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Kitty Green; Release Date: 2019; &ref(,0,182,268_AL_.jpg); stars: Matthew Macfadyen; country: USA; resume: Follows one day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner), a recent college graduate and aspiring film producer, who has recently landed her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. Her day is much like any other assistant's - making coffee, changing the paper in the copy machine, ordering lunch, arranging travel, taking phone messages, onboarding a new hire. But as Jane follows her daily routine, she, and we, grow increasingly aware of the abuse that insidiously colors every aspect of her work day, an accumulation of degradations against which Jane decides to take a stand, only to discover the true depth of the system into which she has entered. Free Full The assistantes. Starring: Alexander Chaplin, Bregje Heinen, Clara Wong, Dagmara Dominczyk, Devon Caraway, Jonny Orsini, Julia Garner, Juliana Canfield, Kristine Froseth, Lou Martini Jr., Makenzie Leigh, Matthew Macfadyen, Noah Robbins, Purva Bedi, Stéphanye Dussud Summary: The Assistant follows one day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner) a recent college graduate and aspiring film producer, who has recently landed her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. Her day is much like any other assistants ? making coffee, changing the paper in the copy machine, ordering lunch, arranging The Assistant follows one day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner) a recent college graduate and aspiring film producer, who has recently landed her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. Her day is much like any other assistants ? making coffee, changing the paper in the copy machine, ordering lunch, arranging travel, taking phone messages, onboarding a new hire. But as Jane follows her daily routine, she, and we, grow increasingly aware of the abuse that insidiously colors every aspect of her work day, an accumulation of degradations against which Jane decides to take a stand, only to discover the true depth of the system into which she has entered … Expand Genre(s) Drama Rating: Not Rated Runtime: 85 min.
Free full the assistant software. Sheila O'Malley January 31, 2020 You never see the boss in full in "The Assistant. At the most, he is a dark blur passing in front of the camera on his way somewhere (he's always on his way somewhere. Other than that: his voice is heard through the door, through the thin office walls, through the phone: you can hear the tone, but the words are always garbled. You never see his face. And yet he hovers over every scene like a dark thick cloud, creating an atmosphere?threatening, tense?even in his absence (and he is mostly absent. It's probably more accurate to say he is the atmosphere. He is never referred to by name, even though every conversation is about him. He is referred to just as "he. Although this is never commented on explicitly, by the characters in "The Assistant. or by the talented filmmaker Kitty Green, who wrote and directed the film, the constant references to "He" no name necessary) is a pointed commentary. Being referred to as "He" where no one ever asks "Who are you talking about. that's Power. "The Assistant. a very good film, is especially good on power dynamics. Advertisement Julia Garner plays Jane, an assistant at a movie production company (obviously modeled on Miramax) located in a couple of buildings in lower Manhattan. Jane has only been on the job for 5 weeks, and is fully acclimated (or indoctrinated) to the semi-terrifying office culture. The new kid on the block, she gets the "shit detail" of handling travel arrangements, greeting guests, bringing danishes into conference rooms, and then sweeping up the danish crumbs afterwards. The hours are long. She expected it. It is a great company and a tremendous opportunity for her. She works side by side with two other assistants (both men) and occasionally has to go up to other floors to pass out new script drafts for upcoming projects. "The Assistant" takes place during one very long day, when Jane comes to sense that something may be "off. with her boss for sure, but also in the company he created, and an environment that protects/ignores/denies what is really going on. "The Assistant" works through inference, mostly, during its detailed deep-dive into Jane's mundane everyday tasks performed in an atmosphere heavy with subtext, dropped hints, missing pieces, stray details that may be ominous or may be nothing at all since the larger picture is both obvious and obscured, simultaneously. This is such a good approach, and way easier said than done. Green narrows the point of view so severely that we are solely in Jane's experience. In literary terms, it's close first-person. And so you hear fragments of conversation in passing, or if Jane's mind is on something else, then the conversations taking place right next to her are muted, distorted. This is such an effective approach to the explosive topic of corruption, abuse of power, and what might be called an "unfriendly" putting it mildly) work environment. Big things go on behind closed doors, or off-screen, or at a fancy hotel uptown. but it's hard to point to what exactly might be wrong. It's just a feeling, and everybody in the office shares it. The absent boss is mocked openly when he's not around, and yet still Jane kow-tows to him when she writes not one, but two, apology emails to him over the course of the day. But what IS going on? The confusion surrounding