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A sister blog. So I feel terrible and guilty but I also feel like I have no choice. Looking for advice and unbiased judgment. I have a younger sister (26) who’s disabled. I won’t get into it but she’s unable to work a full time job and is on disability, which isn’t much. She’s been living with me for ~3 years. I pay for nearly everything including groceries but she chips in for utilities or takeout once in a while. Last year she started dating a guy and got very serious very quickly. He’s underemployed with social anxiety and lives off of a little money his parents send him each month. He also moved in with us a few months back. I live in a larger house so didn’t mind 2 more people at the time. Two weeks ago my sister told me she was pregnant. I was shocked. She said she’s around 1. 5 months along and they’re excited to be parents. I didn’t know how to react and sat on it for a few days before approaching both of them and saying that I can’t have them raising a baby in my home. I basically support both of them at this stage, letting them use their own money (again, not much) for leisure things like movies or video games. I asked them how they plan on paying for a baby and they didn’t think it was a big deal. I imagine if the baby comes I’ll probably end up paying for all 3 of them. In the end I told both of them that they can stay with me until the baby comes, but I don’t want a baby in my home and the huge amount of responsibility that will probably fall to me. My sister cried and her bf accused me of being two faced, because they have nowhere else to go. I offered to help them pay rent for the first few months and budget for them but they’re resistant. My sister is now saying I’m essentially forcing them to give up their baby by kicking them out. I feel bad but I feel like if this keeps going I’ll be supporting an entire family on my own for who knows how long. AITA?
A sister cities. A sisters bond. They have a book about this at my scholastic book fair. Can't wait to see it. A sister's obsession. A twisted sister christmas. 3:20 RIP Aziatomik. Of the five shorts nominated by the Oscars, this was the best. A simple concept beautifully acted and shot. A sister's all you need opening. A sister act. 12:54 Juju-cookie crise. Alix-????. A sister's secret trailer 2018. Wallaye cette chanson est très belle. puisse Allah Azzawajal nous guider sur le droit chemin in'sha'llah. [ first] [ prev] [ next] Hurrmuur was the Great High Most of the Unified Neo-Sapients Council, tasked with overseeing the vast bureaucracy that ensured that the neo-sapient races properly shepherded their resources as well as made sure their planetary resources were shared with the rest of the Unified Systems worlds. Many of the oldest systems, the Unified Core Systems had long enough used up their rare earths, heavy metals, fossil fuels and other non-replenishable resources and depended on the worlds in the Unified Outer Rim and the Unified Inner Sphere to keep the resources, food, luxuries, and other critical portions of a modern economy running. The Unified Science Council had long ago determined that the inventions of directed radio broadcast or space flight (especially jumpspace travel) meant a race that was not properly shepherded would consume vastly more resources than they should. This led to overheating the planet, wars over the last remaining resources on planets, and the investigation of dangerous technologies that could wipe out an entire species and destroy the planets ecosystem, preventing that planet from being properly exploited by beings from races older and wiser than the neo-sapients. It was beneath Hurrmuur's gentle hands that he guided the populations, ensured that they were properly uplifted to more gentle genetic codes, and were gradually brought into the fold of the near-civilized races. In his work Hurrmuur visualized himself as a paternal, all seeing figure, who knew through the lessons of the Lanktallan's hundred million year old history of careful progress how to guide the neo-sapients before they harmed themselves or others. Even the detonation test of an atomic weapon was reason enough for Hurrmuur and his predecessors to order in the Unified Pacification Fleets, usually assisted by Unified Corporate Council fleets, to quickly move in and ensure that the race did not destroy themselves with nuclear weapons or damage their ecology. The zone in which intelligent life could life and thrive was narrow. Intelligent species were far to susceptible to radiation, temperature extremes, gravatic shocks, and other hazards. Most dangerous was stress from working in dangerous environments, terrible terrible side effects came from stress. Most notable the shorting of one's proper lifespan. Why, a stressed Lanktallan might only live 250 years instead of their allotted 300-325 years. The majority of planets had too extreme temperatures, unmanagable weather that would take decadees or centuries to terraform, too high of an axial tint, dangerous ecosystems, too strong or too weak of a magnetic field, too much radiation, and a hundred other threats. Beings who had originated, somehow, despite all odds, on planets like that were quickly relocated to much better planets, assimilated into the culture and given a proper role in the existing society. It was what was the best for them, and prevented stress from lowering their life expectancy, happiness index, or their essential needs, of which, lifespan without stress was vitally important. By adding the mathematics to the neo-sapients they find their life spans reduced terribly, unable to enjoy the wisdom and appreciation of luxuries that they would later understand. Stress was often monitored and compensated for by gene therapy and/or manipulation, pharmaceuticals, social and/or cultural engineering, and providing proper employment to give the neo-sapients a well deserved feeling of accomplishment and belonging. Hurrmuur was proud of his organizations work. In the 200 years he had worked for the Unified Neo-Sapients Council, he had ensured peace and prosperity for dozens of races that were