Apollo 13 1995 dual audio HDRip at Dailymotion


cast: Kevin Bacon. audience Score: 254198 vote. 8,2 of 10. Abstract: Apollo 13 is a movie starring Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton, and Kevin Bacon. NASA must devise a strategy to return Apollo 13 to Earth safely after the spacecraft undergoes massive internal damage putting the lives of the three astronauts. &ref(https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNjEzYjJmNzgtNDkwNy00MTQ4LTlmMWMtNzA4YjE2NjI0ZDg4XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU0OTQ0OTY@._V1_UY113_CR0,0,76,113_AL_.jpg). Country: USA.

Free Download Apollo 13 avril

I cried like a little freaking girl. oh man. beautiful work. Jim Lovell has such a lovely gentle face. Free Download Apollo 13 ans. YouTube. Free Download Apollo 136. “Aboard their Saturn V rocket” shows Soyuz and N1 rocket. A testament to greatness on the part of those involved. I like that they do not try to dumb down the science too much in the movie, while still making it understandable for regular people. These engineers talk like engineers could talk, instead of trying to explain very basic things to each other like they would do in other movies. Like when a black hole is explained in Interstellar, like he didn't know about a singularity before.
Rest in peace Bill Paxton you were an amazing actor.

0:16 he looks a bit like Arnold Schwarzeneger :D

Oh wow that happened on my birthday. With a difference of a score (i am a 1999 baby. 0:37 Theme in the back sounded like the Avengers. Free Download Apollo 13 mai. Thunderbirds are GO. That's real Americans. Listen to President Kennedy rally the American people to support NASA's Apollo program Pres. John F. Kennedy rallying the people of the United States to support NASA's Apollo program to land human beings on the Moon, September 12, 1962. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. See all videos for this article Apollo 13, U. S. spaceflight, launched on April 11, 1970, that suffered an oxygen tank explosion en route to the Moon, threatening the lives of three astronauts ?commander Jim Lovell, lunar module pilot Fred Haise, and command module pilot Jack Swigert. The severely damaged Apollo 13 service module (SM) as photographed from the lunar module/command module. An entire panel on the SM was blown away by the explosion of an oxygen tank. NASA Houston, we’ve had a problem Apollo 13 was launched from Cape Kennedy, Florida, by a giant Saturn V launch vehicle and only minutes later was inserted into orbit around Earth. About 2. 5 hours after launch, the still-attached S IVB third stage was reignited to provide the final boost toward the Moon. The transposition maneuver (removing the lunar module, code-named Aquarius, from the S IVB adapter) was carried out efficiently, and soon Apollo 13 was coasting toward the Moon on a path so accurate that the first planned course adjustment was canceled. Later in the mission, the craft underwent a hybrid transfer maneuver to facilitate landing in the difficult Fra Mauro region of the Moon. To do this, the service module’s propulsion system provided a 4. 6-metre- (15-foot-) per-second velocity change designed to lower the command module’s closest approach to the Moon from 389 km (242 miles) to 109 km (68 miles) and place the craft on a “non-free-return” trajectory. This meant that should no further propulsive maneuver be made during the flight, the craft would not swing around the Moon and return directly to Earth on a “free-return” trajectory but instead would miss Earth by 4, 750 km (2, 950 miles). However, a shift back to a free-return trajectory was within the capability of both the service module propulsion system and the lunar module descent stage propulsion system. So accurate was the hybrid transfer that a scheduled course correction was canceled. Apollo 13 launch Apollo 13 launching from Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, April 11, 1970. MSFC/NASA April 12, the day after launch, passed without incident. Early on the evening of April 13, the astronauts pressurized the lunar module Aquarius, and Lovell and Haise passed from the command module Odyssey through the connecting tunnel while checking all systems for the forthcoming landing. Suddenly, as Lovell was moving through the tunnel on his way back from Aquarius to Odyssey, a loud explosion was heard. All three astronauts quickly gathered in Odyssey to study the instruments in an effort to determine what had happened. Noting that one of the main electrical systems aboard was degrading, Haise and Lovell radioed the information to mission control in Houston, quickly turning a routine flight into one of the most exciting episodes in space history. Haise: Okay, Houston? Lovell: I believe we’ve had a problem here. Mission control: This is Houston. Say again please. Lovell: Houston, we’ve had a problem. We’ve had a main B bus undervolt. Within eight seconds of the explosion, pressure in one of the service module’s two cryogenic oxygen tanks had dropped to zero. Together with the cryogenic hydrogen tanks, they fed the required supplies to the craft’s three fuel cells, which were needed for the generation of electrical power, oxygen for breathing, and drinking water. About an hour after the accident, mission control announced that “we are now looking toward an alternate mission, swinging around the Moon and using the lunar module power systems because of the situation that has developed here this evening. ” The astronauts were to move into Aquarius, which would serve as a lifeboat, while the disabled Apollo 13 swung around the Moon and headed homeward. All thoughts of a lunar landing had long since been abandoned. Around the Moon The anxiety for the safety of the astronauts was felt in every corner of the globe, and millions of persons remained glued to television and radio sets as the perilous journey unfolded. Still three