Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna ¢éStreaming

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  • Duration - 65minutes
  • Directed by - Tomohisa Taguchi
  • country - Japan
  • casts - Junko Takeuchi
Free download digimon adventure 3a last evolution kizuna php. Digimon adventure last evolution kizuna download. So much of this pisses me off. Could the writers not think of a single original idea? Half of it is just reused plot elements from Tri: A DigiDestined not wanting to fight but then does, the kids risk loosing their Digimon for good, a female adult being the villain because she can't handle loosing her Digimon while the male adult is the good character. Then you have T.K. and Kari being reduced to damsels because apparently saving the world isn't motivation enough for Tai and Matt... While I like Kari's whistle being used as a symbol of the bonds they share with the Digimon as must as the next person, it has been done to death already in the series. They already used it in the 02 movie, they don't have to use it again. Even the villain's motivation of kidnapping young adults so everyone can stay young and happy for ever has been done so many times in anime. I'm sorry, but this movie just is just full of over used cliche's, and the ending is nothing but a lie to the fans. We were told this was going to be the end of Adventure, that this would be the FINAL adventure. It was supposed to be a goodbye to the characters we had grown to love so that new characters, or in this case the reboot, would have its turn. Now they're ending it on a fake cliff hanger. Continuing the old adventure, and doing a reboot at the same time is NOT a good idea. The kids watching the reboot are not going to understand why a new movie is occurring and all the characters are suddenly older. What Toiei is doing is really going to risk alienating the new children they want investing in the series as well as the older fans.
Free download digimon adventure 3a last evolution kizuna mp3. Free download digimon adventure 3a last evolution kizuna mp. Download digimon last evolution kizuna.

Even now, you show no remorse. Galentmon OF COURSE I DON'T, I'M F'KING EVIL. Abridged Vegeta

Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna watch. Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna. Free download digimon adventure 3a last evolution kizuna download. Dulu sering dimarahin nyokap, klo minggu aja bgn ny pagi2 tp klo ud sekolah susah dibguni pdhal hari minggu bela2in bgn pagi2 cm ga mau kelewatan serial2 macam kya digimon dan anime2 lain nya... ?. Free Download Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution kizuna. Toy Story 4: we can make everyone cry in tears of nostalgia. Digimon Last Evolution: Hold my digivice.
Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna tv tropes. Toei Animation Inc. and Fathom Events team up for an exclusive March 25 movie night in cinemas nationwide. DENVER -- Toei Animation Inc. and Fathom Events have announced that the new feature film Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna will screen March 25 as a special one-night-only theatrical event across the United States. A 15-minute exclusive pre-show will include interviews with the film¡Çs director, Tomohisa Taguchi and chief animation director, Seiji Tatsukawam that will only be available in theaters Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna will screen in select U. S. theaters on Wednesday, March 25 at 7:00 p. m. (local time) through Fathom¡Çs Digital Broadcast Network (DBN). A complete list of theater locations is available on Fathom Events (theaters and participants are subject to change). Tickets are on sale now and will be available online or at participating theater box offices. Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna takes place five years after the events of Digimon Adventure tri, the six-part film series released in 2015. Now on the cusp of adulthood, Tai and his DigiDestined friends discover that with age, their bonds with each of their Digimon will ultimately break. How does it end for Tai, Agumon and the others? ¡ÈWe are excited to continue our partnership with Fathom Events and present Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna to U. audiences this spring, ¡É commented Toei Animation president and CEO, Masayuki Endo. ¡ÈThis special 20th anniversary feature film is sure to excite the generation of fans who have grown-up watching this beloved anime series. ¡É ¡ÈThe Digimon Franchise has been a staple in our anime offerings and will continue to be a large draw for fans across the country, ¡É added Fathom Events CEO, Ray Nutt. ¡ÈThis event is going to be a great way to kick off a strong 2020 lineup and give audiences an exclusive inside look that they cannot experience anywhere else. ¡É In the new film, Tai is now a university student, living alone, working every day, but his future is still undecided. Meanwhile, Matt and others continue to work on Digimon incidents and activities that help people with partner Digimon. An unprecedented phenomenon occurs and the DigiDestined discovers that when you grow up, your relationship with your partner Digimon will come closer to an end. As a countdown timer activates on the Digivice, they realize that the more you fight with their Partner Digimon, the faster their bond breaks. Will you fight for others and lose your partner? The time to choose and decide is approaching fast. There is a short time before ¡Èchosen children¡É will become adults. This is the last adventure of Tai and Agumon. Source: Toei Animation.
Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna trailer.
Goddamn, the character design made my jaw drop like that eyeless demon thing. This cant be over this was childhood. Eh might as well start a whole new digimon series with new charters new digimon but tie the old charters in like they be the kids parents or teachers or something. Animation looks good though Ill give it that. Me: No, I don't wanna say goodbye, I love you partner! Digimon: Then don't say goodbye, just say see ya. Me: Fights to hold back tears and smile with a warm hug.
The one who directed this scene deserves a promotion. From the epic reveal at Omnimon's higher level, to the painful emotions shown on the DigiDestineds' faces and the emotional goodbye between Meicoonmon and Meiko. Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna english. 0:50 Greymon, Garurumon, Birdramon, Kabuterimon, Ikkakumon: roars Angemon: looks badass with his six wings Togemon: imma hit 'em with the one-two. I dont really like that the characters dont talk. Un final que no decepcionará a los fanáticos. La cinta que concluye la primera historia de la serie animada, emocionó a muchos. El pasado 21 de febrero de este año se lanzó en los cines del país asiático la más reciente película de Digimon, que lleva por título Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna. Este film muestra lo sucedido casi 10 años después de la saga original en el anime. Ahora, siete días después de su estreno, se han publicado los informes sobre el primer fin de semana de esta cinta en la cartelera de Japón y los resultados han sorprendido a más de uno. Resulta que esta última película de Digimon ha logrado recaudar un total de 1. 08 millones de dólares, cifra que supera por mucho a otras cintas que se encuentran en los cines en este momento. Digimon PUEDES VER Pokémon (2019): siguiente capítulo mostrará a los padres de Go [VIDEO] Lo curioso acerca de este hecho es que, a diferencia de otras películas, Digimon solo fue proyectada en 48 cines. Esto quiere decir que es considerada como ¡Æ limited run ¡Ç o también ¡Æ mini-theater ¡Ç, superando en gran número las que fueron proyectadas hasta en 350 salas. Mira aquí el tráiler de la película A través de Twitter miles de usuarios escribieron sus comentarios acerca de la cinta, afirmando que las proyecciones tenían un lleno total en las salas y que fue disfrutada por gran parte de los fanáticos. Incluso se afirma que algunos salían llorando de la emoción. Finalmente se le ha dado una puntuación de 8. ¿Qué es un Digivice? El Digivice (¥Ç¥¸¥ô¥¡¥¤¥¹, Dejivaisu?, del inglés Digital Device) Dispositivo digital en español, es un objeto ficticio creado para la franquicia Digimon. En las series de anime y manga, este aparato es llevado por humanos que estén criando un Digimon, o que sean compañeros de uno. ¿Cuántas y cuáles son las temporadas de Digimon? Digimon ha tenido 7 temporadas, sin contar las películas: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers, Digimon Xros Wars (que puede dividirse en dos temporadas, una de 54 y otra de 25), y Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters. ¿Cuáles son los 5 digimon más poderosos de todas las sagas? Omnimon de Digimon Adventure Tri. Alphamon Ouryuken de Digimon Monster X ? Evolution. Fanglongmon de Digimon