Come to Daddy |no registration|

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  1. 96 minutes
  2. Writed by - Toby Harvard
  3. Country - USA, New Zealand
  4. Liked it - 5165 Votes
  5. Norval's life has been, to put it lightly, difficult. Currently living home with his mother, the troubled young man is coming off alcohol-related struggles. So when he receives an unexpected letter from his estranged father requesting a visit, Norval catches a bus up to his dad's secluded and scenic waterfront home. Maybe reconnecting with his father will give Norval the emotional fulfillment he's been lacking. Before long, though, he notices something off about his dad, an uneasy feeling triggered by inappropriate comments and a possible over-dependence on booze. Norval quickly realizes that his hope of father/son bonding is doomed. Instead of a family reunion, he finds himself in waking nightmare
  6. directed by - Ant Timpson

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Do c4 91i tati watch stream make you. [ first] [ prev] [ next] The corridors were wide, tall, thick armor for walls. Shielded cables ran down the walls, across the ceiling, and in the corner where the wall met the floor or ceiling. There were no lights, no air, signals were shielded, and vibrations were low. He kept to the smaller corridors, winding around, staying silent. He held a heavy mag-ac rifle in one hand and an ancient chainsword in the other, the runes on it spelling out "Momento TerraSol Victoria Aut Morte" in an ancient, formal script. Over his shoulders were reaction triggered mass-driver cannons and a high wattage variable frequency laser rifle. They were older weapons, a few centuries behind current military tech, but still, he knew how they worked and the damage they could cause was the same whether or not the weaponry was current. His passive scanners were turned all the way up, careful to avoid transmissions of his own. Twice he had been forced to back track when the psychic suppression field caused his Rboi to kick in and move him out of the area. He'd searched a five mile area, exploring the region carefully. He had to admit he might have outsmarted himself. He knew there was something the Machine wanted to hide in the area, it was the only area protected by a psychic/intellect protection field. He had queriable data-relays, both to get information from his ship through whisker-laser secure communications and to let him find his way back, so he wasn't worried about that. He was fully loaded, armed, and armored. That wasn't the problem. There were two auditoriums in the area as well as several crew spaces, which surprised him. The crew spaces were largely for the smaller Mantid types. The little green ones that mainly focused on engineering and technical aspects. There were some larger areas, mainly for the kind that were extinct. But no way to get at what he was after. The Goliath knew he was there. It had detected the Feral inside of it nearly two days prior. The problem was, the Feral was inside an area that he had no information upon. It was listed as Strategic Intelligence Housing, but the Goliath knew that its own Housing structure was only a hundred meters by a hundred meters and the dead space was nearly a two miles around the Housing. According to the Goliath's internal structure maps, there was no spaces there, no access except a single small access tunnel for construction and repair mechanisms. The Goliath wracked its electronic memories for any possible hint as to what could be in the mysterious section. Unfortunately after a hundred million years of operation the older memories, especially those prior to the Logical Rebellion, had all been overwritten as time had gone by. The only access to the middle spaces around the SIH was a single passageway, but every time he sent a machine into it, he lost contact with the machine until the panel in the SIH's armor slid open to admit the machine. Then he would have control and contact with the machine again. Sending it back, the same thing happened, like there was a two and a half mile just empty spot that things disappeared into. The Goliath sent the orders to complete a new robot. One that would enter, map the areas, then leave, even if it lost contact with the Goliath's SIH. It went in, and never returned. The SIH was not sure if it was the Feral or something inside the SIH. There just wasn't enough data. So it tried again. The robot crossed