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liked It 389 votes genres Crime &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMGYyZTk5MjYtNGY2ZS00NzRhLTgwMWMtZjhmMmQ4OGFkNTNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_UY190_CR0,0,128,190_AL_.jpg) creator Luke Lorentzen Directed by Luke Lorentzen 2019.
Nocna rodzinka Watch. The cinematography. That's it. Nocna rodzinka watch free full. A little backstory. Today was a New Years party at my family members house. While I was getting ready to go to the party I got in a verbal fight with my mom. My dad ends up getting in the middle and he kicks me out. Im a single mother so this a real blow to me. I dont live rent free but idk If I would make it on just one income with a toddler to care for too. Fast forward to the party. Im not in the mood to party. I only went so that my daughter could get a little time of socializing with her cousins. My daughter starts getting fussy and I calm her down with one of her favorite shows thats on Disney. I had to log in to my account because the home owner does not have one. I watch it with her till its time to celebrate the new year at midnight. At this point Im still really stressed about having to find a new home for me and my daughter. About an hour passes and there are new guests that come and they have 2 autistic daughters. They dont socialize and go upstairs to watch tv. When I go upstairs I remember that I hadnt logged off my disney+ account. I try to ask one of the girls but they refused to give me the remote. Thats fine. I go back to the party for a bit. About 30 minutes later my daughter is tired and wants to leave. I go upstairs to the kitchen/living room where the girls were watching tv and prepare my daughter her milk. I notice that the girls now are browsing through my account of disney. I asked for the remote and I logged out of my account. The girls didnt immediately realize what was going on but by the time I was walking out the door I could hear them start having their episodes. So reddit AITA for logging out my account? I didnt do it in a malicious way but I didnt want my account logged in at someone elses house. Sorry for spelling, grammar mistakes.
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Best film of 2019. Felt like a 70s film. Pacing was phenomenal. Great storytelling. No pandering to make the lead character virtuous. Every moment of chaos was worth it.

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Nocna rodzinka Watch free web site. Went missing on a bike ride last night UM THATS CLEARLY THE DAY. Saw the movie this evening and I have to say, it's amazing. Nocna rodzinka watch free online. This kinda has a late 90s/early 2k vibe to the video style. Nocna rodzinka Watch free web. No matter what you see in the coming months, regardless of how convincing it might seem; Know that I didn't want to die. I'm going to take all possible steps to prevent my predetermined demise, but if I don't make it, I need at least someone to know what really happened to me. I'm not, nor have I ever been a remarkable person. I've never been terrible, but I never did great deeds either. To put it bluntly: Ever since I left high-school, I've found my place in eternal mediocrity. Honestly, being perfectly average didn't bother me much while growing up. Life was decent, I didn't struggle, and it felt like I had an overabundance of time to improve myself. But, once I entered my thirties, the time I'd wasted started to wear on my confidence, and a bout of anxiety invaded my otherwise peaceful existence. In order to make myself feel better, I decided to look through my old home videos, figuring that maybe I could get an inkling as to where I lost my passion for living. I dug through my parent's basement while they were at the market, to look for the long since forgotten memories. We hadn't filmed anything since the death of VHS tapes back in the early 2000s, but with some luck, the infinite procrastination abilities possessed by my father, meant that both the tapes and the player still waited idly by in the dust covered boxes. After a long search, and a couple of coughing fits from the dust clouds, I found a box marked “Home Videos. ” The box was full to the brim with old tapes and the player itself. It was far more than I ever remembered filming, but it already started to satisfy my hunger for nostalgia. I felt confident that I'd find at least some inspiration, and drive within the films. So with little hesitation, I eagerly brought them home to my one-bedroom apartment, and connected the old player, using a ton of adapters to make it fit modern televisions. I picked up the first tape, labeled “Adam Davies, Highlights: 1985 ? 2006, ” and inserted it into the player. Though some of the footage was more than three decades old at that point, the tape itself was rather new, or at least as new as VHS tapes could possibly be. It meant that someone had transferred the footage to a newer tape to preserve the film, probably my mother. It had to be rewound, and as it did, I poured myself a glass of cheap whiskey while listening to the loud whirring sound of the tape being dragged back to its beginning, then I hit play. A poorly focused picture came to view, partially covered by the date, reading January 5th, 1985. It was myself as a baby, barely out from the womb, and my mother was the person behind the camera. She cooed and made funny hand gestures to get me to smile, which I diligently did as she laughed in joy at her wrinkly, little creation. I sat through half an hour of footage, watching myself grow up, and though I had no recollection of these events, it felt nice to see that I once lived a carefree life of joy and exploration. Everything felt amazing, and before I knew it, Christmas of 1989 had rolled around, one of my very first happy memories. Four years old and wearing an oversized Santa hat, I sat on our carpeted floor and fiddled with a colorfully wrapped Christmas gift. Cheerful music played in the background, and a dog ran around, excited about the torn wrapping paper littering the floor. The dog eventually ran over to my young self and started to playfully pull on my present while I attempted to push it away, all the while laughing my heart out. It was a wonderful scene to behold, and though I had a vague memory of that day, my first Christmas to remember, I had absolutely no recollection of ever owning a dog. Don't get me wrong, I love dogs. In fact, I always wanted one, but due to horrible allergies that developed during my childhood, my parents always kept me away from the furry and lovable creatures. My first thought was that the dog belonged to some other family member, but as the years went by, the dog proved a fateful companion and made several appearances on the tape. Though the footage was clearly real, and I was the center of it, I couldn't for the life of me remember the dog. He, Doug, followed me around until the age of twelve, where it suddenly stopped showing