Incitement - by Brian Swanson,
March 25, 2020

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Details the year leading to the assassination of Israel's Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995), from the point of view of the assassin user ratings 7,7 of 10 duration 2 hours 3 Minutes Free full terrible days 2017. The GitHub repository is here. I need someone to curate it. Feel free to reach out. Respond to the discussion opened by ctabka to be invited as a collaborator. Before people start throwing money at stocks they haven't researched: I am not (yet) prescribing any positions. The stocks I've listed in the edit at the bottom of this thread are what I've collected from the comments and have not been vetted by me. I'm floating the idea of opening a google doc for public collaboration on research into these banks. I don't vouch for any of the tickers I've mentioned in this thread. Yet. I also want to make it clear that I'm not predicting a bunch of US banks to fail. They're better insulated from this than the rest of the world. The vulnerable ones are abroad, and they're the ones with really lazy lending standards. US banks will be hit, but likely won't tank. Also, as stated at the end of this post, please correct me where I'm wrong. Feel free to leave a comment, but definitely reach out to me via chat or DMs so your message doesn't get buried. I would rather prioritize constructive criticism than a bunch of excited assent - if I am wrong, tell me in my DMs, preferably with an explanation rather than just "you're full of shit" Drop me a chat (not a dm, swear to god, reddit doesn't need two different messaging systems) if you'd like to talk about coordinating. I'll get up with you guys tomorrow. I would love to pool information and repost this over the weekend with a more comprehensive picture of what the fuck is going on with the international lending system. Cheers! Jesus, this really blew up. I'm at work right now, so I won't be super available to respond. Suffice it to say, though, that I've received an overwhelming amount of responses indicating interest in collaboration. After work today, (4-5 pm EST) I'll start really going through all the messages you guys have send me and shooting off replies. Mods have approved a Google doc so we can all contribute, and a disc chat might be in order, since there are so many of you fucking autists that have reached out. God bless. I'll be in touch soon. Forgot to put strike/date at the top: I'm in September BAC $18 puts. Banks will start failing later this year. It's hard to tell which ones will fail, due to the shadowy nature of the shadow lending market. That, and the dollar will moon. You want positions spoonfed to you? Fuck off. This post is half food for thought, half explanation. Trying to follow the money here is hard. If you're lazy, just buy puts on indices like $INDA and $EWG and $EWY: any country that's loaded up on eurodollars. Alright, you tards, listen up: this is going to be a long, confusing post. First off, I'd like to say that I'm not smart. But that doesn't concern me, because you're not smart, either. I just began reading about repo operations a few days ago. I've seen a few posts on here lately remarking on the repo ops, and a lot of misconceptions about what they are and what they're intended to do. I've learned all of what I'm going to post here from other users on here and from my own research. The most important thing you need to understand about the repo market is that it's a black box. It's an interbank loan market where securities (ideally bonds) are put up as collateral for short-term cash loans. The transactions are private and the market usually sets the rates. Repurchase agreements are semantically different from fed repos, but operate in the exact same way. This is important. Banks, per federal legislation, are required to keep a minimum amount of cash on hand to prevent liquidity issues. The repo market exists as a way to circumvent these requirements; banks run as close to the reserve requirements as possible to maximize their profitability, and sometimes run below the limit. In this case, the bank posts collateral on the repo market in exchange for liquid cash to meet the requirements again. In September of last year, the fed was forced to offer hundreds of billions of dollars in repo agreements to banks. This is because the interbank repo interest rate had reached 10% due to liquidity problems. I'm still not sure, and I'm not sure that anyone else is sure, why the liquidity shortage arose, but it did. If I were to hazard a guess, it's because big domestic lenders, sensing volatility abroad, started to pull out of the repo market. Since then, the fed has been, on-and-off, offering repo agreements to large banks (designated banks are called Primary Dealer Banks [PDBs]) and they hold a special status and maintain accounts with the fed. Once these PDBs post collateral (again, securities), money (kind of) is transferred temporarily to their fed account. These PDBs then distribute the cash in the interbank repo market (which is anonymous) at a slight profit. The fed repo interest rate was around 1. 6%; on Tuesday night, it jumped up to 1. 