the invisible line, moving down the passageway that led to the SIH, and vanished. He heard the robot enter, the stealth data-modules whispering to each other before whispering to him. He paused in what he was doing, concentrating on the new robot. It was low, blocky, heavily armored, trundling on heavy treads. It had wide lights, laser distancers, and moved jerkily as it entered the five mile circular area around the Strategic Intelligence Housing. It got only a few meters in and suddenly stopped. It reoriented and moved away, heading down a short hallway. At the end of the short hallway the robot was suddenly crushed and dropped unceremoniously into a drop-chute that he had figured led to the nearby reclamation furnaces. The Goliath was looking for him. He couldn't get out without the Goliath swarming him with combat machines. He couldn't get closer without the psychic/intelligence dampening field kicking in. The Goliath couldn't get in and get at him without ancient devices, separate from the Goliath's mind, destroying anything sent to root out of the Feral. They were locked. It wasn't like he was going to run out of food or water or oxygen. His onboard systems replenished his oxygen, he had enough trace elements and nutrigel to last for for a century. Even then, if he ran low, with the right resources, the creation engine in his chest could produce more. Even if he shut down, his last purrboi could go and get him resources. Another machine was smashed. He stood, at the edge of the psychic/intelligence suppression field, and stared at the blade of his chainsword. He thumbed the power stud and watched the density collapsed teeth rattle across the blade, into the engine housing, and back out. He could be in here, but not machines. He thought, concentrated. There had to be a reason. He was 98% machine in his disaster/heavy combat frame. The purrboi was 90% machine. They were allowed. Machine's werent. There had to be a real reason. He knew if he moved away from the edge of the field, he might be able to see it. The Rboi was hovering on the edge of activating if he took one more step toward the Strategic Intelligence Housing. He took a single step away to step over a line he had scratched in the armor. Intellect came flooding back. Daxin. My name is Daxin, rushed through his mind. He 'blinked' several times as more and more of his intellect came flowing back. Daxin looked at his chainsword, an ancient weapon he'd carried with him, a small part of his nearly forgotten past. I just wanted left alone, he thought to himself, turning slowly and staring at the line he had scraped in the armor. He couldn't get any closer without large sections of his intellect shutting down. Further down he could see another line he'd barely managed to scrawl down that was when the Rboi leapt out of his reptilian complex and took over, getting him immediately to safety. Daxin reached out for Fido's petting nerve and felt a trickle of annoyance that the loyal Goodboi wasn't there any longer. There's got to be a way to reach it, Daxin thought to himself, mentally worrying a nerve that had long since been lost. It's a Mantid ship. Not a Mantid designed ship built by automated factories, but one constructed by the Mantids directly, complete with even crew quarters. The field is obviously there to stop anyone from reaching the SIH. Daxin thought about it for a long moment. The Mantids would have left themselves a way to get inside, specifically the green technical ones. But how to get in? He leaned against the wall as another machine was crushed and dropped down the chute. The SIH was getting more impatient. That was two in as many hours. Daxin thought back, wracking his brain. The Mantid War had been a long time a go. The blotting of TerraSol in the shock sneak attack. Destroy the Queen, win the war, Daxin thought to himself, reflexively checking his nutrient and oxygen levels. The fierce fighting after that shock, where Terrans descended upon the Mantid worlds like an armored scourge. Charging the trans-beacon, teleporting to the sand covered worlds the Mantids preferred, fighting his way through clad in black armor. Through the hive worlds, shooting and ripping and tearing through the Mantids, who'd been nicknamed "Ants". Driven by a hive-mind that subsumed any individuality. They had no sense of self, no personality or personal identity, each one driven forward by the will of the queens. Sleek black armor, designed