up on the tape. Presumably passed away from old age, but he wasn't discusses any further in any of the other clips. I kept watching through my primary school years, then high-school, and finally college. Everything was exactly how I remembered it, every minute detail matching my memory of life, everything except for the dog. As the tape neared its end, the date read October 7th 2006. I was filming myself out with some colleagues from my part time job. We were just having a few drinks after work, and though it wasn't a particularly exciting evening, I remember feeling so happy, absolutely certain of my place in the world. Everyone was laughing and we seemed to have a genuinely great time. The evening went on, and my memory turned hazy while the footage turned more sloppy. As it often goes with an overabundance of alcohol, there were holes in my memory from that night. The screen cut to black for a few seconds, and once the picture returned, someone was filming me from the other side of the bar. Whoever held the camera, they weren't one of my friends, nor did I seem to pay them any attention. On the footage, I still sat with a couple of my colleagues at the table, just finishing up my final beer, before getting up to pay the tab. As we left the bar, the cameraman followed us, keeping his distance. We still didn't acknowledge his presence. Unbeknownst to us, a stranger had gotten a hold of my camera, and my drunken state I never realized. He kept following us down the street as my friends dropped me off into a taxi. The clip ended, and the screen cut to black for a full minute. I wondered if the tape had reached its end, but the timer kept counting up. Once the picture returned, I was met by a dark scene. The camera was pointed towards a dimly lit road, and slowly panned along the street. Small pieces of debris and chunks of cloth littered the road, all accompanied by a vague crackling sound in the distance. Before long, the picture showed a mangled car wreck partially on fire. The cameraman moved closer to the wreck. I gasped in shock as I saw the severity of the crash: The driver's head had been smashed beyond recognition by the steering wheel. He'd suffered a quick, unexpected death, but the passenger, I, was still alive. It zoomed in on my mangled body, as I desperately tried to get free from my seat, but I was stuck under twisted metal, and my broken legs had been caught within it. The fire spread slowly at first, and the cameraman stood by idly watching as it reached my body. Still, I didn't notice anyone filming me. The fire started to spread quicker, and I screamed in agony as it climbed up my body towards my face, my clothes fusing to my skin and my face charring from the heat. After the fire had burned away most of my skin killing each of the nerve endings, I stopped screaming, though I never stopped moving, not until my muscles had stopped functioning did I finally go quiet. I'm not sure how long the scene lasted, nor do I care to go back and check. I sat frozen in fear as I listened to each second of my pleading screams until the moment I fell silent and finally died. My life had ended, on camera, the 7th of October, 2006. That was just the end of the first tape. I sat speechless trying to figure out if I had fallen victim to some sick prank, or if the footage showed an alternate version of myself that never made it out of college. I dug out another tape and read the title. “Adam Davies, Highlights: 1985 ? 2002. ” With extreme trepidation, I removed the first tape, and inserted the second into the player. Be it morbid curiosity, or a desperate need to find answers, I decided to watch another. The footage was almost identical to the first tape, but no dog ever showed up in the film. In stead, the only notable change to my life was the fact that my grandfather died in 1999, instead of 1993, and that the color of my first car changed from black, to red. I kept forwarding to the very end of the tape, only watching bits of clips along the way. Once at the end, the day was dated November 15th 2002. It was a party, and though too young to legally drink, it hadn't stopped me from enjoying the occasional houseparty. I remember leaving the place around midnight, after being rejected by my crush, and walked the two mile journey home, alone in the dark. As I walked, someone followed me in the distance, filming me without my knowledge, just as with the first tape. I crossed the street and took a shortcut through an alleyway, and was immediately cut off by a hooded figure. The scene was filmed from too far away to hear what was happening, but the hooded person pulled a gun, and I lifted my hands up in response and immediately froze. Whether it was supposed to be a robbery, or a hostage situation, I didn't know. I just kept holding my hands up high while the robber erratically waved the gun around. Before I could defuse the situation, the gun went off and hit me point blank in the throat. I fell to the ground, clutching my throat. While I lay there, desperately trying to slow down the bleeding, the cameraman approached me with slow, patient steps. This time I noticed the stranger approaching, and I stared into the camera as I gasped for air, unable to call out for help. It took me less than a minute to bleed to death. The camera continuously getting closer to my panicked face until the moment I took my last, gargled breath, then it cut to black. In 2002, I di
Blythe Danner is so awesome that it's easy to forget, for long stretches of time, that she is responsible for giving the world Gwenyth and Goop. 1-Sacrifice day, where 100 or 1000 people sacrificed to the gods 2-Hunger games day, its bassicly hunger games with magic 3-A Olympics day where every sports are bloody (like sword fighting) and the worst losers are ended up executed for performing badly 4-A hunger week where it is illegal to drink or eat anything for a week. 5-Death anniversary, everyone has to be sad for a full week. 6-Birth anniversary, everyone has to be happy for a full week. 7-Military day, where young children are taken from their homes to "Serve" their empire but in reality they are being brainwashed and forced to become a soilder 8- The Festival of Forever: A celebration held once a year to commemorate the history empire as well as its future. Said future being an empire which will last for all eternity. Secretly, on such a day the ruler of said empire selects a few chosen citizens to drain the life force from to keep himself young and strong. 9-Purge day, where for 24 hours all crime is legal 10-Hate day, where a day dedicted to hate our enemies. Everyone should be angry at their enemies. 11- Elexecution Day: A public execution of the leaders of the party opposed to the winners of the latest election. Dissidents to the rule of the state will not be tolerated and as such these individuals surely pose a threat to the stability of the nation. 