barely sentient, many of which had almost managed to dangerously deplete their resources below a level that was valuable to the Unified Industrial Council! The horror of such an action often made Hurrmuur's tendrils coil in anxiety. For decades he had slowly advanced through the ranks, his talent, wealth, inborn skill, and family lineage enabling him to climb the ladder much quicker than his peers. He knew they whispered behind his back, but the jealous always chewed sour cud over the superiority of those who were better than them. He had been the longest serving Great High Most, with the best track records of ensuring the neo-sapients under his care were productive members of the Unified Systems. He kept the resources flowing, ensuring that the Unified Commercial Council could provide the luxuries that were the due of every member of the Unified Species according to their need, rank, lineage, and species. Until recently. In less than two years a vast disruptive influence had appeared on the galactic stage, upending millions of years of careful work by the Lanktallan to ensure that everyone had enough to go around, that the proper hierarchy of the universe was adhered to. No. Not the Precursor machines, although he knew what had caused those to reappear. It was the Terran Confederacy. First by not just allowing exploring starships and far flung colonies to succumb to the natural order when they disturbed Precursors, then by showing up and 'assisting' any who asked for their assistance rather than taking the time to go through government channels, as was proper. By their cultural and societal norms as long as one being asked for assistance they felt honor bound to provide assistance to an entire planet. Even an entire stellar syste. Now, apparently, it even counted for entire races! Their arrogance and pride soured the cud in Hurrmuur's jowls every time he thought about it. They're slapdash approach to resources, their exploration of technologies that the Unified Science Council had proven were dangerous and could destroy space-time itself in some cases, their insistence that they were inviolate and would not submit to the rulings of the Unified Species Council. Hurrmuur looked at the report that the Unified Science Council researchers had sent him after managing to examine several Terran corpses. Terrans were, on the surface, a diverse collection of many different species, some appearing as animals, others claiming to be artificial intelligences, others claiming to be merely neural tissue inside a mechanical body. However, the USC had discovered that all biological humans shared traces of the same DNA. That they were one species, so primitive, so unevolved that they could withstand massive genetic alteration. Not like the gentle uplift and smoothing the Lanktallan ensured every Neo-Sapient and Near-Civilized race received, but unrestrained genetic modification. They had multiple redundant biological systems, vestigial organs, vestigial cartilage and bone supporting structure components, even their vital organs were so primitive that their primitive nervous system could not detect artificial replacements. They had three layers of epidermis, four if you counted the subcutaneous fat layer, ligaments attached to tendon attached to muscle, excessively thick bones, excessively large lungs, and dense muscles. The USC had reported that Terrans were the most primitive race they had ever seen even evolve the use of fire. The Unified Historical Council, after nearly three months of research into the historical databases that they had been given had determined that not only had the Terrans managed to get pass each of the Great Barriers despite apparently freely indulging in them. Planetary overheating due to industrialization. Plague spread due to scattered tribes uniting. Nuclear detonations. Resource scarcity. Nanotechnology. Overpopulation. It seemed to Hurrmuur that nothing seemed to stop the Terrans. Their planet had been glassed and still they ran about the universe like nothing had happened. Other races, if that occurred, usually committed mass suicide at the loss of their homeworld, one of the reasons Hurrmuur ensured the planet was properly cared for by not letting the neo-sapients run rampant. The Unified Military Council and the Unified Corporate Security Council had both reported, having witnessed combat between the so-called Precursor war machines and the Terran military, that the Terrans used extremely dangerous technologies during combat and for their war machines, including kinetic weapons that moved at a measure fraction of the speed of light! Those weapons had long ago been outlawed on the chance that thousands or millions of years later the projectile might impact somewhere that might harm another being! The sheer lack of concern for the future horrified the Grand Allocation Council. Then insult to compare to no other, the Terrans had not even sent a member of their own species to act as an ambassador to the Grand Unified Council, but instead sent so called "Mantids" who claimed to be a Precursor race. The very idea made Hurrmuur inflate his crests in disbelief and anger. Now, he was going to be face to face with an actual Terran. Not one of their Mantid proxies, not one of the supposed cyborg warriors who were apparently nothing more than a robotic body with some pieces of Terran floating inside, not a supposed AI in a floating metal ball, but an actual Terran. Heeding the warnings that the Terran would be cybernetically augmented beyond the approved and carefully designed datalink, Hurrmuur had made sure his cud was full of the proper pharmaceuticals to keep his anxiety down in the face of such resource wasting and illegal technology. The door chimed a
A sister is a forever friend. A sister's all you need season 2. "A Sister" is an ideal short film in both its structure and content. The masterful use of camera combined with a powerful script and performances demonstrate all the essential qualities this cinematic medium has to offer. Delphine Girard's film couldn't be more timely and is one that will stay with its audience long after the final credits roll.
