Emperor ?Streaming Online?

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Writer: Bernard Sweeney
Biography: Irish Mincier/Traveller. An Traveller with personal opinions & that outside the Irish Settled mentality/perspective.

Genre=Drama / 2020 / review=Emperor is a movie starring Keean Johnson, James Cromwell, and Bruce Dern. An escaped slave travels north and has chance encounters with Frederick Douglass and John Brown. Based on the life story of Shields Green / Mark Amin.

I just found out about emperor HAIL

@DarthKrattus no man this is a tribute channel! as its said in the description of the channel. Emperor rum. 51:19 you gotta love the emperors debating skills. Anyone: Does literally anything Palpatine: L A U G H T E R. Emperor palpatine rise of skywalker. Emperor palpatine theme. Emperor hirohito. Emperortigerstar. Their best. Palpatine: I have been every voice Snoke: you have ever heard Vader: inside your head Admiral Ackbar: it's a TRAP. Emperor's new groove cast. Emperor text to speech. Emperor emhyr. Still the best metal album ever put out. Emperor dnb. Hey all, back with the next round of Primarchs in Review! This week we will be looking at Vulkan, Lord of the Drakes, Primarch of the Salamanders! Apologies for the slightly delayed release as I ran into some issues trying to post it earlier. As always, please make sure to comment any lore I may have missed or gotten wrong, and make sure to vote for the next Primarch in Review! Votes will be between Magnus the Red who had a lot of backing last time, Fulgrim, the Phoenician, and Ferrus Manus, the Gorgon! Below are links to all previous reviews which I recommend reading if you get the chance to as they really fill out the Warhammer 40k/30k universe and storyline. Vulkan's story is a pretty strong standalone, however, so if you're pretty new to everything then no worries, you've found a good place to start! Corvus Corax: Leman Russ: Lion El'Jonson: Guilliman: Alpharius: Dorn: Perturabo: Jaghatai (part 1): (part 2): Sanguinius: Mortarion: Konrad Curze: Vulkan's story begins as all of the Primarchs' stories do, stolen from his place of creation on the Emperor's Terra and deposited on Nocturne by the whims of the Warp. Nocturne was a Death World, owing to the "Time of Trials" whereupon once every 15 Terran years, the orbiting moon of Prometheus passes nearby and the overlapping gravitic forces torture the planet. Tectonic plates are forcibly rearranged, enormous volcanoes erupt, and the shocked seas roll out tsunamis across the shorelines. Afterwards, a mini-ice age sets in for the next three to four years. Unsurprisingly, these conditions are not highly conducive to the success of the humans on the surface who had been restrained to roughly Iron Age-level technology and survived the Time of Trials by hiding in large citadels which had been built away from tectonic lines and the fury of the volcanoes. When Vulkan landed, he was taken in by N'Bel, a human blacksmith who would become his father figure for the next several years. Despite everything that these people suffered, they took Vulkan in immediately and made sure he had a place at their hearth, and this would affect him and his character deeply. The investment made by the people of N'Bel's village provided quick returns as Vulkan had reached full maturity by the age of 3, as the Primarchs do. It is worth noting that while all Primarchs are superhuman in stature, power, mental prowess, and just about every defining characteristic of mankind, Vulkan was the most physically dominant. He was likely somewhere between 12 and 15 feet tall with the size and strength of a blacksmith scaled up accordingly, eyes that glowed like embers, and skin that was pitch black. The last two traits are his genetic legacy and are shared by his sons, encouraged by the irradiated surface of Nocturne which pushes the adaptive bodies of the Astartes to darken their skin. Bringing his mental gifts to play quickly, Vulkan began discovering and creating new smithing techniques and metal alloys, rapidly advancing the technological level of the people of Nocturne. By his fourth year, Vulkan was well-known and well-respected, having learned the work ethic and dedication of his adoptive father. However, the peaceful life he had found for himself was not to last, and the Dark Eldar would lead a raid on the village people of Nocturne. According to the natives, this was a not infrequent occurrence, and the raiders were so much more martially able that no defense was ever mounted. When the Dark Eldar made their way to Vulkan's home, the villagers ran to their respective hiding spots while Vulkan stood in the center of the town with smithing hammers, prepared to fight for his continued survival and refusing to be cowed. Seeing the courage and strength of the great Primarch in action, the people were encouraged to join him, taking up what weapons they had while Vulkan led a push back against the Dark Eldar. However, his compatriots were picked off and eventually he was forced to turn back, destroying the Webway Gate through which the raiders were able to easily reach Nocturne but failing to mete out the punishment he felt was just. When he returned to town, the people had begun celebrating, holding a large tournament-style competition in his honor, testing things such as anvil hefting, weapons forging, and the slaying of salamanders, massive reptilian creatures reminiscent of mythological