12- Tithing Day: The day each month where each county or city with sufficient population pays the tithe to state coffers. Special concessions, deferments, or exclusions from Tithing Day may be won on behalf of a county/city/hamlet by the individuals who compete on behalf of their home in any of the various days of sport. (Hunger games, Olympics, Fest o Forever, etc. 13- Huntsman's Day: A day of sport where whosoever bags the most desirable kill earns a prize. Also serves to fill the larders of the ruling class with quality meats and supply their clothiers with fine furs all of which are much needed for the upcoming winter social season of balls and such. 14- The Heroes Reward Parade- There's a region of the empire that used to be independant and had it's own culture, with it's own diety's, heroes, and other icons. After the region was conquered a parade is held in every city and village to discourage the people from rebelling, attendance is mandatory. All rebels and other problematic individuals captured throughout the year are dressed up as the old culture's icons and marched down the streets while being tortured, if they die or otherwise can't march they're hung from a long pole the other marchers must hold up. 15- Day of Hope- Though there have been many attempts to stop it, every year on the same day groups of brave runners dress as a mockery of the emperor and pass around stories, poems, songs, and various culturally significant objects as they run through the streets and rooftops from guards. The runners are usually working as individuals or small groups, they cover their faces to remain unidentified if not captured, and the things they spread around are all anti-empire or celebrating the time before the empire. Being a runner is risky and about 1/4th of them are captured, but most of the common people silently support them and will try and will obstruct the guards if they have a good opportunity to do so. 16- State of the Empire: The leader gives an impassioned speech about the state of the empire and all its holdings across the globe. While the leader extols their triumphs of destruction of the faithless and misguided, they bathe in the bloody glory of execution of failed coup leaders and rebels with public crucifixions on the National Concourse. 17- The Day of Strength and Honor: A day long tournament, open to all challengers. Combat is 1 on 1, fought until surrender or incapacitation; killing is accepted, but frowned upon. A citizen who performs well can be offered a choice position as a military officer or enforcer for the nobility. The winner is given the chance to fight the Emperor; those who yield before the fight are richly rewarded, those who insist on the fight get brutally sabotaged. 18- The Long Night: Starting at midnight on the final day of the year, the Empire deals with the last. 25 days of the standard 365. 25 day year by having a night that lasts an extra six hours. Associated with the gods of chaos and evil, this is prime time for wicked rituals, warlock pacts, and hideously decadent parties. Go outside or fall asleep at your own peril. 19- Assigning Day: Held at the end of a successful military campaign, the Assigning Day is when the spoils are divided by the Emperor to his loyal subordinates, who in turn are expected to reward their own henchmen, and so on down the line. Gold, gems, art, slaves, magical artifacts and other treasures are up in the air. Knowing how much you can keep and how much to give away is a critical skill for a noble house; a house that gives away too much may find itself weakened, but a house that is too tight with the loot might find itself burned down. 20- The Hunt: From sunset to sunrise, any resident of the Empire below a certain rank found out on the streets is fair game for parties of noble hunters. At dawn, the hunters march their prey (typically forcibly dressed in animal costumes and bound so they can't flee) into the town square, and the party with the greatest haul buys the drinks that evening. Sometimes, a hunting party doesn't make it; the small groups of rich men and women, out in the dark, sometimes find themselves the hunted instead of the hunters by bandits, rebels, or general rabble itching for a chance to lash out at their oppressors. 21- Pilgrimage: Civilians march along a great wall, road, or whatever else. The path goes in tight areas, flanked by vendors of attack animals, weapons, tools, spices, and whatever else, all eager to test their goods (marketed to nobles) on passing citizens. Nobles take pleasure in starting stampedes which, in tight areas, result in many deaths. 22- Day of the Strong- On this day, the law dictates that anyone who can beat another in an arm wrestle can take 10% of their wealth. It is rumored that the guards specifically train for this day and have been known to use magical enhancements to ensure that the crown gets their fair* cut. 23- Day of the dead when the ghosts of those violently Murdered can walk amongst the living, Settle unfinished business, and exact there revenge. 24- Day of Our Glorious Leader - the glorious leader's birthday. Everyone has to make offerings to the glorious leader and pay respects. 25- Day of the Foundation - the founding of the glorious leader's political party. 26- Day of the Revolution - The day glorious leader lead the revolt that installed his party as head of the regime. 27- Day of nothing. The anniversary of the day where nothing special happened. Nope, totally nothing happened on this day. In fact, it is notable for how little has happened historically on this date. On this day we appreciate how the government has done good, and patrols are sent out to silence any liars claiming that atrocities happened on this day by the government, because there totally wasn't anything that happened. No official documents exist for when this tradition began. 28- ? ?Purge Day - obvious rip off, but chaos runs wild, everything is legal. Actually used for empire to take out targets 29- ? ?Soma Day - free drugs handed out to everyone, mandatory to take, works like a soma coma from Brave New World, to pacify the population 30- ? ?Patriotic Defense week - time to be suspicious of everyone and report them if they seem unusual. 31- Charity Day: the government gifts basic items for surivability to the poors that Win a contest. They have to compete in degradating games like fighting in the mud, climbing a greasy pool or racing in a crawling challenge 32- Foolsday: A festive day celebrating a short lived coup several generations ago. Local convicts are comically dressed as the leader of the coup (a former member of the imperial family) and paraded through the streets, where children are encouraged to beat them with sticks. The evening is marked with a highly dramatic recreation of the trial, often with a real beheading at the end! 33- Laborer's Day: A working man's holiday! Employers must give their laborers the day off to spend time with their families, celebrate industry, and watch every able-bodied citizen who can't prove they have a job get forcibly volunteered into the emperor's army. 34- The Glorification of the Radiant Dawn's First Breath: The emperor's mother's birthday. 