?Full Length? Rabid Download Movie


Country - Canada Sylvia Soska Runtime - 1 h, 47Min Genres - Horror, Sci-Fi &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BOGQxYjBhNTEtZDYyNi00MTdiLTgxMjYtZmRiZWYyOWM1ZWViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) Audience Score - 1564 votes. Rabid Download movie page imdb.
No doubt rabid. The classic erratic behavior and foaming at the mouth are telltale signs. I keep a varmit-zapper around just for these situations. This animal is a walking epidemic. Rabid download movie list. Doesnt necessarily look great but I like the breathing music.
Rabid download movie video. Remaking a movie by a guy who was talented enough to create one of the great all-time remakes is ballsy and almost bound to fail. Rabid is close to being a good remake but has too many issues for my liking.
The story: a beautiful fashion designer has a life-changing accident and is doomed to a future of ugliness, unless she undergoes an experimental operation which has unforseen side-effects for her and the city around her. br> It's a cool premise, as was with the original but the pacing is way off. It takes too long to get off the ground and then when it does, lacks focus and seems to be telling two distinct stories rather than one, whereas Cronenberg's movie has a much sharper narrative. There are a few grisly scenes but not immensly eye-opening for something that really should have people squirming. The lead actress is good and, on the whole, the acting is solid but let down in a few places by some support roles. The editing could be a lot slicker; some scenes just felt dragged out and irrelevant. I think it's worth checking out if you like the original but I'd be surprised if many people hail this as a big success.
Rabid movie download 300mb. Guy: has gun Guy: hits him in the head instead of shooting. Rabid Download movie reviews. I don't know where the Soska sisters get their rep. Are people afraid, in this day and age to be honest in criticism of them because they're women? Their first movie American Mary was overrated, but way better than this trash pile of a movie. Overlong, boring and with some horrible acting - where did they get that doctor? If it were the real world, I'd say Nazis are us, he's so obviously a tool. The movie meanders about at a leisurely pace as if the editor or the directors were taking the day off. If one has the guts to remake a DAVID CRONENBURG, the master of body horror, film they have to go way better than this. Perhaps one day, studios and backers will say no to remakes, which are basically lazy films, hopefully that day is soon.
Rabid download movies 2017. I would put him down. Rabid download movie pc. Rabid hd movie download. Rabid download movie torrent. Rabid download movie 2. No Momma, he's my fox. I'll do it. Rabid movie free download.
I juz cant get enough of that pig squeal, freakin brutal, and those awesome drums. Rabid download movie times. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up 1 1 Posted by 4 months ago DOWNLOAD: 2019 BDRip x264-GETiT[EtMovies] comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/verliesd123 Karma 12 Cake day April 27, 2019 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn More.
Rabid download movie 2017. As promised, the follow up post to my original, with info on the world and its potential villains. Part 1: Worldbuilding: As I touched upon in my previous post, the world has been changed dramatically to both make room for new lands and magic, and made smaller to bring everything closer together. In short, Europe and Asia have been shrunken into one continent, with much of the area between the Mediterranean and the eastern quarter of China being deleted, and India¡Çs western side merging with the eastern side of the Arabian Peninsula. Africa remains mostly the same, but on a smaller scale, only going south about half the current distance, while retaining the same width. The Americas have been shrunk as well, also being squished into a shorter north/south distance, as well as being rotated so that its southernmost part nearly meets Africa¡Çs southernmost part in a 10 o¡Çclock and 2 o¡Çclock fashion. The islands between the bulk of Canada and greenland are gone as well, and the distance across the Pacific ocean is only ? its current distance. Now for the different regions/powers. Eurasia: Easily the greatest power on this continent is Britain, which is also true for the whole world, discounting Atlantis. Contrary to actual history, in this world Britain has been isolationist for centuries, much like Japan was in the real world. Unlike Japan, Britain used this time to rapidly overtake the rest of the world in terms of technology, existing at the levels seen in the Atlantis movie. However, guns and submarines are very new and very expensive, as most of the technological advancements made were