this question comes to the surface in a crucial scene midway through when Jane decides to go talk with Wilcock (Matthew Macfadyen) in Human Resources, to try to tell him what she has seen, and why she thinks is wrong. This is such a well-written scene, and so beautifully performed by both actors, I already need to see it again to dig into all of its implications. Green maintains strict control over how she tells the story, and it's really something to behold. By imposing limits?through the narrow point of view, through never succumbing to the impulse to explain or underline or even show?Green reveals herself to be a narrative filmmaker of considerable power. Green has directed two documentaries ( Ukraine Is Not a Brothel. Casting JonBenet. and used the form to interrogate objectivity, bringing a critical eye to the forming of certain narratives, playing around with the rules of the game in ways disturbing and fresh. After the Weinstein scandal broke, Green spent a year or so interviewing people about the culture at Miramax. Everybody knows that if you want the truth about What It's Like to work somewhere, anywhere, ask the administrative assistants. They know everything. Multiple scenes in "The Assistant" take place in elevators, and the elevator behavior alone warrants a dissertation! Do you make eye contact in an elevator? Is chit-chat okay? Probably not, but the awkward silence is even worse. It's good manners to let a woman get off the elevator first, but is her woman-status secondary to your status as a Big-wig executive? Green is so good with stuff like this! An entire world is on display in those elevator scenes. If you've worked in an office?and I've worked in many?all of these small moments ring so true you almost cringe in recognition. The expressive face of Julia Garner ( The Americans. Ozark. Dirty John" is central here. Every thought, every emotion, every single thing Jane thinks and then chooses not to say, is crucial in building the tension in "The Assistant. Much of the film involves close-ups where we watch her think. It's riveting. So many films over-explain themselves, so many scripts make sure they lead us by the hand, so many films don't trust us as viewers. In " Bombshell. a shallow film about the downfall of Roger Ailes, Fox News commentator Megyn Kelly ( Charlize Theron) looks right at the camera, telling us how things operated at the network. In the same film, Kate McKinnon's character also has a monologue, looping us into the modus operandi of that hermetically-sealed sick world. These monologues "catch us up. The Assistant" doesn't go that route, and it is a far stronger film for it. Instead, we just hear the whispers, murmurs, snickers; we hear the tail-end of conversations and?we put two and two together, just as Jane does. We know that an earring on the floor isn't enough to bring down a bad man. But we also know that Jane senses correctly. Something is very very wrong. Reveal Comments comments powered by.
Posted on Thursday, December 5th, 2019 by The monstrous behavior of Harvey Weinstein finally met its match a couple years ago when women in Hollywood took a stand against the heinous abuse and sexual harassment that came from one of entertainments most infamous producers. It sparked the #MeToo movement and made waves across show business, targeting the manipulative men who had been taking advantage of women and behaving inappropriately for years. Now, a new drama called The Assistant shines even more light on the toxic environment that too many women have had to put up with, and the first trailer has just arrived. The Assistant Trailer The Assistant stars Julia Garner ( Ozark, The Americans) as a recent college graduate trying to break her way into the film industry by paying her dues as an assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. But once shes on the job, slowly she starts to realize whats happening around her and stands up against the horrors looking her in the face. And all of this unfolds in just one day on the job. The movie isnt directly inspired by Harvey Weinstein, but its very clearly about him and so many other toxic people working in Hollywood who have perpetuated a not-so-secret system of sexual harassment and misconduct. As you can see, the quotes from critics who caught the movie at the Telluride Film Festival this year paint a clear picture of how much this movie resonates without being melodramatic about it all. It also helps that this movie is directed by Kitty Green, providing a much needed female perspective to these horrific standards in the entertainment industry. The Assistant also stars Makenzie Leigh, Kristine Froseth, Jon Orsini, and Noah Robbins. Heres the official synopsis: The Assistant follows one day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner) a recent college graduate and aspiring film producer, who has recently landed her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. Her day is much like any other assistants ? making coffee, changing the paper in the copy machine, ordering lunch, arranging travel, taking phone messages, onboarding a new hire. But as Jane follows her daily routine, she, and we, grow increasingly aware of the abuse that insidiously colors every aspect of her work day, an accumulation of degradations against which Jane decides to take a stand, only to discover the true depth of the system into which she has entered. The Assistant will play at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival in January before hitting theaters on January 31, 2020. Cool Posts From Around the Web.
