Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words [putlockers]

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Reporter: Jon Eric Adams
Documentary. Star: Joe Biden, Ginni Thomas. directed by: Michael Pack. Tomatometer: 8,1 of 10 star. Michael Pack. &ref(,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words and pictures. Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordsmith. Oh Lord, if only we could have more men and women of Judge Thomas' character and intelligence throughout our government- how wonderful this country would be.
Fun Fact: Kerry Washington is part of the Dump Trump movement. Free download created equal: clarence thomas in his own words first. The moral of the story, when someone is trying to protect you, stay out the way. Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of wisdom. Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to say. Wow. That was a devastatingly well written indictment of his confirmation process, just dripping with barely-repressed fury and sorrow and contempt. This is what happens when good speech writers have time to carefully prepare a speech and is what no longer happens in the era of social media.
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Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words

Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of love. Judge Thomas is a Republican. All 'Democrat' senators at the hearing, including Joe Biden (who was chairman of the inquisition) were softer on her. Senator Spector (a Republican) was tougher and more probing, with pointy questions, which were very pertinent, and Senator Hatch as well. Both were respectful though throughout their questioning. I just want to know who killed Jon Bennet Ramsie. Free download created equal: clarence thomas in his own words song. Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own wordstream.
Free download created equal: clarence thomas in his own words lyrics. Free download created equal: clarence thomas in his own words quotes. What Judge Thomas states is true. Things to think about: All the dems would not stand when Trump stood opposed to infanticide during his address. They stand with murdering babies at birth and before. They are the party of cold-blooded infanticide who do not want these children awarded to loving families. We know the democrats love every aspect of crime, knowing it is the lawbreakers who vote democrat. It is the democrats who removed the death penalty for murder and harsh sentences for rape, theft, riots, robbery, etc.? And democrats reemphasized this during the Judge Kavanaugh hearings, being fearful of stiff sentencing for crime. Do you want to see what the Democrat Party is all about?? Then please watch this video, though I do not recommend it to men? Unfortunately, there is a woman with a low-neck top addressing the situation. This is about progressives making every child a sexual toy for the deviant. Alfred Kinsey is mentioned and he raped tiny babies and the youngest of children. Very important to start watching at? 25: you think these people would ever teach chaperone dating or parents front porch dating? Not on your life. And watch: Concerning the election of October 18, 2018, there were 600 attacks on conservatives as democrats have commanded this behavior. They are the party which says steal from the employed to give to the non-workers who vote democrat. And now, the greedy democrats are saying they must take more than 50% of the income of taxpayers and remove tax cuts.?However, to pay for all their programs, every American would have to be text 97% of their income. They buy votes by simply giving everyone a free phone and television so they vote democrat. However, it is the working citizens of America who pay these loafers who are bused to voting polls to vote democrat. Democrats are the party of death agendas from being pro-criminal to pro-baby murder to pro-homosexual?the lifestyle of feces, diseases and death, hole in the wall wickedness, and dependence on Depends Diapers due to this vileness and loss of bowel control. “Patients who practice anal-receptive intercourse and are infected with HIV have a greater risk of developing high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia and anal cancer.”? And also pro-teen sexual promiscuity which too often leads to their suicide. And pro-sex trafficking and the Clintons have been deeply involved in this including with Jeff Epstein. Flight records reveal Bill flew with Epstein 26 times on his sex-slavery plane, though Bill lies about it. And he frequented his island where gals walked around topless. And democrats blocked a bill to keep newborn babies from being murdered after birth. When it comes to progressives illegal friends, US Federal statistics reveal?“Illegal immigrants are three times as likely to be convicted of murder as members of the general population.” Democrats know where their next meal comes from and it is from the lawless bad guys and gals, including the illegals who vote.?Please watch video: Democrats support the satanic MS-13 gang or the Mara Salvatruch (Mara =gang and Salvatruch=fierce type of ant) a terrifying breed which brutally murders innocents with machetes. Democrats think it is horrific that President Trumps wants them dissolved from the face of the earth. “Kill, rape, control” is their mantra. And they are?“the most dangerous gang in the world.” No doubt, those of age vote democrat. Of course, democrats are all for using small machetes to dismember children in the womb of their mothers. Do not forget, Hillary Clinton refused to use the words “law and order.”