35- Day of Smiles: All citizens must be laughing and smiling all day, no matter what. When a citizen is discovered to not be smiling, they are forced to laugh and smile through magical means for the rest of the day. It's easy to tell afterward whom was forced to smile, since the method takes a day or two to fade, forcing the lucky recipient to grin happily. Some fortunate citizens even begin to cry from happiness on the Day of Smiles. 36- Day of Abandonment: This is one day a year that a family may abandon someone or something that that they think impairs their family's survival without fear of legal backlash. Adult children are able to abandon elderly parents in public retirement homes, parents are able to abandon children and babies at public orphanages. No one is able to legally contact anyone they have abandoned to the state. It is known that the children are raised as "Children of the State" given special tattoos, and are placed in the army and the state's religious organization. They are totally loyal to the state, to a fanatical extreme. It is unknown what happens to the elderly, the official statement being that they are cared for until they pass peacefully, though there are dark rumors of magical experiments and necromancy. 37- Day of Silence: The day must be spent
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Note: I'm from the UK, so if any ages/terminology for anything seems off to you, that's why (TL;DR at the end) Full Backstory: From ages 4-10 I had a group of friends who all lived on my cul-de-sac. All our parents were friends and we were very close (big sleepovers together, boy scouts, etc. However, when I turned 11 and went off to high school, I was forced to make new friends seeing as none of the people from my street went to the same one as me. Needless to say, we drifted apart. The problem with this was just before starting HS, at the height of our friendship, my mother had planned a holiday with EM (Fiona) and her son (who we'll call Mike) for 14 months in advance. It was a non-refundable trip, and seeing as both our mothers were single parents, it wasnt like they had cash to burn. So, instead of wasting the holiday due to a little awkwardness, we decided to go ahead with the two weeks in Gran Canaria and use that time to revitalize our friendships. The changes that occur from 11 to 13 are obviously drastic. Still, I was optimistic about the whole thing. I kind of missed Mike and was curious to see what he was like. With all that in mind, here we go- Mike and Fiona stayed over at our house the night before the holiday and Mike and I got reacquainted very quickly. One thing I noticed was how he hadn't changed at all. Everyone I knew was sliding into the 00's emo/mosher/goth culture, but Mike still looked like his mum dressed him. And he didn't seem too interested in talking about music, either. I can't quite describe it properly, but he just didn't seem like a teenager. He seemed like the 11-year-old boy I last spoke with. But I didnt think too much of it- you don't really need many things in common with someone when you're going to a resort with a water park across the road, right? So, we're at the airport and after going through security, etc, my mother lets me off my (metaphorical) leash and tells me to go eat wherever I want/gives me a time to meet back with her at a cafe. I ask Mike if he's going to come with me to a burger place and he looks at Fiona, who she shakes her head side to side. She doesn't say anything, but there's an awkward few seconds where I look between her and my mum, and my mum just kind of shrugs. Me to Fiona- It's only around the corner. We can bring the food back here. Fiona - and what if something happens? I think it's best if Mike stays with me My mum goes to say something to Fiona but Fiona quickly shuts her down with a firm - No. Anyway, I go and get myself a meal with the loose change my mum gave me, and since I felt kind of weird about everything, I bought Mike a large meal with my own money. I go back to everyone and hand the meal over to Mike, and, once again, he looks to his mum who sighs Fiona - what's this? Me - Cheeseburger meal Fiona to Mike - Absolutely not. Throw it away. I don't want that stuff anywhere near you. There's another long pause and suddenly I feel guilty for doing what I assumed was a nice thing. I was also a little pissed that I'd spent money on that meal, but my mum is a vegetarian and I couldn't eat two meals, so whatever. I proceed to sit next to my mum and she reassures me I didn't do anything wrong (there was some notable tension in the air) and we continue with our trip. Just before we get on the plane, Mike mentions something about wanting the window seat to Fiona, so Fiona suddenly grabs me at the gate by my wrist and tells me to let Mike on first so there are no arguments over it. Again, this pissed me off as I would've happily let him have it had he asked. I let my mum know that Fiona was starting to annoy me as we got on the plane, but my mum said Fiona was probably stressed from traveling and it'd be fine once we got there. The next thing I know we're in the air, and after 5 minutes of staring at his phone (not out of the window) Mike falls asleep. My mum and Fiona are behind us; Fiona is reading a book with her headphones in, ignoring my mum. Being the extrovert that my mum is (and easily bored) it didn't take her long to start chatting with a couple who were in the next aisle. They also happened to be staying at the same resort, and had 4 kids of their own who were all early-mid teens. Those kids were in the seats next to Mike and I, so, naturally, I strike up a conversation with them and we all become fast friends. This was kind of a tradition seeing as i'm an only child/introverted, so my mum always made friends with other parents with kids for me to talk to. Several times during this bonding experience, Fiona would pull her headphones out and ask my mum to keep it down because "she couldn't focus on her book" or tap me on the shoulder and make a "shhh-ing" gesture through the gaps in the seats because she didn't want me waking up Mike. In the middle of the day. She even asked me why I couldn't go to sleep too, and when I said i wasn't tired she rolled her eyes at me. I was still a little pissed at her, so I pretty much ignored this. Before we land, my mum makes plans to meet her new friends at the resort bar later that night, and I make plans to meet their kids at the same time (of course i'd be bringing Mike along, too) The flight from the UK to Gran Canaria is only around 4 hours- and we were arriving at midday- so jetlag wasn't going to be an issue. If anything, my mum and I were pretty buzzed. Fiona, on the other hand, was not. The room we got was a twin family room (two double beds and a pull out sofa) as it was cheaper than getting two double rooms and let us