days away from Earth, the astronauts moved into the lunar module Aquarius, which they powered up before shutting down the command module Odyssey to conserve the latter’s emergency battery power for the atmospheric reentry maneuver at the end of the mission. Only the command module could pass through Earth’s atmosphere; the lunar module would have to be discarded, along with the service module, before the outer atmosphere was reached. In the meantime, however, the lunar module would be their home. When the astronauts first transferred into and activated Aquarius, Apollo 13 was about 20 hours from the Moon. Plans were made for transferring out of the hybrid trajectory and onto the free-return trajectory, a maneuver that was executed in the early morning hours of April 14. At mission control, teams of experts worked to check out all feasible maneuvers and situations in flight simulators, feeding every plan and contingency through computers. Leaders from all parts of the world voiced concern, and from Soviet Premier Aleksey N. Kosygin came the message that “the Soviet Government has given orders to all citizens and members of the armed forces to use all necessary means to render assistance in the rescue of the American astronauts. ” Four Soviet ships began moving toward the planned recovery area, while French and British warships also moved to the rescue. Radio contact with Apollo 13 was lost during the evening of April 14 as the craft swung behind the Moon, passing at an altitude of 264 km (164 miles) at the closest approach. (Since their trajectory had a higher lunar altitude than other Apollo missions, Apollo 13 set the record for farthest flight from Earth of 401, 056 km [249, 205 miles]. ) Soon afterward the spacecraft started along its return path home. Meanwhile, the long-since-discarded S IVB third stage crashed onto the Moon?it had followed an independent trajectory?as part of a planned experiment to cause an artificial moonquake to aid scientists in understanding the nature of the lunar interior. When the astronauts learned from Houston of the stage’s impact, Swigert radioed back, “Well, at least something worked on this flight. …I’m sure glad we didn’t have an LM [Lunar Module] impact too! ” About two hours later the descent stage propulsion system of the lunar module was ignited for 5 seconds at 10 percent throttle, 21 seconds at 40 percent throttle, and almost 4 minutes at full throttle. This added 941 km (585 miles) per hour to Apollo 13’s velocity, thereby cutting by 10 hours the length of the homeward journey and ensuring a splashdown in the Pacific Ocean south of Samoa. On board the spacecraft, oxygen stores remained sufficient, as did cooling water. The astronauts reduced their consumption of drinking water to six ounces per day and their consumption of electricity by 80 percent. However, the lunar module’s lithium hydroxide cartridges that removed carbon dioxide from the air would last only about 50 hours, and those from the command module were not designed to fit Aquarius. Therefore, engineers on the ground devised a makeshift adapter scheme, radioing to Apollo 13 instructions on how to attach the cartridges from the command module to the lunar module hoses. The job was done, and Haise reported, “Our do-it-yourself lithium hydroxide canister change is complete. ” Interior of the Apollo 13 lunar module (LM) Aquarius showing the “mail box, ” a jury-rigged arrangement that the astronauts built to use the command module lithium hydroxide canisters to purge carbon dioxide from the LM. NASA.
I think that Bill paxton is the sexiest astronaut on the movie. Free Download Apollo 137. Haises wifes emotions must have been all over the place. Free Download apollo 13. Free Download Apollo 135. Free Download Apollo 130. This movie might have been about space, but it was the human story that made it. The movie skillfully shifted from space to the control center to the families at home without being melodramatic or glib. Every face had deliberate emotion and Tom Hanks clearly led the way. He stole the show without stealing scenes from other actors which moves him out of the group of good actors to great ones. Kevin Bacon also did well with his character's struggle with being a last minute replacement that wasn't necessarily enthusiastically welcomed. The technical talk was at times pushed into weird conversations as it was necessary but not made interesting enough to pay attention to for long periods which they made up for with the three astronauts struggling with their physical movements in the cramped area trying to save themselves. The audience didn't always understand the specifics of the problems but they were still able to feel the tensions of the moments. Something that really kept me going with the movie was how mission control really embraced only being able to use the materials the astronauts had in solving all the problems. The back and forth between mission control and the astronauts as a result livened up the end that is usually just a bunch of men yelling at computers. As a result of the movie being based on a true story, there were very few opportunities for falsities to exist in the movie. The realism added to everything really allowed the drama of the movie to be fully embraced by the audience. Regardless of having the knowledge of how the movie ends, the audience is still able to ride every emotional wave with the character in the story. My main complaint would have to be that the ending was a bit anticlimactic just because after the climax of the story, there was a drop in emotion that never came back up. My heart stopped beating so fast and there was never a moment that tugged at my heart-strings to cap it all off. Overall, it was truly an incredible movie I would easily recommend to anyone. This is a great introduction into the space genre, especially considering how it was based on a true story.