8% because of the emergency demand. The fed had planned to cut repo ops to 0 by April of this year, essentially weaning the US banking system off of liquidity infusions. This didn't happen. Due to supply chain disruptions and market volatility, the fed was forced to offer several hundred billion in overnight repo agreements this week to PDBs in an effort to maintain liquidity. In fact, this month is set to hit record repo lending balances. Furthermore, the fed is expecting another $130b to be repaid in the next three weeks, sucking even more liquidity out of the market. Edit: The fed was also pondering establishing a standing clearing house for fed repos to smaller entities like hedge funds. Hopefully, they're walking that idea back, because it's a fucking terrible one. Now, here's where I learned I was wrong, and this is a point of confusion for some: the banks don't need the liquidity for themselves. They need the liquidity for their borrowers. See, these PDBs float money anonymously in the repo market to lots and lots of entities, both domestic and foreign. This is shadow banking. Remember when I said the repo market is a black box? Right, well, American banks have been lending money to foreign banks that don't have as stringent of regulations as American ones do. In the US, between two US banks, when a loan is written, some percentage of the loan size must be physically transferred over to the borrower (the reserve amount). Between an American bank and a foreign bank, though, no such requirement exists. From this discrepancy in regulation, the eurodollar is born. The eurodollar is imaginary money that is printed by American banks: when they make a loan to a foreign bank, the loan exists only on the balance sheets. There is no physical manifestation of currency transfer. Consequently, eurodollars get leveraged to shit. Instead of the fractional reserve system, the ideal interbank loan system in America, eurodollars can get loaned indefinitely, forever. Eurodollars are paying factory workers, building bridges, and trading as currency. But it's not currency. And because eurodollars are what circulate outside the US, real USD are becoming increasingly rare. You see, the USD has become the de facto global currency. There's a lot of confidence in it. It backs virtually every exchange of goods or services in the world. Right now, though, emerging markets' banks aren't really using it; they're hoarding it. Additionally, they're accepting awful collateral in exchange for eurodollars, because they know the USD has intrinsic value and eurodollars are imaginary. Collateral like subprime loans. Sound familiar? It should, because the 08 crisis was global because of the international monetary system. The mortgage defaults here at home were just the impetus - just like the supply chain disruptions this year might be. The subprime mortgage scandal was just the scapegoat for the underlying fragility of the eurodollar system. Now, PDBs are aware of this. That's one reason they're starting to become stingier with their lending. They know that their borrowers are accepting garbage collateral in exchange for eurodollars. They know that foreign banks are leveraging themselves up to the tits on low-grade collateral, which means, in essence, the fed is, by proxy, making out hundreds of billions in loans to banks in places like India for fucking used car loans instead of treasury bonds. So, say that Shyam over in India can't make his car payments this month because he hasn't worked since the quarantine began. And his neighbors all do the same. Without US liquidity injections, channeled through the PDBs and into the shady repo market, that Indian bank will fail. Now, that's why it matters that US lenders are pulling out of foreign markets: with supply/manufacturing disruptions and increasing volatility all over the world, foreign banks are direly hurting for liquidity so they can make out loans for businesses and manufacturers and individuals and all sorts of entities. If they don't get this liquidity, they're likely to default. And what happens when these capital groups and small banks die? They default on their loans. So on, up the chain. Say JPM takes out $50b against its treasuries from the fed. It then sells that money on the repo market. Eventually, that money finds its way to Yong Jiang over in China, who took out a loan to keep the lights on in the McDonald's Toy factory in Hubei. Well, three months later, sales haven't made up for lost revenue during the quarantine, and Yong Jiang becomes insolvent and defaults on his loan. That default makes its way back up the ladder to JPM. Now, JPM can either default on its loan from the fed (and bonds get dumped on the market) or it can liquidate some of its assets to pay the fed back. JPM has made this calculation and decided, fuck no, it wants none of that. The problem is, though, that the loan has already been taken out by Yong Jiang. Say Yong Jiang's bank needs some liquidity because Yong defaults. Well, JPM has stopped taking fed repos because of the r
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Free full terrible days movie. Free full terrible days quotes. If this sells good we release : “Black in Man “. Watch Incitement Full Movie Online Free Streaming English Film Free Watch Online. This film is a re-creation of the life of Yigal Amir, the assassin of Yitzhak Rabin, from the time of the announcement of the 1st Oslo peace accord, to the actual deed. While Yigal was already a nationalist (he starts by being arrested at an anti-Oslo rally) various forces encouraged or abetted him towards assassination.