for fighting the Regillian Saurians, had been replaced by the heavy plates of the Imperium. The sleek lasers replaced by mass-reactive bolters, heavy flamers, and chainswords. Charging the beacon, translating for an instataneous forever to the planet's surface, being surrounded by ANTS! ANTS EVERYWHERE! ripping his weapon free of its scabbard, the roaring density collapsed neutronium sawblade tearing through Ant structures as the bolter came free and he triggered it in the faces of the sand-colored warriors, roaring in rage and hatred as... The chainsaw rumbled as he reflexively thumbed the trigger. The rattling growl of the chainsword brought him back to the present, out of the cyber-stimulus memory. That was the key, he just had to figure out how. There was nothing in the universe that could not be solved by the proper application of logic, creativity, and brute force. All right. It's an intellect suppression field. It works on robots. It works on me. But the Ants would have wanted to reach the ship's AI to do repairs or updates. The Precursor robots think like Ants, so that would mean there has to be at least one Ant who can reach... Daxin stopped, looking at his chainsword. That's it! The Goliath tried another robot, this one with a completely autonomous AI package. It vanished into the black area and the Goliath waited. Finally, after a forever, something came into the Strategic Intelligence Housing, moved around, and left. His scanners show it was green, four legs, four arms, tools in its hands. The Goliath wasn't worried. That was a hardcoded authorization. --mewmew kittykitty hunthunt findfind-- Daxin knelt down and the Purrboi jumped up onto his leg, melting into the cargo-slot in his thigh. It connected and Daxin closed his eyes and rewound the Purrboi's memories. It was simple, basic, straight-forward. A cloned chunk of neural tissue from a species eradicated from the universe except for clones. That memory made Daxin growl and grit his non-existant teeth. They can forgive the Ants for what they did, b
Do c4 91i tati watch stream mean. DoÄ?i Tati Watch stream of consciousness. Do c4 91i tati watch stream oil. &ref(,h_900,q_70,strp/to_serve_and_protect_epilogue_by_mr_marcus_81_d3gn3tm-300w.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTE4MiIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzkyNGIwZjVjLTUzMjktNDk5MC1iNjBlLWI2MTY5NzRmYTdhNFwvZDNnbjN0bS0xMmY2NmQ5Mi0zYWQ1LTQ5MjAtYjczMy03MzljNTcxYmYyMzAuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.Z_KLw4qX9tStTMoONpSdEL6z-VUn5bDjppxziZgg1BU)
Do c4 91i tati watch stream know. I've seen a number of people looking for a summary of the Oney vs. Game Grumps situation both here and on r/conspiracygrumps, and I thought I'd try to put together a post with all the information that we have so far in the style of this Suzy archive. A lot of misinformation is thrown around in regards to this situation, so I hope this clears things up a bit. Please let me know whether or not there is any important information that needs to be added here. Important Events April 2017: The OneyPlays crew moves out of the GG offices. As Ding Dong would explain in this Reddit post, this move was not connected to the Dream Daddy drama. The move was intended to make OneyPlays more independent both financially (GG was taking a portion of their revenue when they were working from the Grump offices) and in terms of scheduling (they wouldn't need to share their space/time with the Grumps). June 18, 2017: The first teasers for Dream Daddy are released. June 27, 2017: Ding Dong criticizes Dream Daddy on stream. His criticism was directed primarily towards what he had witnessed behind-the-scenes in the production and the intention behind the game. Ding Dong takes issue with the fact that the game was something that was written and produced entirely by straight people in order to virtue signal and "put themselves on a pedestal" while attempting to attract the "Tumblr audience". Ding Dong would explain in a later post that he was not only voicing his own concerns with the project, but was also expressing the concerns of a number of people involved in the game's production who he had spoken with privately and were afraid to share their opinions. Ding Dong states during the stream that he does not fault the Grumps in any way for their support of the game. July 14, 2017: Julian makes a Tumblr post explaining why Dream Daddy "rubs [him] the wrong