dragons or drakes. A stranger had appeared during the festivities, standing out with his pale skin compared to the dark Nocturneans. He asked to compete, claiming that he could beat Vulkan at his many crafts. Unexpectedly, the stranger was able to bring Vulkan to many stalemates, and eventually the competition was to be decided by a test of forging one's own weapon and killing the largest salamander he could find. During the hunt, Vulkan found and killed a massive Fire Drake, but he was thrown to the edge of a cliff by a volcanic eruption, barely holding on to the precipice with his quarry still in hand. The stranger, carrying his own Fire Drake which Vulkan could see was easily larger than his own, discovered the Primarch's plight and used his own catch to cross a lava flow as a makeshift bridge, hauling Vulkan and his Fire Drake to safety and walking with him back to the town. Vulkan was celebrated as the victor, but he capitulated to the stranger in recognition of the value which was placed on the life of another rather than the pride of oneself. It was revealed that the stranger was the Emperor of Mankind who was testing his son, and together they discussed the Emperor's grand plan and his Great Crusade, including Vulkan's many brother Primarchs. Vulkan joined the Emperor's forces but made it clear that he fought for peace--his brothers were warmongers and generals in their own right, but he fought to return the tumultuous and divided galaxy to the prosperity of peace he felt he had found on Nocturne, as he was not raised to be a warrior. For unknown reasons, Vulkan stayed at the side of the Emperor for many years in secret rather than with the immediate celebration which typically heralded the new discovery of one of his lost sons. Much of this time was spent alongside the Mechanicum, developing his craft of forging weapons and armor with the nigh on limitless resources of Mars. Meanwhile, the XVIIIth Legion Dragon Warriors fought along independent of their Primarch, often fulfilling support positions for larger human forces rather than as a main spearhead of an expeditionary force. Akin to the Space Wolves and the Alpha Legion in this regard of filling a smaller niche role, the XVIIIth Legion appeared to have been separated from the other Legions from its inception. Eventually, they were joined by their primogenitor when the remaining 19, 000 members of the Legion were caught fighting for their lives against a massive Ork force. The Lord of Drakes joined his sons at their time of need with a force of some 3, 000 new Nocturnean Legionnaires and countless machines of war designed by his talented mind and hand during his protracted absence. The Legion was renamed the Salamanders in honor of the Nocturnean reptiles, and the XVIIIth were reborn. Later, during the Great Crusade, the Salamanders were fighting on Kharaatan alongside Konrad Curze, Primarch of the Night Lords, against a rebelling world held under the sway of the Eldar. Curze was an active proponent of terror tactics and felt that the deaths of the (relative) few were worth the survival of the many. In evidence of this, he had every single member of one of the cities butchered while their tortured screams were broadcast around the globe, seeking to discourage resistance with the promise of bloodshed. Vulkan confronted Curze for this atrocity, nearly coming to blows with him and reporting the affront to Horus and to Rogal Dorn. However, the tactic would prove its efficacy as every point of resistance crumbled overnight and Kharaatan was hastily absorbed into the Imperial fold. After the end of hostilities, prisoners of war were being corralled for due processing when a breakout was attempted by the captured Eldar psykers. Havoc erupted, and during the chaos the Remembrancer Seriph was killed--Seriph has been a friend of Vulkan's and the death of any person was enough to infuriate him regardless of their life or lifestyle. The last escaping Eldar child was cornered by the imposing Primarch while she attempted to plead for her life to this avatar of war. The Lord of Drakes would not be halted, and he torched her to death on the spot, birthing a moment which would haunt him forever while Curze berated him through the vox. Later during the compliance of the system on Caldera, alongside his brothers Ferrus Manus and Mortarion of the Iron Hands and Death Guard respectively, Vulkan found a planet populated by humans and Eldar living together, and it was later discovered that the Eldar had been protecting the humans from Dark Eldar raiders. In fact, the humans were Nocturneans who had escaped Dark Eldar raiding parties and found refuge on Caldera. Vulkan ordered the planet purged with cleansing fire to destroy all evidence of the sinful collaboration between man and Xenos. However, he would not forget this world in the future or the debt he felt he now owed it. Vulkan would once more find himself bound to Curze's side for better or for worse after the Night Haunter's destruction of his homeworld Nostramo. No s
Emperor movie 2020. Fir the Wrestling fans, I AM THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS. Emperor angelfish. Great performance. \m/ trve grim necro, since 2003. Emperor palpatine do it. Emperor's new clothes live. Immortal vs emperor vs mayhem vs darkthrone. Emperor movie. Emperor penguins. Emperor penguin facts. Without question THE greatest blackmetal song ever\m. Emperor clock company.