Xros Wars. Imperialdramon Modo Paladín de Digimon Adventure 02: Diaboromon Strikes Back. Susanoomon de Digimon Frontier. Este digimon está compuesto por la digifusión de los 10 Digiespíritus Bestia y Humano. ¿Quién canta la canción Butterfly de Digimon? Butterfly es el tema de entrada usado en el opening de Digimon Adventure. El tema original es interpretado por Koji Wada. La letra y música fue compuesta por Hidenori Chiwata y arreglos musicales de Cher Watanabe. ¿Qué fue primero los Digimon o los Pokémon? Pokémon se estrenó en 1997 en cadenas niponas, mientras que Digimo¡Ç lo hizo en 1999. ¡ÆPokémon¡Ç lanzó sus productos primero, pero ¡ÆDigimon¡Ç se fraguó antes con los Tamagotchi. ¿Cuántos Digimon existen 2019? Digimon ha tenido 7 temporadas, sin contar las películas: Digimon Adventure, Digimon Adventure 02, Digimon Tamers, Digimon Frontier, Digimon Savers, Digimon Xros Wars (que puede dividirse en dos temporadas, una de 54 y otra de 25), y Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters. ¿Quién es Taichi? Taichi Yagami (Ȭ¿À ÂÀ°ì Yagami Taichi) es el personaje principal del manga Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01. Su Digimon compañero es Zeromaru. En este manga se introduce por primera vez el personaje en la franquicia, aunque se trata de un Taichi diferente al que aparece en la serie de anime. ¿Quién es Yamayo? Yamato Ishida (ÀÐÅÄ ¥ä¥Þ¥È, Ishida Yamato Matt Ishida en Occidente) (11 de Abril de 1988) es un personaje de la temporadas del anime y manga Digimon Adventure y Digimon 02. Él y su hermano perqueño Takeru forman parte de los ocho primeros niños elegidos. ¿Quién es Agumon? Agumon es una Criatura Digimon que comprende Anime, manga, juguetes, películas, videojuegos, juegos de cartas y otros medios. Es la mascota extraoficial de la franquicia Digimon ya que él y sus formas alternas (llamadas digievoluciones) se presentan en casi todas las mercancías de Digimon.

27 years old dude and I'm about to cry with this song! ?

When Agumon said When you grow up, we will we no longer be together? I remembered the last frase that Daigo Nishijima said in Digimon adventure tri. I really cried. Download digimon adventure last evolution kizuna. Free download digimon adventure 3a last evolution kizuna ai. This shit's my childhood man.

Sama kita min, kangen masa kecil, masa dihari minggu dulu ?

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Excited for the movie! So this movie takes place a few years after tri. The gang are in college and apparently once the kids becomes fully adult they cannot be with their digimon anymore. So the movie will focus on their bond (like any other digimon) but mostly on saying goodbye but being able to do it. We all seen the ending of 02 so if thats still cannon then we should be okay. Last but not least I am happy the 02 kids are finally included. I thought it was disrespectful to not have them at all in tri. Hopefully they have a big role like the rest.
When you realize that Digimon is 20 years old. Man Im getting old. Biomon alright im out. I love how Yolei looks more laid back and not overly concerned with trying to fit in and tried to be like Mimi, like she did back in the day. Did anyone notice that Yolei isn't wearing her glasses and must've gotten contact lenses or something.

