Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words ??Hd-720p?

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  • release date=2020
  • Genre=Documentary
  • summary=Although Clarence Thomas remains a controversial figure, loved by some, reviled by others, few know much more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill. Yet, the personal odyssey of Clarence Thomas is a classic American story and should be better known and understood. His life began in extreme poverty in the segregated South, and moved to the height of the legal profession, as one of the most influential justices on the Supreme Court. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words tells the Clarence Thomas story truly and fully, without cover-ups or distortions. The documentary will open in movie theaters nationally on January 31, 2020, followed by a national broadcast on PBS in May 2020. Educational use is forthcoming
  • directed by=Michael Pack
  • &ref(,0,76,113_AL_.jpg)
  • user rating=8,1 of 10

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Clarence Thomas you lied then and continue to lie! I will never believe you. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words streaming. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words (2020) full movie. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words to say. I love him and pray for him, a true giant of our time, his impact on the country is hugely positive and will be recognized in due time.
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She's an extremely brave woman coming forward in front of so many people like that. I doubt I would be strong enough. I'd pay to to watch this. Springfield race riot of 1908 Part of Mass racial violence in the United States Burned black residences in "The Badlands" Location Springfield, Illinois Date August 14?16, 1908 Target Black residents Attack type Arson Assault Battery Criminal Intimidation Home Invasion Larceny Lynching Mayhem Obstructing a Firefighter Robbery Slashing Vandalism Weapons Brickbats Clothesline Clubs Guns Razor Torches Deaths 16 (at least) 8 black men (killed by white mob) 1 black infant (died from exposure) 5 white mob participants (killed by other mob members or state militia) 1 white mob participant (suicide) 1 white witness (suicide) Victims 2, 000 black refugees Assailants White mob No. of participants est. 5, 000 whites Motive False accusation Racial hoax Racial persecution Vigilantism White Supremacy Convictions 1 Charges 117 indictments (total reported) 150+ indictments (total accounted) The Springfield race riot of 1908 were events of mass racial violence committed against African Americans by a mob of about 5, 000 white Americans and European immigrants in Springfield, Illinois, between August 14 and 16, 1908. Two black men had been arrested as suspects in a rape, and attempted rape and murder. The alleged victims were two young white women and the father of one of them. When a mob seeking to lynch the men discovered the sheriff had transferred them out of the city, the whites furiously spread out to attack black neighborhoods, murdered black citizens on the streets, and destroyed black businesses and homes. The state militia was called out to quell the rioting. The riot, trials and aftermath are said to be one of the most well-documented examples of the complex intersection of race, class, and criminal justice in the United States. [1] [2] In 2008 an NPR report on the centenary of the race riot said that the fact of its taking place in a Northern state, specifically in " The Land of Lincoln ", demonstrated that blacks were mistreated across the country, not just in the South, and described the event as a proxy for the story of race in America. [3] At least sixteen people died as a result of the riot: nine black residents, and seven white residents who were associated with the mob, five of whom were killed by state militia and two committed suicide. It was mistakenly reported for decades that blacks were responsible for white deaths and that more whites than blacks had died. Personal and property damages, suffered overwhelmingly by blacks, amounted to more than $150, 000 (approximately $4 million in 2018), as dozens of black homes and businesses were destroyed, as well as three white-owned businesses of suspected black sympathizers. [4] [5] [6] As a result of the rioting, numerous blacks left Springfield, but it is unclear how many moved away permanently. Although in the following months over 100 riot-related indictments were issued and some pled to minor violations, only one alleged rioter went to trial and conviction for lesser offenses. Of the two accused black men, who were the initial focus of the lynch mob, one was eventually tried, convicted and hanged, the other was set free. Near the 100th anniversary in 2008, the City of Springfield erected historical markers and a memorial statue. The riot was a catalyst for the formation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), organized to work on civil rights for African Americans. [7] Background [ edit] In 1908, Springfield was a transportation hub, connected by railroad to other major cities such as Indianapolis, Louisville, and Kansas City, etc. [8] Illinois is often considered a microcosm of the U. S. and Springfield, with about 45, 000 people at the time, most of whom were working class, was described as an "average American community". [9] [10] [11] [12] Economy [ edit] In July 1908, the US was pulling itself out of the Panic of 1907, which occurred during a lengthy economic contraction between May 1907 and June 1908. [13] [14] This contraction led to suspension of cash payments by banks, a halt in lending, and a fall in the stock market, all resulting in significant economic disruption. Industrial production dropped, and the period saw the second-highest volume of bankruptcies to that date, with the dollar volume increasing nearly 50 percent. [15] Production fell over 10 percent, commodity prices dropped by more than 20 percent, imports fell by over 25 percent, and unemployment, which had been less than 3 percent prior to the panic, increased to 8 percent, resulting in fierce job competition. [15] As of April 1908, there were 200, 000 unemployed men in Illinois, with 55 percent of those residing outside of Chicago. [16] Comparatively, neighboring Iowa and Missouri, which had populations that were 40 percent and 60 percent of Illinois' (5. 