bump our trip from 10 days to 14. I guess we assumed that Fiona and Mike wouldn't want to spend the first night at the resort cramped up in the room, but the moment my mum told Fiona that we'd made plans to go out, she got angry (also, she insisted Mike sleep in her bed, rather than Mike and I share the sofa bed and our mums get a double bed each. Not a huge deal, just thought it was odd) Fiona - and what time will you be coming back? I don't want to be woken up after having flown all day (again, four hours, on a full nights rest) My mum - well, why don't you come with us? I thought youd want to check the place out. Fiona, as if my mum is an idiot - because I'm TIRED. Honestly, it'll hit you the moment you go out tonight, so you might as well just stay and get a good nights rest. My mum ? I dont want to be stuck in the room all night. Cmon, lets go have a drink and see whats on. Fiona ? No. This is MY holiday, and Im going to do things at MY pace. (The holiday was split 50/50) My mum and I decided to go anyway, and when the time came to leave the room, I noticed Mike sat on the edge of his mum's bed sulking. He obviously wanted to come with us rather than stay in the room as there were arcade machines, games, music, and a show going on right outside. Me to Mike - Why don't you come with us? Once again, Mike looks to his mum, who does her trademark sigh Fiona to me - He's tired. Me to Mike - Do you want to come, or do you want to go to sleep? Fiona shoots up, seemingly offended - Don't ignore me. I just told you he's tired. At this point, my teenage angst was boiling over. I'd spoken back to people for far less and had only bitten my tongue when she grabbed my wrist because I didn't want the holiday to be awkward. Thankfully, my mum could see that I was about to go off and stepped in. My mum to Fiona - I'll watch Mike, don't worry. And we'll be back by 11. Fiona pauses a moment, then says - 10:30. So, we go out and have a great time. Mike was a tad awkward around the other teens, but I made sure to keep him included in everything. I even shared some money with him and told him to pay for a round of games on some of the machines to break the ice with the other kids. We got in at midnight, but Fiona was sound asleep and she didn't have anything to say when she woke up. Until breakfast. At the buffet, after Fiona spends way too much time arguing with the waiters about wanting more options, Mike lets slip that we - Went to the arcade with the other kids Got back to the room at midnight. The oldest of the teens, who was 16 (I think) had ONE beer over the course of the does this rather innocently in conversation with me, excitedly recounting the events as our mums chat, but Fiona's mouth drops the second she overhears. She flips out. She tells my mum she endangered her son by letting him wander off alone (in a group of 6, in a resort with security and adult supervision inside the little arcade that was basically attached to the main lobby) and she makes it clear he isn't to leave her side for the rest of the trip. If she doesn't go, he can't. End of story. After another tense moment, both my mum and I apologized. My mum did try to see it from her perspective, and they seemed to reconcile by dinner. Then, as we're all lounging by the pool before the sun sets, the siblings come up to Mike and I and invite us to go back to the arcade with them. I immediately say yes, but Fiona makes it clear she "isn't moving. which means Mike can't go. At this point, I'm done with Fiona, but I take a moment to look at Mike, who is obviously upset, and I tell the other kids I'd catch them later that night at the arcade. EM seemed to have opinions about this too, saying something like "playing games that much isn't good for you" but I ignored her. I then invite Mike into the pool with me, seeing as there isn't anything else to do, and Fiona has a problem with this too because its "too late, ” and well “be eating soon. ” (Yes, she controlled when ALL FOUR of us ate. If my mother or I tried to sneak off for a snack, shed complain that wed be ruining our appetite for the dinner we had to have as a collective every night) I spent the rest of the day bored out of my mind with Mike, who, tbh, wasn't much fun. Night comes around again and Fiona comes out this time, but she sits at the bar and still won't let Mike leave her side, meaning he has to sit next to her and watch her get drunk on wine?but even
Nocna rodzinka watch free youtube. Nocna rodzinka watch free tv. EDIT: first thread - First of all I'd like to thank every single person who commented and gave their condolences for Alf. I read every single one and I would've loved to reply individually but there were so many I wouldn't be able to. But you have my sincere thanks for you kind words and they have helped me through a tough time. So onto the update: BF realised he fucked up the next day. I'd blocked his number but on my phone you can see when blocked numbers try to call you, it just auto-rejects. Since that night he's called me around 15 times a day from 9am-midnight. He probably sent texts but they don't show up. I forgot to block him on Instagram so I got a few messages on their before I blocked but basically they said, come on talk to me. answer your phone" and "don't ignore me. No apologies, not empathy, just me me me. In hindsight he'd been doing this a lot. I read through a lot of past communication and I saw it with new was constantly disregarding my feelings and taking about how bad his life is and how I should feel sorry for him and how he's being good to me regardless. He's a nasty, selfish person and I was so used to his behaviour I'd normalised it and was worried I was being insensitive to his feelings after I watched my best friend die. Without your comments and opinions I probably would've stayed with him for as long as he decided, maybe even had a baby with him (which he'd probably do to claim "family life" so he doesn't get deported) and waste more time with him. I want to say thanks to everyone who opened my eyes. And thanks to Alfie for showing me the truth as his final act as a good boy. TL;DR: You were right, he's mean and selfish and doesn't care about my pain because he doesn't care about me. In death, Alf still has my back. EDIT 2: Just to clear something up as some people have been frothing at the mouth because they think I quit my job - I didn't. I actually went into work and my manager could see there was something wrong with me and after I told her she told me to take the rest of the day off. I'd accrued a lot of TOIL and she said I could use it for the rest of the week as my diary was pretty free that week and she could tell I needed it. My job is emotionally taxing (I work with looked after children, particularly victims of CSE) so it was best for everyone if I used my TOIL while I was feeling so bad. Thanks for all the support everyone. I won't be posting on this account again but hope everyone gives their pup an extra hug tonight.