Jak kdyby to tam ty Pioneery mixovaly skoro samy. Pozoruhodné to náčiní. Emperor palpatine. Emperor tts. You've just watched the ending of Rise of Skywalker. Emperor's theme. ----- Bart nearly dropped his spanna when a quiet voice interrupted his pounding on the engine block in front of him. "Hey boss? " He glared at the sheepish kommando, his red eyes narrowing to slits. "Don't zoggin' sneak up on me, ya git! If I was workin' on a kustom shoota I coulda blasted yer zoggin' 'ead off. " The kommando shrugged. "Sorry boss, wanted ta tell ya we found doze 'umies you was lookin' for. " The mek grinned ferally. "Now dat's what I like ta hear. Did dey have dat big skinny fing on da roof? " "Jus' like you said, boss. " "Good. Get da lads ready, you've got some krumpin ta do. " ----- The ork hunched low behind a stand of rocks, scrubby grass swaying in the warm nighttime breeze. His gaze was locked on the form of a sentry winding his way around the perimeter of a squat, sturdy structure with a blinking antenna atop it. The sentry rounded a corner out of sight, and the kommando turned to the boyz assembled on the hardpacked dirt behind him. "Arright, lads, 'dis is it. Time ta go, real quiet-like. First git who opens his mouf at 'deze 'umies is gettin' krumped by me. " He picked his way down a barely-visible path through the thorny chaparral, boys following dutifully in his wake. The lead ork had already confiscated a handful of noisy sluggas and replaced them with wicked shivs. Their midnight-purple forms roiled like matte smoke in the starlit darkness. To the naked eye, they were part of the darkened landscape. To the sentries' auspex units they would be seen as clearly as if they marched in broad daylight, but by the time the sentry has worked his way around the building again they are out of sight. He raised his auspex and put his eyes to the lens, scanning the hillside. Lousy munitorum. Another week of work and they could have put the damn thing atop the hill and we'd just need an elevated observation platform. One bloke could watch the whole bloody perimeter. Before he could finish his scan a massive hand clamped around his mouth and throat, and he didn't have time to struggle before his neck was wrung like a poultry hen. Another sentry was grabbed as they passed by a stand of steel drums, a crude axe buried into their back. The third rounded a corner into a gaping jaw full of sturdy tusks. He tried to yelp, but his voice died in his throat as the ork bit his head off. Inside the squat structure the slaughter is quick and brutish. Unarmed radio techs offered little resistance to the burly kommandos as they smashed their way through the building's interior. "Good work lads, I don't fink dey 'eard a fing. Kroggy, you still got dat big bomb I gave ya? " "Sure do boss! We gonna blow dis 'ere fing up? " "Music ta my ears. Not dis fing, da mek wants it in one piece. If ya break dis I'll krump ya good. 'e said ta find da jennies wot power it, so you lads start takin' bites outta da cables until we find da one dat zaps ya da 'ardest. Den we put da bomb on woteva dat cable goes to. " "Wot's a jenny look like? " " I'll worry about dat. You lot jus' bite da cables and find da zappiest one. " Several arguments and one death by electrocution later, the kommandos congregated around a droning, fuming promethium generator. The bomb rested haphazardly on a small flat face of the rumbling Imperial device. "Good work boyz, we'll pour a grog on the ground for ol' Gruftoof when we get back ta camp. 'e was a good lad, and a great conducta. I'm proud of ya. Da mek didn' fink we could do it, but I proved 'im wrong by taking yer sluggas. Now ye can have 'em back, because after dat bomb goes off we gotta krump all da 'umies dat show up to figger out wot 'appened. Now watch out, because da mek is gonna come chargin' in wiv' 'is trukks when 'e 'ears dat bomb go off. Don't shoot at da trukks, and try not to get shot by dem coz we know dey ain't gonna be careful. " He took out a rough burlap sack full of heavy pistols and distributed them to the assembled boyz. The lads accepted the weapons eagerly. A yoof swung his around in excitement, and fired off a few test rounds. The lead kommando stared at him incredulously. "I jus' finished tell- ah zog it, da mek was right. We gotta get outta 'ere, da 'umies sure 'eard dat and we need ta get clear to blow up da bomb. Leg it boys! " The greenskins scatter across the darkened camp, choosing hiding places using their most brootal kunnin'. The kommando eagerly squeezes the trigger on the detonator the mek entrusted to him, and the generator goes up in a plume of acrid smoke. The main lights sputter and die, and dim backups lend an unearthly glow to the facility grounds. An alarm begins to scream. ----- Trooper Markham wasn't sure what had brought him into the dim half-conscious state of pre-wakefulness, but he banged his head immediately afterwards on the bunk above as a shrill klaxon sprang to life. Groaning, he carefully rolled out of bed. All around him his platoon was shaking themselves into alertness. The