The Wave gostream

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  • About The Author Joe Goldberg
  • Bio: #EPNupe Two types of pain we all go through. Pain of discipline or the pain of regret. I like kickboxing and chicken wings

Genre - Sci-Fi, Thriller
Carl W. Lucas
770 Vote
country - USA
Directed by - Gille Klabin
Fala de tudo. Falafel near me. Fields of output parameters from WWATCH have been augmented from 29 (version 3. 14) to 53 (version 4. 05) in order to feed the applications of the IOWAGA project. And there is a further expansion under way, in collaboration with NOAA/NCEP. As they appear here the variable names are a compromise between different applications. We have added an attribute "globwave_name" in order to give the equivalents used for the globwave project. You can find model output on the Ifremer IOWAGA ftp site For example, this is a bzipped NetCDF file of the global mean square slopes for the month of January 2005, given by the global multi grid suite, and this directory contains one folder for each field (except for the partition data which are gathered into the “partitions” folder. This table summarizes all the fields that can be computed by our version of WWATCH. You can follow the links for a detailed description of each variable (to be filled) … name variable name old name units Previmer forecasts hindcasts on ftp depth dpt Depth m yes sea surface height above sea level wlv no significant wave height hs mean wave length lm wl mean period T0m1 t0m1 t or tm0m1 s peak frequency fp s-1 peak direction dp degree mean direction (full spectrum) dir degree (from, nautical) directional spread (full spectrum) spr Parameters inferred from partitions (wind sea, swells #1, #2 …) Hs for wind sea phs0 hs0 Hs for the first swell phs1 hs1 Hs for the second swell phs2 hs2 Hs for the third swell phs3 hs3 peak period for wind sea ptp0 tp0 peak period for the first swell ptp1 tp1 peak period for the second swell ptp2 tp2 peak period for the third swell ptp3 tp3 mean direction for wind sea pdir0 th0 mean direction for first swell pdir1 th1 mean direction for second swell pdir2 th2 mean direction for third swell pdir3 th3 directional spread for wind sea pspr0 si0 directional spread for first swell pspr1 si1 directional spread for second swell pspr2 si2 directional spread for third swell pspr3 si3 wind sea fraction for wind sea pws0 ws0 s. d. wind sea fraction for first swell pws1 ws1 wind sea fraction for second swell pws2 ws2 wind sea fraction for third swell pws3 ws3 Useful fields for ocean engineering and marine renewables wave energy flux cge CgE kW. m-1 mean period T02 t02 tz mean period T01 t01 tm Fields for sediment dynamics and wave-current interactions rms of bottom amplitude displacement abr (uabr/vabr) abr rms of bottom velocity amplitudes ubr (uubr/vubr) ubr m. s-1 radiation stresses (depth-integrated) sxy Sxy N. m-1 waves → ocean momentum flux two (utwo/vtwo) two m2. s-2 wave-induced Bernoulli head pressure bhd bh Stokes transport (depth integrated Stokes drift) tus (utus/vtus) tus m2. s-1 surface Stokes drift uss (uuss/vuss) uss surface Stokes drift spectrum usf Fields for air-sea fluxes and upper ocean mixing air-side friction velocity ust (uust/vust) ust wind → waves energy flux faw W. m-2 waves → ocean TKE flux foc waves → ocean stress wind → waves momentum flux taw (utaw/vtaw) taw waves → wind momentum flux twa (utwa/vtwa) twa Charnock parameter (air) cha chn whitecap coverage wcc wind sea fraction tws wsf Fields for remote sensing mean square slopes mss (mssx/mssy) mss Phillips constant msc Fields for seismic noise spectra density P2(k) p2s m4 log of spectral density P2(f, k) p2l m4s Forcing parameters near-surface current cur (ucur/vcur) cur (U/V) wind at 10m wnd (uwnd/vwnd) U10/V10 sea ice area fraction ice CI power spectral density of equivalent surface pressure fp2s Fp2D peak period of power spectral density of equivalent surface pressure pp2s p2Tp name previmer forecast s lower frequency frequency1 higher frequency frequency2 direction directional variance spectral density efth Efth m2 s rad-1 wind speed wnd u10m m s-1 wind direction wnddir udir current speed cur curr current direction curdir currdir old varname previmer forecasts wave variance spectral density ef Ef m2 s wave mean frequency f02 wave mean frequency at moment minus 1 f0m1 wave peak frequency wave significant height wave mean spreading from ef first freq moment sth1m wave mean spreading at ef maximum sth1p wave mean spreading sth1tot wave mean spreading from ef second freq moment sth2m wave mean from direction from ef first freq moment th1m wave mean from direction at ef maximum th1p wave mean from direction th1tot wave mean direction from ef second freq moment th2m no.
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