focused around making Britain function better within its borders rather than looking outward towards travel and military. Aside from Britain, France and China are the two other main powers, due to China¡Çs use of gunpowder in warfare and France¡Çs mildly successful attempts at copying British advancements. Colonies: The old french colony of New Orleans was long abandoned by its mother country, and has since learned to thrive within its isolated world, with the aid of some British technology traded away for goods that can be acquired in the New World alone. Aside from New Orleans, the only colonies in the Americas are new British colonies created once the country finally turned its gaze outward. Untouched Lands: Aside from the few colonies in the Americas, the vast majority of the world, including Africa, Australia, India, and the Americas remains untouched aside from their native inhabitants. These lands are home to wilderness for the most part, with the rare trade posts set up by the Eurasian countries that are used to export goods found in those areas alone. Magic Kingdoms: Greenland¡Çs outer cliffs and seemingly inhospitable ice covered glaciers rapidly give way to an inner, isolated land divided amongst many different lords and rulers, and home to magical beings and beasts and vast forests. Avalon its much smaller neighbor, is equally isolated, though this is due to the warlords that rule its lands and the constant wars they have fought. The only city open to the outside world is Arendelle, but even it is mysterious and closed off at times. Villains: Ursula: Since the alternate ending to Ariel¡Çs story leaves Ursula as ruler of the seas, with Triton her prisoner thanks to him taking Ariel¡Çs place in the contract. Additionally, since this world has the Olympian Pantheon, Triton being the son of Poseidon could absolutely tie into the story, with a possibility of the newly reemerged Atlantis playing a roll in the whole dynamic (more on that later). Literally Anything from the Arthurian Tales: I mean, come on, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Morgan le Fay, invading armies¡Ä there is so much to draw from, so many potential plot points to challenge the players, hell even Mordred could be altered to be some other relation to Arthur (as opposed to his bastard son). As for the movie, Madam Mim is alive and kicking, and Merlin can be old enough to have any number of enemies to be dealt with. Maleficent: With the alternate ending, she is, apparently, dead. However, Maleficent does not strike me as the kind of villain to not have a backup plan. She most definitely will be a black dragon, either Ancient or Adult, and most likely changed as a result of her ¡Ædeath¡Ç. The Monster Manual has guides to creating a Dracolich or Shadow Dragon, of the two I am leaning towards Dracolich, with her phylactery being the sword Prince Philip used to slay her, remaining imbedded in her chest. Evil Stepmother/Stepsisters/Duke & King: Cinderella¡Çs alternate ending leaves the possibility for her to return to her prince, and a more political intrigue arc with the semi-corrupt King and Duke (though that ¡Æcorruption¡Ç is really just being against the prince marrying a commoner). As for the stepmother/sisters, A Twist in Time has an interesting take. I don¡Çt plan on using time travel, but if the Fairy Godmother loses her power, what happens to the Pact Cinderella gains her power from? Hans/Duke of Weselton: Arendelle being caught in an eternal winter, and ruled by two usurpers out for power and wealth. Plus, Ana could possibly be in suspended animation rather than truly dead, a modified form of petrification perhaps. Again, a political intrigue possibility, especially when Arendelle is on Avalon, King Arthur¡Çs island domain. Mother Gothel: I am a huge fan of Mother Gothel as a villain. She is less of an evil character than she is a selfish one, being perfectly content to live life so long as she remains young. Maybe she could become an Undying Warlock, or a revenant, out for revenge against Rapunzel and Flynn. Not an endgame villain, but an early-mid game threat. Hades: Probably the BBEG of the campaign. Since the Greek gods exist, alongside other possible gods/godesses/higher powers, it would make perfect sense to have the endgame plot revolve around them. And, since Hades is the god of death and the Underworld, any villains that have ¡Ædied¡Ç (such as Maleficent or Mother Gothel) could have returned due to his interference and desire to kill Hercules and any potential allies. Even if Hercules or Ariel or anyone else related to the Olympians aren¡Çt chosen, there are a number of ways to work Hades in as an endgame villain. Atlantis¡Ç Return: The return of Atlantis is going to be a turning point for the world, for certain. In my version, Poseidon was responsible for the sinking of Atlantis, due to them