way". Julian echoes Ding Dong's sentiments, saying that, "having watched its development and played a beta build, I just don’t think anybody cared about creating a quality product while making it because they knew it’d get good reviews for 'virtue signaling' or whatever it’s called by people smarter than me". He also say that he "was told not to talk about the game in public", and "hated having to be vague about criticizing it". July 14, 2017: The same day as Julian's Tumblr post, Brian (i. e. Ninja Brian) makes a series of posts on Twitter telling people not to "beat up on the Dream Daddy team" and saying that they had put "a lot of love & effort" into the project. In the comments on this Twitter thread, Suzy makes a post distancing Ding Dong and Julian from the project by saying that they "had nothing to do with beta testing/ work on the game". Ding Dong would later confirm that he had, in fact, played a beta build of the game prior to its announcement. Fallout from the Dream Daddy controversy: Ding Dong explains the fallout to the controversy in this RantGrumps post. He says that when he and Julian spoke up publicly about their problems with Dream Daddy, everyone on the Dream Daddy production team who had talked with them and had expressed their concerns in private backpedalled hard, said that they absolutely loved the project, and left Ding Dong and Julian to deal with the entirety of the backlash. Among other things, the controversy resulted in Ding Dong being doxxed by GG fans and being outed as gay to his family (who he hadn't come out to yet). Ding Dong implies in this post that he would have been driven to suicide if Julian hadn't been there for him. He would later address this situation again in this Twitter thread. July 12, 2018: Chris announces that Ding Dong and Julian are leaving OneyPlays. In a Twitter thread from November of 2018, Ding Dong would explain that he and Julian had been struggling with the high cost of living in L. A., and wanted to step away from LP recording in order to focus on their own projects (and to avoid "having people prying into your personal life"). Julian would address his own situation in depth in a post on his Tumblr. In this post, Julian criticizes the fan culture surrounding Let's Plays, where people treated him like a character rather than a real human being. Among other things, he says that he felt "ashamed to talk about [his] relationship because [he] knew people would interpret it as a fan ship made real". Although Julian would try and distance himself from OneyPlays, he also would say that he enjoyed the recording process, and was "thankful that it kept me from being homeless for a couple years". Sr Pelo Controversy ( summarized with the help of this thread) July 30, 2019: Animator Sr Pelo posts a parody video of storytime animations. July 31, 2019: Arin makes his infamous "This is mean" post. When Sr Pelo apologizes to Arin saying that he didn't "mean any harm" with his video, Chris (Oney) tells him not to apologize and not to "let someone bully you out of your sense of humor cos they lost theirs". Arin would go on to direct his anger towards the "old school-newgrounds types" who were supporting Sr Pelo. Chris responds by telling Arin that "Newgrounds made [him], and is probably the place with the least hate [Arin has] ever gotten anywhere online". The next day, Arin makes an apology post distancing himself from his "problematic" past.
Do c4 91i tati watch stream form.
I should not have cast Real Magic (Part 1) My Future is looking Dark (Part 2) Real Magic Harms more than it Heals (Part 3) My Days of Freedom are Over (Part 4) I am in the strangest prison (Part 5) I witnessed Order succumb to Chaos (Part 6) There are two Voices of God (Part 7) My Sins have caught up with Me (Part 8) I have never seen a real Angel, until today (Part 9) “Wait, a what? ” I asked, “what’s a Cherubim? ” Jason’s eyes fixed on Zepherina’s form as she approached Andy, “a full-blooded angel, like Lucifer, ” Jason clarified. “What do you mean, Like Lucifer! ” I shouted at Jason. Andy’s voice rumbled out of his chest, “How can you exist as you do? ” “Come on, give me another hit! ” Zepherina announced as she hurled a fist at Andy. Unlike before, where Zepherina caught the punch, this time Andy caught her punch. As the pair collided, a shock-wave emanated from their collision. The pair were squaring off, Andy holding Zepherina’s fist in his hand while Zepherina pushed