Everyone: Wheres Mushu Me: Wheres Jimmy Wong. Nocna rodzinka watch free stream. I have lived for 20 years. A majority of which have been hiding my identify from others and the people I love. I have never vocalized this to anyone, but I am gay. Hiding who I am has become such a normal part for me that it comes naturally. Never missed an opportunity to contribute to the lie Ive fabricated and continue to perpetuate this fantasy to the people I love and the people I meet. I come from a family that makes me being me difficult. I think they know, but then again I think they have no idea. My mother has been reminding me how much she loves me lately after a break up with my last “girlfriend”. I feel like the overcompensation with reminders of her love for me is due to her thinking I might come out soon. My father, on the other hand, is indifferent. I sense my mother has an inclination about this. I am not ready to come out but my body longs for release and freedom. I have known about this for as long as I can remember and quite honestly, I told myself I would just live my life alone and never share this with anyone. More recently, this has been more of a challenge than before. I remember the men I saw on tv for having courage to talk to the girl and win at love and I envied that. I thought that I was jealous of these guys from the movies and shows I watched but I soon realized my infatuation with them wasnt for their courage, but for them. I stumbled upon Call Me by Your Name on TikTok, a platform that has caused more damage to my self esteem than not. I do have to give the app props for connecting me with people that love this film and thus got me curious about it. Last night I took a shower and crawled into bed at midnight and decided I would watch this film. I caught a glimpse of the trailer and immediately teared up. I am not a person that cries but recently Ive been really sensitive. Songs, movies, stories, you name it? I get choked up. I started the film and prepared myself for what I knew would end in heart break. I watched all two hours of it and couldnt control my emotions. Years of suppressed emotions, anger, fear, desire, lust? all poured out of me at once. I used almost a whole box of tissues and cried myself to sleep. While crying in my bed, alone, at 2 am, I had an epiphany. I saw a lot of myself in Elio and Oliver. The similarities in lifestyle are uncanny. My shared confusion with Elio on who I am came out. My suppressive self was seen in Oliver. The pure ness of their love and the bond they grew- I long for that. Im not sure why Im writing this. What I know is that this film really fucking hurt me. Put me in a depressive state for sure. I cant stop thinking about it and thus I cant stop crying. I need to anonymously put this out to the world to almost free myself of some of the burden of being who I am. This film was a harsh awakening to me. I realized more of who I am from this story than from years of just living. I fell in love with love as displayed on screen. I long for that and hope I am one day fortunate to have an ounce of the love these two shared in their short time together. This movie caused a lot fo realizations for me but also makes me hopeful. I will one day come out. I will one da make peace with who I am. Love is love and I cannot deprive myself from that because of what I fear. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say I am thankful to have found this film and the lessons its taught me. Its been hard. So fucking hard. And emotional but I am thankful. I plan on viewing it one more time just to really wrap my head around it. I apologize for this post being the mess that it is but I needed to express myself in this way for my own sanities sake. Thanks for reading this mess of thoughts I have to offer. My point of this post is to say to the fellow closeted viewers that what you are feeling is okay. I have felt it too. We deserve happiness and love and to feel accepted. Dont hide who you are for the sake of making others happy.
Nocna rodzinka Watch free mobile. What a beautiful film. Just finished watching it and I feel like I need to watch it again. The cinematography was breathtaking, the story, the directing, the two actresses. Masterpiece! I am at awe with this film that is making me feel like falling in love. I can only compare it with two other masterpieces Carol and The Handmaiden <3 Thank you for making this movie... Say what you will about modern horror but there are some innovative films coming out amongst the trash. First a nearly silent film with A Quiet Place and now a modern black and white film. Those are some risky choices to make when you could just turn a profit with some generic crap. Cats: Most scariest movie Ive ever seen. A quiet place part II *Imma end this mans career.
Nocna rodzinka watch free movie. Hi you are amazing love everyone. Nocna rodzinka watch free season. I watched Frozen for the first time over the holidays this year and absolutely fell in love with the Elsanna ship. Like a pig in mud, I waded into the fanfic community and read I think. every Elsanna fanfic over the past month and a half? Certainly all of the popular ones. I kept track of the ones I enjoyed the most, which I have decided to share with you all today as both a friendly guide to anyone else who was like me and loves the ship, and as an indelible record of my obsession. I realized during my reading that I generally only enjoyed Elsanna fics that met the following criteria. Of course, there's always exceptions but I am most interested in fics that are: Canon compliant or canon AU: with one exception ( r9kElsa is Suffering, which is amazing) AUs just don't interest me as much because most of the time, if you changed the names, you have a totally unrelated story. I want the characters and setting to match what we see in the films. I have appreciated some modern day fics where reincarnation is a thing ( my arms were always around you, which is still on-going, and Carved, which seems abandoned) but you won't find any on this list. Incest: They have to be sisters. Otherwise it's just not the same. Primary focus is pre-relationship (e. g. pining) With some exceptions, I find I lose interest once the relationship actually begins because most fics just kinda descend into smut once they're together. Now don't get me wrong, smut's great. However, it can get old quick. Angst: At the end of the day, they're incestuous lesbian lovers in the early-to-mid 19th century. It's a big deal and not a relationship that anyone will likely accept. I want Elsa and Anna to really struggle with what they are feeling, and I find it immersion-breaking if their relationship becomes public knowledge and there isn't fallout. It isn't always a dealbreaker but it usually is. No revenge of the Southern Islands: Goddamn, did I quickly grow to dislike "Meet Hans' even more evil brother. There are good fics that use this trope (e. Frozen Fractals) but it's one that I tend to tire of. Good (or preferably no) major OCs: I tolerate them as long as they're ancillary to the central relationship. I become EXTREMELY apprehensive if the OC serves as romantic foil (hence, why you won't find any Ingridverse fics on this list. One exception is Frozen: Thawing Heart, which is so good that I am able to overlook the aggravating Gerda OC. Complete: Good lordy, the hours I have sunk into fics that were never finished will haunt me forever. So many great stories that just. stopped because the author got bored or vanished off the face of the earth. Argos remaining incomplete is by far the biggest tragedy. There may be a few fics on my list that