /5 based on 177 customer reviews ??????? DOWNLOAD ??????? Countries - China liked it - 92 Votes 132 min Caiyu Yang, Fan Xu genres - Drama Full full hd depositfiles zhi you yun zhi dao may. Колобок HD (720p) Zhi you yun zhi dao Год: 2019 Страна: Китай Смотреть: в хорошем качестве HD (720p) Качество: HD (720p) Режиссер: Фэн Сяоган Жанр: Фильмы / Мелодрама / Драма Время: 132 мин. / 02:12 Доступен на: iPhone, iPad, Android Актеры: Хуан Сюань, Ян Цайюй, Сюй Фань, Лидия Пекхэм, Жуй Пин, Дэниэл Синг, Чжоу Шучжэнь Про что фильм Знают только облака / Zhi you yun zhi dao (2019): Знают только облака / Zhi you yun zhi dao (2019) фильм Знают только облака / Zhi you yun zhi dao (2019) смотреть онлайн бесплатно в хорошем качестве hd 720. 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Wo hui nuli rang ni gandong ? ?? ????? ????? 在你眼中有多?笨拙的我 Zai ni yanzhong you duome benzhuo de wo ?? ?? ?? ??? ? 决不放追逐你的?著 Jue bu fang zhuizhu ni de zhi zhuo ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ???? 只要你能再多些回?我 Zhiyao ni neng zai duo xie huiying wo ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ????? ??? 一个笑 或点? 全接受 Yi ge xiao huo dian tou quan jieshou ?? ?? ??? ????? ? ?? ??? 能不能再靠近一点点 Neng bu neng zai kaojin yi dian dian ?? ? ??? ? ? ??? 大声?出你所有感? Da sheng shuo chu ni suoyou ganjue ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?再???在 只有自己的世界 Bie zai jinjin guan zai zhiyou ziji de shijie ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ? 温暖太阳?你迎接 Wennuan taiyang wei ni yingjie ??? ??? ? ?????? 能不能再靠近一点点 Neng bu neng zai kaojin yi dian dian ?? ? ???? ? ??? 能不能再勇敢一点点 Neng bu neng zai yonggan yi dian dian ?? ? ??? ? ? ??? 就算?我知道 我永?只是?恋 Jiu suan rang wo zhidao Wo yongyuan zhishi danlian ?? ??? ??? ????? ? ???? ???? 我也会藏著感? Wo ye hui cang zhu ganxie ? ???? ??? 笑著和你?再? xiao zhu he ni shuo zaijian ??? ??? ???? ???. Stars: Xuan Huang, Caiya Yang, Lydia Peckham and Xun Fan. Writer: Ling Zhang Director: Feng Xiaogang Rating: ★ ★ ★ ? There are two clear reasons for Only Cloud Knows to exist ? to wring distraught tears from every ounce of its ill-fated romantic melodrama and to sell the spectacular New Zealand countryside as the best possible backdrop to said sadness. Veteran filmmaker Feng Xiaogang is working on a smaller, more intimate scale than some of his past populist pics (Aftershock, 2010; I Am Not Badame Bovary, 2016; Youth, 2017), but the director’s feel for sellable sentiment and capital-E emoting remains as solid as ever. Based upon the true story of one of the director’s friends, Only Cloud Knows follows distraught widower Sui ‘Simon’ Dongfeng (Xuan Huang) as he recounts a life spent loving his late wife Luo ‘Jennifer’ Yun (Caiya Yang) across both islands of Aoteoroa. The diaspora experience has been a central theme of many of Feng’s works, dating back to his directorial debut, the TV series A Native of Beijing in New York (1993); others include the LA-set rom-com Be There or Be Square (1998) and If You Are The One (2008), featuring Japan’s northernmost island, Hokkaido. Working from a script penned by acclaimed author Ling Zhang, the narrative is split in three distinct acts. The first hour covers those happy days spent by the lovers in the Otago township of Clyde, making enough of a living from the small berg’s only Chinese restaurant while coping with an increasing number of existential tragedies (not least of which is an extended sequence in which the pair weep tears for days as they cope with their old dog’s particularly painful passing). The second hour recalls the earliest days of their romance in late 1990s Auckland, when Simon had a mullet and played the flute, Jennifer thought herself unfit for marriage only to be won over by his persistence and some spontaneous gambling sets them up for life together. The final passage relentlessly pulls at the heartstrings, with the cancer-riddled Jennifer being held in her final hours by a distraught Simon (all of which he recounts to a very patient charter boat captain, who responds appropriately by taking a big swig from his hip flask). Support players liven up the occasionally heavyhanded scenes between the lovebirds, notably the terrific Lydia Peckham as waitress-turned-bestie Melinda and renowned Chinese actress Xun Fan as landlady Ms Lin, whose own sad memories supply a rewarding subtext. Shot through the prism of grief and memory, Oscar-nominated DOP Zhao Xiaoding (House of Flying Daggers, 2004; Children of The Silk Road, 2008; The Great Wall, 2016) borrows a rich, primary-colour palette from the master of grand weepies, Douglas Sirk; plot wise, the other clear inspiration is Arthur Hiller’s Love Story (1970). Those not in tune with the ripe pleasures to be had from time-shifting romantic tragedies will struggle to make the final handkerchief-filling scenes; if The Notebook, The Lakehouse and/or Somewhere in Time are kept in a drawer under your television, Only Cloud Knows is for you. Despite the cast and crew’s best efforts, the true on-screen stars are the green fields, rugged mountains and autumnal shades of The Land of The Long White Cloud; shepherded into life with the aid of The New Zealand Film Commission, the dreamy drama represents another international co-production triumph for the progressive local sector. 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