Summary: Stranded 205, 000 miles from Earth in a crippled spacecraft, astronauts Jim Lovell (Hanks), Fred Haise (Paxton) and Jack Swigert (Bacon) fight a desperate battle to survive. Meanwhile, at Mission Control, astronaut Ken Mattingle (Sinise), flight director Gene Kranz (Harris) and a heroic ground crew race against time -- and the odds -- to Stranded 205, 000 miles from Earth in a crippled spacecraft, astronauts Jim Lovell (Hanks), Fred Haise (Paxton) and Jack Swigert (Bacon) fight a desperate battle to survive. Meanwhile, at Mission Control, astronaut Ken Mattingle (Sinise), flight director Gene Kranz (Harris) and a heroic ground crew race against time -- and the odds -- to bring them home. [Universal] … Expand Genre(s): Adventure, Drama, History Rating: PG Runtime: 140 min.
How in the hell do I keep getting here. Loving the picturephones these days. The Warner Brotgers watermark at the bottom right of the screen is a huge distraction. Free Download Apollo 13 en ligne depuis. Amazing interview. Free Download Apollo 13or. "We've never lost an American in space. We're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option! " "Houston, we have a problem. " ? Jim Lovell In 1970, the Apollo 13 mission was launched, headed for the moon. But this ill-fated flight would never reach its goal. Instead, its crew would have to handle another crisis ? one which endangers not only the mission, but their very lives. But this 1995 movie is no sci-fi epic. Based on actual events, Apollo 13 depicts real history. When an explosion rocks the service module, the crew soon realizes that the oxygen tanks aboard the Command Module Odyssey are leaking, forcing Mission Control to abort the landing. The crew shut down Odyssey and power up the Lunar Module Aquarius (which normally could only support two men for a little over a day) to act as a lifeboat as they slingshot around the far side of the moon. Only ingenuity and the ability to keep their wits about them will allow them to get home safely... Based on Jim Lovell's book on his experience, Lost Moon. In an interesting example, he shot the book idea past publishers, publishers got excited and sent it to filmmakers who immediately started bidding on it, and then someone called Lovell and said Imagine Entertainment was going to make a movie based on it. He hadn't finished the book yet! Director Ron Howard, producer Brian Grazer, and star Tom Hanks went on to produce the HBO miniseries From the Earth to the Moon. If you watch this on DVD, Blu-Ray, or the Signature Collection Laserdisc, make sure you listen to the commentary track by the real Jim and Marilyn Lovell. Apollo 13 provides examples of: ????open/close all folders? ????Tropes # to F? 13 Is Unlucky: As noted on the main article page, NASA sparingly used 13 as a mission number since the accident. For NASA, a trope could be made for "January is Unlucky. " The final flight of Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia, the Apollo 1 fire and the loss of Orbiter Challenger all occurred on January 16, 27, 28 in 2003, 1967 and 1986. (While the Columbia re-entry disaster did not occur until February 3, the problem that caused the disaster happened on launch. ) Ace Pilot: You have to be an ace pilot to be an astronaut, but Jim Lovell is talked about as one of the best even by other astronauts (who are more likely to praise their own skills than others'), having flown numerous successful missions for the Navy, Gemini, and Apollo 8. Ken Mattingly is also considered to be up at the top ? when informed that he's working on the power-up procedures, Lovell is somewhat reassured. Activation Sequence: Near the end, as they approach Earth, Ken Mattingly in Houston is in the simulator going through power-up procedures, trying to get enough systems up to run the module through re-entry, while not burning through their remaining power. The one we actually see him go through, obviously, is the one that works as the systems each come back up and monitors come back to life. Later he walks Jack Swigert through the procedure on the Odyssey, which had been shut down following the explosion days before. Actually Pretty Funny: On day 6, a fit of cabin fever leads to the crew ripping off their bio-med sensors. While Charles Berry was exasperated to say the least, Gene Kranz was rather amused. Adaptational Attractiveness: Gary Sinise ? is a lot more handsome than Ken Mattingly ? was. Air Voyance: When Lovell takes off for Florida, his wife watches from the yard as his plane flies over the house. Justified by the plane being a white T-38 Talon, and also by the likelihood that Lovell would have set up his flight plan specifically to allow the pass. (NASA has maintained a fleet of T-38s, as chase planes and astronaut trainer/taxis, for a very long time, and the agency's fleet livery is white with sky blue pinstriping. NASA pilots often let their families know they were home by overflying their house, Air Traffic Control permitting. The more senior the pilot, the hotter the aircraft which might be available for personal taxi service, e. g at least one pilot at Dryden (Edwards AFB) often used an F-104 Starfighter for trips. ) Taken Up to Eleven in a later scene, where Lovell looks down at the Earth through a window in the lunar module, and his wife stares back up at him from her living room. Almost Out of Oxygen: Initially played deathly straight, as the Odyssey depends on the