Chorus of this song always give me goosebumps. What a great voice that Kouji-san had

I just found a type of digimon on Netflix and ?? I miss my childhood sm. The only reason I remember this is because of that wendi Mon dancing to all star, damn. OMG this is my university. Hell Columbia. Follow ing Go To This section covers Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna. For WMG regarding the entire franchise, go here. For WMGs specific to another work, go to the following: Anime Digimon Adventure Digimon Adventure 02 Digimon: The Movie Digimon Tamers Digimon Frontier Digimon Savers (Digimon Data Squad) Digimon Xros Wars (Digimon Fusion) Digimon Xros Wars: The Young Hunters Leaping Through Time Digimon Adventure tri. Digimon Adventure Last Evolution Kizuna Digimon Universe Applimonsters Digimon Adventure 2020 Pre-reveal Potential sequels Our Future ends with Dark Gennai disappearing with Apocalymon's salvaged data, musing over what villain he's going to try next, name-dropping Diaboromon and Daemon: Given the pattern of previous Adventure installments, perhaps tri will be followed with a film set not long later, featuring Diaboromon returning (again), this time loaded with Apocalymon's data. Following that, we'll get an Adventure 4 (though a full series this time around), following yet another three year Time Skip to 2008. Daemon will be the primary antagonist there, with the focus of the series also venturing into following up on the Dark Ocean and Dagomon plot thread that was more or less abandoned in 02 (as last we saw Daemon he was sealed away there, and Maki disappeared into it with no follow up). This series will more prominently feature the 02 kids instead of sidelining them, but the focus will still be on the core group. Meiko will also return (with a surprise restoration of a now uncorrupted Meicoomon, allowing her to access her uncorrupted Meicrackmon and Rasielmon evolutions). There'll also be further exploration into the precursor Digidestined - Daigo's dead and Maki's missing (and on top of that, thanks to the backup memories stored in Ordinemon, Tapirmon possibly remembers Maki now, and may be looking for her), but there are three we haven't met yet. The 20th anniversary will begin with the 02 cast invoking What the Hell, Hero? on the 01 cast, temporarily cutting ties with them as a result of them ignoring their very existence during the events of tri when they find out how much 01 cast actually cared about them when they were defeated by Alphamon. This series is an attempt to rebuild that pedestal due to canon reasons. Meanwhile, due to the rising danger about how the villains are actually gaining some common sense and start to take pot shots at the more squishy humans, Koshiro/Izzy decides to try testing out new ways of digivolution that would protect the human tamers more and make them more involved in the fights rather than just making them walking evolution tickets, taking inspiration from their crossover in the Quartzmon incident. List of created and tested evolutions: Matrix/Biomerge evolution - Learning a few tricks from the Tamers cast, he tries to see if that phenomenon can be recreated here. The humans can become catalysts for Burst Mode or even be the substitute for X-Antibody for those digimon that have X-forms. A knock-off of Spirit Evolution - After witnessing the Spirit evolution from the Frontier cast, he opens up the digimon partners evolutionary charts to see if they can access their alternate digivolution forms. If the forms are not in use, the humans can use their version of Spirit evolution on them and fight alongside their digimon friends. For example, Hikari can spirit digivolve into Ophanimon while also giving Tailmon access to that form that the same time. The power of the Digisoul/DNA charge - After some boxing lessons from Masaru/Marcus, the 01 and 02 cast learn how to recreate and harness it's power in their own world to be able to fight their own battles in occasions where they are caught without their digimon partners (which is a lot). The possibilities of it's application is only limited by their imagination. Potential prequels As the 20th anniversary project is being handled by much of the original creative team from Adventure and 02, there is the possibility that the tri. team is still together and planning on something in parallel with the 20th anniversary project. Given that early marketing for the project focuses mostly on just the characters from Adventure, there may be openings for other characters to be featured in separate works that would help link the Adventure continuity even tighter. The first possibility is a film taking place in between Diablomon Strikes Back and Reunion which focuses on the closure of the Digital World and Daisuke's team investigating Yggdrasil's plans for the reboot, a sort of Digimon equivalent to Star Wars: Rogue One. This film could expound more on the conflict between Daigo and Maki with regards to whether or not the Digital World could be safely rebooted, and also why Daisuke and company left to take on Yggdrasil without Takeru and Hikari, if not the whole Adventure cast, alongside them. As the 02 cast never got tri. styled designs shown off in the series, save for