5 million), had 2, 000 and 43, 000 unemployed men, respectively. [16] [17] [18] [19] Prior to the Panic, over one million immigrants had arrived in the U. during each of the previous two years. However, after the Panic, the rate of arrival began declining by nearly 40 percent. [20] Due to its dependence on mines, railroad, and vice industries, such as saloons, Springfield was largely insulated from much of the contraction. However, the city still could not escape the economic downturn of the region, including new alcohol policies passed in 1908 that would suddenly put the employees at nearly 2, 000 bars across the state out of work, including 20 percent of the saloons across Sangamon County. [21] [22] There was growing unrest among railroad workers after the Illinois Central Railroad began a " retrenchment " policy in December 1907. [23] For example, men in nearby Clinton saw their work week drop from seven to four days a week by March 1908. That same month, the railroad also began streamlining positions to further cut expenses, which caused many to be "bumped down" to lower jobs, impacting younger workers. [24] There was also uncertainty amongst Springfield's miners at the local and national level. In November 1907, 4, 000 miners in Danville went on strike when coal operators stopped paying workers in cash and began issuing checks. [25] Five months later, on April 1, 1908, Springfield's miners were nearly part of the 250, 000 miners across the country who went on strike after their contracts expired and coal operators showed "no inclination" to make new contracts with the union. [26] Illinois' 60, 000 miners subsequently "declared war" against coal operators. [27] [28] The unrest led to the shut down of Illinois' mines for a month, which had a significant negative impact on the freight business for the railroads as coal cars sat idle during that time. [29] The lack of coal movement also impacted road workers, who could not pave the roads without the coal. [29] In early May, while over 35, 000 of Illinois' miners voted to return to work, miners in two districts voted to move forward with the strike ? Peoria and Springfield. [30] Around the same time, miners in neighboring Decatur voted to go on strike and, on June 8, 1908, roughly 500 miners called off two separate strikes, at the Pawnee and Pana mines, over work conditions. [31] Ultimately, these events created a Springfield workforce where workers by and large had jobs, but the earning power of those jobs was being diminished, the security of those jobs was laced with uncertainty, and the respect paid to those who held those jobs was seemingly being diminished. In surrounding counties the job prospects were similar or worse and the workforce was less diverse. Immigrants and race [ edit] Belvidere Daily Republican. Apr 1908. Springfield Immigrant & Black Population. 1850-1910. As Reconstruction came to an end, between 1870 and 1890, the United States was undergoing a massive population increase. Between 1890 and 1908, rapid industrialization and urbanization brought millions of European immigrants to the country. Arrivals usually came to Ellis Island, then trekked to cities where relatives had already been establishing themselves, expanding ethnic communities throughout the country. Springfield, a rapidly growing industrial center, was one of those cities. At the turn of the century, Springfield's population was about 35, 000 people and growing. [32] [33] In 1900, the immigrant population, which prior to 1890 had only grown at a rate of 0. 15?percent per year and remained stagnant at roughly 4, 500, began to grow at a rate of 4?percent per year ? a 300, 000?percent increase. [32] [33] According to the United States Census Bureau, in 1908, nearly 35?percent of these immigrants were unable to speak English, and nearly 15?percent were illiterate. This created tension between white immigrants and white Americans, who feared their growing political presence. [34] [35] White Americans were increasingly more negative, fearful, and xenophobic toward the immigrants, who they deemed to be biologically inferior, culturally and religiously odd, and generally substandard with a proclivity to filth, laziness and violence. Within the country's racial hierarchy, European immigrants were perched below whites, but above blacks, fending off degrading ethnic slurs such as " Hunky " (Hungarians), " Guinea " (Italians), and " Polack " (Polish): [36] [37] Alien in thought, grotesque in manner of life, the thrifty and laborious Pole is a conspicuous to learn even simple English, unable to express in our tongue any abstract ideas, one can only conjecture his inner life and mental attitude. His part in the drama of conflicting races has thus a silent, pantomimic effect. [38] Such attitudes presented new immigrants with a choice ? fight to become socially "white" or align with politically and economically disadvantaged blacks. In an atmosphere where immigrants heard statements like "One white man is as good as two or three Itali
Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words reaction. Clearance is what the democrats could only dream about. Wait i thought in the US supreme court judges are suppose to be BI-Partisan? what a Joke that is. the two party system is dysfunctional and doesn't work. People care more about whats best for their party rather then whats best for the country. smh. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words on the page. The church must find it in ' its heart' to move away from culture and norms which are of no value to the salvation of Man in the light of God will.
Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words. Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own words of wisdom. Creepy joe. News Front Page Elections Daily Kos Liberation League Prism Comics Radio Community Recommended Most Shared Recent Stories Community Spotlight GROUPS Readers and Book Lovers Science Matters ClassWarfare Newsletter More... Action Sign the petition: Trump is lying about coronavirus. Networks must stop airing his press conferences. Donald Trump holds almost daily press briefings from the White House about how the federal government is handling the... Sign the petition to Congress: Implement a national moratorium on foreclosures and evictions As more and more cities and states opt to close restaurants, bars, theatres, and non-essential businesses to flatten the... Sign and send to your U. S. senators: No blank check bailouts for corporations. Put people first. Congress is continuing to float various ideas to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. One option on the table?and one the...
Created equal 3a clarence thomas in his own words ff. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words documentary. What an intelligent guy, our country is honored by his service on the court. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words watch.

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Created equal clarence thomas in his own words playing near me. I like the judge. He is a fair man. Absolutely savage. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words where is it playing. Judge Thomas went off the Democrat Plantation and this is what happens. A circus, theatrical high tech lynching presided over by corrupt politicians with verifiably worse past actions. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words reviews. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words release date. I still can't see how any Judge could sit on any board with RBG Stinking up the place. Created equal clarence thomas in his own words movie. Tveit is enjolras of les miserables. Separation of church and state young lady! In case you're wondering! ???.
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