turning away from Olympus in favor of the ¡ÆHeart of Atlantis¡Ç. This opens up a lot of other ways to connect Atlantis to other stories, plus the actual repercussions of its return. Depending on which characters are chosen, and how interactions go, Britain¡Çs monopoly over technological advancement clashing with the ancient power of Atlantis, plus the Lost Empire possibly returning despite the changed geography and political climates of where they once ruled, Atlantis could be either a threat or an ally to the players¡Ç goals. Mor¡Çdu/Clans: Merida¡Çs alternate ending leaves the rabid bear in her lands, and her father even more enraged against it and other bears. Additionally, the other Clans could still be angry due to her fleeing from the betrothal offers, and the witch could be worked into it some way. Regardless, there is family drama that needs to be cleared up, which could turn into other problems if not addressed soon enough. Vulnerability of the Chinese Empire: Though the Huns were defeated and for the vast majority killed, so too was the Chinese army (which had conscripted most of the able-bodied men of the country already). Any number of people could want to take advantage of this, such as the British wanting to remove the one other country that has managed to utilize gunpowder. Scar/Hyena Tribe: Though the Pridelands fell into drought and Scar and his cronies were nowhere to be found, they are still out there, with the Pride their hostages/prisoners. Definitely an earlier villain, but absolutely one that will be used if I can manage it. Governor Radcliffe/Colonists: With Pocahontas¡Ç departure and John Smith¡Çs death, the tentative peace between the current colony and the tribe has nobody to keep it intact. With the arrival of new colonists, or the return of Radcliffe (as seen in the largely ignored Pocahontas 2), this conflict is one that will involve the party with the greater power of imperialist Britain. Clayton/Hunters: Tarzan¡Çs alternate ending left the status of his gorilla family largely unknown, with the hunters/poachers Clayton hired roaming free to capture and kill animals. Friends on the Other Side: Though the Shadowman is gone, there are others in New Orleans and the surrounding area that practice voodoo. The ¡ÆFriends¡Ç want the souls of the city¡Çs population, and there could be any number of reasons for this, and any number of people to deal with who seek to aid the ¡ÆFriends¡Ç in gaining those souls. Other Disney Villains: I haven¡Çt decided or even thought about many of these yet, but here are a few I have considered: Jafar the Genie, who will act like any Djinn in D&D, and the Horned King from the black Cauldron, who will be a lich residing in Avalon. Otherwise, suggestions are more than welcome! And, as requested, the PDFs of the characters created and shared in the last post: Ariel: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/ Arthur: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/dnatale13_14474420%20(2) Aurora: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/ Bambi: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/dnatale13_14472426%20(1) Belle: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/gabzzz_14474674%20(1) Cinderella: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/dnatale13_14474167%20(1) Elsa: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/ Flynn Rider: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/dnatale13_14473180%20(1) Hercules: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/ Kidagakash: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/ Little John: file/Users/spartan305/Downloads/dnatale13_14461079%20(1
Rabid download movie songs. Rabid download movies. Hello! How did the whole TPB get started? What sparked the idea? Were you afraid to start the website? Bittorrent was kinda new. We wanted to advance from the (then) reigning DC++. Afraid? We ain't afraid of no ghosts. TPB originally was meant to be a place for us and our closest friends. Quite soon we noticed we had a lot of friends. Link to Link to:) We know you have, at least in TPB trials, had contact with many representatives of the copyright industry. As much as I dislike them, they are all humans. Have they ever said anything particularly interesting, sympathetic, or disconcerting to you? Even something that was legitimately scary? Some of them are really nice. Some are just puppets. Henrik Pontén is one of the nicest "antipirates" out there. I second this re. Henrik Pontén. +1. Didn't he get a lot of hate directed towards him for some reason? Maybe it was that he was on the wrong side of "the battle", did you ever talk about that? I think he is just where he wants, even if speaking of "sides" and "battles" sometimes really isn't helping. But honestly, he is one if the few 'anti pirates' who actually have behaved in a civilized manner