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Creator: sailor venus
Biography: reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!

Rating: 78791 vote
Stars: Emma Watson
Genres: Romance
directed by: Greta Gerwig
release year: 2019
Jo March (Saoirse Ronan) reflects back and forth on her life, telling the beloved story of the March sisters - four young women each determined to live life on her own terms
As I sat down in my theater seat for "Little Women" I had absolutely no idea what to expect. I had somehow (despite being a pretty prolific reader) never absorbed the original text, so I came into this Greta Gerwig adaption with a clean slate. When the credits rolled, I found myself absolutely blown away by the depth and complexity of both the overall messages and the performances within this story. For a very basic overview, Little Women" tells the story of the March sisters- Jo (Saorise Ronan) Meg (Emma Watson) Amy (Florence Pugh) and Beth (Eliza Scanlen. Director Gerwig uses intercutting flash-backs/forwards to examine their lives growing up together and then striking out into the world as individuals. Ostensibly, the character of Jo is focused on the most, as she struggles with how to balance her independence with her potential loneliness in an era that was not kind to women unless marriage was part of the equation. The original Louisa May Alcott story proves to be a compelling baseline to this film in and of itself. Like I said, as someone who had never read/seen that story before, its themes of sibling friendship/squabbles, growing up poor (yet still helping others along the way) and trying to find one's way in the world as an adult really hit a chord with me. The fact that most of the cast don't share my gender did not in the slightest deter me from relating to all of the film's themes. Tears were brought to my eyes on many different occasions. Simply via the way the overall movie is structured, Ronan's performance stands out as award-worthy (and is being rewarded as such. Her writing/direction from Gerwig shines just as bright. One concern I had coming into this movie is that the trailers seemed to really be pushing the female-centric, almost feminist angle. Nothing wrong with that approach, but I just tend to prefer some more nuance, and that is exactly what Gerwig provides (I should never have doubted in the first place, I guess, after being impressed by her in "20th Century Women" from a few years ago. In fact, the incredibly emotional conflict within Jo provides the best moments of the entire experience. Nothing preachy or one-sided here. I also have to add that Timothee Chalamet (as "Laurie" gives what could/should be an award-winning performance of his own. His interaction with every cast member is perfect, whether via humor or gut-wrenching emotion. I hope he is rewarded on par with Ronan. Overall, Little Women" proved to be a film that completely caught me off guard in terms of how deep and thoughtful it turned out to be. Not only is the screenplay a gem (potentially more awards for best adaptation? in its time-hopping, but all the performances and themes match that writing. Without spoiling anything, it also features an ending that will have you mouth agape and pondering its significance long after you leave the theater.
Part of me was really hoping a little hamster would come and eat all that food. Little Women Watch freelance. You know what I did I bought little I had never read it and I wanted to be one of those people who say “You know I read the book?” for once I wanna know how that feels?. Little women watch full movie online free. You know it is a 90ths movie when they do not mention Christian Bale. I'm Almost 24 though,23 3/4 yeah i got that she grow up with harry potter way before Daniel pop off. Little women watch online free. Florence Pugh manager knows how to read scripts and resumes.
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