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142 minutes
country Soviet Union
director Elem Klimov
Actors Olga Mironova
Genres Drama
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A stunning amazing movie about the completely insane brutality of war. None of that heroic nonsense that Hollywood loves to pump out. Idi i smotri download movie black package.

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Idi i smotri download movie trailer. Idi i smotri download movie. Without doubt the best war movie i've seen, so moving. Brilliant, savage film. One of the best ever made. Idi i smotri download movie 3. Idi i smotri download movies. Idi i smotri Download. Idi i smotri download movie cast.

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Cannot understand why Das Boot or Downfall did not make the list. 500.000. . . Do watch The Eyes of my mother. It's a 2016 film but so under-rated and overlooked. Idi i smotri download movie full. "Come and See" is a very memorable movie for me. I can't help but picture the scenes that I'll never forget over and over again. It has so many elements that makes this movie as strong as it is. The message I got from this movie is the realities of war are not what is shown in "Hollywood" movies. This movie sheds the light on the truths of war so creatively that as a viewer, you can't help but feel like you are there with Florya, enduring all that he endures. Florya starts out so naive and innocent to the horrors of war, like most recruits of the military are. His face of sublime happiness when the soldiers come to take him to the camp set up in the woods is frightening. He only sees the glory and fame that war can offer while his mother, who is sobbing uncontrollably, knows what could happen to him as well as to her self and her twin daughters. This moment touched me because I have a little brother who will have to enlist soon but thankful he is not blind to the truth of war. I couldn't promise that I wouldn't sob like Florya's mother if my brother had to go war. Florya then meets Glasha, a beautiful woman who seems to be the lover or perhaps ex-lover of Koshach, the commander of the soldiers. Glasha is a pivotal character for Florya because she seems to represent all woman for Florya. Florya's humanity is also seen when he cares and builds a shelter for Glasha. Glasha eventually becomes all that Florya must protect because he loses his mother and twin sisters. The scene where the audience discovers the death of Florya's family is so heartbreaking and I found myself silently hoping and praying that maybe his mother and twin sisters are on that island in the middle of the bog. I knew deep down that there was no chance that they survived but I couldn't bring myself to abandon hope. This film definitely made me feel for the characters and that is what makes it so intense, at least for me. These characters could be people today. Glasha is a girl who wants to be loved but is rejected by the man she wants. Florya is a boy trying to prove he's a man by using combat. This film is very realistic and I think it is amazing that the director used actual bombs and gunfire for authenticity. "Come and See" does a great job of showing the audience what war is really like and I believe that is important because so many people are disillusioned by movies that glamorize war when the truth is there is no real victory in war. I like how this film starts Florya out in a sort of peaceful camp site where the soldiers of the partisan are gathered then the audience is thrusted into real warfare, shown by the used of real bombs dropped near the Florya and Glasha when an air attack begins. The scenes that were most brutal for me were the barn-burning scene, and the girl rape at the end. Even though the actress who played Glasha isn't the actress who played the girl who was raped at the end, I couldn't help but connect the two. although Glasha's fate is never revealed in the film, she probably ended up just like that girl at the end because she was pretty and couldn't fight back an army of Nazis by herself. In conclusion I definitely recommend this film but be forewarned that it's not exactly easy to watch.

Come and See is one of the best movies I've seen. I also really enjoyed the movie White Tiger

And we do not want their dirty money. we are not Jews, and not Western Europeans. by the way. @FilmRomMusDrawingWar: Yes this is an odd think about Marxism indeed: Though every Marxist tyrant does claim to practise the teachings of the sophist Marx he always created his own teaching and is basically obsessed with feuding against the other Marxist tyrants; as the Russian and Chinese rulers during the Cold War instead of teaming up against their declared ideological enemy the USA. Can you ? as an expert on Marxism - tell me why that is. Idi i smotri download movie clips. Yes. Deplorable dubbing. Duh. Still one of the most accurate depictions of the nightmares of warfare. Idi i smotri download movies on netflix.
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Lol dead germans, germans are not even human beings. Idi i smotri Download movie database. A Clockwork Orange is one I never ever have to see again. So disturbing. I watched it and Requiem in the same weekend and was super screwed up for a while after that. Caso tenha alguma dúvida sobre como funcione o Clube Do Filme acesse esse tópico. Tivemos um empate técnico nessa votação, que de novo teve pouquíssimos votos, mas o suficiente para tirar uma média e acho que por ser um tema muito interessante e que não será tão visitado optei por divulgar os dois e quem se dispor a assistir os dois e discuti-los são bem vindos. Os vencedores são: EDIT: Os dois filmes estão disponíveis no canal oficial da Mosfilm no YouTube, com legendas em português inclusive. O canal tem um acervo enorme de filmes e recentemente começaram a postar as versões remasterizadas(Obrigado ao u/Strogonovsky por avisar): Solaris Come and See A thread de discução será postada na próxima sexta (dia 20 de outubro) espero ver todos lá. Por enquanto é isso galera, bons filmes. Dicas e sugestões são mais que aceitas.
Idi i smotri download movie theater. Idi i smotri download movie free. Idi i smotri download movie 2016. Idi i smotri download movie watch. Idi i smotri Download movie. Did you upload it like this. He does not like anti-German sentiment in the movie. Do you understand what you are saying poor idiot? Watcjh this movie from the beginning until te end. It is not the fiction, it is build on real hystorical facts. It as hapenning exactly on this way. Over 600 villages burned out together with their inhabitants all over Bielorussia, burned alive. Idi i smotri download movie online. 5:35 , . Idi i smotri download movie hd. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast level 1 a bit of trivia which i think is listed on the imdb page. When the kid is hiding behind the cow and the shots are flying over his heads they are actually firing live rounds at him. level 1 The kid actually ages before your eyes. level 1 This is pretty much one of the most difficult films to watch, ever. Outstandingly good though. Worth getting through for sure. If I'm not mistaken the whole thing can be found on Google Video. level 1 This film drags you through the horrors of war and atrocity like no other. Twisted fun fact: from what I understand, the used live ammunition in several of the shots (such as the one where he is hiding behind the dead cow). So there were actual bullets flying over this kid's head during the shooting of this film!! level 1 I thought so. Never seen anything else like it. I think it's brilliant. level 1 Amazing film - you really feel like you've been through a lot with the boy by the end. You can see the full horror of war from his perspective and can witness his childhood disintegrate as you follow his journey. level 1 i really have wanted to see this - going to see if there. thanks. hear it's amazing. level 1 It's as much a horror film as a war film. It's also one of the few movies to bring me close to tears. The use of sound in the film is amazing, too. For example, this scene, which is burned into my brain forever. level 1 Nothing less than an apocalypse set in WWII Russia. The wiki article is pretty good. Apparently the title is a biblical reference. Very fitting for such a powerful movie.
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