Free Full The assistant services. Free full the assistant programs. In the opening minutes of The Assistant, Jane ( Ozark s Julia Garner) an entry-level employee at a well-known film production company, is on her hands and knees, cleaning her boss office in the predawn hours, before any other employees arrive. She gathers up used plates and cups for washing, wipes crumbs and white powder from a coffee table. She dons rubber gloves to spot-treat the sofa, the sickening suggestion of whats taken place there the night before hovering in the air. She lifts a stray earring from the carpet and tucks it away for safekeeping. The 800-lb. gorilla in the room is Harvey Weinstein, though a character like him never appears on screen. While Weinstein and men of his ilk have dominated much of the public conversation for the last two years, the story of The Assistant, which premiered at the Telluride Film Festival today, is not theirs. It belongs instead to Jane ? and to the nearly 100 women writer-director Kitty Green interviewed while developing the film, whose experiences she melded to craft an intimate and often deeply uncomfortable portrait of one day in the life of a young, female employee. A documentarian best known for Casting JonBenet, which made a splash at Sundance two years ago, Green had been working on a different project ? a film about sexual violence, power, and consent on college campuses ? in October 2017, when the Weinstein news broke. Immediately, she shifted her focus to the film industry. She reached out to people whod worked at the Weinstein Company and Miramax, the Weinstein brothers first operation, then gradually expanded her probe to other Hollywood production companies, agencies, and studios. A former architecture student, she eventually began asking friends who work in architecture and engineering about their workplace experiences, too. As she closed in on six months of near-daily interviews, she realized something unsettling: Regardless of the industry the women worked in, their experience level, their age, the stories were all eerily similar. “I was seeing the same patterns emerge no matter who I spoke to, ” says Green. “I went to the UK, Australia, L. A., New York. I would hear a story from 20 years ago, from someone who worked in the UK for a predatory boss, and Id hear the same story, with almost exactly the same details ? like, on a yacht, in a specific place ? from somebody who worked in New York a year ago, just for a different boss. It was absurd. I thought, Im hearing the same thing over and over again, I think Im ready to commit this to paper. ” The resulting script ? Greens first fully narrative feature ? was light on dialogue but rich with atmospheric detail, offering a nuanced and highly specific picture of the microaggressions Jane must endure on a minute-by-minute basis at work. Though she is an aspiring producer with a degree from a prestigious university, she is saddled with menial, often domestic tasks, from serving food to watching after her boss children, handling any calls from his irate wife, and, in one stomach-turning scene, unpacking his latest shipment of erectile dysfunction drugs. “That was something common to a lot of people, the blurring of the lines between personal and professional, ” Green says. “Like the idea that babysitting the kids is part of the job, which is insane ? youre in the film industry, why are you playing games with a child for half your day? But that is expected of you, because you are a woman. Theres this gendered division of labor I find really interesting. ” Even when other employees arrive to the office (a dim and unglamorous Tribeca building thats a dead ringer for the former Weinstein headquarters) conversation is mostly background noise, a pitter-patter of spot-on Hollywood jargon and references to industry hangouts, including a couple of hotels Weinstein was known to prefer for meetings with actresses. Our point of view is Janes and Janes alone as she silently weathers a steady drip of slights, particularly from two more senior, male assistants. In some cases, their condescension is obvious (chastising her for accidentally ordering turkey, instead of chicken, sandwiches) in others, it is disguised as charity, as when they both crowd over her chair, uninvited, to help her draft an apology email to her boss for some imagined infraction. They are simultaneously generous and intimidating, their mere physicality a kind of looming, unspoken threat. The film is a collection of small moments like this. There is no rape, no overtly outrageous incident. It is discrimination by a thousand paper cuts. “I was looking at toxic work environments, and the way that, if you let some bad behavior go, then they can push it a little further, ” Green says. “Its an entry point for misconduct, because if they can get away with X, can they get away with Y? ” The dynamic plays out more sharply with Janes boss, who alternately berates her over the phone and apologizes, doling out lame compliments, via email. Its textbook abuser behavior thats all too effective at getting ambitious young people, women in particular, to suffer for the promise of future success. “Theres a lot of carrot and stick, ” Green notes. “If the bosses are truly horrible, you just leave. But there are little things that you cling to, tiny reasons to get up out of bed and go back the next day. These [complimentary] emails, or a supportive colleague, or someone just noticing you at all. ” There is a sense throughout The Assistant that Jane, though shes just starting out in her chosen field, is being suffocated. She even, at one point, attempts to make a complaint with the companys head of human resources ( Succession s Matthew MacFayden) but she has such a difficult time describing what has upset her ? offenses that are by their very nature nebulous ? that she is swiftly discouraged, in devastating fashion, from filing any kind of report. It is yet another example of a system that should exist to protect women serving only to reinforce structural abuses. While it all sounds grim and maybe even hopeless, Greens aim with The Assistant is not to point the finger at any one person or group, but to spark a deeper conversation about issues surrounding workplace toxicity and gender discrimination. “When were looking at interrogating this system thats allowed women to be sidelined for so long, its not just men that are accountable, ” she says. “We all have to examine our role, women included. So much of the MeToo coverage was like, Oh, these few bad apples ? we get rid of Harvey Weinstein and everything will be fixed. But the problem is bigger than that. Its systemic, its cultural, and we need to all ask how we can make it better, how we can improve on it, how we can see change ? not just a few bad men. ”.
