Kaguyahime no monogatari ?HDTV?

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Country: Japan
Writers: Riko Sakaguchi Directors: Isao Takahata 8,3 / 10 Star Story: Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo cutter and his wife, a tiny girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady. The mysterious young princess enthralls all who encounter her, but ultimately she must confront her fate, the punishment for her crime
I can't speak english? this is the pen. hahaha. I've just watxhed this and that's so heartbreakingly beautiful. Hontou ni arigatou. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 1. “The Tale of Princess Kaguya” 「かぐや姫の物語」 ( Kaguya-hime no Monogatari) A Famed Director: This post has been in the pipeline for almost a year now, suffering delay after delay ? until now. Takahata Isao delivers what presumes to be his final Ghibli film, and if that is the case, then what a send-off it was. Grave of the Fireflies is certainly his most famous work to date ? and that’s for good reason; it’s brutal, unforgiving, and heart wrenching. The other film of his that I’ve seen is the criminally under appreciated Only Yesterday, which, by enjoyment alone, would be my favourite Ghibli movie, thanks to what I would consider to be the best final sequence in cinematic history. Having immensely enjoyed two of his works already, I was expecting much the same the third time around, and that’s exactly what I got. Kaguya-hime was, in a word, beautiful ? visually, conceptually, and in its delivery. A Famous Story: I was already familiar with some of the details of The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter ? the Japanese folktale on which this is based ? so I had a rough idea on what was being set up early on. Thankfully, I didn’t what know was going to happen throughout most of the film, and so was left both satisfied and surprised by the developments surrounding Kaguya, her journey, and where she came from. Looking back at some key scenes earlier on, the imagery was certainly there for the reveal in the end, which I appreciate. As a whole, the story was a simple one: a girl from the countryside is destined for riches, and so is sent off to a world of wonder to prepare for her new life. There’s the classic rebellious behaviour, a strict teacher, and suitors at the sidelines all fighting for the affection of the most beautiful girl in the capital, worthy of the name Kaguya. As one would expect, Kaguya ( Asakura Aki) was the standout character of the film. She was believable in her actions, her feelings, and her compromises. Whilst the foundation for the story has been done time and time again, Kaguya’s character brought it to that higher level. It’s interesting to me that the two best moments of the film are both of her running ? the first is when she arrives at the mansion with her new robe, racing through the corridors, bumping into folk doing their work, before dashing off again, laughing as she goes. It was a moment of pure bliss that sent a rush right through me, as if Kaguya’s joy was tangible. The second ? and I imagine the most memorable scene for many ? is her escape from her banquet. The shift in art was so sudden, and so incredibly effective ? my heart was pumping as she smashed through the walls, flung off her rainbow robes and ran into the moonlight, into the snow, all the way back to her home. It was invigorating to watch, and for as stunning as it looked, both those scenes were made that much more special thanks to the Joe Hisaishi, who returned to do the soundtrack for Kaguya-hime, and did a marvellous job. Animation as Art: It’s important to highlight just how stunning the artwork is in this one. I don’t think I’ve ever quite seen any animated piece like this ? to this degree, or length, at least. Whilst I can see why it might be off-putting in the first few minutes, trust me, you’ll be grateful for it as it goes on. I found myself baffled at how well-crafted and rough it managed to be at the same time. I liked it when the lines were slightly off, when it became scratchy and the palette got the occasional burst of colour (like from Kaguya’s robes). Another effective element is the atmospheres in the countryside and the capital; both in their visuals, as well as how they were used in the story. When Kaguya returns (in what I assume was some sort of dream) the colours are dulled, reflecting how times have changed, her friends have moved on, and that spring was no longer in full bloom. Compare that to the end, more than three years later, when Kaguya and Sutemaru ( Koura Kengo) re-unite in the field, when the palette is brimming with vibrancy and everything seems perfect, if just for a moment. One theme that resonated with me the most whilst watching was being in charge of one’s own life. We see it with the Bamboo Cutter ( Chii Takeo) who finds Kaguya, idolises her as a princess, and is dedicated to make her one. He tries to do everything he can to give his new daughter the life he thinks she deserves, but never stops to ask her what it is she actually wants. Ona ( Miyamoto Nobuka) and Kaguya have a closer relationship when it comes to understanding, with their back garden modelled like their old village, and the tender moments they share together where both try to escape from the hectic palace life. Kaguya doesn’t seem to have any big plans for her future, but after