A sister french film festival. A sister's courage. 1 1 Posted by 1 year ago Archived comment 100% Upvoted This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Sort by no comments yet Be the first to share what you think! More posts from the Movieclubph community Continue browsing in r/Movieclubph r/Movieclubph All Movie You want, enjoy watching Movie 44 Members 2 Online Created Aug 12, 2018 help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts about careers press advertise blog Terms Content policy Privacy policy Mod policy Reddit Inc © 2020. All rights reserved.
Heureuse pour cette femme Mes sincères condoléances à la famille Bonne continuation?. 1:30 pk ne pas simplement inversés. Trop mignonne ??, jaimerais trop le faire mais moi jai un frère jumeau donc. sinon super vidéo gros bisous Louise ?. A sister's all you need opening scene. A start merch. A sister's nightmare trailer. A start youtube. A sister's revenge movie. Magnifique vidéo, ta soeur est géniale ! on kiffee Très beau makeup final, bravoo ? Continue ce que tu fais, je t'aime teellement ? Pleins de bisous Acile. A soul sister.

A sister act musical. Night. A man and a woman in a car. He is driving, while she has to make a phone call to her sister, who is babysitting her daughter.
I agree with a previous reviewer that his is an intense short. Well crafted, but I have a nagging disbelief as to her attitude towards what happened before the depicted story starts. A sister's all you need egg. A sister 2018. Je vais m'abonner ??. A sister's all you need manga. De magnifiques histoires de vies. A sister short movie. A sister's gift. A sister and her mister.
Sister a rafter. A start youtube sonic. A sister poem. When a sister dies. Ce make up est trop beau j'adore les couleurs et ta sœur en voix off trop top. Vidéo super ???. Let's play; How Hard Will I Cry Today. A sister dance. A sister& 39;s gift. La basee cte zik aek confession intime, il avait les mots, Aurélie etccc on les écoute plus pendant 3 ans mais on les coco tjrs par cœur ??.
A sister's keeper. Oh le meilleur intro de fadel xd. This was an excellent, very well made exciting short film, which makes you sit on the edge of your seat. The dialogues and the performances were all convincing and the ending was cathartic. But unfortunately this movie is kind of a copy paste of a great danish movie called "The Guilty. If that movie didn't exist I would give this one a 10/10 rating, but the plot is so similar to "The Guilty" that it couldn't surprise me despite it's great presentation. Still I think this is the best of the Oscar nominated live action short films this year this year (I haven't seen SARIA yet.
P.S.: I didn't spoil "The Guilty" watch that if you liked this.
(2019) The Lighthouse The story in this film is shrouded in mystery but the clues and tools needed to decipher it do exist and with a rewatch, finding them felt so rewarding. It's the kind of movie that I want to make my friends watch, simply so I have someone to discuss it with. It's one of the best horror films I've ever seen. Runners-up: Little Monsters, Furie, I Am Mother, Glass, Crawl, Ma, Godzilla: King of Monsters, Us, Color Out of Space, Ready or Not, Midsommar, Zombieland: Double Tap, The Head Hunter (2018) The House That Jack Built In my mind, this is Lars Von Trier's masterpiece and Matt Dillon's best performance to date. It's hands down the most fun, engaging, darkly humorous, disturbing, bleak and creative film I've seen this year. Runners-up: Annihilation, Apostle, The Bad Seed, Summer of 84, Mandy, Upgrade, Calibre, Hereditary, A Quiet Place, Bird Box, Lords of Chaos, Head Count, The Witch in the Window, Dragged Across Concrete, Braid, Climax, Incident in a Ghostland, Hold the Dark, The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then The Bigfoot, The Strangers: Pray at Night, Suspiria, Halloween, Monster Party (2017) Mother! Mother! is an incredibly conscientious statement on the nature of humanity, steeped in religious allegory. The last 30 min or so makes up for any weariness over the pacing. It’s one of the most intense, impressive sequences I’ve seen in a horror film in the last decade. The absolute perfect icing on the cake for what is such a masterful dip into surrealism. Runners-up: Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil, The Endless, You Were Never Really Here, The Ritual, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, Creep 2, Brawl in Cell Block 99, It, It Comes at Night, Get Out, Tigers are Not Afraid, Jungle, Cold Skin, The Crecent, Pyewacket, A Ghost Story, The Bar, Ghost Stories (2016) The Wailing The