7.3 (82%) 450 votes

¡ÈWithout Registering¡É Incitement Watch

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Yair Hizmi
Incitement is a movie starring Yehuda Nahari Halevi, Amitay Yaish Ben Ousilio, and Anat Ravnitzki. Details the year leading to the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995), from the point of view of the 2019
score=242 votes
Directed by=Yaron Zilberman
Terrible days watch full. No case to answer. Ngilu has already joined¡Énanii is too young to retire¡É were it someone like Oscar Sudi hehehe Kapsaret would be burning now looking for him up and down.
&ref( Terrible days watching. Just cancel the show already. Terrible days watch movie. This looks very stylish and interesting. Oh geese how did this happen. ???????? ??????????????????????????. SHE IS TRYING TO DEFEND HER COMMUNITY. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT. That's obviously Ford imho. Posted by Sunday, March 6, 2016 at 7:00pm | 3/6/2016 - 7:00pm YouTube apparently cannot distinguish reporting on incitement from incitement. Palestinian Media Watch is an indispensible resource for monitoring and documenting incitement on official Palestinian Authority and Hamas television. We often embed and link to its YouTube postings of Palestinian TV broadcasts. Because they are fluent in Arabic, they perform the function not only of pulling the video but also providing English language translation in the video captions. Pal Media Watch thus documents the two-sided statements of Palestinian leaders like Mahmoud Abbas, who preach peace to Westerners, but hate and violence to their own people. There have been prior occasions when Pal Media Watch (and MEMRI, another organization that performs a similar function) have had accounts or videos suspended or threatened for violating the YouTube Terms of Service banning ¡Èhate speech. ¡É That works a complete perversion of the intent of the Terms of Service, because Pal Media Watch doesn¡Çt engage in hate speech, it documents it. Pal Media Watch, without any warning, just had its main YouTube account ¡Èterminated. ¡É Here is what the page shows now. Pal Media Watch explains at its website: Following Palestinian Media Watch ¡Æs release of a video on Thursday in which a Palestinian girl read a poem on official PA TV calling for ¡Èwar that will smash the oppressor and destroy the Zionist¡Çs soul, ¡É YouTube ¡Èterminated¡É PMW¡Çs account for violating their ¡Èterms of service, ¡É which includes hate speech. The terminated account,,?contains nearly all of PMW¡Çs videos. We urge anyone with contacts at Google or YouTube to contact them and request that PMW¡Çs account be reinstated. Others can send a message to YouTube by clicking the ¡ÈSend feedback¡É link at the bottom of YouTube¡Çs homepage. It is outrageous that YouTube closed PMW¡Çs account, which is a blow to the war on terror. This is particularly dangerous now while Israel is fighting a war against Palestinian terror. PMW documentation on PMW¡Çs YouTube account shows the PA and Fatah leaders¡Ç support and promotion of the terror. PMW¡Çs exposure of Palestinian incitement and hate speech is recognized and used by parliaments and governments around the world. On Friday, a 25-minute debate took place in Swedish Parliament in which the PA¡Çs support for the current terror was discussed, and the proof was based entirely on PMW documentation ? most of which is no longer accessible on PMW¡Çs YouTube account. PMW is urging YouTube to immediately reinstate PMW¡Çs account and all PMW videos, and is calling to our subscribers to help put pressure on Google. Here is a snapshot saved on Internet Archive on Feburary 6, 2016. Look at the titles, and you will understand the damage YouTube has done to the cause of documenting Palestinian incitement: Here are some more entries with the covering image captured in Internet Archive, that now are gone: When you go to a specific video, this is what you get: I emailed Itamar Marcus, who runs Pal Media Watch, and he told me that there was no copyright issue, and that is was clear that YouTube was invoking the ¡Èhate speech¡É term of service because it had happened to individual videos in the past: A few months ago they closed a few of our videos for ¡Èhate speech¡É. Of course it was PA hate speech that we exposed. The last video we released was this one: A clear example of hate speech again from the mouth of a child. We assume PA sympathizers are complaining and You Tube does not bother to realize that we are exposing and not promoting. While Pal Media Watch has an old, incomplete YouTube account, the account that was closed was Pal Media Watch¡Çs main account, with years of content, Marcus further explained: [That other account was] an old PMW account. In recent years we have been using an account with the name of our website palwatch ? ? so it would be uniform. All the PA hate and terror promotion of the recent years including this current terror is on that site. Also our website links to this account so that our video sectoin of the web site is not completely down. Of course we have the original material but if this is not resolved it will take months to upload everything that was destroyed. You Tube does not offer any access to them neither by email or phone. Only the general feedback on their home page. We did not even get a notification. Just found it was ¡Èterminated¡É when we started to work this morning. This really is insanity. YouTube¡Çs move, if not reversed, actually aids in the perpetuation of incitement against Jews by allowing the culprits to remain hidden from Western view. UPDATE: As of 10 p. m. Eastern, the PalMedia Channel is back up! There were a lot of tweets to YouTube, so maybe it had an effect.