? Democrats have been responsible for countless murders for standing for the rights of criminals; whereby, the wicked ones serve little time and are released to kill, rape and thieve again. Yet, liberals will never point the finger at themselves when holocaustic murders take place. Simply consider, 68 percent of released criminals commit crimes again. Todays progressives dont care about human lives as long as sexually, immoral lifestyles continue.? The liberal German Party was the party of the progressives and most lives were meaningless to them.? In our wicked nation, people believe they must be progressive, as the Germans implemented the word “progressive,” being the way to carry forth all their wicked deeds and to sound new and styling. It is the satanic Nazi mentality which ensues people barbarically murder the sweet, innocent unborn. To be called a progressive is cool in the eyes of many, despite the fact, this mentality murdered millions of innocent people under Hitler and millions are still murdered under the mentality of being progressive. Karl Marx went the “progressive” way in his way of exterminating people?167 million-plus: Please watch the truth regarding our government, Muslim sellout under Obama: This Palestinian cleric calls for the death of all non-Muslims, including Jews, and all agree: The progressive democrats stand with ACLU. They are the party of the ACLU and ACLU lawyers work to obtain rights for pedophiles and gays, which has been made clearly visible on their website for years. And do not forget, eighty-six percent of pedophiles are gay according to investigations. ACLU works diligently to keep lawbreakers out of prison, working on the side of progressive democrats. It has been liberal democrats who have stated we need to shut the prisons and let the criminals go free, and above all, ensure the murdering black criminals are released. And the ACLU continues to fight for the rights of sex traffickers who trap and drug young girls to make them their sex slaves for the money earned. More and more people, including Planned Parenthood, stand with people who rape children and will not report it. At Planned Parenthoods website, they tell parents to teach sex to their children as soon as they are born and to make sure they are sexually playing with themselves as tiny children. Planned Parenthood wants to murder as many children as possible before they are born for filthy lucre sake and use those children who are not murdered as sex toys post-birth. Democrats claim to be liberal; yet, if people do not fit within their tiny, squeezing box of political correctness, they hate them with a vengeance. They are no different than Jim Jones who was a Marxist communist and declared all dissenters had to be silenced: This is the liberal world created by a godless government. Schools were decent when the Bible was caught in the schools and disobedience called for a spanking:? Today, we as taxpayers contribute more than 16 billion a year into treatments for sexual deviant infections and most of them are incurable, and they snatch from everyones pocketbook liberally, all in the name of sinful fun. Truth to ponder: 15-24 year-olds, “some of whom graduated from Obama's school of sexual irresponsibility, accounted for more than 60 percent of chlamydia and half of all gonorrhea diagnoses.” California came in first in the competition in overall cases of STDs this year, they have thrown comprehensive sex-ed at Americas citizens and now the government admitted it has been a billion-dollar failure at teen pregnancy prevention. Gods abstinence program till marriage is the only answer. Suicide is prominent among those who engage in the lifestyle of death and those who become bound in other types of promiscuity. People who undergo sex-change radical surgeries are “19 times more likely” to commit suicide than the national average. Yet, progressive democrats and liberal republicans desire to give them what they want using taxpayer money so the sexually deviant does not have to spend a penny of their own to defy God and His holy ways. God created them male and female. (Genesis 1:27 )? Matthew 19:4f?“And He (Jesus Christ) answered and said, Have ye not read, that He (God) who made them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh? So that they are no more two, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.” How sad that our legislators bend to the lifestyles of feces, diseases and death with no regard for hard-working taxpayers.? More facts: “Each year, one out of every three gay, lesbian or bisexual students in the San Francisco Unified School District reportedly, attempts suicide. For transgender students, that number jumps to nearly one in two.” Promiscuous sex leads to suicide among our young: “Sexually active girls are nearly three times more likely to attempt suicide than girls who are pure.” The only hope for our sad nation is Jesus Christ?Romans 10:9-10 from the Bible: “That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”? To learn of Gods personal love for you, please click here.
Free download created equal: clarence thomas in his own wordswn words. Free Download Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to eat. Free download created equal: clarence thomas in his own words youtube. Wow. What a brave American man. Now creepy Joe and his sick twisted band of demon-crats are going for round 2 against an innocent man. Jesus Christ when is this going to end.
Separation of church and state young lady! In case you're wondering! ???.

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Incredible movie,really well done,all the acting and the story it Diamond Philipe look good as a bishop. Thanks Justice Thomas for bringing the movie to Oklahoma, you are a reason Im so glad I am no longer a part of the Democratic Party. God bless the USA and President Trump and Ben Carson.
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Why isnt there more awesomely empowering. Storytelling, hmmm!?

Free download created equal: clarence thomas in his own words movie. One in a million man. America, you are so privileged and blessed to have a supreme court justice in justice thomas. Clarence Thomas - Humble, Modest, Bright, Philosophical, Patriot, Elder, and a Great American Story. I'm a fan.

7.9/ 10stars









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