Black Christmas
4.8 out of 5 stars - 979 votes

Donoghue Black Christmas


Columnist: Doctor Comics
Bio: Cooking my own comics!

Movie Info: Black Christmas is a movie starring Imogen Poots, Aleyse Shannon, and Lily Donoghue. A group of female students are stalked by a stranger during their Christmas break. That is until the young sorority pledges discover that the
Writed by: April Wolfe
Tomatometer: 3,5 / 10
Scores: 4391 vote
Genre: Mystery
Okay, 41:57 seeing it from the killers point of view with the dull lighting and the realistic environment with Clares body rocking back and forth like that, is genuinely just terrifying. SUPERB. really creepy and eery. I love the most the open ending of the film. This is a marked improvement on the pile of shit Christmas tune she put out with Goldblade last year, maybe it's some form of repentance! Still this isn't a patch on White Christmas. Santa Claus was a real bad guy? Maybe you'd be too if you only emptied your sacks once a year.
Kel and Kenan. Man, this one sounds bad. ????? ???? ?????. By the way the remake is about to be released today. Yeah, I had been excited for this because I love both Black Christmas movies, but this seems to just be capitalizing off the name more than anything else. It just seems like an unrelated christmas horror movie on a college campus that'll maybe have some little nods to the original in it but overall has a wildly different plot. I don't mean to sound like I think remakes or reimaginings need to be shot-for-shot or something - it's more that if you're gonna evoke a series by using the name you should try to stay in that same headspace. To me it should still be an isolated atmosphere and a house being the primary setpiece where people are terrorized, not this populated campus with parties and self-investigating suspicions over days all over which the trailer seemed to present.
Black christmas trailer 1974. Black christmas gifts. I looooove this song and I am wishing Poly the best in her battle against cancer. Poly's daughter Celeste looks just like her. Black christmas carol. Black christmas. F or as much as he cornered the market on great Christmas movies, poor Bob Clark has sure had his classics thoroughly tarnished in the years since his death, hasn’t he? A Christmas Story is arguably Clark’s best-known work to the general populous, but I think Black Christmas is worthy of equal or greater attention. Released in 1974, for those unaware, the film follows what we would see today as a fairly standard slasher formula: members of a sorority house are stalked down and murdered by an unseen assailant over winter break, until the cast is whittled down to its final girl. Black Christmas was a film relatively unsung in its day, but has since gained a large cult status as one of the first modern slashers, credited with inspiring the 80’s classics like Halloween. It cannot be credited enough for how much it has shaped the current horror genre as we know it. Alongside John Carpenter’s The Thing, it’s one of my favorite horror films to throw on at Christmastime. The film, prior to this most recent reimagining, had already undergone the 2000’s remake treatment back in 2007. While the plot remained relatively unchanged, it added a significant amount of backstory to the previously completely unknown killer; the film was a minor financial success, but a critical and audience failure. That is to say, the original ‘74 film has already been taken by the Hollywood machine once before. And it seems that the people at Blumhouse had the same thought that I did ? a remake of a film that had already been remade within the last fifteen years would probably be a very poor choice. Black Christmas is not Spider - Man, after all. Thus, director Sophia Takal’s take on the film strays even further from the original classic. Outside of some visual references and the film simply existing as a ‘slasher’ that takes place over Christmas vacation, next to nothing has been brought over from Clark’s film. And, boy, is it not good. I feel the need to defend the original film a little here, because so much of the marketing for the 2019 adaptation, so many reviews, tout it as a “feminist update”. These girls aren’t “willing victims”, they’re liberated badasses who can fight off the patriarchy and the stalker all at once. They aren’t like the girls of the original film. But I would really argue that the original Black Christmas is incredibly feminist, undeniably so in the context of the time it was released. In January of 1973, the decision in regards to the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade was heard, which gave protection to women seeking an abortion. Black Christmas was released late in 1974; and abortion is a prominent discussion point of the film. The final girl, Jess (Olivia Hussey), is revealed to be pregnant by her boyfriend pretty early on. She also very firmly establishes that she doesn’t want to be a parent and plans to get an abortion. This becomes a major point of contention between Jess and her boyfriend, who is aggressively against the idea of an abortion to the point of threatening her several times throughout the course of the film. This subplot comes to an end once Jess suspects her boyfriend of being the killer; when he breaks into the sorority house, she beats him to death in a panic. T here’s of course an argument to make about the inherent sexism in a film about college girls being slowly and brutally murdered by a man. And there’s no denying that the horror genre is often inherently sexist. I don’t think you could make any argument that horror films don’t exist within a sexist vacuum, in the same way you can’t say that about any genre. Sexism is a societal, deeply rooted issue within Western/American society, of course it has bled into our entertainment media. Black Christmas, really, is not a masterpiece impervious to criticisms. Olivia Hussey’s Shatner-acting can get really distracting towards the end, and a lot of the humor involving the cops does little more than grind the film to an excruciating halt between kills. It is the first modern slasher, and that