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Directors=Francis Ford Coppola release Date=1974 7,9 of 10 Genres=Thriller &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNzZlMThlYzktMDlmZC00YTI1LThlNzktZWU0MTY4ODc2ZWY4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA1NjYyMDk@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg) Rating=91762 votes. The conversation. The conversation in the dark. The conversation opening. The conversation book. Every once in awhile, a film eludes one for so long that you finally make the concentrated effort to see it. The Conversation is a film that has been on my watchlist for years, yet for some reason, I had never seen it until now. I had neglected The Conversation so much, that I had forgotten that it was directed by Francis Ford Coppola. The 1974 film was made the same year as The Godfather Part II, the film many believe to be Coppola's crowning achievement. After watching Gene Hackman as an intensely paranoid surveillance professional who breaks his cardinal rule of becoming too invested in his work. A perfect slow burn of a film, intensely exploring how the guilt one man feels has changed his life forever.
In San Francisco, Henry Caul (Gene Hackman) is the preeminent professional in electronic surveillance. Henry owns his own company and builds his own devices, making him highly sought after for various surveillance needs. Henry takes his work incredibly seriously and has a stern rule not to get involved in his work, and to never ask questions of his clients. All Henry is supposed to do is record conversations, turn in the tapes, and go on with his life. This lesson is one he is trying to instill in his business partner Stan (John Cazale) who constantly asks too many questions and becomes far too interested in the clients he is taping. Due to Henry's insistence on neutrality, Stan often feels out of the loop in regards to what is going on with various aspects of the business. Henry is so invested in privacy, that he is unable to carry on relationships with anyone, as it would require letting someone occupy his personal space. Henry also only calls his clients from payphones, never allows anyone into his apartment, all in an attempt to control his surroundings and his life. When a client employs Henry and Stan to record the conversations of a couple, Henry takes the job, but somehow abandons his sensibilities to keep himself removed from his clients, creating a conflict of conscience when he believes that the couple he is surveilling will be murdered. This is Gene Hackman's best role, I make this claim with complete certainty that I have never seen him better. It wrecked my day to learn that Hackman wasn't even nominated for an Academy Award for this role. I am just as certain that Hackman's Academy Award win for The French Connection was premature, and he was much more deserving of the award for The Conversation. The character development in The Conversation was some of the best I have ever seen. The direction in The Conversation was excellent, with top-notch storytelling that one has expected from Coppola. Francis Ford Coppola made some of the most brilliant directorial decisions that the film completely necessitates. There were several shots with Hackman out of frame, which were brilliant illustrations of the isolation of Hackman in his daily life. The shot of Hackman trying to redeem himself in the confessional that tracks into a focus of the priest through the screen was incredible. One of my favorite things about this film was the amazing use of diegetic sound. Given that Henry, for a living, intrudes on the lives of others through many devices, hearing so many of the noises from the devices on screen was a brilliant decision. There are so many intensely brilliant decisions, a fantastic screenplay, and fantastic directing cementing The Conversation firmly as the classic it has become.
The conversationalist. I had heard this movie was well regarded, but after sitting through nearly two hours of a very thin plot, I cannot understand why. The conversation joey. The conversation with jezel. The conversation hank williams jr. The conversation with god. The conversation bias. The conversation 1974. The conversation full movie. The conversation newsletter. The conversation hank williams. The conversation entre. The conversation imdb.
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