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Description - During WWII, a Belarusian boy is thrust into the atrocities of war, fighting with a hopelessly unequipped Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces. Witnessing scenes of abject terror and surviving horrifying situations, he loses his innocence and then his mind / Directed by - Elem Klimov / 8,4 / 10 Stars / Year - 1985 / &ref(,0,629,1000_AL_.jpg) / Country - Soviet Union. Idi i smotri movie online download. Lmfao I love how that tough talking German officer escapes from being doused in gasoline at 6:44 ??.
A video worth watching, but I dont feel right clicking the ‘like. Successfully reported this slideshow. Upcoming SlideShare Loading in … 5 ×... Published on Oct 8, 2018 Watch Online Full HD Idi i smotri Movie HD Online Download | Drama 1. Watch Online Full HD Idi i smotri Movie HD Online Download | Drama 2. LINK IN LAST PAGE TO WATCH OR DOWNLOAD MOVIE 3. Idi i smotri is a movie starring Aleksey Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, and Liubomiras Laucevicius. After finding an old rifle, a young boy joins the Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces and experiences the horrors... Home Video Trailer from Kino International 4. Type: Movie Genre: Drama, War Written By: Ales Adamovich, Ales Adamovich, Elem Klimov. Stars: Aleksey Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, Liubomiras Laucevicius, Vladas Bagdonas Director: Elem Klimov Rating: 8. 2 Date: 1985-10-17 Duration: PT2H22M Keywords: nazi occupied soviet union, mass murder, crime against humanity, year 1943, brutality 5. Download Full Version Idi i smotri Video OR Watch now.
5.45 Once Read, Because the German Recon Plane noticed a non Military carrying a Weapon (rifle) the German Army had a reason to sweep the Area for Partizans. This was already conquered Country,but big parts still had to be cleaned of Enemy Soldiers or Partizans,that's why the German Army did recon flights. Up until 1980 the Last Forrest Boys(Partizans) got Captured by the Soviet Government. Nice Review,Greetings. Idi i smotri Movie online store. First off - I will readily admit my "ignorance" to the actual historical facts of the state-of-affairs in Europe and Russia during the time-frame in which COME AND SEE is set. I do know "some" of what was going on during WWII (as I'm not a completely illiterate moron. but I won't even begin to try to come off as erudite as some reviewers who obviously know FAR more about world-history than I do. Instead - I will approach this review strictly from the viewpoint of a film-fan. That said - COME AND SEE is definitely one of the most harrowing films that I've ever come across. Being mainly an "underground" horror fan - I've made it my life's work to seek out the most sickening, disturbing, twisted, nihilistic films that could possibly be laid to film - and honestly - the few films that have actually "touched a nerve" with me, typically are not by definition "horror" films at all - but then again - if these types of films can't be considered in the realm of "horror. then what truly can. br> COME AND SEE revolves around Flor - a young boy living in Beylorussia during WWII. We learn early on that Flor is eager to "fight the good fight" of his countrymen against the pending onslaught of German invading soldiers, but unfortunately for Flor - he is unexpectedly thrust into situations that he could not have possibly been ready for - as I'm sure is the case in reality for anyone who experiences war first-hand. To avoid spoiling any of the truly memorable scenes - I will just say that the rest of the film is spent following Flor as he single-handedly escapes his own death numerous times until the conclusion, where he meets back up with his comrades. br> I don't even know where to begin with all the good points about COME AND SEE. The acting is INCREDIBLE by everyone involved - more-so than I would have ever thought possible from such young actors (particularly) portraying such complicated and devastating roles and situations. The cinematography is incredibly bleak and perfectly captures the hopeless and helpless environs of war-torn Russia (at least I guess they do - as I wasn't there. there is not one second in the film where you question the authenticity of the surroundings. There is really no "gore" to speak of - but the more "horrifying" scenes are captured so perfectly, that no amount of "blood-n-guts" could have really made the film better (and this coming from a certifiable gore/sleaze-head. If I had to pick ANY negative issues with the film - I would say that there are scenes in the beginning that are SO haunting, that towards the middle the film loses a bit of momentum, causing even some of the stronger end-scenes to not have as much "power. I also feel that the very last sequence (shooting the Hitler picture mixed with actual Holocaust footage) was a bit of propaganda-overkill that was unnecessary as I felt that I had already CLEARLY gotten the message. Those two aspects alone drop COME AND SEE a half point in my book. But regardless - this is an ABSOLUTELY incredible film that I can't recommend enough - just understand that you will most likely come away from it emotionally drained - which to me is one of the highest achievements that cinema can provide... 9.5/10.
Das Boot should be on this list. And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. Idi i smotri Movie. The movie had parts that were very hard to watch, I kept thinking I was going to stop the film but I ended up sitting through the entire thing. It was incredible, the realism was unbelievable. I agree that everyone should see it, no one should ever forget that this actually happened and it could happen again.
Das boot, letters from iwo Jima, flags of our father's. Honestly, this looks like the most depressing movie of all time but. those shots are breath taking. This movie makes almost every other war film with a couple of exceptions look like cartoons. It's not nice to watch. Quite the opposite. It's harrowing and fills you full of revulsion. I've never seen anything like this before. what an incredible film. Idi i smotri movies online. Come and see if you dare. But you'll never be the same.

There is an ENGLISH version of the Movie? WHERE

Fail^2! i'm not an american, nor am i raging in pointing out facts which are themselves recognized by the russian government and are substantiated by stories from russian citizens themselves as well as from people who lived in soviet OCCUPIED countries. keep dreaming, little pioneer. I love your movie brother. Shout out from your misunderstood brother from the US.
Mel Gibson's Patriot copied the church burning scene from this movie. Idi i smotri movie online stream. Idi i smotri movie online free. Restrepo is amazing. I had the honor of meeting Sebastian Junger earlier this year. Korengal and hell on earth are amazing too. Funny as hell. When the movie and the book, “All Quiet on the Western Front.” by Erich Maria Remarque. It was suppressed and criticized because it was an anti-war film. Americans think that what had happened in Belarus, Ukraine and Russia was just a movie. They do not understand the meaning of real events... I am in the States and after 20 years of proxy wars I say, “Where is the peace movement?” They need to see this few clips you have shown are brilliant and devastating...
It took me years to pluck up enough courage to see this film. I am glad I did. Idi i smotri Movie online ecouter. Holy shit, I haven't even watched this video yet but Come and See is literally the best movie I've ever seen and I can't believe you're talking about it!? This movie deserves much, much, MUCH more attention. Idi i smotri movie online gratis. Idi i smotri movie online streaming. Idi i smotri movie online 2017.
Idi i smotri movie online hd. The Story of G.I. Joe with Robert Mitchum should be on here. At the end Taylor sets with a grenade in his hand contemplating suicide. He drops the grenade when rescue arrives. It took me years to notice this. Synopsis Byelorussia, 1943. Story of Flera, a youth who joins the partisans, before the Nazis execute all the inhabitants of his village. Flera witnesses many atrocities committed by the Nazis and is physically aged by his experiences.
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  • . . ! . - , , 27 , , ? , . , , . So im confused do you agree with me or not.

Reporter: Soviet Visuals
Resume: Visuals from behind the Iron Curtain. Soviet (and bits of pre/post-Soviet) photography, architecture & design. USSR propaganda art.









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