means it includes the drawbacks of the subgenre as much as it does the admirable aspects. But the 1974 film has a cast of characters that are treated like real people. Each girl is different and unique; they’re all clearly friends with each other, they fight in naturalistic ways. Black Christmas is a film that tries to be very firmly grounded in realism, and these girls reflect that. While comments are made about things such as rape culture and the inherent danger of womanhood, they don’t become lengthy dialogues about it. In part, yes, because that’s just not what the film is about, but also because that’s just not how most people talk. Women do not need to explain to other women that threats of violence, rape, and death are a constant day-to-day thing. It comes implied in their anxious looks and body language, the way they act around other women in comparison to when they’re around the men of the film. 2019’s Black Christmas, as one review so eloquently puts it, instead falls into “the trappings of t-shirt feminism”. It is a film less concerned with creating legitimate conversation about rape culture and political correctness in college settings, and more worried about generating lines that will fit well on a mom’s feminism-themed Pinterest board. This is a film created out of feeding #Woke Twitter into an AI and asking that AI to generate a screenplay. “You’re insane, ” the lead girl cries. “No, ” the antagonist tuts, shaking his head, “we are simply men”. Somehow Target already has this on a t-shirt next to the “wine o’clock” subsection. And modern feminism continues to die a slow death, from ideology into commodity. B lack Christmas, 2019, fails as both a horror film and as a message movie. A lot of people cried blasphemy when it was announced the movie was going to be released with a PG-13 rating, but PG-13 horror is not inherently bad horror. It is a different kind of horror than something with a hard R though; PG-13 films have to rely more on atmosphere and tension than on gore and graphic kills. You have to be a good enough filmmaker to deliver the implication of horrific things as effectively as visual horror. And I just don’t think Sophia Takal is. Having directed three films prior to Black Christmas, I ended up watching her previous film from 2018, New Year, New You, by happenstance during the writing of this. While not abysmally bad like Black Christmas, the film is instead just this dull void of nothingness and almost-ideas, crowned by a lack of awareness in making the first victim of the film a black lesbian. Takal still ends up being unable to balance horror with the message she clearly thinks is the most important thing in the world (girls are catty, influencers are bad … girl power? ), and that makes this film and Black Christmas both tonally unbalanced. “New Year, New You” (2018) dir. Sophia Takal There is such a depressing absence of horror in Black Christmas that it makes me wonder why the title was even attached to it. While a cult classic, I don’t think the original is what you would call a household name in the same way as Halloween or Scream. And horror films independent of franchises, while perhaps not box office gold, aren’t exactly struggling either. Us, Parasite, The Lighthouse, and Midsommar all came out in 2019 to good critical review, all easily made back their budgets and then some. And so the choice to tether this film to a title that it is completely unrelated to is just simply baffling. It’s not a horror movie. Whenever a kill happens, the camera is forced to cut away before the audience gets to see anything. And while we are deprived of gore, we are never given any substantial tension to replace that. There is rarely even an effort to create suspense, and so what is easily 75% of the film feels like a high school drama a la Riverdale. Takal has said that she wanted the film to be PG-13 so that the “message” of the film could reach a slightly younger audience, so the lack of horror at least has an explanation. So you would expect the message of the film to be carefully crafted, right? With at least a little nuance? No, Black Christmas is just as much a shitty message film as it is a shitty horror movie. The first thing I posted about this movie upon leaving the theater was that if anyone was a victim of rape or sexual assault, they should probably stay far away from this. Yeah. This section is going to be about that. It’s not going to be in graphic detail, but this is your warning to tap out now if discussion of rape and sexual assault is a triggering subject for you. In between the murders of the sorority girls, the B-plot of Black Christmas is on the main girl, Riley (Imogen Poots), and her struggles in healing from being raped several years prior by a frat boy, Brian. This subplot is the primary focus of the film for easily the first half, and it gets a vague payoff by the end by converging with the main slasher plot. On paper, I can see this looking like a good idea. You get to examine rape culture as it uniquely exists on college campuses, the complicity of sororities and frat houses in this, and how the structure of college, as well as society, inherently benefits men and allows them to maintain positions of power. And to want your film to be more accessible to girls is also not a bad thing, I have no gripes with that. My gripes with this subplot is that the film does not seem to take rape seriously, and it has an incredibly confusing idea of what “empowerment” is. This is not helped by the fact that every character in this movie is a stereotype, and blatant ones at that. With the exception of one, every male character is an SNL-style caricature of Bre
Imagine if instead of how dr sleep ended, when Danny returns to the hotel he overcomes all the demons and things that caused him and his family terror at the overlook, reversing time, making Danny young again and able to leave the hotel with his family after their stay. Black Christmas (2019. Not to be confused with the 1974 classic, which is amazing) is quite possibly one of the worst, try too hard, agenda pushing, laughably bad films I've ever seen.