There is his mother, encouraging him to greatness, as per his name. There are rabbis who proclaim that Jewish law should supercede secular law, and also that Rabin is a "Persuer" and an "Informer" permitting him to be killed. There is a Likud / Bibi rally, where calls to kill Rabin go unchecked. There are girlfriends / potential brides, who just distance themselves from him but not report his thoughts to authorities. About the only person who comes off well is his father, who said that, if Rabin should be struck down, it should be by the hand of God and not of man. I was at the world premiere (see: trivia) where the director said the film project was started 5 years ago, and it is just coincidental that it is coming out as populists hold hate-filled rallies.

Free full terrible days trailer. Free full terrible days game. Free Full Terrible days of future past. Free full terrible days excel. Free full terrible days 2016. Free full terrible days video. And we danced all night to the best song ever. Free Full Terrible. Free full terrible days full. Netanyahu looks satisfied with himself. He is far from sad. 7:51. Paragraph TL;DR at bottom. I hope this is appropriate here. So this story deserves some context. It's actually Pro Revenge that my father did to me. Backstory: After I had graduated from High School and still hadn't "found" my calling my parents told me I could live with them rent free as long as I did one very important thing, helped out with the chores, don't bring any girls or friends home after 9 pm and occasionally offer to help with the groceries for the week. The Lead up: It had been about 3 months and for the most part I was adhering to the second and third rule I was given. That all changed when I met my first "adult" lady friend. We'll call her Roxy, cause she was a pretty bad AF chick, now Roxy was a SUPER bad influence on me she started getting me to stay out late, spend most of my paychecks on getting us booze and weed and such. I started slipping down a worm hole to which I almost wouldn't have returned from. My dad from time to time would remind me, "Hey son, you need to make sure your helping with the chores and mind throwing 50 bucks towards groceries this week? " kinda reminders. That all changed after 3 months of being out of school and about a month and a half total of me knowing Roxy. We had come home from a concert in another city, for anyone who's my "almost Old Fart age", it was a concert for Papa Roach and she told me she was to tired to go home and she wanted to crash with me at my parents home. The time... 2:30 am. We pulled up to the driveway and I told her to be quiet, of course she wasn't cause it was Roxy, soon as we step inside the house and I've just locked the door she starts screaming the chorus line from Twisted Sister's We're not gonna take it at the top of her lungs. Like clock work my parent's light comes on and my dad comes out of his room like a fucking Cheetah, a fucking cheetah I tell you, he sees us both and looks back in his room. Turning his head around he goes, "Take her home. Now. " I immediately turn around and take Roxy home. She's all pissed and tells me I should stand up to to my old yada yada. Soon as we get her home I know I can't go home so I stay at her apartment with her. The next morning there's a text on my phone, "Come home at your earliest "Convenience. " - Love Dad. I know I'm dead because A) my dad never texts me and B) If he does text me he's more of a John Madden play by play kinda guy. What I mean is he's going to give you a paragraph of words for what could have been a single sentence or two. I kiss Roxy goodbye for what I'm sure is the last time I'll see another human being and head home. When I get home he's sitting at the table with a pen and a piece of paper in front of him. He tells me to sit down and then puts the piece of paper in front of me. The paper is an actual itemized list. He tells me that for the last month and a half I haven't done any of my chores and that he's calculated based on the roughly 4-5 hours a weekend of time I wasted for him that amounts to his pay which was 25. 00 an hour (He's a RN aka Registered Nurse) so he's taken 4 hours x 6 weekends x 25 per hour pay and figured that I need to pay him 600 dollars for time wasted. Then he's also for good measure thrown in an extra 100 for the two times he's asked me to for 50 bucks to help out towards groceries. He gets up and walks over and says there is a dotted line for me to sign stating I will pay all of this back in one months time. I'm adding it all up in my head and tell him I barely a thousand bucks after taxes a month. He says I should I have thought about that before I brought a girl home at 2 fucking 30 in the morning. He tells me if I don't sign this paperwork I have 30 minutes to "Get my shit and get the fuck out. " I legit almost start balling and tell him that I want to sign the paper but could I at least have a month extension. He puts his hand to his chin thinking and then looks down at me and agrees. He says, "You have two months to pay me 600 bucks. Oh and by the way... " He purposely hangs this in the air for a good 20 seconds, "If you don't pay and you continue to break my three simple will be pain in your future. " He revises the "contract" he's wrote up on the paper and I sign it. So a month and a half goes by and I've "managed" to pay him 450 bucks. I haven't seen Roxy as much over the two months because for obvious reasons her "cash pit" has dried up a