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Kaguyahime no monogatari ∬Streaming


Author: Lena Frances Houst
Biography: Objectively less cute than you, but with superior hair. Trans Lesbian Cinema Obsessive. Irrepressible Gerwig Fangirl. Takes it too far.
Riko Sakaguchi; Tomatometers 8,5 / 10 stars; Release Date 2013; &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTcwODI0MzEwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjkyNTEwMTE@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg); countries Japan; reviews Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo cutter and his wife, a tiny girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady. The mysterious young princess enthralls all who encounter her, but ultimately she must confront her fate, the punishment for her crime.
The Tale of Princess Kaguya is based on the classic Japanese fairy tale "Tale of the Bamboo Cutter". Chances are you don't live in Japan and don't know this tale. Luckily the movie is told in a way that requires absolutely no previous knowledge so even people who don't know much about Japanese culture and folklore can enjoy this (in fact very Japanese) story. Though the original fairy tale was certainly intended for children, I'm not sure many children would enjoy this kind of movie in this age, so it's probably more of a pleasure for mature viewers who know what kind of story and storytelling to expect. Art & Animation ? 10 The first thing you will notice about this work is its unusual artstyle. You can clearly see Isao Takahata here, but at the same time the sketchy style is something you will rarely find in animated works. It's more like a moving artwork. Ghibli movies are usually very expensive and very well animated, and this one is no exception (in fact it was the most expensive and most delayed work of the studio, and predicted to be unprofitable due to its high cost and low mainstream appeal from the beginning). Even if you are not a fan of the artstyle, some moments are undeniably breathtaking such as the Kaguya running scenes. The animation is definitely a pleasure for the eyes: Unique, positively artsy, very fairy-taleish, very Japanese and certainly beautiful. Sound ? 9 The music was composed by Joe Hisaishi who usually only does the score for Hayao Miyazaki's movies. His orchestral style suits the atmosphere of the story very well. I particularly noticed the music in the first and the last part of the movie. It's also nice to see so many traditional Japanese elements in this score. Kaguya, for instance, plays the koto (a Japanese pluck instrument), but the traditional music is not limited to actual in-movie music. All in all Hisaishi did what he always does: He delivered a great score with some memorable tracks. The calm and beautiful ending song leaves you with a nice aftertaste after the end of the movie. The voice acting is also quite well done. There are many old people and children in this movie, and I was particularly happy that those children were actually voiced by real children. Thus conversations and laughter sound very natural. Kaguya's voice is very pleasant to hear, and her voice actress delivered a vivid performance, most notable in Kaguya's energetic moments. Story & Characters ? 7 It is very hard to properly rate the story and the characters. Since the movie is based on a fairy tale, the story itself is fairly simple, and so are the characters. It is very easy to follow the events and naturally there are not many surprises or innovations. There is, however, lots of charme found in this kind of presentation. Isao Takahata was always very skilled in portaying the interactions between humans and daily human emotions and actions. You can witness all of this here as well. Though the characters are generally not very developed, it is easy to understand Kaguya's feelings and her colorful personality makes her memorable. The other characters act mostly according to her roles: The caring mother who understands Kaguya's feelings, the charing father who does everything to make Kaguya happy, not understanding what actually makes her happy. The children that act as her friends and family. The five nobleman ? some not so noble ? who woo her and fail. All of those characters are pretty stereotypical, but they do their job well and never wanted to do more. The story unfolds in a more or less predictable way, except for the end which might be a surprise, especially if you are more familiar with western folklore. The beginning was very executeddone: Kaguya's rapid development was portayed beautifully, as was her personality. In the second part of the movie the pacing is a bit slower ? not much happens, actually ?, but it gets better again toward the ending. Value ? 9 "The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter" is a very famous Japanese fairy tale, and this movie is unique in many ways: It is most likely the most elaborate and expensive adaption of a Japanese fairy tale we have seen in animation movies so far. The artstyle deserves lots of praise and definitely makes the whole experience memorable. The storytelling itself, though there's basically no narration, captures the atmosphere of a classic fairy tale very well. Furthermore Isao Takahata is definitely an interesting director and this is his last work, so fans of his other movies should definitely watch The Tale of Princess Kaguya. Fairy tale adaptions used to be very common in the early age of animated movies, but lately Japan has produced few such works. This might be one of the last attempts to bring a classic tale to the big screens without modernizing it unnecessarily. Enjoyment ? 7 I definitely enjoyed the beginning of the movie a lot. It got a bit tedious in the second part ? there was too much repetition in the part involving the five wooers, and it was obvious how Kaguya felt from the beginning, so I didn't enjoy this part very much apart from some really well-animated scenes and some nice moments. The last part of the movie gets better, though ? especially the little dreamlike romance scene towards the end was fantastic. Overall I enjoyed this movie, but it is very long (140+ minutes), and it definitely would not have hurt to remove or shorten a couple of scenes. Final verdict: Watch this movie if you want to see a well-animated, well-told classic Japanese fairy tale. The movie is beautiful in many ways, but don't expect a complex story, a typical Ghibli movie, a typical Takahata movie (what's that, anyway? ) or a typical anime movie at all. The emotional reaction you will feel will very much depend on how much you can sympathize with Kaguya. Though her emotions are very well depicted, there is a natural distance between the watcher and the fairy-tale characters, so even though there are heart-warming and sad scenes, they might not leave a huge impact on you.