sergeant was somehow already up and fully dressed, cursing sternly at the groggy press of unwashed bodies. God Emperor, we shouldn't have cracked that second bottle of amasec last night. He looked blearily at his squadmates shimmying frantically into their combat gear. It was clear he wasn't the only one with a heavy head and a churning stomach. He tried not to sway too visibly as he stooped to reach for his helmet and the barracks began to spin. "What in the blazes is going on, anyway? " He saw real fear in corporal Stennett's eyes when the man turned to him. "Something blew the camp's main generator. " "What, did the junior techpriest get a little handsy with it after all the amasec last night? " Stennett shook his head, his expression unchanged. "This is serious, Markham. We don't know what in the name of the Throne is going on. Didn't you hear the explosion before the lights went? Get your lasgun loaded and primed. " The trooper grabbed his rifle and slapped a power pack into the receptacle. He stuffed a handful of spares into his flak armour's tactical webbing. "Surely it can't be the orks, can it? Those stupid bastards couldn't get within a few klicks of the place without shooting and shouting to high heaven. " The corporal shrugged at him. "We don't know, Markham. Just get ready and get outside, the LT will have our orders. " ----- At least we aren't stationed on an iceball world Trooper Markham thought as the dusty breeze weaved around his unit's feet. He shook his head and tried to refocus on the forced calm of his lieutenant's voice. "-no radio contact since G1 went down, so our objective is to secure the relay building and then reestablish long-range vox with headquarters. Short-range vox has been unable to reach any of the station's staff. Underwood's squad are going to accompany the stubbers on loan from Epsilon company, Stennett's lads will sweep the radio station exterior, and the rest of you will form our assault teams. The junior techpriest will accompany my squad, we'll come in after the assault teams sweep the building. Pass any questions or concerns along to your squad lead and they'll bring them to me. We move out in 3. Dismissed. " Markham's guts churned with pre-op anxiety. Compared to the monotonous dread of garrison duties, the threat of real violence in their own backyard was galling. The sentries had screwed up bad. The trooper thanked his lucky stars that he would share no part of the commissariat's wrath on that particular charge. He thumbed the safety stud on his lasgun as the column of men set off towards the smoky plume at the edge of camp. By the Emperor please let it be a hardware malfuntion the trooper pleaded silently as the noisy tread of standard-issue boots blended into a steady scuffle. As they drew closer to their objective it became ever more clear that something was awry. One of their demolition-men stopped at a ruined scrap of metal and noted that it must have been a proper explosive to throw debris so far. The backup lights cast a frightful aura over the camp, made worse by the dying flames licking hungrily at the wreckage of the generator. Visibility was poor and shadows menaced the guardsmen as they picked their way through the gloom. Too poor for microbeads, the regiment relied on old-fashioned hand signals and disciplined vox technicians to maintain lines of communication in combat. The latter was useless at the small-unit level, and the former was hardly adequate in the night's sparse light conditions. As a result Underwood's squad and the heavy stubbers milled about aimlessly while the assault teams took their time surrounding the building. Stennett's men spread out along their pre-planned sweep vectors, with Markham taking the dreaded far-edge path. He looked down his gunsights with a dry mouth. That's odd, where the hell is Underwood's squad? We're supposed to clear nests for them to set up the stubbers. He was just about to signal to Trooper Bledel to get the corporal's attention when the first throaty gunshots rang out. ----- Kroggy smiled happily at the small cluster of flak-armoured soldiers arrayed before him. They had agreed with his assessment that this hiding place was an excellent vantage point from which to observe the radio station and its grounds. They immediately failed, by da boss' metrics at least, to do their due diligence in securing their vantage point from infiltrators. One of the 'umies with a sword on his hip was chatting animatedly with his fellow as they laid a hefty gun, while a third companion had loaded the weapon and was lugging cartons of ammunition into a small pile near the weapon. Kroggy waited for the ammo-mule to stray out of his comrades' peripheral vision, like da boss taught him, to step out and slam his rusty choppa into the man's torso with a wet, heavy THWUNK. The sturdy metal clove thro
Emperor caligula. Emperor justinian. FOREVER IN MY HEART. I love Mortiis's lyrics on this. Emperor's new groove. Emperor& 39;s new clothes. Emperor of china. Palpatine: Whatever it takes Snoke: Whatever it takes Vader: Whatever it takes. Emperor live.