bit. She then calls me on day 45 and tells me that she misses me, she wishes we would hang out, why am I working so much overtime... I've told her that I have to pay my dad back or get kicked out. Of course she ends up ending the call shortly after that and then it happens. She texts me the next day about a show in another city, I hear all the usual, "Oh its a band I REALLY, REALLY like! I've been wanting to see them forever plus I miss snuggling up to you at the concert. " I somehow stupidly agree to go with her, well while were up there my wallet get's stolen out of my front pocket. (To this day I think Roxy did it, even though I've never been able to prove it) We go home, I drop Roxy off and a few days go by. My dad comes knocking on my door as it's now officially day 55. He asks me do I want to pay him the last 150 or wait till the two months are officially up. I tell him I got him and that I'll go to the bank right now seeing as I just got paid the day before. I look around my room for my wallet, no where to be found, I go find the jeans I wore at the concert I was at w/Roxy, no wallet in there either. (It's worth noting I had and still have a terrible habit of leaving my wallet in my jeans after I take them off and forgetting that for several days) I start panicking as as I can not find my wallet anywhere. I check everywhere the house, the backyard, my car I even call the last place I was at "work" and see if they might have it. No one's seen my wallet. I go back to my dad who's in the back yard cutting the grass and tell him whats going on. He gives me a half grin and says, "Sorry for your situation but I'm treating you like a tenant now. Go to the bank, get my money and when you come back and pay me the 150 we'll go from there. " I hall ass to the bank and my heart about falls out of my chest as the teller tells me my account has a balance of $3. 42. My. Heart. Drops. To. The. Ground. (Worth noting here it was a local bank that I've banked at since I was around 13, I was 18 at the time so they all knew me at the bank and with some quick verification gave me info on my account) I head back home and tell my dad what happened. He puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Ahh that sucks. Well you know I'm going to have to get my 150 bucks still right? " I tell him there's no way to have the money to him in 5 days or less. He says okay well how bout I drive you to work seeing as you don't have a drivers license right now. He drives me to work to which I'm there for roughly 8 hours. The Revenge While at work my dad pulled out his massive collection of Craftsman tools and proceeds to drain all the fluids in my car, he gets a buddy to come over and help completely remove my motor, my transmission and my tires. My dad and his buddy being a ASE Master Mechanic manage to do all of this in a 8 hour shift of me being at work. At the end of my 8 hour shift my dad is in the parking lot waiting for me. He's in his work coveralls which I find funny and he's got grease all over his arms. He drives me home and I notice my car is pulled into the garage and on Jack stands. I look at my dad and ask, "Whats up with my car? " he points to the garage, "Oh go ahead and see... I've got my 150 bucks today. " I jump out of the car as it goes into park and run over to my car. There's a note on the front of it from my dad's mechanic friend stating the Motor, transmission and tires have all been sold to him for 150 bucks and that he'll happily not only give me back the items but that he'll help me install them back into my car but that I have to work for him on my two days off for the next 4 weeks from 7 am to 7 pm. I fall over crying obviously and after my dad laughs a bit tells me my first shift starts tomorrow. (It is further worth noting that my dad actually owned this vehicle and it was titled, tagged and licensed in his "technically" he could do whatever he wants with it. He had just chosen to allow me to use the vehicle as mine. ) I would spend the next 4 weeks working with my dad's Mechanic friend on my days off. After two days of working we'd bring a few pieces of my "car" back to the house and he'd teach me how to put these items back together, and slowly but surely I learned out to be my very own mini DIY Garage Mechanic. This may not fit here and my dad did Pro Revenge me because shortly after I lost my car Roxy dumped me and of all things my dad took 6 months out of my life to teach me how to be a "somewhat" responsible adult. Oh and the icing on the cake soon as we had my car back together and running my dad walked up to me and gave me an envelope with 450 bucks in it and a note that said, "Stop being a knucklehead. " TL;DR: Lived at home w/my parents after high school. Wouldn't help do chores, brought a girl over past their don't bring a girl home time and wouldn't help for groceries. Dad gave me a contract to pay X amount for his time wasted. Broke the Contract so he and a Mechanic buddy stripped my car to the frame almost, made me work with the Mechanic friend of his to "earn back" all the parts and help put them back on vehicle. Ended up teaching me how to work on cars and then gave me back my money in the end. Edit: For some clarity. Edit to my Edit: Thank
  1. About The Author: Manish Sisodia
  2. Info: Not sure if I'm a politician, activist, reader, writer, journalist or.. But I'm an Indian. I like Gandhi, because he always moved ahead of his own identity









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