rapidly venting liquid oxygen for power as well as simple breathing. Inverted once Aquarius is online; due to multiple planned moonwalks (which would have required venting the entire LEM for each moonwalk, and repressurizing after each one as well), they have plenty of breathing oxygen, but they also have too much CO 2 in their air. They need to MacGyver a carbon dioxide filter in order to avoid Hypercapnia. And Mission Control Rejoiced: They go absolutely nuts after Lovell's answer of the hail from CAPCOM confirms that the astronauts survived reentry. Artistic License: The three astronauts remained surprisingly cool under pressure in real life (let's face it, you don't get to be an astronaut if you don't have Nerves of Steel), but the movie ramped up emotional tensions between them for dramatic effect. If you're the space-buff sort, you can read the flight's entire transcript and compare it to the film adaptation. To put it in perspective, the highlight of the astronauts' tension was Jim Lovell saying frappin' in frustration at one point. In short, the film heightens what both astronauts and engineers were already contemplating before several of the film's crises actually occurred (such as CO 2 scrubbing). A lot of the drama around Ken Mattingly in the film was contrived. In reality, he was actually at Mission Control when the incident unfolded. At the beginning of the film, the Lovell family are seen hosting a party for Apollo 11's landing. In reality, Jim Lovell was at Mission Control during the landing and moonwalk, as he was Neil Armstrong's backup for the flight. On the commentary track, Jim Lovell points out that when leaving Earth orbit, you don't aim for where the moon is at the time but where it will be by the time you arrive days later, but admits that showing the spacecraft heading towards the moon makes for a better-looking image in the film. The Saturn V rocket for Apollo 13 is shown being rolled out to the launchpad two days before the launch. It was actually rolled out in December 1969. In real life, Apollo 13's launch happened during the shift of Flight Director Milt Windler and the Maroon Team. The film depicts Gene Kranz and the White Team working that shift as a means of introducing Kranz and several other important Mission Control characters to the audience. Alan Shepard's ear condition was fully cured after 1969, the switch between the proposed crews of Apollo 13 and 14 was issued to give more time to Shepard (whose only previous flight dated back to Mercury MR-3 in 1961) and his inexperienced crew. As You Know: There's a fair amount of this to get NASA techno-speak across to a viewing audience. The emergency meeting where the Mission Control guys explain the meaning of terms they already know like "direct abort" and "free return trajectory" stands out. Badass Boast: Jim's mother, Blanche, is confident that he will get them home safely. Blanche: If they could get a washing machine to fly, my Jimmy could land it. Gene frickin ' Kranz: The character's famous line is a bit of Artistic License as the real Kranz did not say this, but let's all pretend that he did, m'kay? note? Gene: We never lost an American in space, we're sure as hell not gonna lose one on my watch! Failure is not an option! Then there was this reply by Kranz: Director: This could be the worst disaster NASA's ever experienced. Kranz: With All Due Respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour. Badass Bookworm: It's NASA. This skill needs to be on the resume of each team member. The guy who comes up with the design of the jury-rigged CO 2 filter earns the title of "Steely-eyed missile man". John Aaron, the original "steely-eyed missile man" from Apollo 12. His role in the movie is an expanded pastiche of himself and quite a few other people, but he really was there and played a critical role in coming up with the reduced-power boot-up sequence for the CM. The Big Board: Two different boards are used for this purpose: There's the more traditional (trope-wise) big board at the front of mission control showing, at various times in the movie, plot-relevant status updates of the mission (i. e., status of the main engines, the current position of the astronauts, etc. ) After the explosion and Kranz calls a meeting in a side room, he uses a chalkboard to draw the Earth, moon, and the current position of the astronauts - for the audience, this is used to explain what is meant by "free-return trajectory" vs. "direct abort", as well as (later on) how far 45 hours would get the astronauts. (He first tried using an overhead projector, but, appropriately, it malfunctioned when he tried to use it. ) Big "YES! ": The entire world's reaction, in general, when, after more than 4 minutes of radio silence... Jim: Hello, Houston, this is Odyssey. It's good to see you again. The Grumman rep, after warning the LM was not built for making course-corrections, whoops it up, yelling "How 'about that LM, eh?! " Billions of Buttons: So many, in fact, that NASA sent Dave Scott, the commander of Apollo 15, as a button wrangler to make sure they did it right. Bittersweet Ending: Apollo 13 was called a "successful failure", in that they returned home safely, but did not land on the moon as originally intended, making Jim Lovell the only Apollo astronaut who flew to the moon twice without landing
I love this move soo please upload full move and full hd screen. Apollo 13 free download.