Emperor palpatine laugh. Emperor of the north. Was he always that big? Yes. We were standing on one of his conduits two meters up in the air last we were in the High Lords' chamber. Aaaaah. oh, I- okay, I thought that was YOUR DI- PROHIBITION HAMMER. By ordering or viewing, you agree to our Terms. Sold by Services LLC. | 1. Episode 1 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 6min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English As a slave boy, Koongbuk, hides on a ship headed to Dang Dynasty. Koongbuk pledges to learn how to use a sword to survive. When he meets Yumjang who has excellent sword skills, he begs him to teach him. 2. Episode 2 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 3min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Koongbuk helps his father, Du-man, with work on a ship but later realizes that it is a pirate ship, and that they have been schemed. Du-man loses his life while trying to save his son, and Koongbuk and Jung-ryun get caught by soldiers. 3. Episode 3 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 2min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Koongbuk attempts to try out for a sword contest held by Lady Jami, aiming for the first prize, which will guarantee his freedom to break away from his slave status. Koongbuk learns his sword skills from Choi Mu-chang. 4. Episode 4 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 1min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Just before Koongbuk is able to participate in the sword contest, he is drafted as a solider. Meanwhile, Yumjang succeeds as a merchant in Dang Dynasty. Jung-ryun becomes Lady Jami's private soldier with the help of Yumjang. 5. Episode 5 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 2min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Koongbuk reencounters with Jung-hwa, and the two confirm their love for each other. Yumjang is heartbroken when he sees how deeply Jung-hwa feels for Koongbuk. Lady Jami plans to send Jung-hwa as a concubine of an old nobleman. 6. Episode 6 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 2min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Koongbuk tries to persuade Jung-hwa to elope with him, but she refuses in an attempt to revive her fallen family and brother, Chan-kyum. Meanwhile, Yumjang hides in the nobleman's house. 7. Episode 7 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 2min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Choi Mu-chang is severely injured, and Koongbuk and Jung-ryun become imprisoned by Lady Jami. Lady Jami sends Koongbuk and Jung-ryun as slaves, when Jung-hwa begs her with tears to save their lives. 8. Episode 8 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 3min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Jung-hwa pledges to devote her life to Lady Jami for saving Koongbuk's life. When Lady Jami realizes Jung-hwa's hidden talent as a merchant, she appoints her as a clerk. Meanwhile, tired of their lives as slaves, Koongbuk and Jung-ryun get into a fight, and Koongbuk kills Ryusa, who was known as the best swordsman. 9. Episode 9 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 3min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English When the Major General finds out that Koongbuk defeated Ryusa, he secretly takes him in to train him as a swordsman. Koongbuk undergoes intensive training. 10. Episode 10 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 3min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English After intensive sword training, Koongbuk and Jung-ryun excel, and Koongbuk participates in a sword contest. When Koongbuk takes off his mask after the final victory, Lady Jami is shocked to see him still alive. 11. Episode 11 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 3min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Koongbuk kills Yupo in the sword contest and wins the final victory. When Koongbuk sees Lady Jami in the audience, he immediately thinks that Jung-hwa would be in Yangju as well. 12. Episode 12 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 55min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English In an attempt to save the imprisoned Jung-hwa, Koongbuk participates in a sword contest once again, risking his life. 13. Episode 13 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 7min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Jung-hwa nurses the unconscious Koongbuk, and Yumjang watches her with an aching heart. Both of them leave just before Koongbuk wakes up from his long unconsciousness. 14. Episode 14 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 8min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Jangbogo (Koongbuk) and Jung-ryun are sent to prison after getting involved in a fight with Joong-dal on the street. The worried Chae-ryung does everything in her power to release him. 15. Episode 15 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 5min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Upon finding out that Lee Do-hyung was behind the incident with the pirates, Jangbogo (Koongbuk) shivers with anger at how his life has changed upside down and how his father was killed in that incident. 