We both left feeling like precious life had been stolen, and it's so horribly written and directed that I am almost struggling to properly express just how shitty it is.
As a man, I am offended by this movie. Just playing the victim card here you sexists. This is what I think Billy's origin is: Many years ago, on Chrismas Eve, Billy grabbed a knife and murdered his sister, Agnes. Then, his mother went to him and asked where the young Agnes is, hours later. Then, Billy strangles his mother and runs off into the woods. Where's Billy's father? you may ask. I believe that Billy's father was a soldier and died in a war. Or maybe Billy and Agnes murdered their father.
Black christmas 2019 cast. Jmd ne Idee wie der track ab 1:30 heißt. Black christmas 2019 free online.
Worst movie of the ywear, hands down. Like, you don't even expect that much from a christmas-horrormovie but holy shit was it bad. Like for real, there wasn't a single event in the movie that wasn't completely predictable, the characters were all one-dimensional to the point where every side character had literally one personality trait and the murders all followed the same boring jumpscare pattern. Seriously, do not waste your money on this movie.
7:51 attic* much love. Black christmas soundtrack. CEO Of i didnt know. Black christmas cards. 3:02 I thought he had Brown Eyes... You Can See that At 2:00. Cant believe that critics dont like this movie because of how dark it is. Go watch a Disney movie instead. Black christmas 2006 trailer. I WATCH IN 2020. Black christmas bingo. Black christmas wiki. Kevin McCallister do a better work protecting his house, I'm disappointed. Black christmas dance scene. Black Christmas is the 2nd remake of the beloved classic movie black Christmas which I am saying right now, and that might play into why I did enjoy this movie so much. Is this movie perfect no not at all but the movie is not as bad as everyone is making it out to be and it is a lot better than a lot of movies I saw this year especially horror wise. The cast all does a great job and the horror elements are well used. The Dialog is at times wacky but not in a bad way. But where the movie flops is when it try's to get all political and it just ends up being triggering but when the movie is not doing that and it's being a horror movie it's a lot of fun to see unfold because the story is alittle over the top. Overall I enjoyed this movie it's not anything special but still it's a fun Christmas horror movie I can see myself watching again.
@MrTimbo305 I'm watching right now and everything seems to be playing just fine. Rank Title Domestic Gross (Weekend) Worldwide Gross (Cume) Week # Percentage Change Budget 1 Jumanji: The Next Level $60, 100, 000 $145, 800, 000 1 N/A $125M 2 Frozen II $19, 182, 000 $1, 032, 542, 072 4 -45% $150M+ 3 Knives Out $9, 250, 000 $142, 490, 651 3 -35% $40M 4 Richard Jewell $5, 000, 000 $5, 000, 000 1 N/A $45M 5 Black Christmas $4, 420, 000 $7, 520, 000 1 N/A $5M Films Reddit Wants to Follow This is a segment where we keep a weekly tally of currently showing films that aren't in the Top 5 that fellow redditors want updates on. If you'd like me to add a film to this chart, make a comment in this thread. Title Domestic Gross (Weekly) Domestic Gross (Cume) Worldwide Gross (Cume) Budget Week # Joker $1, 468, 751 $333, 035, 374 $1, 059, 735, 374 $55M 11 Parasite $1, 070, 983 $20, 356, 718 $125, 429, 590 $11M 10 Jojo Rabbit $871, 941 $19, 981, 764 $25, 081, 764 $14M 9 The Lighthouse $130, 399 $10, 578, 828 $11, 310, 468 $4M 9 Notable Film Closings Title Domestic Gross (Cume) Worldwide Gross (Cume) Budget The Lion King (2019) $543, 638, 043 $1, 656, 405, 082 $260M Gemini Man $48, 546, 770 $173, 174, 352 $138M As always r/boxoffice is a great place to share links and other conversations about box office news. Also you can see the archive of all Box Office Week posts at r/moviesboxoffice (which have recently been updated).