rather than some cowboy copyright lawyer mumbo-jumbo. Awsome, i can imagine how strange that must have felt. "Tjena är du en av dedär killarna från tpb? " "ehm ja?... " "kan inte du berätta hur man använder utorrent? " Pretty much. + they were huge. I thought I was gonna end up in "Cops gone bad 2". When you want a game/software, then you buy it, google it, or just download it from TPB? I buy most my games from steam now a days. rest of it is free and/or open software. To me, it is very uncommon that I want to use a software which does not exist in a free version. (And in this case, free does basically mean GPL. ) So well, I google it. I actually buy most games, mostly because it's no hassle anymore. Movies on the other hand I never pay for. Except cinema. I don't play games. Do you find it funny that the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division pirates movies and TV Shows, or are they above the law? "FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division"? Sounds like the most boring job ever. I sure hope they torrent some movies and TV shows to brighten their sad days. I don't know if you know this but do you guy know how many proxies for The Pirate Bay exist? Well over 9000. What is your favorite Bittorrent Client? We cant have favorites, it would be unfair. Do you think subscription services like it could one day make piracy unneeded? To us, "piracy" has always meant so much more than just consumption or downloading. Piracy is not necessarily digital, illegal or whatever. So it should be obvious that a centralized streaming service ? where one company is in control of the supply and how it is presented ? can never make piracy unneeded. Spotify could go a dangerous way back to the days of MTV when TV decided what we liked to listen to. Putting all the songs in one basket is a bad idea, piracy will still solve that. Thanks for all your work keeping the Internet an open forum for its users! Any upcoming projects that we should keep an eye out for? We are all individually involved in a lot of different exciting projects! But PB as a a brand or organisation was put to rest a few years ago. Thanks for the response, as a followup, why was the Pirate Bay brand put to rest? It's a huge brand around the world that has a ton of influence. Afaik TPB is still up and running. We, however, left the ship in early 2004ish. "FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division"? Sounds like the most boring job ever. @discobbedienti say "FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division" RLY quick a dozen of times and the secret message will shine through. Did you expected TPB to become that enormous torrent beast? The entire world knows about it, talks about it. Some fears it. How did you handle that? We gave the beast away to some other dudes. No, we were never ready for it to take off the way it did. We had no server capacity to speak of at the time. What is your current situation with the law? Depends on the country, it's illegal in russia to be pro-gay so i guess some of us needs to go to jail in that part of the world. Traw-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law-law! Seriously speaking our engagement in Piratbyran never ever have resulted in any kind of complications with the law. How many governments are after you right now? They're all after us. We are the only ones looking forward. What has been your favourite memory of running the pirate bay since starting it? Most of the memories have included cats. Some in flames. Getting stopped by cops when shopping, only to be asked about how to use utorrent. If TPB was just one of the projects of PB, what were/are the other projects? We had one site were we sold votes in electorials to the highest bidder. Another one mocking american forces in Iraq. was kind of like 4chan. It roughly translates to "i confess". Mainly being cocky in media. Trying to divert the discussion from boring right/wrong talk into progressive thoughts about the internets potential. Piratbyrån was one projects coming out from a quite flexible and creative group of people connected to both hacking and politics. Other projects (that noticably never got as popular as PB and later TPB) include stuff concerning different kinds of free-riding; subways, work, shopping, democracy. We did a looot of afk-talking, and writing, and helped kids with their homework in highschool. Ten years ago people really didn't understand how to use the internet, we spent lots of work on education, making guides, flyers, media appearances, etc to teach about file sharing. also made a few other sites and physical projects. like an art exhibition in Italy which is an epic journey in its own right. Why did you leave TPB in 2004? We were running too many projects in parallel at the time, and to be honest most of us are quite worthless when it comes to tech. TPB