Published on Mar 15, 2017 Help us find Paw Patrol! Please Subscribe Here. Check out our second channel. The Assistant and Mr. Engineer are deep in the ocean in this The Engineering Family outdoor adventure sea video! They are in serch of something super members of Nickelodeon's Paw Patrol! Stuck at sea The Assistant will race to find all of the members! Can she do it? Check out some of these other fun TheEngineeringFamily Treasure Hunts ASSISTANT TREASURE HUNT Paw Patrol Look Out Hunt + toysZootopia + Lion Guard Toys Surprise Video Or these Playlists! Funny Kids Videos. Featuring the Assistant. About The Engineering Family We are The Engineering Family, a family of educators working to show you how to make learning fun and engaging through toy unboxings, toy reviews, and original series designed to insight imaginative play within your family. With Mr. Engineer as an experienced engineer with a love of exploring new things, Mrs. Engineer an award winning teacher with a math and counseling focus, and their daughter The Assistant you can think of The Engineering channel as your imagination station. You can think of The Engineering Family channel as a Funbrain meets YouTube. This family is taking some of the coolest toys like Paw Patrol, Shimmer and Shine, Scooby Doo, PJ Masks, Doc Mcstuffins, and plenty of fun Real Life live action videos that help teach children valuable STEM content. As always. TheEngineeringFamily only features 100% suitable family fun entertainment. Check out the Adventures of The Assistant and Wiggles! It is our animated series featuring the Assistant, her Dog Wiggles, and science experiements. Familyfun #Familyfunforeveryone #Theengineeringfamily.
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Ben Affleck does seem like a depressing guy tbh. I guess that's why he's good in stuff like this. Critics Consensus Led by a powerhouse performance from Julia Garner, The Assistant offers a withering critique of workplace harassment and systemic oppression. 85% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 60 11% Audience Score Verified Ratings: 9 The Assistant Ratings & Reviews Explanation Tickets & Showtimes The movie doesn't seem to be playing near you. Go back Enter your location to see showtimes near you. The Assistant Videos Photos Movie Info "The Assistant" follows one day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner) a recent college graduate and aspiring film producer, who has recently landed her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. Her day is much like any other assistant's. making coffee, changing the paper in the copy machine, ordering lunch, arranging travel, taking phone messages, onboarding a new hire. But as Jane follows her daily routine, she, and we, grow increasingly aware of the abuse that insidiously colors every aspect of her work day, an accumulation of degradations against which Jane decides to take a stand, only to discover the true depth of the system into which she has entered. Rating: R (for some language) Genre: Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Jan 31, 2020 limited Runtime: 87 minutes Studio: Bleecker Street Cast News & Interviews for The Assistant Critic Reviews for The Assistant Audience Reviews for The Assistant The Assistant Quotes News & Features.
The Assistant is a novel by Bernard Malamud that was first published in 1957. Summary Read a Plot Overview of the entire book or a chapter by chapter Summary and Analysis. Characters See a complete list of the characters in The Assistant and in-depth analyses of Morris Bober, Frank Alpine, and Helen Bober. Main Ideas Here's where you'll find analysis about the book as a whole. Quotes Find the quotes you need to support your essay, or refresh your memory of the book by reading these key quotes. Further Study Continue your study of The Assistant with these useful links. Writing Help Get ready to write your essay on The Assistant.