photography direction and cinematography are astounding. I could pause the movie at any given moment and marvel at an iconic photograph. This film had me guessing up until the very last moments. It’s exactly what I crave, an unapologetically evil entry into horror cinema. Runners-up: Better Watch Out, Boys in the Trees, We are the Flesh, ‘Sweet, Sweet Lonely Girl’, Here Alone, The Girl with all the Gifts, Raw, Nocturnal Animals, A Dark Song, The Void, Split, Train to Busan, Arrival, The Eyes of My Mother, Blair Witch, The Good Neighbor, Don’t Breathe, Phantasm: Ravager, Swiss Army Man, Before I Wake, The Shallows, In the Deep, Are We Not Cats, Sam was Here (2015) The Witch I really think it focused on expressing the idea of evil being a completely separate entity from god and that the characters in the film can do fuck-all about it. The incredible struggle that every single character is going through in this film is palpable in literally every shot. It’s astounding how well Robert Eggers was able to get this exposition across with such little dialogue. Runners-up: Tale of Tales, The Gift, The Devil’s Candy, I Am a Hero, The Lure, Evolution, Hell House LLC, Landmine Goes Click, Green Room, The Visit, The Final Girls, Southbound, Baskin, Remember (2014) Alleluia It’s a gritty tale of heartbreak, loneliness, jealousy, greed and obsession. It’s just fucking real; the kills feel impulsive and impactful. It’s also shot in this dirty format where both killer’s (the woman’s more so) physical appearances degrade as the film progresses. Runners-up: It Follows, Zombeavers, Interior, Backcountry, Dig Two Graves, The Taking of Deborah Logan, A Girl Who Walks Home Alone at Night, What We Do in the Shadows, The Voices, The Town that Dreaded Sundown, Wolfcop, Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead, Creep, The Babadook, Tusk, Honeymoon, As Above So Below, Life After Beth, The One I Love (2013) The Conjuring One of the most established and refined supernatural horror films ever made. James Wan’s style is immortalized here and would go on to be imitated by dozens of other horror filmmakers. Runners-up: Insidious: Chapter 2, Pee Mak, The Sacrament, Escape from Tomorrow, Oculus, We Are What We Are, Coherence, Evil Dead, Afflicted, Horns, I Spit on Your Grave 2, V/H/S 2, Bad Milo, Jug Face (2012) Byzantium It’s really a tale of romance, even just the way it feels. There’s moving Beethoven piano music flooding a sort of neo-gothic atmosphere which, by the way, intertwined perfectly with the flashbacks throughout the film. It’s inevitable that a vampire movie would be grounded in classic elements of the sub-genre but Byzantium manages to push in its own direction, inspiring a surprising amount of mystery. Runners-up: The Battery, Antiviral, Cosmopolis, The Collection, Resolution, The Conspiracy, Chained, The Bay, Vamps, V/H/S, Sinister (2011) Sleep Tight Luis Tosar puts on a sickeningly realistic performance that boasts up an already incredible script. His character is this unstable complex mess of depression, sadism and sociopathy. He’s the world’s worst nightmare, hiding in plain sight. Runners-up: Scream 4, Take Shelter, Guilty of Romance, The Innkeepers, The Woman, Detention, The Rite, You’re Next, Kill List, Apollo 18, The Cabin in the Woods, Source Code (2010) I Saw the Devil Jee-Woon Kim makes actions feel loud and crisp. Both the villain and our protagonist are powerful in their own right. It’s both intensified but also remarkably realistic. I get that that’s a paradox of sorts but I just mean, it’s just not what audiences are used to seeing. There’s not too much left to the imagination with this one in terms of the violent sequences. Runners-up: Insidious, Trust, Trollhunter, Dream Home, Helldriver, The Crazies, Tucker and Dale vs Evil, I Spit on Your Grave (2009) Dogtooth Yorgos Lanthimos’s filmmaking style is darkly calculated with deadpan cinematography and tip-toeing dialogue thats minimalism only adds to its strangeness. I haven’t been made this uncomfortable by a film since Salo, or the 120 Days of Sodom. Dogtooth offers a difficult, albeit alluring glimpse into a world of isolationism, abuse, violence and psychopathy. Runner ups: The Forbidden Door, [REC] 2, The Collector, The Fourth Kind, Orphan, Drag Me to Hell, the House of the Devil, Antichrist, Zombieland, Jennifer's Body (2008) Let the Right One In I absolutely love this film. I think it’s the pinnacle of modern horror and modern vampire film. The way this film deals with both sexuality and immortality is genius. It’s a rotten dichotomy between pedophilia and loneliness that ends