Imperialdramon, this story would be an easy way to show them off with the tri. team while keeping the story set around the same time as tri.. The second possibility is a prequel to the entire Adventure series by focusing on the whole of Daigo and Maki's team, even connecting their events to the Adventure pilot film. This film could show the initial rise of power of Homeostasis and Yggdrasil as they attempt to exercise their interpretations of balance in the Digital World, the events that led to the drafting of Daigo and Maki's team, and even explain why Tapirmon died permanently as opposed to being revived by the power of the Digital World. Save for brief flashbacks, there was little shown of Daigo and Maki during their original adventure, and little else of the other three Chosens on their team, never mind who their partners lower levels were. Therefore this film could show off all of their evolutionary lines in a quick story and also explain how this team drifted apart over time. The 01 cast at 22 are a red herring. The 20th anniversary will actually be about the 02 cast (minus T. K. and Kari) going back in time to the first DigiDestined and saving them from having to sacrifice Mari¡Çs Digimon who will then digivolve into Goddramon. Any future series starring the Adventure cast will take place in an Alternate Continuity. Diablomon will be the main antagonist. Diablomon was mentioned as being one of the possible choices to be used by Dark Gennai for Yggdrasil. In one of the trailers, it looks like the Chosen Children will be going through the internet once again, likely to fight Diablomon one more time. Jossed. The main antagonists are Eosmon and Menoa. Eosmon has some sort of connection with Maki Himekawa Obviously, spoilers involving the Adventure tri. movies ahead, so don't complain about not being warned: The last time Ms. Himekawa is seen in the Adventure tri. series is in the Dark Ocean following the despair of her revived partner Tapirmon having no memories of her following the reboot. It is at this point that she is taken into the Dark Ocean after trying to fight off the Scubamon. Curiously the new antagonist of the Adventure: Last Evolution, Eosmon, is seeking to hunt down Digidestined and render them unconscious (seemingly permanently). Considering the massive Despair Event Horizon Himekawa goes down, perhaps she goes into full on Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds motivated by Despair induced envy deciding "If I can't have happiness and friendship, then no one should". So how are Eosmon and Himekawa connected? While the most obvious might simply be some variation (though corrupted) of the standard Digimon-Human partnership, though maybe Eosmon and Himekawa achieved some sort of Bio-merge (a la Digimon Tamers), Spirit evolution ( Digimon Frontier). Worth noting that Eosmon is named after a Greek goddess, and thus most likely has a female gender identity (though this hasn't always been the case regarding correlation between Digimon and real world namesakes (e. g. Valkyrimon is male despite the Valkyries of Norse Mythology being female). Or perhaps, most squickily, Eosmon is the product of Himekawa and the Dark Ocean's master (Dagomon most likely) mating (which was Dagomon's plan (or at least his underlings plan as a responder has noted below) back in Adventure O2 with Kari, of which Saban's English dub omitted for those unaware). Regardless, having Himekawa have at least some role would be an excellent payoff to her highly underdeveloped role back in the Adventure tri. films. "Dagomon mating with Kari" is Fanon. The episode was about a fixture of the Lovecraftian bestiary, the Deep Ones, wanting that. Another theory is that, if it is Maki, she's trying to "save" the digidestined. By putting them into a catatonic state, and potentially trapping their minds/souls/beings into something of a dream state, they won't ever grow up, and thus never lose their partners. Depending on how the story ends, it could give a good aesop to the tune of "there comes a time where you have to grow up, but that isn't a bad thing, if you hold on to that idealism" All of the above are jossed. It's a completely unrelated individual that just happens to have the same issues with Maki (Unable to handle losing their partner). The Digimon silhouettes seen at the end of the second trailer are the Bio-Merge Megas of Agumon and Gabumon, respectively. Considering the big deal of it being the 'final evolution' and the stress being put on the group having to go their separate ways, it'd be a rather poetic way to end things. Plus it would have the surprise factor since Bio-Merge has so far been exclusive to Digimon Tamers. They are normal digivolutions that took a branching path instead. Veemon, Wormmon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon will achieve new evolutions. During 02, it was explained
This makes the list for shore overkill I don't think you realize how powerful megadarknessbagramon really is. I wouldn't call that overkill. And that was barely every single Digimon in the world that he used to fused himself with seeing as many Digimon at that point had died during the war that was taking place during the series. Still a great list tough.