Just curious why they didnt get into the moon suits as they would have been warmer. Still get nervous when I hear the request to stir the tanks...

I want to be able to put a fork in the microwave

Free apollo 13 movie download. I believe this movie is Ron Howard's Magnum Opus. Free Download Apollo 13 juillet. Free Download Apollo 13 mars. Yeah, yeah. Nearly everything almost didn't happen. Free download of apollo 13 film. The opera scene is so powerful. Free Download Apollo 13 juin. Home Missions Apollo 13 "Houston, we've had a problem" Apollo 13 was to be the third mission to land on the Moon. An explosion in one of the oxygen tanks crippled the spacecraft during flight and the crew were forced to orbit the Moon and return to the Earth without landing. Summary of Events The Apollo 13 mission was launched at 2:13 p. m. EST, April 11, 1970 from launch complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center. Apollo 13 Launch The space vehicle crew consisted of James A. Lovell, Jr. commander, John L. Swigert, Jr., command module pilot and Fred W. Haise, Jr. lunar module pilot. The Apollo 13 Mission was planned as a lunar landing mission but was aborted en route to the moon after about 56 hours of flight due to loss of service module cryogenic oxygen and consequent loss of capability to generate electrical power, to provide oxygen and to produce water. Spacecraft systems performance was nominal until the fans in cryogenic oxygen tank 2 were turned on at 55:53:18 ground elapsed time (GET). About 2 seconds after energizing the fan circuit, a short was indicated in the current from fuel cell 3, which was supplying power to cryogenic oxygen tank 2 fans. Within several additional seconds, two other shorted conditions occurred. Electrical shorts in the fan circuit ignited the wire insulation, causing temperature and pressure to increase within cryogenic oxygen tank 2. When pressure reached the cryogenic oxygen tank 2 relief valve full-flow conditions of 1008 psi, the pressure began decreasing for about 9 seconds, at which time the relief valve probably reseated, causing the pressure to rise again momentarily. About a quarter of a second later, a vibration disturbance was noted on the command module accelerometers. The next series of events occurred within a fraction of a second between the accelerometer disturbances and the data loss. A tank line burst, because of heat, in the vacuum jacket pressurizing the annulus and, in turn, causing the blow-out plug on the vacuum jacket to rupture. Some mechanism in bay 4 combined with the oxygen buildup in that bay to cause a rapid pressure rise which resulted in separation of the outer panel. The panel struck one of the dishes of the high-gain antenna. The panel separation shock closed the fuel cell 1 and 3 oxygen reactant shut-off valves and several propellant and helium isolation valves in the reaction control system. Data were lost for about 1. 8 seconds as the high-gain antenna switched from narrow beam to wide beam, because of the antenna being hit and damaged. As a result of these occurrences, the CM was powered down and the LM was configured to supply the necessary power and other consumables. The CSM was powered down at approximately 58:40 GET. The surge tank and repressurization package were isolated with approximately 860 psi residual pressure (approx. 6. 5 lbs of oxygen total). The primary water glycol system was left with radiators bypassed. All LM systems performed satisfactorily in providing the necessary power and environmental control to the spacecraft. The requirement for lithium hydroxide to remove carbon dioxide from the spacecraft atmosphere was met by a combination of the CM and LM cartridges since the LM cartridges alone would not satisfy the total requirement. The crew, with direction from Mission Control, built an adapter for the CM cartridges to accept LM hoses. The service module was jettisoned at approximately 138 hours GET, and the crew observed and photographed the bay-4 area where the cryogenic tank anomaly had occurred. At this time, the crew remarked that the outer skin covering for bay-4 had been severely damaged, with a large portion missing. The LM was jettisoned about 1 hour before entry, which was performed nominally using primary guidance and navigation system.
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