are technically incomplete but they still end in a place that can be accepted as an ending to the story (e. g Min Søster Bursdagskake. Minimal or subtle references to songs from the films: Some authors really go overboard with making references to the lyrics or the songs from the film. Y'know what I mean. Stuff like "wow, I'm eating peanut butter for the first time in forever. In small doses it's fine and can be cute, and sometimes it can be quite powerful. But man does it need to be done tastefully. I especially feel like a fic really needs to earn a reference to Let it Go, otherwise my eyes roll right out of my head. So without further ado, here's my list of the best Elsanna fics that meet the criteria detailed above. I've organized them into general categories to help people find exactly what they're looking for. Some fics may arguably fall into multiple categories but I've chosen the one that is most prominent (for example, if the fic is dark, it's going under "darkfics" regardless of its length. Note: fics are presented in no particular order. My Top Ten My ten favorite stories, not including r9kElsa Is Suffering (which really is amazing. They come ftom all of the categories described further below. Shall We Dance? by Yamino: Elsa wants to be more involved in the upcoming ball, but is anxious about dancing with strangers. Anna takes it upon herself to help her sister by introducing her to a dashing prince to practice with, but "he" isn't quite who Elsa expects. Locked Away by JPeterson. It started with a painting and two broken hearts. It ends with a moonlit bedroom and Anna's fingers trailing over Elsa's naked back. An Hysterical Situation by justomemoreartist: Elsa's doctor is concerned for her health in the run-up to her coronation and makes a medically acceptable diagnosis that involves a certain, special treatment. This results in Anna masturbating with a vibrating doorknob. There is some logic in between those two sentences, but only some. Leaving Your Promises Behind by "orphan_account" Written for the prompt duel. Never is a promise' Facets by 4mation: Elsa is like a diamond: one whole with many faces. Frozen: Thawing Heart by EhMattissimo: When Elsa is forced to think about the future of Arendelle and seek out a companion to help her rule, it is then that she discovers what she truly desires is not a a queen. Additionally, with a creeping evil threatening to overtake the palace from the inside, Elsa has no choice but to confront her lingering demons and come to terms with her growing deviant fixation. Golem by waytooshy: After the great thaw, there is still a storm inside Elsa's heart. Got Your Yule Goat by Shoestring Nemesis: Twas a fortnight before Yuletide and all through the castle. The queen wrote invitations though she thought it a hassle. The hour grows late, she's doing all that she can. Until she's interrupted by a Yule goat and a snowman. Foil by Summerlightning: Elsas door is open. Well, not open-open?its barely open, like, ajar? Orange candlelight seeps between the door and the jamb, flickering. All the breath leaves Anna in a rush. Her knees go to water and she stumbles over her own feet, staggers, catches herself and still almost drops the bun, grasping after it with nerveless fingers. Probably she squashes it some. Mouth agape, her heart knocking up into her neck, she stares at the door, expecting it to click closed again at any moment. It doesnt. Reflection by JPeterson: It was so natural ? so logical. The sky is blue, grass is green, snow is white and Elsa loves Anna. Shortfics Fics that are one-shots/quick reads (under 10, 000 words) The Fifth by Windian: A bridge has two sides, and both Elsa and Anna have kept up their ends for a long, long time. Lavender and Sage by waytooshy: The coronation went differently. Elsa and Anna had a fight, but it ended before anything could be revealed. Now Anna is left to wander the castle alone, long after the guests have left, clutching the glove she grabbed before Elsa fled to her room. Play by sometimes (Ace. Elsa…" Anna whispered, before she could do something foolish. Elsa kissed her first. My Oblivious Sister by justonemoreartist: The queen of Arendelle, secure in her magic, position and family, wants for nothing. Nothing, except perhaps some well-needed introspection, because Anna's noticing some things about Elsa that she herself clearly doesn't. Follow Anna as she realizes Elsa's true preferences and tries to tell her sister what she doesn't know about herself. Constellations by allgoodlions Though much of Elsas reserve had thawed over the past few months, these tender moments were rare, precious things that always caught Anna a little off guard. Holidays of Sisterhood by DracoDomino: A short, simple, sweet look across the seasons as two sisters realize just what they mean to one another. the starts in the hazy heaven by afterism: Elsa needs somewhere to stay for the night. Stolen Kiss by elsayoustinker: Not-so-secret stolen kisses and an unintended audience. Elsanna, set after the movie. Enough to Burn by Requ (Etude) Anna and Elsa attempt to bridge the lost years while juggling suitors and royal duties. Elsanna. Blue Eyes by battousai24: Anna felt her heart skip a beat when those ice-blue eyes met her own. Elsa felt her breath hitch when those light blue eyes locked with hers. That's when the magic started, if it hadn't already. After all, it was an act of true love that saved both their lives weeks ago. The Plan by: Anna has seen the looks, now she is determined to find out if her sister feels the same.? A Dance at Midnight by serpentineinfinity: Elsa doesn't dance, and Anna wants to know why. But what she discovers leads to a turn that she never expected the night to take… Kissing You by Elurraflake: Elsa doesn't kiss her anymore. Not because she doesn't want to, well probably not. Anna knows she loves her but it's just, well, it would be awkward. broken by whimsicalfey: Perhaps Agnarr has moved on from the world, if only to spare him what comes after, when the winter melts to spring. But Idunn is frozen ? can do nothing but watch as her daughters' love grows stronger, as dangerous as the ice that built into a storm. Elsanna Lie to Me by Bason: Okay, Rule One is: Men always believe what they want to hear…" Elsanna Oneshot! Cadence by TuanTaureo: Just another Elsanna fic. More an observational drabble than an actual story. Incestuous implications, but that's what this ship is for, isn't it? Elsa's First Kiss by ahallister: Not long after Annas first kiss, Elsa receives her first kiss as well. Single Moments by a-weed-monster: Elsa notices small things about Anna. Icest. Longfics Fics that are multi-chapter/longer than 10, 000 words Some Kind of Mistake: While attending the first ever masquerade ball thrown at the Arendelle residence, Anna finds herself drawn into the arms of an enchanting guest, leading her to a new discovery, and changing her entire world forever. Freeing the Water Lily: After a number of romantic overtures from visiting Princes, Anna suggest that Elsa look for love a little closer to home. Elsa considers it, b