Community See All 25 people like this 27 people follow this About See All Contact Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna on Messenger Movie Page Transparency See More Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - February 14, 2020 People 25 likes Related Pages The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Netflix Documentary Movie Zipman Book Pokemon: Sword and Shield Indonesia Video Game Fernando Mendez Personal Blog Damty Blogger Pagina donde subo temas de Cinderella Girls porque son lo unico que vacilo Entertainment Website Hender Barber Design & Fashion See More triangle-down Pages Media TV & Movies Movie Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna English (US) Español Português (Brasil) Français (France) Deutsch Privacy Terms Advertising Ad Choices Cookies More Facebook © 2020 Posts Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna February 14 at 7:20 AM Get Ticket Now: We'll always be together. Watch the brand new full trailer for the upcoming feature, Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna! Opens in Japan on February 21, 2020. Available Now: # Digimon # DigimonAdventure It looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser. Close Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna - English Sub (2020) Posted by Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna 60 Views Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna February 14 at 7:21 AM Now it's easier to watch Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna's video. Watch Video See All See More.
I'm really glad and proud that i watched this show in my childhood it's really heartwarming when listening to this after all these years and bad times. Free Download Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution kiruna. Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna 2020.
Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna free. Free download digimon adventure: last evolution kizunan kizuna torrent. Post spoilers and discuss here. Digidestined are grown up and they are dealing with Digimon related incidents. So Taichi, Takeru, and Hikari chased Parrotmon in Nakano. Angewomon Angemon fights Parrotmon. Greymon joins the fight. Buildings get demolished. A part of a building falls, about to hit people. Garurumon appears with Yamato, getting rid of that builder. Then Metalgreymon WereGarurumon the Angels beat Parrotmon. Sending it back to theDW. After the first battle, Taichi goes to his college, but he has not decided about his future. Yamato, thinking about going to Grad. School. Taichi and Yamato meet at pub. They talk about how the other kids are doing. Koshiro runs his own company, communicating with international digidestineds. Sora is seriously doing ikebana. Mimi has a website selling clothes. Jo is in med. So, Taichi is worried about his undecided future. Takeru Hikari are students. Takeru started to write novels. Yamato tells Taichi that he is thinking of Grad. They overhear some girls saying that they don't wanna grow up. Then a different girl suddenly collapses. She's not drunk. Yamato calls Amb. Taichi Yamato Takeru gather in Koshiro office. They meet Menoa. Menoa tells them about Eosmon. Eosmon is collecting digidestineds consciousness. Consciousness is too long. I will just call it a soul. Menoa asks them to defeat Eosmon to get the souls back. Eosmon stores the souls. Menoa leads them to where Eosmon is hiding. Greymon Kabuterimon Garurumon Angemon fights the Eosmon. They almost got Eosmon, but Eosmon evolves, becomes super fast by summoning some kind of panel to step on, boosting its speed. Taichi Yamato decides to go Omegamon against the evolved Eosmon. Omegamon destroys all the speed boosting panels. Omegamon about to finish off Eosmon, but suddenly struggles and goes back to Koromon Tsunomon. Eosmon escapes. Menoa tells Taichi that his time with Agumon is running out. The clock shaped appears on Taichi and Yamato digivices. Koshiro Takeru is okay, because they are still younger than Taichi. After the first Eosmon encounter, Koshiro tries to examine the destroyed parts of Eosmon. Yamato suspects Menoa and her assistant. So Yamato keeps eye on them, and asks the 02 kids to background-check Menoa and her assistant Kyotaro. Taichi comes back to his room, (Not his old home. His room near the college. ) Agumon finds some porn magazines. Taichi tells Agumon that porns are for adults only. Taichi frozes, because he has to part with