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Free full the assistant jobs. Free full the assistant download. The Assistant Theatrical release poster Directed by Kitty Green Produced by James Schamus Scott Macaulay P Jennifer Dana Written by Kitty Green Starring Julia Garner Matthew Macfadyen Kristine Froseth Makenzie Leigh Noah Robbins Dagmara Domińczyk Purva Bedi Music by Tamar-kali Cinematography Michael Latham Production companies Symbolic Exchange 3311 Productions Distributed by Bleecker Street Release date August?30,?2019 ( Telluride) January?31,?2020 (United States) Running time 85 minutes [1] Country United States Language English Box office 84, 702 [2] The Assistant is an American drama film written and directed by Kitty Green and starring Julia Garner, Matthew Macfadyen, Kristine Froseth, Makenzie Leigh, Noah Robbins, Dagmara Domińczyk and Purva Bedi. It had its world premiere at the Telluride Film Festival on August 30, 2019. It was released on January 31, 2020, by Bleecker Street. Premise [ edit] A young female graduate enters a film production company, slowly understanding the shady behaviors and practices in use. Cast [ edit] Julia Garner as Jane Matthew Macfadyen as Wilcock Kristine Froseth as Sienna Makenzie Leigh as Ruby Noah Robbins as Male Assistant Dagmara Domińczyk as Donna Purva Bedi as Executive Assistant Production [ edit] In September 2018, it was announced Kitty Green would write and direct the film with James Schamus and Scott Macaulay producing under their Symbolic Exchange banner. [3] In December 2018, Julia Garner joined the cast of the film. [4] In April 2019, Matthew Macfadyen, Kristine Froseth, Makenzie Leigh, Noah Robbins, Dagmara Domińczyk and Purva Bedi joined the cast of the film. Production concluded that same month in New York City. [5] The film helps explain how sexually predatory behavior by powerful men often remains hidden. [6] Release [ edit] The Assistant had its world premiere at the Telluride Film Festival on August 30, 2019. [7] Shortly after, Bleecker Street acquired distribution rights to the film, and set it for a January 31, 2020, release. [8] Critical response [ edit] On the review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 84% based on 49 reviews, with an average rating of 7. 2/10. The critical consensus reads, Led by a powerhouse performance from Julia Garner, The Assistant offers a withering critique of workplace harassment and systemic oppression. 9] On Metacritic, which assesses films on a score out of 100, The Assistant holds a score 72 based on reviews from 10 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews. 10] See also [ edit] Me Too movement Sexual harassment Michelle Obama's October 13, 2016 speech References [ edit] "Telluride Program Guide" PDF. Retrieved August 29, 2019. ^ The Assistant. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ D'Alessandro, Anthony (September 7, 2018. Harvey Weinstein Assistant Feature In The Works From Kitty Green & James Schamus ? Toronto. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved April 8, 2019. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (December 13, 2018. Harvey Weinstein Assistant Movie: Ozark' Star Julia Garner In Negotiations To Play Lead. Retrieved April 8, 2019. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (April 8, 2019. Harvey Weinstein Assistant Movie: Matthew Macfadyen, Kristine Froseth & Makenzie Leigh Join Kitty Green Pic. Retrieved April 8, 2019. ^ Chang, Justin (2020-01-28. The Assistant' Helps Explain How Predatory Behavior Stays Hidden. NPR. Retrieved 2020-01-28. ^ Hammond, Pete (August 29, 2019. Telluride Film Festival: Ford V Ferrari. Judy. Motherless Brooklyn' Weinstein-Inspired Drama 'The Assistant' Among Premieres Headed To 46th Edition ? Full List. Retrieved August 29, 2019. ^ Hipes, Patrick (October 25, 2019. Harvey Weinstein-Inspired 'The Assistant' Acquired By Bleecker Street, Will Hit Theaters In January. Retrieved October 25, 2019. ^ The Assistant (2019. Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved January 31, 2020. ^ The Assistant Reviews. Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved January 29, 2020. External links [ edit] The Assistant on IMDb.