Do you have the lyrics. It looks very boring plot-wise and stereotypical, and something is weird about the voice acting. BUT THERE'S A CUTE CAT IN IT SO I WILL SEE IT. Watch kaguya-hime no monogatari. You Nailed it Beautifully. :D. I HAVE THIS MOVIE HOME AND IT WAS MY FRIST ANIME I EVER WATCH AND I LOVE IT. Watch Kaguyahime no monogatari. Edit Release Dates Japan 23 November 2013 Hong Kong 30 January 2014 France 21 May 2014 (Cannes Film Festival) South Korea 4 June 2014 9 June 2014 (Annecy Film Festival) Australia 14 June 2014 (Sydney Film Festival) Switzerland 25 June 2014 (French speaking region) 25 June 2014 Belgium 13 August 2014 Netherlands 4 September 2014 Canada 5 September 2014 (Toronto International Film Festival) 27 September 2014 (Vancouver International Film Festival) Norway 28 September 2014 (Bergen International Film Festival) USA 3 October 2014 (NYCC Presents New York Super Week) 5 October 2014 (Mill Valley Film Festival) Israel 14 October 2014 (Haifa Film Festival) 17 October 2014 (limited) 18 October 2014 (Philadelphia International Film Festival) Finland 24 October 2014 Thailand 26 October 2014 (Bangkok International Film Festival) Italy 3 November 2014 20 November 2014 (German speaking region) Germany 20 November 2014 Austria 22 November 2014 28 November 2014 4 December 2014 28 December 2014 (MoMA - The Contenders) Sweden 26 January 2015 (Göteborg Film Festival) Turkey 26 January 2015 (! f Istanbul International Independent Film Festival) Kuwait 5 February 2015 13 March 2015 UK 20 March 2015 Ireland 21 March 2015 (Jameson Dublin International Film Festival) 1 April 2015 Portugal 9 April 2015 Argentina 15 April 2015 (Buenos Aires International Festival of Independent Cinema) Denmark 19 April 2015 (CPH:PIX) Romania 25 April 2015 (Bucharest International Film Festival) 30 April 2015 Brazil 16 July 2015 Philippines 9 August 2015 (Cínemalayà: Philippine Independent Film Festival) 2 October 2015 (Anim'est International Animation Film Festival) 4 October 2015 (Japanische Filmtage Düsseldorf) Indonesia 27 November 2015 (Japanese Film Festival) Spain 18 March 2016 (limited) Peru 13 August 2018 3 September 2018 (limited) Mexico 17 July 2019 (Blu-ray release) Also Known As (AKA) (original title) Kaguyahime no monogatari El cuento de la princesa Kaguya Die Legende von Prinzessin Kaguya Belgium (French title) Le conte de la princesse Kaguya O Conto da Princesa Kaguya Canada (French title) Fortællingen om Prinsesse Kaguya Prinsessa Kaguyan taru Finland (Swedish title) Legenden om prinsessan Kaguya Die Legende der Prinzessin Kaguya Greece Η Ιστορία της Πριγκίπισσας Kaguya Hungary Kaguya hercegnő története La storia della principessa splendente Japan (alternative spelling) Kaguya-hime no Monogatari Japan (informal alternative title) Taketori monogatari Japan (Japanese title) かぐや姫の物語 Lithuania Pasaka apie princesę Kagują Fortellingen om prinsesse Kaguya Poland Ksiezniczka Kaguya Russia Сказание о принцессе Кагуя Serbia Priča o princezi Kaguji Spain (Catalan title) (complete title) El conte de la princesa Kaguya Sagan om prinsessan Kaguya Switzerland (German title) Switzerland (French title) Taiwan 輝耀?物語 Turkey (Turkish title) Prenses Kaguya Maşalı Ukraine Казка про принцесу Ка?ую The Tale of the Princess Kaguya The Tale of The Princess Kaguya World-wide (English title) World-wide (English title) (informal English title) The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter World-wide (English title) (informal literal English title) The Tale of Princess Kaguya.