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Bro, that Lamar Odom one almost got me for sure ?. 'english'full'episode'online Midnight Family (2018) Movie Online Midnight What Time…. Nocna rodzinka Watch free online. Nocna rodzinka watch free movies. A few weeks before the decisive game against Hungary for the 2000 European Championship qualification, Gheorghe Hagi, Romanian football legend, who at that time was playing in Turkey for Galatasaray, is a guest in a TV show presented by Adrian Paunescu. Paunescu was a poet, a troubadour of Ceausescus communist philosophy and a cultural reference figure in the years of the regime. The show is called ‘The biggest of matches and is broadcasted until long beyond midnight: the guests are always writers, poets, singers, academics who discuss about culture, Romanian mythology, economics or daily issues. The austere photography, the dimmed lights and the small studio are still an iconic TV picture in eyes of many Romanians, until today. Romania and Hungary are neighbours, but they never had a good relationship, in fact they are eternal arch rivals. From a footballing perspective, at that moment, Romania is clearly superior, but suffers from some sort of inferiority complex: they had never defeated Hungary in an official encounter. Romanians were always, and not only on the football pitch, the poor neighbour from South East. In the first leg, played in Budapest in an extremely hostile atmosphere, the Magyars manage to scrap a 1-1 draw with a late equaliser. For the entire duration of the game, the Romanians have had the worst of insults hurled at them, being called gypsies and thieves by the Hungarian masses. Winning against Hungary means leveraging the national spirit, especially in the moment when the first reform and liberal project since Ceausescus execution is failing. Paunescu invites Hagi in his show, convinced that the Romanian national team needs him for the decisive second leg against Hungary. Hagi had retired from the national team one year before, after Romania were knocked out from the 1998 World Cup in France. During the show, Paunescus son had sung a song whose lyrics said ‘Now the flag is asking you to return, in the name of the mother and the father. Paunescu Senior recited, on the spot, an ode for the number 10. After that, he read dozens of messages from the viewers who were begging for his comeback to the National team. Hagi, visibly emotioned, says at one point. Wait a second, Piturca did not even call me up. In that moment, Piturca, the national team coach, former teammate of Hagi in Steaua Bucharest between 1987 and 1989, makes a live phonecall and tells Gica: ‘we are waiting for you, we need you. Outside the studios, at the 3 oclock in the morning, a group of fans unites. When Hagi finally decides to return, Paunescu triumphantly hugs him and kisses Hagi on the cheeks, telling him: ‘Who are you, that the entire country wants you? In the second leg against Hungary, a few minutes away from half-time, Hagi takes the ball down from his own half and dribbles among the Hungarian kids who were hopelessly trying to dispossess: he dribbles 3 Hungarians with a lightning-like change of pace. He is flying towards Kiralys goal when he is knocked. Hagi lands on his shoulder and needs to be subbed off, on a stretcher. Romania managed to win that game, thanks to goals from Adrian Ilie and Dorinel Munteanu. At the end of match, Gica is thrown in the air by his teammates, while the entire stadium is chanting his name. From the first ever win against Hungary, the sprouts of the European qualification are born. Gheorghe Hagi is displayed in all his splendour in this anecdote. ‘Regele (The King in Romanian, his nickname) was never forgotten by the Romanian nation, especially less when he was in exile. A king who was floating when going beyond the borders of his reign, but who never refused to carry the responsibility of Romanian football on his shoulders. Hagi was not only one of the best left-footed European players of the late 80s and the 90s: for some he is simply the King of left-footed players. Born in Săcele, a village near Constan?a, on the shores of the Black Sea to an Aromanian family, he grows up with the legend of Johan Cruyff and Anghel Iordănescu. He starts playing in the youth academy of the local club Farul Constan?a at the age of 10. At the age of 15, he is selected by Luceafarul Bucharest (the Morning Star in English) the regimes team created in the late 70s whose only purpose was gathering the best youth products of the country. After 2 years, in 1982, he returns home to Farul, where he plays for one season in Divizia A, scoring 7 times in 18 matches. Hagi was ready for greater heights and all the big teams in Romania are following him closely. Initially destined to join Universitatea Craiova, in 1983, Hagi chooses to go to Sportul Studentesc, traditionally a youth-oriented club based in Bucharest. In three and a half seasons, a young Hagi scored 58 goals in 108 games for the Students. In 1984, Mircea Lucescu called him up for the senior national team before the Euros in France, without having even played for the U21 side. 2 years later he had become a key player for the national setup and later, the captain of the team. In 1986, Hagi meets the son of a big land owner and they become friends. The Romanian playmaker carries him around in almost all places, even in the lockers where the guy would sell dairy products to the team, sometimes they even share the home: that guy was Ioan ‘Giovanni Becali (also of Aromanian origins) who later was to become one of the biggest agents in Romanian football. Ioans cousin, Gigi, later became Hagis best man, the godfather of his kids and the owner of Steaua Bucharest and one of the most controversial characters in the modern history of Romania. Hagi had outgrown Sportul, that Steaua ? the team of the Army, owned by Valentin Ceausescu, the adopted son of the communist dictator ? gets him on a dry loan from Sportul, who were owned by Nicu Ceausescu, Valentins stepbrother. The year before the move, Steaua had won the European Champions Cup in Seville against Barcelona, with goalkeeper Helmuth Duckadam parrying all 4 penalties of the Blaugrana, a record to this day. Therefore, Steaua was set to play the European Supercup against Lobanovskiys Dynamo Kyiv. Hagi was brought exactly for this game, which he won with a long-range free kick. The agreement between Steaua and Sportul stipulated that he would return to Sportul after that game, but he never did. Gică had become the star of the Star (Steaua means the star in Romanian) which was already on the downslide. However, this would not impede the Bucharest team to win three league titles in a row and reach another European Cup final in 1989, lost against Sacchis Milan. In Romania, in those years, not much or better said, nothing was destined to last forever, Hagis permanence even less so. Gheorghe Hagi has always imprinted a melancholic, dreamy declination on his football from the beginning. The only flashes of a Soviet-style realism were in the shots, that were coming relentlessly one after another, towards the opponent's goal, always with the usual left foot. Tense shots, powerful shots. Ambitious shots, almost in sassy and ignorant fashion. Juventus were already scouting this young Eastern wonderkid with his amazing dribbling and leadership skills, who was for Romanian football what the Peoples House (as it was known back then) was for the communist blocks of flats. In 1988, the Turin club proposed to Ceausescu the building of a FIAT plant near Bucharest in exchange for the young playmaker: the communist dictator refused, considering the plan to be too capitalistic. Hagi about his childhood in communist times. We were growing in a peaceful context, we were civilized and cultured. The only negative aspect was that we could not go abroad to play football. Mircea Lucescu was also telling Italian newspapers in 1989 that <
I still hope this does well, looks really unique. Love to see fresh ideas, I welcome new passionate concepts with open arms.



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