Ayo 54th one here check. Reminds me of my life. Free Full The assistant de gestion de pme. Am I the only one who noticed the amazing Bo Burnham ????. Free Full The assistantes maternelles. The Assistant - Movie Trailers - iTunes. Why is it I feel like this movie is gonna be like parasite and or whiplash and be that kinda drama that gives you anxiety because its so true. The coming of Mahdi is imminent and nigh than most of us can movie was released to lure people into thinking that the true Al Mahdi is a deceiver.
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Free Full The assistant de manager. Free Full The assistante maternelle. Based on Philip green. Can't wait to see this and best and believe,they will be watching too ??????????. Free full the assistant full. Free Full The assistante. I was always thinking as a child Boy, they had to be stupid to not realise she was a woman from her voice. Free full the assistant job. This comes off as more of a horror movie than a drama but I suppose for women it is. No upcoming screenings. Available No Tickets Available [ artDate, amDateFormat: dddd, MMMM Do" artDate, amDateFormat: h:mm A. You may not purchase more tickets at this time. About The Assistant, Kitty Greens follow-up to her acclaimed Casting JonBenet, premiered at the 2019 Telluride Film Festival and impressed audiences with its tightly framed, quietly devastating, and intense portrayal of oppression in a workplace. Jane (Julia Garner) is a junior assistant to a prominent entertainment executive, a man whose face we never get to see, though whose character is clearly inspired by the #MeToo testimonies surrounding Harvey Weinstein. There is nothing glamorous or rewarding about her job, yet shes often reminded that any young aspiring film producer would kill to take her place. Over the course of 24 hours we witness as Garners superbly understated Jane faces a multitude of degradations and hostilities (from both men and women) which she continues to bear stoically. She quietly goes about her mundane tasks with an attitude of someone who is used to this type of treatment. Just when we think that nothing can be done about her growing discomfort in this land of self-importance, Jane takes action?and what follows is a fascinating depiction of the mechanics that lead to abuse of power. Closed captioning, audio description, and enhanced audio for assistive listening are available for this film. YEAR 2019 CATEGORY Spotlight COUNTRY U. S. A. RUN TIME 87 min COMPANY Bleecker Street WEBSITE EMAIL PHONE (212) 620-0727 Credits Director Kitty Green Screenwriter Producers Scott Macaulay James Schamus P. Jennifer Dana Ross Jacobson Executive Producers John Howard Philipp Englehorn Leah Giblin Abigail E. Disney Adrienne Becker Christy Spitzer Thornton Mark Roberts Sean King O'Grady Avy Eschenasy Co-Producers Jimmy Price Rita Walsh Director of Photography Michael Latham Production Designer Fletcher Chancey Editors Blair McClendon Music by Tamar-kali Costume Designer Rachel Dainer-Best Sound Designer Leslie Shatz Casting Director Avy Kaufman actor Julia Garner Matthew Macfadyen Makenzie Leigh Kristine Froseth Jon Orsini Noah Robbins Artist Bio Kitty Green (director, writer, producer, and co-editor of The Assistant) is an award-winning Australian filmmaker. Her debut documentary feature, Ukraine Is Not a Brothel, premiered at the 2013 Venice Film Festival and screened at 50 festivals internationally. Greens short The Face of Ukraine: Casting Oksana Baiul won the Sundance Film Festival Short Film Nonfiction Jury Award. Her latest documentary, Casting JonBenet, premiered at the Sundance and Berlin International Film Festivals and was acquired as a Netflix Original.
Isn't that right. Isn't that right? Isn't THAT right? Mark: YES. Free Full The assistante de vie. Edit Storyline Follows one day in the life of Jane (Julia Garner) a recent college graduate and aspiring film producer, who has recently landed her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul. Her day is much like any other assistant's - making coffee, changing the paper in the copy machine, ordering lunch, arranging travel, taking phone messages, onboarding a new hire. But as Jane follows her daily routine, she, and we, grow increasingly aware of the abuse that insidiously colors every aspect of her work day, an accumulation of degradations against which Jane decides to take a stand, only to discover the true depth of the system into which she has entered. Written by Bleecker Street Plot Summary, Add Synopsis Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated R for some language Details Release Date: 31 January 2020 (USA) See more ?? Also Known As: The Assistant Box Office Opening Weekend USA: 84, 702, 2 February 2020 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: 84, 702 See more on IMDbPro ?? Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ?? Did You Know? Trivia Matthew Macfadyen and Dagmara Domincyzk both have starring roles in Succession. See more ?.
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