16. Episode 16 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 8min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Seolpyung appoints Koongbuk as n high-ranking official, giving him the new name of Jangbogo. Meanwhile, Yumjang gives Jung-hwa rare gems, and pledges to her that he will devote the rest of his life for her. 17. Episode 17 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 3min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English After Jangbogo leaves Wonhang to bring back the lost dignity of Seolpyung, words soon spread that he has been killed. Jung-hwa, unable to control her grief, jumps into the sea to kill herself, but Yumjang saves her. 18. Episode 18 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 4min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English After Jung-hwa makes up her mind to marry Yumjang, she is startled to find that Jangbogo has returned home. Meanwhile, Jung-hwa discovers that the person who attempted to kill Jangbogo was in fact Yumjang. 19. Episode 19 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 1min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Jangbogo and Yumjang have a final showdown. Jangbogo finds out by Jung-hwa that the person who saved his own life from poison arrow was none other than Yumjang. 20. Episode 20 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 1min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Jung-hwa takes off to Mujinjo at Lady Jami's request, completely unaware that Yumjang is hiding in the carriage. Yumjang is heartbroken as he watches in secret Jangbogo and Jung-hwa speaking to each other with so much affection. 21. Episode 21 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 6min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English While Jangbogo and his troops head for Leesado's camp, Leesado orders his men to capture Jangbogo alive. Yumjang sends Joongdal and his men to kidnap Chaeryung. Meanwhile, when Jangbogo hears that Chaeryung has been kidnapped, he risks his own life by stepping into Leesado's camp. 22. Episode 22 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 4min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Jangbogo safely returns to Yangju, but is furious after finding out that Junghwa has made up her mind to marry Yumjang in exchange for his life. Jungryun tries to bring Lady Jami down by exposing that she has aligned with Leesado, but Jangbogo makes a deal with her to bring Junghwa to Yangju. 23. Episode 23 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 9min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Jangbogo's troops and Yumjang's troops have their final showdown. Although Jangbogo's troops are greatly outnumbered by Yumjang's soldiers, he manages to defeat Yumjang and safely brings Wangjiheung back. 24. Episode 24 This video is currently unavailable January 2, 2004 1h 5min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Yumjang leads his troops to save Junghwa, and Jangbogo leaves immediately after hearing the news that Yumjang is within his territory. Yumjang comes face-to-face with Jangbogo after saving Junghwa. 25. Episode 25 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 6min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Yumjang betrays Leesado to save Junghwa, and sets Leesado's camp on fire. While being saved by Yumjang, Junghwa's eyes catch those of Jangbogo's for a brief moment. Yumjang ignores Junghwa's teary eyes and takes her away from the chaotic war scene. 26. Episode 26 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 1min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Two years later? Lady Jami who has lost all of her wealth over the past 2 years makes a lavish comeback as a successful merchant who holds the key to trading with Shilla. Her unexpected offer to give the key to trading with Shilla to anyone who offers the cheapest price for silk makes the merchants? hearts waver. 27. Episode 27 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 4min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English When pirates attack the ships filled with imported goods to Shilla, Jangbogo comes to Shilla to deal with these pirates and asks for Lady Jami's cooperation to have his men come also. 28. Episode 28 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 4min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Kim Woojing agrees to Jangbogo to permit his men to come to Shilla and promises to cooperate in any way he can in helping Jangbogo defeat the troubling pirates. Jangbogo orders Jungryun and Paik Hajin to be trained to fight the pirates. 29. Episode 29 This video is currently unavailable January 1, 2004 1h 3min TV-14 Audio Languages Audio Languages English Yumjang's heart aches for his love for Jung-hwa but he is saddened to realize that her heart is directed to Jangbogo. Meanwhile, Lady Jami plans to murder Jangbogo using
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