was handed over to people who were dedicated and wanted to make it huge and awesome. It was a mutual separation involving politics, safety and humour, but we kept joint custody over some of our children until they all died. To many shiny new things to do, TPB was better left off in the hands of the administrators so we could focus on matters at hand. Do you have any regrets from leaving? No, not really. We're more of partystarters than actual hosts. What do you think of Anonymous? Have you ever worked with them on anything? You're both outstanding spokespeople for internet freedom. Anon sweden is a joke without a good point, worldwide i think it's... kinda cute? we're so different BUT: 2. we both used the internet i guess. 3. hmpf. Personally, I find Anonymous quite interesting. Apart from the misogynist thing, which is quite problematic. Misogynist creeps, sometimes doing good things. Since the question has been edited, may I ask why? :(>~ What projects are you guys working on now? What are the plans for PB in the future? PB is dead, and has been for some years now. But I guess most of us are still into the things that got us interested in this stuff; hacking or politics. What are your guys' opinions on the legal system behind copyrights in the United States and around the world? What do you think should be done to fix it? What kind of compromises do you think would satisfy both the consumers/pirates who seem to call for the absolute abolishment of copyright, and corporations/government bodies proposing stricter internet regulation? Do you think any are possible/plausible or are we fighting a futile war? I'll tell you this: i'm easy. as soon as the copyright-cowboys comes along with ONE rule and/or idea that works democraticly with the law, i wouldn't mind. i wouldn't even mind them owning EVERYTHING. but they really suck so i don't want to give them any rights to culture or money at the moment. The fact that file sharing will happen and that the gigantic Orwellian surveillance system that need to be in place to make sure we couldn't do these things are so insanely intrusive that its neither feasible nor wanted and so expensive that no one would afford it. We need to "fucking deal with it". We need to see that the internet is here to stay and so is the reproductability of digital goods, we cannot wish or anger this away. it doesn't care about hurt feelings. We need to have a discussion about if our future really need a enforceable system to sell and control digital copies or if it should go the way of the piano tuners. So whats the alternatives? Can we trust the rabid anti piracy law makers to one day say "well, thats enough. this is how far we shall take the law, now let them pirate". They will do no such thing! instead there will be more and more regulations and laws with no end. As soon as we accept the validity of their claims, that our communications are less important then their hunt for copies, we also accept a chain of regulations, that are working to end the internet as we know it. Either trust your politicians to stop making stupid laws or chose your what you want for a future. Where is the pirate bus now? I think its last trip will be the one we did summer 2011 to CCCamp, its now parked and quite gold coloured. Which industry lawyers were the hardest to deal with? Music, Movies or Gaming? We just said fuck off to all them. Equally easy. None of them. They're slow as hell. What's your opinion on the silk road? Can it last? I think silk road, or similar, can't not exist any more. its an idea that has started and like most ideas it cannot be removed that easily. What are your political views? Leftist? I think the leftists called us decadents. Yes. So far left it's not even po
&ref(https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/5/59/Nightmare_Court_armor_(heavy)_sylvari_female_back.jpg/188px-Nightmare_Court_armor_(heavy)_sylvari_female_back.jpg) Rabid download movie watch. Rabid download movie 2016. Dont you just love when he traps you in a corner and combos you so you cant do anything. The building up of the story is definitely better than in the original (everything there is too quick. The actors are fine. The disappointing bit is the ending, different from the original, and with a very very unbelievable twist. Pity because it spoiled an excellent remake.
Rabid movie download. 'A clean girl' said so many times and fast sounds totally like 'A Klingon. Rabid movie subtitles download. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up 1 1 Posted by 4 months ago DOWNLOAD: 2019 BRRip AC3 x264-CMRG[EtMovies] comment 100% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! u/verliesd123 Karma 12 Cake day April 27, 2019 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved Cookies help us deliver our Services. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn More.