being led around for too long, her inner wish is granted when she has to return from where she came. It was a moment that was emotional, tragic, but oddly relieving as well, to see her be set free and not have to life her life in a cage, unable to do what she pleases. Overview ? Final Impressions: If I were to summarise Kaguya-hime, I would say that it’s very rare to see so much time, effort, and passion came across on the screen as it does here. I felt every second of this film, even if it did drag in the middle and could have been tighter overall. But in a way I’m glad it wasn’t. I’m glad it lingered and had everything play out the way it did. It has to be said that Kaguya-hime was brilliant, beautiful, and a story I’m glad was told, especially as one of Studio Ghibli’s last films. The following were my thoughts upon seeing Kaguyahime in the theatre soon after it was released. Samu-kun has kindly asked me to share them in this post. ? Guardian Enzo It’s always a thrill to be in the presence of true genius. Takahata Isao, the 78 year-old “other” of Studio Ghibli’s two old lions, is never going to be as well known as his good friend Miyazaki Hayao. His movies are never going to sell as many tickets in Japan, and may never even see a theatrical release in the West. If indeed Kaguya-hime no Monogatari is his last film, as seems very likely, he’s rarely if ever going to be mentioned when the conversation turns to the greatest animation directors of our time. But he should be, and Kaguya-hime is a wonderful way to put the exclamation point on the argument his small but superb catalogue makes to that effect. I can say this much ? this is a beautiful, powerful film that moved me very deeply. It’s always an interesting status check for me when I see an anime film in raw form, and indeed I did find that ? much to my satisfaction ? I’m understanding more of the dialogue now than ever before (though a pause button would surely come in handy). But this is such a timeless and elemental story that the feelings largely transcend linguistic barriers, and I suspect even a viewer with no Japanese skills would have understood the gist of the story. Takahata hasn’t made many films ? this is only his fifth as a Director for Ghibli in 27 years ? but the ones he’s made have counted. I still consider Grave of the Fireflies one of the saddest and most profound films in any language or medium (Roger Ebert called it the greatest anti-war film ever made) and I have a special soft spot for My Neighbors the Yamadas (which was a rare commercial failure for Ghibli). Takahata’s style both in terms of visuals and storytelling is as different from Miyazaki’s as night and day, though they’ve worked together on many film and TV projects ? Takahata is a much more spare and elegant filmmaker, and if you’ve seen the previews for Kaguya-hime you know that it’s pretty much an impressionistic work, choosing shading and contrast over detail and a rainbow of colors. But don’t let that fool you ? the detail is wonderful and the animation top cailber, and this is one of the most striking and beautiful anime in many years. Some of you may be familiar with “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”, the 10th-Century Japanese folk tale on which this movie is based (every Japanese person old enough to read certainly is). I certainly knew going in that this was going to be an emotional story, but I confess I was a bit put off by the woman sitting next to be who was, no exaggeration, quite audibly crying for about 110 of the 137-minute running time. But for the last 15 minutes of the film, I was wrecked ? this makes twice now Takahata has completely reduced me to helpless tears, though the themes could hardly be more different. I hate to keep harping on mono no aware but it’s so deeply entrenched in the Japanese storytelling tradition, and it imbues every pore of the “The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter”. And Takahata does a magnificent job capturing the emotion of the story on film with his understated, direct style ? this feelings at work here are incredibly elemental and universal. There’s no simpler or more powerful story than that of the joy opening your heart to love can bring, and the pain which accompanies the inevitable parting that comes with every loving relationship in the end. For my money Kaguya-hime no Monogatari is certainly the best anime film of 2013, which of course also means it’s the best Ghibli film of the year. That’s not a knock on Kaze no Tachinu, but a reflection of how beautiful and profound this movie is. My strong emotional reaction to the films closing moments was no doubt enhanced by the sense that it very much represents the end of an era ? Miyazaki has announced that Kaze no Tachinu was his final film, and Takahata-sensei is 78 years old. If indeed these are the capstones to their careers I think they’re good ones ? but more than that, anime fans and lovers of great cinema should feel very grateful to have lived in a time when two such geniuses were sharing the
HISTORY channel would bring this tale to their new episode: Ancient Alien in Japanese Samurai Ninja. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari game. This is soooo Hisaishi-sensei's music always touches the heart. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari series. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 2.
Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 6. Honestly Watching this movie changed my life It was legitimately the first time I've cried in about 8-10 years. At first, I thought that old man is somehow relative of the wolf man or maybe a wolf too but it ended up wrong hahaha. 4:40 Neil Armstrong: one small step for man, one giant leap for- Kaguya hime. randomly appears * Neil Armstrong: f# Japan - 1 America - 0 Soviet Union. 1.
Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 13 wins & 36 nominations. See more awards ? Learn more More Like This Animation | Drama Family 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 7 / 10 X Due to 12 y. o. Anna's asthma, she's sent to stay with relatives of her guardian in the Japanese countryside. She likes to be alone, sketching. She befriends Marnie. Who is the mysterious, blonde Marnie. Directors: James Simone, Hiromasa Yonebayashi Stars: Sara Takatsuki, Kasumi Arimura, Nanako Matsushima Adventure 7. 6 / 10 The Clock family are four-inch-tall people who live anonymously in another family's residence, borrowing simple items to make their home. Life changes for the Clocks when their teenage daughter, Arrietty, is discovered. Director: Bridgit Mendler, Amy Poehler, Will Arnett 8 / 10 A love story between a girl who loves reading books, and a boy who has previously checked out all of the library books she chooses. Yoshifumi Kondô Yoko Honna, Issey Takahashi, Takashi Tachibana 7. 4 / 10 A group of Yokohama teens look to save their school's clubhouse from the wrecking ball in preparations for the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. Gorô Miyazaki Sarah Bolger, Chris Noth, Anton Yelchin 8. 1 / 10 After her werewolf lover unexpectedly dies in an accident while hunting for food for their children, a young woman must find ways to raise the werewolf son and daughter that she had with him while keeping their trait hidden from society. Mamoru Hosoda Aoi Miyazaki, Takao Ohsawa, Haru Kuroki Comedy 7. 3 / 10 After helping a cat, a seventeen-year-old girl finds herself involuntarily engaged to a cat Prince in a magical world where her only hope of freedom lies with a dapper cat statuette come to life. Hiroyuki Morita Chizuru Ikewaki, Yoshihiko Hakamada, Aki Maeda A community of magical shape-shifting raccoon dogs struggle to prevent their forest home from being destroyed by urban development. Isao Takahata Shinchô Kokontei, Makoto Nonomura, Yuriko Ishida Romance A twenty-seven-year-old office worker travels to the countryside while reminiscing about her childhood in Tokyo. Miki Imai, Toshirô Yanagiba, Yoko Honna A five-year-old boy develops a relationship with Ponyo, a young goldfish princess who longs to become a human after falling in love with him. Hayao Miyazaki Cate Blanchett, Matt Damon, Liam Neeson 7. 2 / 10 The life and misadventures of a family in contemporary Japan. Yukiji Asaoka, Tôru Masuoka, Masako Araki 7. 9 / 10 A young witch, on her mandatory year of independent life, finds fitting into a new community difficult while she supports herself by running an air courier service. Kirsten Dunst, Minami Takayama, Rei Sakuma Biography 7. 8 / 10 A look at the life of Jiro Horikoshi, the man who designed Japanese fighter planes during World War II. Hideaki Anno, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Miori Takimoto Edit Storyline An old man makes a living by selling bamboo. One day, he finds a princess in a bamboo. The princess is only the size of a finger. Her name is Kaguya. When Kaguya grows up, 5 men from prestigious families propose to her. Kaguya asks the men to find memorable marriage gifts for her, but the 5 men are unable to find what Kaguya wants. Then, the Emperor of Japan proposes to her. Written by Anonymous Plot Summary Plot Synopsis Taglines: A Princess' Crime and Punishment Motion Picture Rating ( MPAA) Rated PG for thematic elements, some violent action and partial nudity See all certifications ? Details Release Date: 23 November 2013 (Japan) See more ? Also Known As: The Tale of the Princess Kaguya Box Office Budget: JPY5, 000, 000, 000 (estimated) Opening Weekend USA: $54, 915, 19 October 2014 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $24, 638, 337 See more on IMDbPro ? Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ? Did You Know? Goofs While the baby princess crawls to the cutter she tosses a piece of bamboo to the edge of the floor mat. In the reverse shot as she crawls back, it is missing. See more ? Quotes The Princess Kaguya: [ singing] Go round, come round, come round... come round, oh distant time. Come round, call back my heart. Birds, bugs, beasts, grass, trees, flowers. Teach me how to feel. If i hear that you pine for me, i will return to you. Connections Version of The Princess Moonlight (1961) See more ?.