Agumon when he becomes an adult. Then the real Gennai appears from Taichi computer. He confirms that Menoa's theory is true, and leaves Taichi. Gennai does nothing. Yamato finds Kyotaro arming himself with a handgun, and there were photos of digidestineds in Kyotaro's place. The 02 kids searched Menoa and Kyotaro's history. Menoa was digidestined who lost her partner when she became mature. Kyotaro is fake name. Yamato thinks Kyotaro is bad. Mimi checking on her products to sell, collapses, the first of the eight to lose soul. Taichi Yamato Koshiro meet Jo at the hospital. Jo tells them about Mimi's condition. Obviously, Mimi's soul is taken by Eosmon. Taichi Yamato Koshiro share their facts. Yamato gives Koshiro and Taichi prepaid phones to use. To avoid being heard by Kyotaro. Then somebody uploads live streaming of kidnapped Takeru and Hikari. Taichi Yamato rushes to rescue them. Too late. Kyotaro was waiting Yamato. Takeru and Hikari soul already taken. Yamato and Gabumon about to attack Kyotaro. At the same time, Koshiro finds out Eosmon's hideout and its truth. Menoa comes into koshiro office. Kyotaro is an Fbi agent. Menoa is the villain and creator. Kyotaro is good. Menoa is a psychopath. Menoa created Eosmon. Koshiro found out that Eosmon is an artificial Digimon, traced it back to Menoa's past studies. So, Menoa reveals her true self to Koshiro. Eosmon takes koshiro soul and Menoa steals the list of all the digidestined in the world from Koshiro. That list was what Menoa wanted. Koshiro sent the coordinates of the Eosmon's hideout to Taichi right before his soul is taken by Eosmon. Taichi and Yamato goes to face Eosmon. Menoa and Eosmon was waiting them. "Welcome to the Neverland! " Menoa tells Taichi that the kids souls taken by Eosmon can stay together with their digimons forever in Eosmon's area. All the other kids souls got their own floating crystal islands, asleep along with their Digimons. The kids souls are younger than their reality. Meiko and Meicoomon is there too, asleep. Menoa tells Taichi that she is the savior of all the digidestined. That she can save them from parting with their partner digimon. She was deeply hurt when her partner suddenly disappeared. Taichi Yamato hesitates, greymon garurumon attacks Eosmon. The other kids soul and their partner digimons wake up with red eyes, they disrupt greymon and garurumon. Menoa tells Taichi that they are not controlled, just trying to protect Eosmon's world to stay with their partners. The red eyed Digimons do not evolve. tentomon palmon patamon tailmon. Menoa summons an army of Eosmon. Taichi Yamato desperate and hopeless. They retreat to somebody's floating island. So Menoa freely sends her army to the real world. She knows where all the digidestineds are. She have Koshiro list. In the real world, the 02 fight Eosmons. Taichi Yamato Agumon Gabumon do a pep talk. They are determined. Ready to risk everything. They come back to face Menoa and Eosmon. Omegamon destroys Eosmons, like it did to Diablomon clones. Menoa screams in despair, Eosmon takes in Menoa. Absorbing Menoa, Eosmon evolves. The final form of Eosmon. It literally cuts Omegamon into pieces. Agumon Gabumon fall. Taichi and Yamato are assaulted by the other kids red eyed souls and their partner digimons. Taichi not giving up, grabs young Hikari soul's whistle, blows it. Hikari and the others come back. Sora is in the real world, in her home safe. Somehow heard the whistle. Not joining the battle. She made a firm choice not to fight anymore, but believes in the other kids. Just waits their return. Sora and piyomon does nothing in the movie. Kabuterimon togemon ikkakumon angemon angewomon starts to fight the final Eosmon. They are kinda buying time for Agumon and Gabumon. Taichi Yamato, Agumon Gabumon never giving up, achieve their Final Evolution. Kore Ga Ore Taichi no saigou no shinkada!!! Honestly, the Final Evolutions are awful. Taichi and Agumon do not fuse. The final Greymon looks like naked ShineGreymon, and the final garurumon looks like Wolfmon. I did not like them at all. Of course, they defeat the final Eosmon and Menoa comes out of Eosmon body. Eosmon incident is over. Kyotaro as a fbi agent, arrests Menoa. Everything back, but nothing can stop the clock. Agumon and Gabumon disappears. Taichi Yamato cry. Taichi moves on, living his daily life without Agumon, firmly believing they will be reunited. The movie ends.

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