up being darker than the actual violence. Runners-up: Cloverfield, The Strangers, Quarantine, Four Nights with Anna, Pontypool, Vinyan, Surveillance, Eden Lake, Martyrs, Lake Mungo, The Ruins (2007) 1408 1408 captures the magic of The Twilight Zone and blends it expertly into the most horrific supernatural waterboarding experience. Runners-up: 28 Weeks Later, The Orphanage, Hansel and Gretel, Funny Games, Resident Evil: Extinction, The Girl Next Door, Trick r’ Treat, Paranormal Activity, Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Stuck, The Poughkeepsie Tapes (2006) Inland Empire Inland Empire is the most ambitious conceptual interpretation of Hollywood and film making that I have ever or could ever conceive. It challenged my mind for three consecutive hours and reinvented the way I interpret his films. Runners-up: Fido, Sheitan, Severance, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, Hatchet, Slither, Final Destination 3, Bug (2005) Strange Circus Strange Circus fills all my horror holes of morbid depravity and in a miraculously graceful fashion. Much like Suicide Club, it presents itself in a gorgeously grainy, bleak fashion that draws special attention to the moments of bold color. It’s also super fucked up, in a great way. Runners-up: John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns, Noriko’s Dinner Table, The Call of Cthulhu, A History of Violence, Lady Vengeance, Funky Forest: The First Contact, Haze, The Skeleton Key, The Decent, Doom, Hostel (2004) Shaun of the Dead This movie is just wonderful. I find it hilarious on a personal level but also so intelligently funny that it could go down as one of the greatest horror-comedies of all time. Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have an undeniable chemistry and just simply make an entire new breed of film-style. It's dry, whimsical, crass, darkly funny and wholesomely endearing. Runners-up: The Phantom of the Opera, Shutter, Dumplings, Three Extremes, Calvaire, Saw, Dead Man's Shoes, The Village, The Butterfly Effect (2003) Oldboy Everything about this film is exceptional. It looks fantastic, the acting is fantastic and Chan-wook Park wrote an incredible story. I think when you try and sell a revenge movie to someone, it can imply some degree of formulaic filmmaking but Park’s films are anything but. This one had me guessing up until the very last minute. Runners-up: Dead End, Open Water, Willard, Identity, High Tension, Dark Water, A Tale of Two Sisters, Gozu, House of 1000 Corpses, Jeepers Creepers 2, Scary Movie 3, Final Destination 2, Alexandra's Project (2002) The Ring The Ring is a terrifying film that relies on an unstoppable force. It utilizes one of the few shining examples of a successful grey-scale and manages to convey a horrifying sense of bleakness and helplessness. It’s better than the original. Runners-up: 28 Days Later, Blade 2, May, Dog Soldiers, Resident Evil, Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance, In My Skin, The Eye, Irreversible (2001) Pulse How a horror movie can make ghosts infiltrating our world through the internet not stupid is beyond me but everything here just worked. For 2001, the visual effects for the ghosts are perfect and don’t steal the spotlight away from the emotionally driven horror that makes this project successful. I’ve yet to be more moved by a horror film, this one absolutely broke me. Runners-up: The Devil’s Backbone, Frailty, Suicide Club, Visitor Q, Ichi the Killer, Trouble Every Day, Dagon, Jeepers Creepers, The Others (2000) American Psycho Y
Moi je me suis convertie il ya 3 ans et ma famille mon tourner le do Et cette chanson sa me fait pleurer. 2018 encore la. A sister song. It is one of short films who you discover, scene by scene, detail by detail, as perfect. From inspired storytelling to the performances and cinematography. At first sigh, a gem. In essence, an intense drama because you feel each nuance of dialogue and its minimalism is real powerful. A call. A woman in the car. And her, in so many senses, sister. Short, exceptional in each detail.
A sister quotes. Trop nul. A sister movie. A sister's love quotes. Belle musiue mashallah. A sister's all you needed. A sister's all you need trailer. A sister's secret movie wikipedia. A sister's kiss movie online. A sister siqi song. A sister's obsession movie. A sister studio. Fais une intro avec des effets spéciaux. Ps j'adore tes vidéos ?. Cette femme est tellement touchant elle a un coeur pure ca se voit ?? belle continuation a toutes les deux, vous etes adorable.










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