The movie is a clifthanger. it left me dropping my jaw, i dont even want to sleep after watching and i keep searching for sequel if there is but it has nothing. omg i am so inlove with it. i was also so sad for not marrying her childhood friend. aaaaah?. Про что аниме ?Сказание о принцессе Кагуя?: ?Сказание о принцессе Кагуя? (Kaguyahime no monogatari) ? японское аниме, основанное на народной сказке ?Повесть о старике Такэтори?. По лесу неторопливо идет старик Такэтори, чтобы собрать немного бамбука, продать его, и таким образом заработать себе на пропитание. Перебирая стволы бамбука, он обнаруживает нечто чудесное ? в одном из них находится крошечная девочка, Кагуя. Этот миг навсегда изменит жизнь старика. Маленькая принцесса принесет ему достаток. Раньше Такэтори с женой довольствовались немногим, но деньги и власть способны показать истинную сущность людей. Теперь им всего мало, зачем хижина, если можно жить в дворце? Зачем поля и реки, если можно жить в золоте и нефрите? Да и красавицу-дочку можно выгодно замуж пристроить. Только Кагуя печальна. Одна несвобода сменилась другой ? разве она этого хотела? Плеер также доступен на телефоне и планшете под управлением андроид (Android с поддержкой HLS), и на iPhone и iPad под управлением iOS. Сказание о принцессе Кагуя - смотреть онлайн Мы работаем над восстановлением. Часть данных уже доступна для просмотра! И чтобы быть в курсе последних новостей, подпишись на нас в Telegram Подписаться Есть ошибки или проблемы с аниме? Сообщи нам!
Such a beautiful movie. I liked it. I wish I would of known there was a dub version! it seems legit. I recommend it. En verdad este cuento tiene sus derivados, por en otras versiones es todo igual excepto en medio del cuento, pues después de los pretendiente, el emperador (de esa época) quiso saber quien era esa princesa, y al verla le dijo Se mi emperatriz pero hasta él, ella lo rechazo, igualmente el emperador la apreciaba; el día en que las personas de la luna llegarían por ella, y fue el emperador quien mando todo una ejercito para que custodiaran el palacio de la princesa Kaguya. I love that bit at 0:58. It is just so cool.
Holy hell. that animation is jaw dropping.
What the heck. was this really made in 2013? this looks like miyazaki's most boring film. The best movie ?. I watched this movie in Japanese AND I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE ENGLISH VERSION GAH. To me, this movie was way better than The Secret of Kells.
I liked this to a good extent, and my rating goes up because of the last 15 minutes, which are so magnificent. Those last several minutes and the first act are truly brilliant, but for some reason, the film sort of lost me in its middle and a little more than that. Not completely lost me, but it did get a little too much and it got to less interesting overall. I can't say I completely agree with the critical acclaim it's gotten, but I think it's a good, sometimes very good, film, definitely made stronger because of certain scenes. The sound mixing here is incredible, and the voice acting (in its original language) is pretty fantastic as well. Overall, still recommended but with reservations, yeah.
Here's a reason to stay on this planet. This movie looks absolutely intriguing and amazing. I hope i remember it. Película ? Japón ( 2013) Una pareja de ancianos campesinos encuentran a una niña diminuta dentro de una planta de bambú y deciden adoptarla como si fuera su hija. Convertida rápidamente en una hermosa mujer, es pretendida por muchos hombres, incluido el emperador, pero ella los rechaza a todos porque asegura venir... Ver detalles Comentarios Comentar esta película Atributos Votar atributos Optimista 0 Pesimista Simple Compleja Alegre Triste Superficial Profunda Serena Perturbadora Lenta Rápida Innovadora Tradicional Fantasiosa Realista Emocional Racional Pacífica Violenta.
1:40 Is the best condition of an orchestra Ive ever seen.
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I just finished watching the movie today 11/27/2016... It was soo cute! I love love it. At 1:25 I was like THAT WAS MY TEACHERS NAME. Time and time again, we learn that the simpler we make things, the more enduring and beautiful the outcome. This film goes back to the old way of animation - good ol' hand-drawn images, and it delivers the punch needed to floor any family member. Yes, this is a family film that'll bring tears to everyone's eyes. Granted, it is not quite as beautiful (and sad) as Grave of the Fireflies, but it not far behind in terms of it's sentimental storyline and lead child characters. I thoroughly enjoyed this film, especially the unpredictable ending. I usually stay away from fairytale infused Japanese films, but this one is an exception well worth the 2 hours. I would recommend listening to the original Japanese audio, not the American dub version.
QnQ? Got dammit japan. WHY are you so GOOD. Wow, these films have really evolved over the years. First in Voices from a distant star, every film after that has just looked better and better, this looks amazing.

Wish i could erase the movie out of my memory so i could rewatch this as if it's the first time again.









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