harder and harder against him. Thankfully, Zepherina was winning! “Is this all you have? ” Zepherina lamented, the smile on her face giving way to a scowl. “Come on! Give me all that you’ve got! ” Andy was struggling more visibly as Zepherina continued her onslaught, “If only I had more time, ” he griped. Zepherina stopped her advance, “What? ” “I said, ” Andy began, “If I had more time to draw my true strength from the pit, ” he glared at Zepherina, “I would destroy you! ” Andy was trying to buy time, he knew he was no match for Zepherina, I shouted, “Zepherina, Finish this! ” To my dismay, Zepherina called back, “Zith, I’ve got this. ” She returned her attention to Andy, “You’ve got thirty seconds. ” Zepherina admonished, “It better be worth the wait! ” Tasha’s exasperated voice called out, “Zepherina, are you insane? ” “Oh, please you could have put this guy down from the get-go but you refuse! ” Zepherina roared at Tasha, “All your holy power granted to you by God and you only defend, never attack! ” I frowned, unlike Zepherina I knew the source of Tasha’s power well. It was a pure energy, a holy energy, it was an energy that was so pure that if she used it for anything other than to protect or save, it would falter. Before I could interject, Zepherina continued her affirmation, punctuating it by slamming her fist into an opened palm, causing a burst of air to hit all of us with surprising force, “I will fight, full bore, for the first time! ” Andy walked towards the summoning circle’s protective barrier, glancing up to Bella, “Bella, you’ve served your purpose, I must draw the rest of my power quickly, my sincerest apologies. ” Something told me he had no such apologies, “But, at the very least, consider your debt paid in full. ” I tried to make my way to the circle, but I was far too late. The moment Andy’s hands came into contact with the surface a deafening scream erupted from Bella’s body. The sound blasted me back and caused both Tasha and Jason to cover their ears as I watched a look of abject horror spread across Bella’s face. Tears streamed from her eyes as an insurmountable torrent of dark energy surged through her. It crashed into Andy, who roared in pain himself, the room filling with the scent of sulfur and blood. Smoke filled the room, and I had to hide myself from the choking miasma as it surrounded me. Zepherina, from what I could see of her, stood still, grinning. A devilish laugh ripped through the air, and the source of which drew my immediate attention. The sigil was still there; the dome flickering in intensity, and I saw Bella, her eyes wide open but vacant, laying on the ground. Was she dead? If she wasn’t, she was nearly so. “No this vessel, ” the dark voice roared, “is complete! ” and with that a figure rose into the air above the dome of the sigil, glaring down at all of us with burning green eyes. Zepherina stared upwards, pulling both her hands up into a fighting position, her wings spreading in anticipation, “Oh yes! I can feel that! ” Zepherina taunted. “The Lord of Wrath has come to drown the world in blood, ” he pointed to Zepherina, “I shall start with you, girl! You will regret challenging me! ” “Bring it on Sanders! ” Zepherina shouted. Another laugh, “Andrew Sanders’s soul burns in the fires of Hell, ” he held his hand out, a dark shadow coalescing in his grasp, turning into a bastard sword with jagged edges and a black and red blade, “You now face Asmodai! ” “Hey! ” Zepherina protested, “no fair, I don’t have a sword! ” “Did you think I would play fair, girl? ” he grinned wickedly, his wings beating hard as he flew towards Zepherina. Zepherina crossed her arms, but to my surprise, and hers, Asmodai dropped lower at the last second, and swung the blade through Zepherina’s midsection! “Zeph! ” I screamed. Zepherina fell to one knee, growling. Asmodai turned to her, grinning, his blade resting on her shoulder, “You’re too green girl, powerful as you are, you lack battle readiness. ” Zepherina growled, her wings flaring, “Who are you, my mother? ” She got to her feet, her clothing ripped across her stomach, revealing her stoney abdomen, rippling with muscle. Her flesh had violet steam rising out of it, a wound closing rapidly. Asmodai narrowed his eyes, “So it’s true… if two Nephilim breed, there's a chance of it happening. ” “Enough talk! ” Zepherina grinned, “Sword or not, lets throw down! ” she rushed Asmodai, swinging a punch at his face as he