So sad. What a beautiful girl. Rabid download movie download. Oh, the excitement! tl;dr: Give me bibliographies! (or else! ) (I don't suppose I could be so greedy as to request a sentence or two on some? or even precises and random thoughts and musings on things...? ) I love Central Europe. So far, I've read a little about Austria-Hungary, even a little about Austria before 1867, but my favorite time period is actually the 20s. With all those revolutionary and counterevolutionary( /conservative revolutionary... ) attempts, all those lovely writers dripping with nostalgia and dreams (often of rather dubious character, if I may be pardoned for the sin of presentism), it's just so... rich. And intermingled. And crazy. The conspiracies and passions, the developments and collapses, the (attempts at often empty) grandeur and the suffering (well, this is a bad thing... )... I have no idea what to read to go deeper here. I've not had much luck so far perusing libraries or looking around online as everything seems to descend into nationalist narratives, devoid of anything beyond "those damned (Poles, Hungarians, Serbians... etc. ) were oppressing us" or "finally, we were able to oppress everyone else before our nation's station was taken! " Regional history (that is, the newish movement in opposition to national history) seems to only slowly be picking up steam here. Minority.... successes, more than issues, really interest me, how they flowered in different ways, like Yiddish Cinema in Poland (I've never read anything about this, but knew a guy who downloaded 40gigs of 30s movies and learned Yiddish immersing himself like that... ) but then also the Polanization, Romanianization etc. and how these nascent states tried to build nationalist identities. But I wonder about how contacts remained and were established, why many minorities stayed in certain regions instead of going to nation states (kind of) representing them (if lucky enough for them to have that... ). And what are similar dichotomies like Ruthenian, Ukrainian, Rusin etc. where one vision of the national identity won out... I found a book e. g. called "international communism in the time of Lenin" which however ended up being a collection of primary source essays by various figures arguing about method and conditions for revolution at the time. Does anyone know of a historical treatment or 4 of that? Besides of various volkish/protofascist (especially outside of Germany) groups etc.? But then I'm also interested in the Baltic Germans (besides in the 20s with Freikorps etc., an Estonian guy once told me about a paper he was doing on the Swedish communities there! ) and various movements in Russia and of exiles, like the Aufbau group of Russian monarchists which lost a few members in Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch (so... where they not as antislav then, did that develop later? I've also read a lot about White Russians serving in the Wehrmacht etc. as translators and so on... See: Oleg Beyda's Iron Cross of the Wrangel's Army: Russian Emigrants as Interpreters in the Wehrmacht... What was going on with the various senses of race there? Biological vs. whatever Rosenburg's Nietzschesque approach was etc... But that then gets way off topic, just the crazy groups doing crazy things.... my god. ) And what languages were common knowledge? How widespread were English and French amongst the upper echelons? When did French (and Italian... ) lose their (not quite) predominant positions even in the Austrian court? How did Hungarian language policy function, especially in their attempts to Magyorize even the German speakers still during the empire! How did German's late 19th century predominance actually spread to these areas? I'm vaguely aware of the Gallacian Jews embracing it especially strongly (though how much of that's related to linguistic commonality vs. the political and social issues which interest me more... ) with Polish and Russian also being strong in various areas. And in Romania, higher education seems to have been in Greek up into the mid 1800s (according to some plaques on the first Romanian language highschool in Brasov). Then we have things like the Intermarium... There're so many things I've read allusions to or heard about, but it's so hard to find anything treating them well (if at all) and in any detail. (Also, Bloodlands... There's a debate about it? It's not as good as the Reconstruction of Nations? ) Books in other languages are more than welcome! A quick run through of my impressions, please destroy them: National identity - very fluid, many conflicting narratives which try to smash each other apart in order to win the population for themselves (different types of Croatian even starting with language, shtokavian vs. kaj- and chajkovian on the coasts, to including all southern Slavs, even Bulgarians etc. as simply Yugoslavs or Serbs... Or excluding some of those but including Poles, Czechs and Slovaks in say Austroslavism... ) I don't currently believe that it was very important in the collapse of Austria-Hungary, rather being something that happened due to the