I think what makes it more unsettling, is that they don't say a thing, only to attendant does. The Budda (I believe he is) stands there and observes, it's very distilled and purified and almost artificial, which makes sense when we learn of the Robe of the Moon. Such a beautiful and simple movie. Not typically into Oriental movies, but I admire the dedication and discipline that is not found in American culture. THIS IS SO CATCHY I'VE BEEN SINGING THIS FU*KING TUNE ALL DAY NONSTOP.
Download free kaguyahime no monogatari download. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari downloads. A viagem de Chihiro. Isao Takahata's The Tale of Princess Kaguya is a beautifully crafted epic. The animation, atypical of the style of Ghibli-style blockbuster we've come to expect and love in the UK, is delicate and beautiful. It is of no surprise that this melancholic triumph received an Oscar nomination for best animated film this year.
Based on 10th Century Japanese folklore, it follows the life of a humble bamboo cutter who stumbles upon a glowing stalk, a tiny, hand-sized girl growing within. Returning home to his wife with excitement, the child rapidly transforms from baby, to toddler, to infant in a beautifully animated transition. Though the genuine film can be seen with subtitles, the dubbed version stars a formidable cast of Chloë Grace Moretz, Darren Criss, James Caan and Lucy Lui that compliments the animation impeccably. It's then down to personal preference as to which you'd rather experience. The tale beautifully and poignantly manifests itself as a parable-like journey, staying relatively true to its historical and mystical routes. The story follows the family as the bamboo cutter moves them to the city in order to fulfil Kaguya's destiny of becoming a princess. Though it is never clear as to how or why the father made the connection between his adoptive child and her future of royalty, the film rifles on and allows the little plot indiscretions to go largely unquestioned. The balance between humour and solemnity helps the narrative flow whilst making you feel real empathy for Kaguya and her situation. Whimsical moments deliver in captivating you entirely. The film also injects sorrow, particularly as the princess struggles with her new life away from the farm, friends and freedom she grew up with. And While her life moves on, the film develops upon these points before flowing lovingly into a situation in which the Princess sends five potential love interests on a mission to find for her an unobtainable gift. The new development, in which Kaguya finally embraces her power, is charming and brilliant! Animated entirely from the modern innovation of ink and watercolour, the definition in the penmanship drives the tone of the film. In moments of calm the pen marks curve delicately, whilst in times of trouble ink is sharp, aggressive and unfinished. The effect adds peace and rigour respectively, another layer to enhance the story. The Tale of Princess Kaguya is a welcome departure from this over-saturated CGI market that, whilst great in its own mediums, has detracted from the flare of ink based animation. Here Isao Takahata reminds us that it is still a daring art form that can craft glorious movies such as this. The entire film is held together exquisitely by another Joe Hisaishi masterclass. The stirring soundtrack adding beauty, elegance and hope to an already sublime film. The concluding piece of music is harrowing, yet delightful in the ultimate juxtaposition of image and sound. The score alone will have you scurrying home and downloading it just to hear it again. The Tale of Princess Kaguya is surprising and captivating, a true victory of imagination. With folklore at it's heart it airs on ridiculous, but remains grounded enough to thrill. The story is simple enough, but ends with a profound message. Originally written for: I'm With Geek.
??? ???? ????? ?????????. first arabic comments. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari games. If not for the story, than surely for the art work, this film is a masterpiece. The pictures were perfect, like a moving water painting that portrayed spring time. But not only the scenery was stunning; the characters were drawn in detail, making them look realistic and closer to a real person. The story was nice as well. The description made it look like the story of Thumbelina or something, but it's not. I think it's based on a folklore Japanese tale, but I'm not sure. Still, it was very interesting, and had this rustic vibe, with the moon princess being sent to earth to live among the humans. The fantasy element is there, however, the story contains some real human emotions and situations, with manly the love for the countryside life and the family bond to overpower any other story of romance or magical kingdoms. So, 8 out of 10.
Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 4. Hito no nasake o hagukumite. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari full. Breathtaking and powerful scene that gives me chills.