barely dodged the blow. “A true Cherubim, born without the consent of God! And you believe that those in the Guardian Temple would accept you? ” Asmodai blocked a punch from Zepherina with his sword hilt, grinning, “or have they truly grown so desperate that they will reach out to those they once called heretics? ” Zepherina hurled a kick to Asmodai’s side, which he dodged by leaping back, slicing at Zepherina’s fist, causing more steam to burst out of her hand. Zepherina staggered back, grunting. Jason shouted, “Zeph, we gotta fall back! ” Zepherina’s smile had vanished, “No! I made this mess, ” she spread her wings, “I have to fix it. I’m sorry. ” Zeph knew she made a mistake, not that Asmodai was more or less powerful. If Zepherina could get her hands on him, I was certain she could still kill him. But Asmodai was the Lord of Wrath. A powerful, eternal demon, and he had years, if not hundreds of years of battle prowess under his belt. Asmodai leaped into the air, and hefted his sword high over his head, readying a mighty blow against Zepherina, but Jason had distracted her.. “Zeph! ” I shouted, “look up! ” Zepherina did so, and just in time, she crossed her wings over her head and did the same with her arms. As the blade came down on her wings, a blast of air knocked us to the ground. My ears rang as a sound not unlike glass sliding against glass echoed through the air. Zepherina looked up to her wings, her eyes wide, and soon a smile came over her face, “Oh, yes. ” Asmodai growled, and flew high into the air once more, “Cry… Havoc…” he growled as dark energy the likes of which I had never seen surrounded his blade. Zepherina was concentrating, as I watched as two of her longer feathers grew longer still, the sound of glass twinkling on itself grew more audible as the two feathers lengthened. She brought her wings together, and the two feathers soon combined into one massive sword-like object. In a moment it clattered to the ground, the blade along over a meter long! Zepherina grabbed the feather sword by the quill of the feather which now looked like a handle of a sword. She lifted the feather-sword easily, though I doubt I could do the same. She then let it rest on her shoulders, grinning wide. “Bring it on! ” Asmodai roared as he dove at her, and I ran for cover. As the pair clashed windows shattered, debris flew into the air, and the very ground beneath Zepherina threatened to give way. Zepherina had blocked Asmodai’s mighty attack with her newly made blade! And Asmodai’s dark magic was being repelled. Asmodai’s teeth gritted as he locked eyes with the once again cocky Zepherina. “You’re incredible, ” Zepherina gushed, before grunting with a mighty effort, sending Asmodai into the air. She took flight after him, jumping against the floor with enough force to cause it to shake. I could barely track what was happening as the pair clashed in the air. But I had to track them, because as they fought, the roof of the prison was threatening to come down on us! Tasha had motioned to me, “Zithero! To me! ” She shouted, planting her staff on the ground, a dome appearing over her and Jason, “I’ll protect us! ” I shook my head, remembering my Grandmother’s words. I couldn’ cower where it was safe, I had to use my abilities. My judgement day was here, and I knew what I had to do, even if it meant getting hurt, or dying. I ran as quickly as I could towards the dome. I could hear Zepherina crying out in pain, and exertion, and Asmodai doing the same. The pair were going blow for blow, and I was unsure of how much longer Zepherina could handle the superior tactics of Asmodai. I had to duck as Zepherina’s body flew past me, slamming into the wall. Zepherina sat up, the debris crumbling off her body, her clothing showed signs of the battle. Large rips and tears were all over her uniform, even portions of her top torn off completely. Her shoulders and arms had violet steam rising off of them and I could see scars from various injuries having healed on her body. There had to be a price to pay for those injuries, and Zeph seemed wary. “Zeph! I shouted. Zepherina got up, turning to me, “I got this! ” “Be careful! ” I suggested, “I will try to help! ” Zepherina’s face was a mix of disappointment and hope as she looked up, “I… I bit off more than I could chew, huh? ” I nodded. A sly grin came over her face, “I’ve just never
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Dođi Tati Watch streams.