Really well done. The story is compelling and the acting is seamless and fantastic especially the lead actor. I was also impressed by the editing. They used real footage of real events and combined them into the new footage is a seamless and a very skilled fashion, impressive. Terrible days watch series. ???? ???????? ????. Conservatives are ready to end this tyranny. Remember citizens, the last time the left became this Radicalized they called themselves Confederates.
Saw this at Cannes, and it was one that I had to literally run to get to the screening, after ¡ÈThe Lighthouse¡É got full. I highly enjoyed this movie, and Favino alone is worth the price of admission because he was awesome in it. Terrible Days watch the trailer. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. EXAMPLES FROM THE WEB FOR INCITEMENT But this stuff looks to me a good deal like incitement to violence. Whereas the possession of Mrs. Schomberg was no incitement to a display of manly virtues. I believe his desire to better the effect was the only incitement. It was a fiery recital of their wrongs and an incitement to forcible redress. Her Daddy went on drawing, and his hand shook with incitement. But, passing from that incitement, Paul rests his plea on deeper grounds. They are no incitement, as those are of a similar kind in Europe, to jovial pleasures or to vulgar ebriety. The withdrawal of the imperial legions from Zamora was their incitement. We may call the first incitement, and the second explanation. Where we are in earnest about the right we need no incitement or support from above. RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR INCITEMENT catalyst noun something which incites activity catalysts noun something which incites activity cause noun agent, originator Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Alternate title: ¡Émajor von Stroheims kid gets a stand named hitler.¡É

On March 11 th the BBC News website published a report headlined ¡È Palestinian teenager killed in West Bank clash ¡É. BBC audiences were told that: ¡ÈA Palestinian teenager has reportedly been shot dead by Israeli forces during a clash in the occupied West Bank. Palestinian medics said Mohammed Hamayel, 15, was hit in the face by live ammunition near the village of Beita, south of the city of Nablus. Israel¡Çs military said 500 Palestinians took part in what it called a violent riot, hurling rocks towards its troops and setting tyres on fire. ¡É Apparently the BBC is not convinced that 500 people throwing rocks and petrol bombs is a violent riot and so found it necessary to qualify that description. No such qualification was seen however concerning the claim of the use of ¡Èlive ammunition¡É. AP reported that witnesses stated that the IDF had used rubber coated bullets and in response to an enquiry from CAMERA, IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus confirmed that the army used only rubber bullets. The BBC¡Çs account of the background to the story is based entirely on Palestinian sources: ¡ÈThe area has been the scene of growing tension in recent weeks. Palestinians say a group of Jewish settlers has been trying to take control of a hill in the middle of several of their villages. A witness told the BBC that Palestinians had gathered on Wednesday following rumours the settlers were heading to the hill. When Israeli forces arrived Palestinians threw stones at them, and the soldiers fired live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas from drones, the witness said. Palestinian health officials said a further 17 people were injured. The settlers had reportedly been organising an archaeological tour of the hill, saying it hosted a site of Biblical significance. ¡É The actual background to the story was reported by Kan 11¡Çs Gal Berger a week before the BBC¡Çs report on the March 11 th incident was published. The hill is called Tel Aroma and it is located between the Palestinian village of Beita and the Israeli community of Itamar, south of Nablus/Schem. It is situated in Area B (i. e. the Palestinian Authority has civil control and Israel controls security) and is the site of a fortress dating from Hasmonean times (1 st century BCE). In late February a tour to the site was planned by a group of Israeli families. Palestinians ? organised by the Nablus branch of Fatah ? had previously erected a flagpole at the site and the night before the planned trip hundreds gathered on the hilltop in order to prevent it from taking place. The Palestinians rioted throughout the day and the trip was cancelled. Similar disturbances have continued since then and those acts of violence were praised by the PA president Mahmoud Abbas at a televised Fatah meeting on March 1 st. ¡ÈWhat I saw in Nablus was great. This was the right thing to do. They need to understand that we are fighting with our eyes, our hands, our legs, and with everything, and that we will not allow them to toy with us. We are teaching them lessons. When they see unarmed people, people who have no weapons¡Ä Women and children chase [the Israelis] who run away from them¡Ä It makes me happy to see this. Really. This is our way to accomplish what we want. By means of peaceful resistance, and with these efforts¡Ä The sisters should be in front at the protests. This is the most important thing. Seeing the girls beating up a policeman or a soldier really fills my heart with joy. This is how we want our peaceful popular resistance to be. This is our way to vanquish our enemies, and to achieve our independent state with Jerusalem as its capital. ¡É Abbas¡Ç blatant incitement and the fact that the rioting at Tel Aroma is organised by the Nablus branch of Fatah naturally did not make it into the BBC¡Çs report. Unverified allegations from PA officials concerning ¡Èsettlers¡Ätrying to take control¡É of the hill of course did. Predictably, the final part of the BBC¡Çs report included amplification of the BBC¡Çs standard partial mantra on ¡Æsettlements¡Ç and ¡Æinternational law¡Ç along with exclusive promotion of the Palestinian narrative. ¡ÈAbout 600, 000 Jews live in about 140 settlements built since Israel¡Çs occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem in 1967. The settlements are widely considered illegal under international law, though Israel has always disputed this. Palestinians have long called for the removal of the settlements, arguing that their presence on land they claim for a future independent Palestinian state makes it almost impossible to make such a state a reality. ¡É As we see, the account provided by the BBC relies on and dovetails with the narrative promoted by PA and Fatah officials. So much for the corporation¡Çs obligation to provide ¡Èaccurate and impartial news¡É. On February 6 th a report concerning the recent increase in terror attacks perpetrated by Palestinians appeared on the BBC News website¡Çs ¡ÆMiddle East¡Ç page under the headline ¡È Israeli-Palestinian violence flares up ¡É. The false equivalence implied in that headline was repeated in the report¡Çs opening lines. ¡ÈThere has been a flare-up in violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories, days after US President Donald Trump unveiled his peace plan. ¡É In addition to failing to adequately clarify to audiences that the ¡Èflare-up¡É is the result of decisions made by Palestinians to engage in violence, the report uses frequently seen themes such as the negation of Palestinian agency and the portrayal of incidents using the superfluous ¡ÈIsrael says¡É formula. The report portrays a number of incidents which took place on February 6 th, the first of which was a vehicular attack on a group of Israeli soldiers in Jerusalem. Readers were told that: [emphasis added] ¡ÈTwelve Israeli soldiers were meanwhile hurt in Jerusalem in what the army said was a Palestinian car-ramming attack. ¡É ¡ÈThe first [attack] took place shortly before 02:00 local time (00:00 GMT) near the First Station entertainment venue in central Jerusalem. The Israeli military said a ¡ÈPalestinian rammed his car¡É into a group of soldiers who were marching along a pavement towards the Western Wall, one of Judaism¡Çs holiest sites, for an induction ceremony. One of the soldiers was seriously hurt and required surgery at the Shaare Zedek Medical Centre, while the others were lightly injured. ¡É The word ¡Æmarching¡Ç was added to the second version of the report with the original using the word ¡Æwalked¡Ç. According to Israeli media the IDF spokesperson did not use the word marching as claimed by the BBC. ¡ÈIDF Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman said the troops were members of the Golani Brigade who were at the First Station during a ¡Èheritage tour¡É ahead of an early morning swearing-in ceremony at the Western Wall. [¡Ä] According to Zilberman, an initial investigation into the attack found that the soldiers were standing on the sidewalk next to the station when the car rammed them suddenly at high speed. ¡É The BBC¡Çs report goes on to state that ¡ÈThe driver fled the scene and the car was later found abandoned near Beit Jala, a suburb of Bethlehem. ¡É Readers were not informed that: ¡ÈSmall-scale clashes broke out in the village and the surrounding area as Israeli troops searched for the driver, who had fled the scene after hitting the soldiers. ¡É The second incident was described by the BBC as follows: ¡ÈHours after the car-ramming attack, a man opened fire at several Israeli police officers stationed near Lion¡Çs Gate in Jerusalem¡Çs Old City, wounding one of them in the hand, a police spokesman said. ¡É As usual the BBC refrained from describing the incidents as terrorism in its own words and the only use of that term came in direct quotes from Israeli officials. ¡È¡ÉThe terrorist himself was shot and neutralised at the scene, ¡É he added. [¡Ä] Israeli Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan praised the officers for acting ¡Èquickly, determinedly and professionally¡É and said Israeli security forces would ¡Èact in any way possible to thwart the plans by the terror groups to escalate tensions¡É. ¡É The BBC report described the third incident thus: ¡ÈIn the third attack, an Israeli soldier was lightly wounded in a drive-by near the Jewish settlement of Dolev, north-west of the West Bank city of Ramallah. The assailant fled the scene and a manhunt is continuing. ¡É What the BBC termed ¡Èa drive-by¡É was a shooting attack in which a soldier was wounded in the head. The BBC report continued with a description of an incident in Jenin: ¡ÈMeanwhile, two Palestinians were killed in the northern West Bank town of Jenin early on Thursday. Palestinian medics said Yazan Abu Tabikh, 19, was shot during clashes that erupted when Israeli troops demolished the home of a man convicted of involvement in the killing of a rabbi in 2018. The Israeli military said its forces ¡Èidentified a number of armed terrorists who hurled explosive devices and fired towards them¡É. [¡Ä] Hours later, Palestinian medics said a Palestinian police officer had also died after being hit by Israeli gunfire. Palestinian security officials said Tareq Badwan, 25, was shot while inside the courtyard of a police station that was close to where the clashes occurred. Israeli military spokesman Lt Col Jonathan Conricus said it was investigating Badwan¡Çs death. ¡ÈThe specific situation is unclear, ¡É he told reporters. ¡ÈWhether he fired at Israeli troops and then they retaliated and he was injured, or somebody else fired at Israeli troops and they retaliated and he was caught in the middle. ¡É¡É Readers were not informed that Abu Tabikh was a Palestinian Authority police cadet. An earlier incident was portrayed by the BBC thus: ¡ÈOn Wednesday a 17-year-old Palestinian, Mohammed al-Haddad, was shot and killed by Israeli forces in the southern West Bank city of Hebron. The Israeli military said that there had been a ¡Èviolent
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