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This is a good one to watch. And the moral of this one is Never underestimate the power of the underdogs. Download Full Inside the rainbow. Looks genuine. I live in Greater New Orleans. This looks just like the Garden District. Thank you for such a beautiful video. Does anyone else see the lamp and TV over on the left side of the tent? ?. Download Full Inside the rain forest. I remember rushing to my mom's car the last day before winter vacation, it was pouring. Running to her old '91 Lexus, trying not to get my new jansport backpack too wet. In my child mind I was wading through a furious storm that could sweep me away at any second even though it was just a 50 foot or so jog to her car. I'll never forget that moment I swung open the car, jumped into the back seat and my mom already had a hot cup of coco she got for me at the local coffee shop. We drove to the local pavilions because she needed to pick up a few groceries and left me in the car with the windows cracked open just enough so the rain couldn't seem to get in. I sat there cuddling my hot cup of chocolate watching the rain hit the windshield with loud thumps that echoed throughout the car. For what was probably ten to fifteen minutes seemed like hours as I relaxed in the comfortable leather seats of the car and listened to the chaotic melody. Everything was right in the world at that moment.
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Biography: bp Magazine is an award-winning quarterly mental health magazine focusing on bipolar disorder. #bipolar #mentalhealth

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