Gordon Lightfoot: If You Could Read My Mind ?gostream?


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  • Brief - The iconic Canadian musician, Gordon Lightfoot, reflects on his life and career
  • Release year - 2019
  • liked It - 52 Vote
  • 1 H, 31minute
  • Director - Martha Kehoe
Love your music Gordon. Thank You. I love this music. They don't write them like this anymore. 43 years later, its still one of the most beautiful haunting songs I've ever heard.
Cash covered a few of Lightfoot's songs, I think they had good mutual respect for each other and good old Bobby Dillon, they knew people who had talent in painting pictures with their music and lyrics. GF had so many great songs. But this one, is the best I think. I first time I heard it, I never forgot the moment or where I was. This is heartbreak on the prairie. Ah... What a song! 1970s... What a Canadian too. Most beautiful song I've ever heard in my life. Met my old lover in the Grocery store The snow was falling Christmas Eve I stole behind her in the Frozen foods And I touched her on the sleeve She didn't recognize the Face at first But then her eyes flew Open wide She went to hug me and she Spilled her purse And we laughed until we cried. We took her groceries to the Checkout stand The food was totalled up and Bagged We stood there lost in our Embarrassment As the conversation dragged. We went to have ourselves A drink or two But couldn't find an open bar We bought a six-pack at The liquor store And we drank it in her car. We drank a toast to Innocence We drank a toast to now And tried to reach beyond The emptiness But neither one knew how. She said she'd married her An architect Who kept her warm and safe And dry She would have liked to say she Loved the man But she didn't like to lie. I said the years had been a Friend to her And that her eyes were still As blue But in those eyes I wasn't Sure if I saw Doubt or gratitude. She said she saw me in the Record stores And that I must be doing well I said the audience was Heavenly But the traveling was hell. We drank a toast to Innocence We drank a toast to now And tried to reach beyond The emptiness But neither one knew how. We drank a toast to innocence We drank a toast to time Reliving in our eloquence Another 'auld lang syne. The beer was empty and our Tongues were tired And running out of things to say She gave a kiss to me as I got out And I watched her drive away. Just for a moment I was Back at school And felt that old familiar pain And as I turned to make My way back home The snow turned into rain.
This is so heart felt. His voice cracks with emotion. I just love it. GOOD SONG IF YOU COULD READ MY MIND. I went to school with Dan. He was a really great guy. A bunch of us used to stand around in the halls of our high school after eating lunch and talk about our futures, dreams and so on. Dan knew even back in those days that his life meant for him to be a singer. He knew that I was bound to be an adventurer. He also labelled a third member of our group to be a scholar. He hit all 3 of his predictions with amazing accuracy. The 3rd guy became a college professor. I left high school to become a paratrooper, a Green Beret and an Army sniper in combat in Viet Nam. Dan, needless to say, became a world famous singer whose life was cut short. In many ways he was a great person.
As Great as Hurt was, this is infinitely sadder. I love this song, Gordon is one of the greatest writers ever, so much heart In this, the?legacy of this song will continue?forever. I Love it! ?. The Blacklist brought me here.

Gordon Lightfoot: If You Could Read My Mind Free Download mkv












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