collapse, as the nationalists before the war seemed rather unsuccessful and only the Czechs fought against the crown (in large numbers as coherent entities? ) and uhm... it seems like something once common but now slowly being pushed away as nationalist tellings fall from grace? I've not seen much "evidence" (not like I regularly read through primary sources... ) in support of it myself, but I'm probably biased here against it as a cause. Sonderweg etc. - A good (half? ) of everyone seemed to be rabidly racist, with many Naziesque groups popping up, so I don't see Germany as having been unique there, Bohemia was certainly more developed than say Bavaria at the time, but wasn't any better (is it presentist to... judge them for... everything. ) And since the clean Wehrmacht theory as well as defenses like "Well, you know what would've happened to them if they didn't... " have been resoundly rendered invalid, I guess that... damns pretty much (a lot... half? well.. a good amount of people are generally passive and don't care, say half of the "motivated"/politically active? ) population of these areas at the time, as collaboration also seems to have been huge (much larger than most histories dare to touch? So much seems to have been whitewashed). (There was of course a lot of resistance, though often from groups largely in support of Nazi policies... ) Hitler and the Nazis then weren't special in Germany either, with all those other groups active at the time, that they were lucky/able to politick themselves into prominence ahead of other similar groups seems more an accident of history than anything else, I'm unsure if I then think the Holocaust etc. would have still been likely to occur if say (how do I even choose one.... the Alldeutscher Verbund) managed to take power?.. led to the Nazis doing it? I'm unsure if some similar group would have ended up there or if the left (or even seemingly non-existent center) could have rather come to the forefront. Hmmms. Or is this actually the thesis, that this was all bound to happen... Well, it's not like the Croatians or Romanians or or or acted much differently. A lot more people seemed to like ww1 than our literary histories say, at least I keep reading allusions to other writers like Jünger who romanticized and enjoyed it. A lot of the workers would have already come from factory lives etc. and were completely used to the regimentedness and inhumanness etc. Philipp Blomm mentions in his introduction that in (other book by him, can't recall the name) he covers the break into modernism already happening in the early 1900s, before the war. He even brings some quotes to that effect out. So the war doesn't seem like the end all change and newer stuff seems to be working towards that end. Conflict also certainly didn't just end in 1918. What's opinion on calling it the 2nd 30 year's war like? I've only really heard the thesis explicated by Nazis (of say the metapedia type... ) and... besides not liking their approach of "everyone was persecuting us but we tried to fight the Jews except we... didn't kill them!!! " and their general ustworthiness, it does seem to be a good concept as a whole, along the lines of the longue durée or such, since so much was (seemingly? ) caused by the first, which resolved in the 2nd etc. Can that be rehabilitated in a more general sense without seeming like a nazi? I've read a few historians speaking in such a direction, but they seem to stop short of actually saying it. WW1 wasn't very incompetently carried, other sectors were more mobile, but due to a lack of transport and communications technology, it was hard to push offensives after getting through a few lines of trenches, as the men would be out of artillery support's range etc. Methods kept improving etc. Military history itself doesn't really interest me though. I recall reading some German general: "We couldn't handle a 2nd Somme" Stalin's great purges (the prewar stuff) seem to have been under 1 million and "mostly" confined to party members etc. This seems iffy though, most things either say oh... "it was valid! " or "TWENTY MILLION DEAD RIGHT THERE! HE WAS WORSE THAN HITLER! " During the war, including forced deportations etc. it goes up though... But those are different events. The Golodomir also seems too politically... difficult to get a clear image of. But considering the character of Ukrainianization, differing frameworks (thinking less of nationalities than classes... ) and the famines of the same nature occurring in other parts of the USSR in ethnically Russian areas (and in Central Asia? ) it seems to be more so an issue of... incompetence in distributing resources - or was that intentionalish, they were selling it for machinery etc. but still not in a genocidal framework as there was no intent(? ) to erase the culture(s) (well... there was Russiani
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Biography: Financial Consultant to Industries in NE India. Curious Mind. Study Economics|Politics|Defence|Nat.Sec.|Everything else. Jeeves & Sir Humphrey know best.

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