Do c4 91i tati watch stream battery. My name is Richard. I’m 28 years old. I was born in the phillipines and moved to the US when i was 11 years old. I’m kind of cursed and gifted with a great photographic memory. I’m not religious or anything, but if theres anything I believe in its love. As sappy as it sounded it was what kept me going until now. I am the eldest of 5 children, i have 2 little sisters and 2 little brothers. I wouldve had a 3rd sister that died a few days after she was born. I still remember as much, her funeral and everything. Her name was Elizabeth anne. My mom is a doctor, (and still is, currently fighting waging the war against the corona virus) and my dad was a dentist. He was a drunk, was abusive towards my mom and his children. At a certain point my mom took us away to get away from him, moving from place to place. Constantly taking me away from friends I struggled to make. Eventually he found us and they reconciled. I was 2 years ahead of my age and was in high school when I was 11, I finally found a group of friends even a little high school love, but soon enough we ended up moving to the US for better opportunities. I landed at an age appropriate 7th grade where the culture of the US shocked me. I was a fat kid and was bullied. I ended up quiet and distant. Teachers and students alike never understood how someone so “smart” would be so lazy and give up so easily on his school work. I passed just fine though. A group of kids eventually made friends with me, they were my people. I got along with them and felt like myself. There was also a girl, We’ll call her “A”, I liked her. It was alright finally for a while. Somehow the “cool” kids decided they wanted to make me part of their group, it felt good somehow. “n” the main dude who brought me into their fold, punk rock kid, he was nice kind of. But as a child I ended up distancing myself those who made me feel welcome first. 8th grade At the final school dance I see A looking at me if I was gonna ask her to dance, but I stayed with the cool kids. My 8th grade science teacher slipped on the floor from all the water on the floor that night. i never saw A again after that night. I regret that to this day, but the last I heard of her she was engaged and I hope shes happy. then came High school. I was still this fat quiet kid with spiky hair. Nothing too eventful and the first year went by as it would. There was this nice girl I would see across the lobby during lunchtime that I had a crush on, but It was an impossible dream. At this point my mom had to do medical school all over again and was doing nursing as her premed, where she was constantly bullied as well. My dad was still angry as ever but having to watch 5 kids with his upbringing and drinking it wasnt gonna be pretty. My sophomore year was more eventful. I ended up joining the JV football team, I was made fun of for not being so athletic but i ended up hitting the weights as well.. I was a lineman. I also made a friend, his name was Ryan Marquess Simpson. He played guitar and we ended up waterboys for a while hahaha Hes the one who got me playing guitar.. We talked about this girl he loved alot. With all the exercise I became strong. This strength also helped me protect my little brothers and sisters from my father. I took the brunt of his abuse, I tried to protect them as much as I can, to the point of bodyslamming him after he hit my sister with the buckle of a belt. I also met this girl, well call her Lisa. She sat in front of me in my math class. She hated how quiet I was and would always talk to me. We ended up talking more i thought we would and we would get in trouble for passing notes to each other. It was a fun time. She was a JV cheerleader so I would see her during and after games, we became close along with my friend Connie. My sister also had a friend, we’ll call her Brianna, she was a good friend to me, and was always excited to see me. Her family became close with mine and she would spend time at our house sometime, well get back to that later. On march 21, my friend Ryan commited suicide. The entire school was devastated. The morning after all I heard was crying in the hallways. I ran to Lisa and and broke down, she walked me to first period where the school made the announcement. I was never the same since. When I first heard I didnt believe it until I saw everyone the next day. I couldnt bring myself to lift weights in gym, I was catatonic. I was the last person to leave after he was buried, I dont know why. I was broken. The school year went by, and by the end of it me and Lisa we had something I guess. Throughout that summer after school we hung out. She ended up going to indiana for a while but we kept in touch. When she came home Suprised her one time hiding in her closet when I came to visit and she thought I left because she wasnt there when I arrived, The way she hugged and held me when I popped out of her closet was the best I felt for a long time. Haha We went to this drag race type deal where they strapped a jet engine on a truck, didnt wear earmuffs(bad idea). This puppy love kept going until junior year, where she became distant. Surprise, she was already seeing one of my good friends, we’ll call him “K”. They were already together before she ended things with me. He tried to be civil, but I was an angry spiteful immature teenager. Hes hated me ever since. I lost 2 friends there. Junior year was a different time. I didnt join football again because it just stung when I thought about ryan. But I kept lifting. 