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Logo promotionnel du film aux États-Unis. Données clés Titre québécois Noël Tragique Réalisation Sophia Takal Scénario Sophia Takal April Wolfe Acteurs principaux Imogen Poots Aleyse Shannon Lily Donoghue Brittany O'Grady Caleb Eberhardt Sociétés de production Blumhouse Productions Divide/Conquer Pays d’origine États-Unis Genre Horreur Slasher Durée 92 minutes Sortie 2019 Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Black Christmas, ou Noël Tragique au Québec, est un film américain réalisé par Sophia Takal et sorti en 2019. Il s'agit du second remake du film canadien du même titre, sorti en 1974, qui avait déjà eu droit à une première relecture en 2006. Néanmoins, il reprend uniquement les bases de l'original et en ré-adapte le reste pour offrir une vision différente de l'histoire ainsi que de nouvelles thématiques [ 1]. Synopsis [ modifier | modifier le code] C'est bientôt le début des vacances de fin d'année à l'université Hawthorne. Parmi les étudiants qui vont rester sur le campus pendant les fêtes, il y a Riley Stone, une jeune femme ayant été victime d'un acte horrible de la part d'un membre de l'une des fraternité les plus puissantes d'Hawthorne lors de sa première année. Depuis, Riley se fait discrète et timide. Le soir d'un spectacle de fin d'année, Riley affronte ses peurs et chante avec ses amies une chanson satirique pour dénoncer la culture du viol au sein de l'université. Suite à cette performance, elle commence à recevoir des messages anonymes et menaçants. Riley devient de plus en plus méfiante et s'inquiète quand l'une des membres de la sororité ne donne plus signe de vie. Une nuit, Riley et ses amies deviennent les proies d'un violent tueur. Les filles vont devoir affronter cet intrus pour se défendre et l'empêcher de les éliminer. Fiche technique [ modifier | modifier le code] Sauf indication contraire ou complémentaire, les informations mentionnées dans cette section peuvent être confirmées par la base de données IMDb. Titre original et français: Black Christmas Titre québécois: Noël Tragique Réalisation: Sophia Tikal (en) Scénario: Sophia Takal et April Wolfe, d'après le film Black Christmas écrit par A. Roy Moore Direction artistique: Jo Schwarz Costumes: Jaindra Watson Photographie: Mark Schwartzbard Montage: Jeff Betancourt Casting: Sarah Domeier Lindo et Terri Taylor Production: Jason Blum, Ben Cosgrove et Adam Hendricks Producteurs délégués: Greg Gilreath, Zac Locke, Jeanette Volturno et Couper Samuelson Sociétés de production: Blumhouse Productions et Divide/Conquer Société de distribution: Universal Pictures Budget: 5 millions de dollars [ 2] Pays d'origine: États-Unis Langues originales: anglais Format: Couleur - 2. 39:1 - son Dolby Atmos Genre: Film d' horreur et Slasher Durée: 92 minutes Dates de sortie: Distribution [ modifier | modifier le code] Imogen Poots ( VFB: Claire Tefnin; VQ: Stéfanie Dolan): Riley Stone Aleyse Shannon ( VFB: Mélissa Windal; VQ: Kim Jalabert): Kris Waterson Lily Donoghue ( VFB: Marie Braam; VQ: Romy Kraushaar-Hébert): Marty Coolidge Brittany O'Grady (en) ( VFB: Ludivine Dewortst; VQ: Geneviève Bédard): Jesse Bolton-Sinclair Caleb Eberhardt ( VFB: Maxime Van Santfoort; VQ: Iannicko N'Doua): Landon Cary Elwes ( VFB: Nicolas Matthys; VQ: Antoine Durand): le professeur Gelson Madeleine Adams ( VFB: Audrey d'Hulstère; VQ: Ludivine Reding): Helena Rittenhouse Ben Black ( VFB: Bruno Mullenaerts; VQ: Louis Lacombe-Petrowski): Phil McIllaney Simon Mead ( VFB: Arthur Dubois; VQ: Alexandre Bacon): Nate Nathalie Morris ( VFB: Annaïg Bouguet): Fran Abrams Zoë Robins: Oona Ryan McIntyre: Brian Huntley Mark Neilson ( VQ: Sylvain Hétu): l'agent Gil Lucy Currey: Lindsay Helms Source et légende: version québécoise ( VQ) sur [ 3] et version francophone belge (VFB) sur AlloDoublage [ 4]. Développement [ modifier | modifier le code] Production [ modifier | modifier le code] En juin 2019, il est dévoilé que Jason Blum produirait un second remake du film canadien Black Christmas de Bob Clark. Il est également annoncé que Adam Hendricks du studio Divide/Conquer se joindrait à Blum pour co-produire le film [ 5]. Quelques jours plus tard, la