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Click to manage book marks Type: Movies Plot Summary: Okina is a bamboo cutter in ancient rural Japan. One day in the forest, he finds a tiny baby in the folds of a bamboo shoot. He brings the creature home to his wife Ounaa and they decide to keep her and raise her as a princess. She is clearly not of this world. Kaguya grows at an unnatural rate, soon maturing into an uncommonly beautiful young woman. Since Okina has now also found a cache of gold and treasure in the forest, every suitor wants Kaguya. But this is not a fairy tale of courtship and marriage. Genre: Fantasy, Historical Released: 2013 Status: Completed Other name: The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, Kaguyahime no Monogatari, Princess Kaguya Story, かぐや姫の物語 Kaguya-hime no Monogatari.
Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 7. Basically this movie is about explanation of Age just a number. Oh my god your Sailor Moon! Shut up Honey. Farewell. Aw, man. How am I supposed to enjoy the movie knowing this? But you know what still bums me out more? We could have had a Pippi Longstocking movie. Miyazaki even went to Sweden and talked to the author, but she said no. Why? It would have been the best thing ever. I have had a grudge against Sweden ever since I found out. You do not say no to a man like him and get away with it. I just hope Miyazaki knows how much he means to people.
Download Free Kaguyahime no monogatari. I was so touched. I recommend?you watch this movie. This released on March 3 in Japan. Does anyone know where you can watch it with English subs? I can't find it anywhere. Would love to see it. Lol I didnt even realise that i watched some of there animes cuz i was really young and I apparently dont know anything ?.
Megutte kokoro o yobikaese. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari movie. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari pc. One reason why I like this movie is that it was emotional and that Kawa is voiced by the same guy that voiced master shake. This movie is the first movie to ever forcely bring a tear into my eyes. It just shows how woman and men don't love each other like they used to,nowadays all we do is look at each other's bodies and faces,basically today people only want sex. They only care how big your dick is or how big your boobs are. Damn,i'm never gonna find the woman of my life... Mě dvoufářovéověření nešlo zapnout dělal jsem to před několika měsíci.
Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 3. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 9. &ref(http://t01.deviantart.net/9Cb0RRepCTlJQ9VJBJmGefAFR1M=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre12/4849/th/pre/f/2014/138/3/5/pleine_lune_by_koonitchi-d7ith9q.png) Comment section: Touhou Naruto Studio ghibili Sailor moon. 5:05 the power of Golden Experience Requiem. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari free. So awesome, Oscar winner, sure. Watch full Kaguya-hime no Monogatari English Dubbed online full HD. Anime movies Kaguya-hime no Monogatari English Dubbed online for free in HD. Okina is a bamboo cutter in ancient rural Japan. One day in the forest, he finds a tiny baby in the folds of a bamboo shoot. He brings the creature home to his wife Ounaa and they decide to keep her and raise her as a princess. She is clearly not of this world. Kaguya grows at an unnatural rate, soon maturing into an uncommonly beautiful young woman. Since Okina has now also found a cache of gold and treasure in the forest, every suitor wants Kaguya. But this is not a fairy tale of courtship and marriage.
Download free kaguyahime no monogatari episode 1. Tears. . Ohhh, so THIS is the film I've been wanting to see for over a year now. I kept forgetting the name and could never find it out what it was. Now I know. Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 10. Genre: Fantasy, Historical Type: Movie Age Rating: Everyone Status: Finished Description: Okina is a bamboo cutter in ancient rural Japan. One day in the forest, he finds a tiny baby in the folds of a bamboo shoot. He brings the creature home to his wife Ounaa and they decide to keep her and raise her as a princess. She is clearly not of this world. Kaguya grows at an unnatural rate, soon maturing into an uncommonly beautiful young woman. Since Okina has now also found a cache of gold and treasure in the forest, every suitor wants Kaguya. But this is not a fairy tale of courtship and marriage. Add to Watchlist Voice Available: Subtitle Available:.
Download free kaguyahime no monogatari 5. I watched this in Japanese in Japan when it came out and I was pleasantly surprised! It was such a beautiful, sad and magical story. I loved the art style it reminds me of the olden traditional Chinese and Japanese art styles, something typically drawn with a calligraphy brush. Also, the beautiful song was stuck in my head.









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