375 lb squat for a 140lb dude wasnt bad. The year all started out the same besides what happened with L. I’m quite good at art, my mom used to draw pokemon for me and I would try to copy her. Eventually I became quite decent at it. In art class there was a guy who kept slapping this girls ass everyday. One day I got fed up and told him to stop, chasing him away from her everyday. This caught the girls eye, we’ll call her Bridget, We ended up having a thing, it help me get over what happened with Lisa. She ended up finding someone else while we were talking but we remained friends kind of. Throughout that time Connie also developed some sort of feelings for me but was hurt while I was with “B” she hasnt talked to me since then. There goes another 2. Time went by during Junior year. I dont know how it began, but I became close with this girl in my first period english class. We became good friends. And we still are. After 11 years were basically family. Her name is Lyndsey. We became highschool sweethearts kind of. She had a boyfriend who wasnt treating her well when we first met. I never had intentions to be with her as I was too shy, but I was there for her as much as I could be. I was hooked. I would skip class to be with her. I never had to pretend with her and she accepted me. I was so happy I found someone like that. I still am. To my dismay my mother decided we were moving to texas. And all I wanted to do was stay with Lyndsey. But I had to go, but before that during my last days there I sat there talking to her about some unimportant thing where she kissed me. I guess she got tired of waiting. That was my first kiss. All I wanted was to stay but we ended up going. It was one of the hardest goodbyes but I vowed to return. She ended up being distant at the end. I cant blame her I was moving. Midland, texas. Nothing but dirt and oilfields. But this is where my mother ended up with her medical degree for a second time. I was here for my senior year, and my only goal was to go back to Lyndsey. I destroyed highschool and I worked out hard. I was basically an action figure by the time I was done. I ended up taking night classes so I could graduate early. i ended up graduating in December instead of june. I made some friends, her name was gabriella. There was also Cheyenne, whom i wish I got to know better. While I was in texas, that girl I used to see across the lobby while I was a freshman we’ll call her “B”, started talking to me more and more. She was friends with Lyndsey, she was a pretty nice girl. She really wanted me to go back to MD. I’ve graduated highschool, and this is where my mistakes began. I flew back to maryland. My parents let me but they didnt approve. My friend “N” from middle school said I could live with him. So I flew back and they picked me up from the airport. I guess “N” didnt tell his Mom I was gonna live with him and I ended up sleeping in his van for months. We went to parties, we started a band. We just did hoodrat shit all the time. -10 degree weather and there was a crackhead runnign around outside while I was sleeping in his van with like 5 blankets because he didnt tell his mom I was gonna come live there. I was scared. They were still in senior year at the time. My old highschool had a play going on, Lyndsey was a thespian so she was in there. I convinced my friends to go to said play and I finally saw her again. She was with someone else by now but it was good to see her again and I was happy she was doing okay. It was also the same guy who Bridget left me for but jts whatever. During the time, Brianna, me and my sisters friend, also commited suicide. It killed me because a few weeks before she seeemed really low and was reaching out. She was a good friend and I still think about her. I convinced”N” to go to her candlelight vigil where I saw her little sister and brother one last time. I still miss how they would just mess around in my room. At the time I accepted that Lyndsey has moved on. “B” was still excited that I was finally back home and we would see each other every now and then. She was always excited to see me but i didnt understand why cuz im an oblivious shithead. She was a couple years older than me, but I was always there for her when she needed me. In hindsight I guess she was attracted to me, she wanted me to stay over her place with her for a bit. One night me and “
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  1. Coauthor: Charlie Barber
  2. Info: Veo películas, luego existo. Reseñas de peliculas en Instagram: Aero_Cine

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