réalisatrice Sophia Takal rejoint le film en tant que réalisatrice et scénariste. Cela marque sa seconde collaboration avec Blum après sa participation à un épisode de la série télévisée Into the Dark, produite par Blum [ 6]. En juillet 2019, plusieurs sites spécialisés annonce que le film ne serait pas un remake complet du premier film mais une ré-adaptation moderne reprenant uniquement les bases de l'histoire. Cette version est alors décrite comme féministe par le site Bloody Disgusting qui dévoile qu'elle devrait illustrer une génération de jeunes femmes ??qui veulent montrer au tueurs qu'elles ne veulent pas se laisser faire et être de simple victimes?? [ 1]. Peu avant la sortie du film, il est annoncé qu'il sera classé PG-13 par la Motion Picture Association of America aux États-Unis, soit ??déconseillé aux moins de 13 ans, accord parental recommandé??, une classification assez faible aux États-Unis pour un film d'horreur où ses derniers sont généralement classés R, soit ??interdit au moins de 18 ans??, comme l'étais les deux précédents Black Christmas [ 7]. Cette classification inquiète vite les fans d'horreur pour qui le premier Black Christmas est considéré comme culte. La co-scénariste du film, April Wolfe, révélera que le film a été écrit dans l'optique d'être classé R mais que après plusieurs séances tests, il a été décidé de le re-monter de façon à le rendre visible au cinéma par des spectateurs de moins de 18 ans, considèrent cette nouvelle version de l'histoire comme importante en raison des thématiques modernes qu'elle aborde et défend [ 7]. Distribution des rôles [ modifier | modifier le code] En juin 2019, après l'annonce du projet, Imogen Poots, Aleyse Shannon, Brittany O'Grady, Lily Donoghue et Caleb Eberhardt rejoignent la distribution du film [ 8]. Quelques jours plus tard, Cary Elwes signe à son tour pour le rôle d'un professeur [ 9]. Tournage [ modifier | modifier le code] Le tournage du film a débuté le 23 juin 2019 en Nouvelle-Zélande. Il a duré 27 jours aux alentours des villes de Dunedin et Oamaru ainsi que à l' Université d'Otago. Il s'est officiellement terminé le 30 juillet 2019 [ 10]. Références [ modifier | modifier le code] ↑ a et b (en) ? Black Christmas remake to regift feminism to horror genre 45 years later ?, Daily Bruin, ? 1 er juillet 2009 ( lire en ligne) ↑ (en) ? Box Office: How Will Cats And Black Christmas Fare Against Star Wars And Jumanji ?, Forbes, ? 27 novembre 2009 ( lire en ligne) ↑ ? Fiche du doublage québécois du film ?, sur Doublage Québec (consulté le 22 décembre 2019). ↑ ? Fiche doublage du film (français de France) ?, sur AlloDoublage ↑ (en) ? Blumhouse Announces Black Christmas Remake, Sets 2019 Release Date ?, Screen Rant, ? 13 juin 2009 ( lire en ligne) ↑ (en) ? Blumhouse announces Black Christmas remake directed by Sophia Takal ?, AV Club, ? 13 novembre 2009 ( lire en ligne) ↑ a et b (en) ? Blumhouse’s Black Christmas Was Written For R Rating, Then Test Screenings Forced PG-13 ?, IndieWire, ? 13 novembre 2009 ( lire en ligne) ↑ (en) ? Blumhouse Remaking Cult Hit Black Christmas With Imogen Poots Set to Star ?, Variety, ? 13 novembre 2009 ( lire en ligne) ↑ (en) ? Blumhouse Black Christmas Remake Cast Adds Cary Elwes ?, SlashFilm, ? 20 novembre 2009 ( lire en ligne) ↑ (en) ? Dunedin to feature in horror film ?, Otago Daily Times, ? 19 juin 2009 ( lire en ligne) Articles connexes [ modifier | modifier le code] Black Christmas: Film canadien original réalisé par Bob Clark en 1974. Black Christmas: Premier remake américano-canadien réalisé par Glen Morgan en 2006. Liens externes [ modifier | modifier le code] (en) Site officiel Ressources relatives à l'audiovisuel: Allociné ISAN (en) AllMovie (en) Internet Movie Database (en) Metacritic (en) Rotten Tomatoes.
Nothing can beat the original ?. This movie kinda sucked, but this line may be one of my favorite trash one liners of the year. Humm, brutales ces scènes, attention aux enfants. As much as I LOVEEEEE Christian keys, I still couldn't help myself, had to read the comments before watching lol ?????????. Black christmas poly styrene. Black christmas decorations.









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